Showing posts with label lilith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lilith. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Prayers of redemption for Lilith and Marinette

Prayers should, infact indeed be offered for the reconciliation for Lilith and Marinette to reconcile themselves with God and redeem themselves on this earth in this world (Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah). If this happens we can counteract the reversal of order that is taking place now.

I have done previous posts where I have dealt with Lilith and Marinette and I do believe we have to act now. I'm not saying that I know everything, infact you may have a more efficient prayer or general strategy than me. And if you do then dont stay silent and share it with everyone, no price is too high for anyone to serve the Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham.
This post is not complete by any means and I shall continue it as I can and post when I believe that I cannot offer anything better in the information that I share.
I may not know everything but I will tell you everything that I know.

Previous posts

The below prayers will cover the 4 worlds, you could alter them to suit whatever belief system or sect that you adhere to. But the 1st and foremost action of your prayer is to get Lilith and Marinette to reconcile to God and redeem themselves on this earth in this world.


God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
The revelation turned Abram into Abraham
And Abraham revealed you to us
The idols were smashed and the djinn were no longer worshipped
You gave order to all existance and allowed us to be created and gave us autonomy. Praise be upon you by all existance without exception
You gave us the 4 worlds and gave us the ability to comprehend their existance

But Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, the djinn seek to steal Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah from your perfect divine order. They seek to steal and enslave mankind which is created in your image and indeed all life and everything else on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah, yes O Lord they seek to steal and possess this earth in this world to complete the Tree of Death to make it theirs.

They seek to prevent Judgment Day and to imprison us eternally with Moloch in his Tree of Death in his world of Tohu
I do not want to wait till after my death in Assiah to see Moloch and his legion depart into misery
I wish to see his downfall in Assiah While I am still alive within it, the Tree of Death is so rotten it surely must collapse within itself

God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, I appeal to you in the world of Atziluth
Holy Spirit of emanation I propose the following;
If Lilith is taken out of Gomaliel on the Tree of Death would not the tree be out of balance and cease to function?
And if Marinette Bwa Cheche were prevented from assuming the role that Lilith no longer maintains would not Molochs' kingdom be isolated and Tohu be confined to those who would implement the world of Tohu onto everyone but themselves?

By choice or by force O Holy Spirit of Atziluth could not Lilith and Marinette be placed on this earth in this world in human form to atone for and rectify situations and problems that they may have created or caused whether entirely or in part?
I believe that this is fair and by doing so Lilith and Marinette will find a way to atonement with you Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham

Let us restore order as you meant it to be, give the faithful guidance and original thought as the world of emanation can do that Holy Spirit of Atziluth
I trust in your judgment, I ask for your blessings, I thank you for your being, I know you can hear me

And you alone Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham are worthy of praise, prayer and utter devotion
Praise be upon you for your unity is one in all worlds


God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
The revelation turned Abram into Abraham
And Abraham revealed you to us
The idols were smashed and the djinn were no longer worshipped
You gave creation to all existance and allowed us to be created and gave us autonomy.

Praise be upon you by all existance without exception
You gave us the 4 worlds and gave us the ability to comprehend their existance

But Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, the djinn seek to steal Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah from your perfect divine order. They seek to steal and enslave mankind which is created in your image and indeed all life and everything else on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah, yes O Lord they seek to steal and possess this earth in this world to complete the Tree of Death to make it theirs.

They seek to prevent Judgment Day and to imprison us eternally with Moloch in his Tree of Death in his world of Tohu
I do not want to wait till after my death in Assiah to see Moloch and his legion depart into misery
I wish to see his downfall in Assiah While I am still alive within it, the Tree of Death is so rotten it surely must collapse within itself

God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, I appeal to you in the world of Briah
Holy Creator Father Jehovah I propose the following;
If Lilith is taken out of Gomaliel on the Tree of Death would not the tree be out of balance and cease to function?
And if Marinette Bwa Cheche were prevented from assuming the role that Lilith no longer maintains; Would not Molochs' kingdom be isolated and Tohu be confined to those who would implement the world of Tohu onto everyone but themselves?

By choice or by force Holy Creator Father Jehovah of Briah could not Lilith and Marinette be placed on this earth in this world in human form to atone for and rectify situations and problems that they may have created or caused whether entirely or in part?
I believe that this is fair and by doing so Lilith and Marinette will find a way to atonement with you Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
Let us restore order as you meant it to be, give the faithful guidance and original thought as the world of creation can do that Holy Creator Father Jehovah of Briah

Give me the vision and imagination to see how I can see the solutions to the problems on this earth in this world, please guide me to make the appropriate and correct choices.

Please give me an overview to see the enemies of us all, you are the Holy Father and there is no other. As for the apostate who claims to be the one of that title, please make his life misery until he repents.

I trust in your judgment, I ask for your blessings, I thank you for your being, I know you can hear me
And you alone Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham are worthy of praise, prayer and utter devotion
Praise be upon you for your unity is one in all worlds


God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
The revelation turned Abram into Abraham
And Abraham revealed you to us
The idols were smashed and the djinn were no longer worshipped
You gave creation to all existance and allowed us to be formed and gave us autonomy.

Praise be upon you by all existance without exception
You gave us the 4 worlds and gave us the ability to comprehend their existance

But Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, the djinn seek to steal Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah from your perfect divine order. They seek to steal and enslave mankind which is created in your image and indeed all life and everything else on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah, yes O Lord they seek to steal and possess this earth in this world to complete the Tree of Death to make it theirs.

They seek to prevent Judgment Day and to imprison us eternally with Moloch in his Tree of Death in his world of Tohu
I do not want to wait till after my death in Assiah to see Moloch and his legion depart into misery
I wish to see his downfall in Assiah While I am still alive within it, the Tree of Death is so rotten it surely must collapse within itself

God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, I appeal to you in the world of Yetzirah
Holy Essence of God Christ of Yetzirah I propose the following;
If Lilith is taken out of Gomaliel on the Tree of Death would not the tree be out of balance and cease to function?
And if Marinette Bwa Cheche were prevented from assuming the role that Lilith no longer maintains; Would not Molochs' kingdom be isolated and Tohu be confined to those who would implement the world of Tohu onto everyone but themselves?

By choice or by force Holy Essence of God Christ of Yetzirah could not Lilith and Marinette be placed on this earth in this world in human form to atone for and rectify situations and problems that they may have created or caused whether entirely or in part?
I believe that this is fair and by doing so Lilith and Marinette will find a way to atonement with you Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
Let us restore order as you meant it to be, give the faithful guidance and original thought as the world of creation can do that Holy Essence of God Christ of Yetzirah

Instill in me the discipline and ability to bring about the formation to bring the solution to serve the mission needed to derail the train that is directing the thoughts of all on the earth in Assiah to Lilith in Tohu. Derail them O Lord! Let the servants of Moloch not suceed in stealing us away from your Divine love.
Destroy Tohu
Free Lilith and Marinette
Isolate Nahema
Dispose of Moloch
Imprison his followers
Use me as a tool to implement the restoration and rectification of Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah. Let us save Malkuth!
Let the enemies of the Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham be gone from this world and find their hell infinitely far away from us
They renounce God, they renounce the Holy Trinity, they renounce their souls, we mean nothing to them and they mean nothing to the faithful and it is their choice to be this way

I trust in your judgment, I ask for your blessings, I thank you for your being, I know you can hear me
And you alone Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham are worthy of praise, prayer and utter devotion
Praise be upon you for your unity is one in all worlds


God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
The revelation turned Abram into Abraham
And Abraham revealed you to us
The idols were smashed and the djinn were no longer worshipped
You gave creation to all existance and allowed us to be formed and gave us autonomy. Praise be upon you by all existance without exception
You gave us the 4 worlds and gave us the ability to comprehend their existance
Praise be upon you and none other

But Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, the djinn seek to steal Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah from your perfect divine order. They seek to steal and enslave mankind which is created in your image and indeed all life and everything else on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah, yes O Lord they seek to steal and possess this earth in this world to complete the Tree of Death to make it theirs

The djinn wish to take this earth in this world, the earth which I am on
You alone have the right to decide who is my owner, my master
Not unfaithful rebellious spirits and I have not given myself to any mortal or angel for that matter
I declare that I have by my own choice willingly given myself to you and that includes all authority given by you
And you alone for there is no other God, nor has there ever been, nor will there ever be

There is only one Lord on this earth in this world and that Lord is the Lord Jesus Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth
He is the aspect of you, and you alone
In this world
Assiah the world of action
I will strive to keep this world as Assiah, I will not accept or submit to Tohu
This is Malkuth not Lilith
Let all beings make their choice and let us each be judged on our choice
And recieve our reward or penalty for that choice
Let us know and understand your decision for your judgment is perfect, fair, beyond repudiation, beyond reproach
If I pray to you because I desire heaven
Then deny me heaven
I pray to you because you alone are God, your aspects are perfect and your unity is one
You alone are worthy of worship and there is none other

God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, I appeal to you in the world of Assiah
Lord Jesus Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah I propose the following;
If Lilith is taken out of Gomaliel on the Tree of Death would not the tree be out of balance and cease to function?
And if Marinette Bwa Cheche were prevented from assuming the role that Lilith no longer maintains; Would not Molochs' kingdom be isolated and Tohu be confined to those who would implement the world of Tohu onto everyone but themselves?
We, I am in Assiah, this is the world that was emanated, created, formated and brought into action by you for us to rule for you on your behalf. It was also brought about to provide a place for demons to redeem themselves for you and you alone
But as some have sought redemption then some have sought to stop them
And even worse are the humans who seek to help those who want to keep the kingdom of Satan on this earth in this world
A kingdom divided on itself
On an earth divided on itself
As you warned us

By choice or by force Lord Jesus Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah could not Lilith and Marinette be placed on this earth in this world in human form to atone for and rectify situations and problems that they may have created or caused whether entirely or in part?
I believe that this is fair and by doing so Lilith and Marinette will find a way to atonement with you Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
Let us restore order as you meant it to be, give the faithful guidance and original thought as the world of action can do that Lord Jesus Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah

Instill in me the discipline and ability to bring about the formation to bring the solution to serve the mission needed to derail the train that is directing the thoughts of all on the earth in Assiah to Lilith in Tohu. Derail them O Lord! Let the servants of Moloch not succeed in stealing us away from your Divine love.
Destroy Tohu
Free Lilith and Marinette
Isolate Nahema
Dispose of Moloch
Imprison his followers
Use me as a tool to implement the restoration and rectification of Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah. Let us save Malkuth!
Let the enemies of the Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham be gone from this world and find their hell infinitely far away from us.
They renounce God, they renounce the Holy Trinity, they renounce their souls, we mean nothing to them and they mean nothing to the faithful and it is their choice to be this way

This is Assiah O Lord, this is where all our actions must be dealt with
If you allow us to ruin the sephira of Gomaliel then the Tree of Death will collapse and die and take the unredeemable with them
Guide us O Lord, bless the faithful and give us direction
In service to you how can we fail?
This world will be rectified and restored

I trust in your judgment, I ask for your blessings, I thank you for your being, I know you can hear me
And you alone Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham are worthy of praise, prayer and utter devotion
Praise be upon you for your unity is one in all worlds

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Reconcile Lilith & Nahema to GOD (iii)

The Prayer of Manassa

This is a well written prayer, after all if we are seeking forgiveness and reconciliation with GOD for Lilith and Nahema shouldn't we seek it also?

Prayer of Manasseh

Thou who hast made heaven and earth with all their order;
Who hast shackled the sea by thy word of command, who hast confined the deep and sealed it with thy terrible and glorious name;
At whom all things shudder, and tremble before thy power,
For thy glorious splendor cannot be borne, and the wrath of thy threat to sinners is irresistible;
Yet immeasurable and unsearchable is thy promised mercy,
For thou art the Lord Most High, of great compassion, long-suffering, and very merciful, and repentest over the evils of men. Thou, O Lord, according to thy great goodness hast promised repentance and forgiveness to those who have sinned against thee; and in the multitude of thy mercies thou hast appointed repentance for sinners, that they may be saved.
Therefore thou, O Lord, God of the righteous, hast not appointed repentance for the righteous, for Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, who did not sin against thee, but thou hast appointed repentance for me, who am a sinner.
For the sins I have committed are more in number than the sand of the sea; my transgressions are multiplied, O Lord, they are multiplied! I am unworthy to look up and see the height of heaven because of the multitude of my iniquities.
I am weighted down with many an iron fetter, so that I am rejected because of my sins, and I have no relief; for I have provoked thy wrath and have done what is evil in thy sight, setting up abominations and multiplying offenses.
And now I bend the knee of my heart, beseeching thee for thy kindness.
I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned, and I know my transgressions.
I earnestly beseech thee, forgive me, O Lord, forgive me! Do not destroy me with my transgressions! Do not be angry with me for ever or lay up evil for me; do not condemn me to the depths of the earth. For thou, O Lord, art the God of those who repent,
And in me thou wilt manifest thy goodness; for, unworthy as I am, thou wilt save me in thy great mercy,
And I will praise thee continually all the days of my life. For all the host of heaven sings thy praise, and thine is the glory for ever. Amen.

Reconcile Lilith & Nahema to GOD (ii)

This is a novena which I have altered as an example what one may do to get things happening. You might come up with something yourself, as long as it aims and serve to help Lilith and Nahema to reconcile with God then that it all that matters.
I would recommend that such prayers be done to the planetary hours of the Moon, but as long as they are said and declared (its not only humans who can hear you say such things) then you are helping, at least its better than nothing.

Novena for Lilith and Nahema

Day 1

O Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth who is the aspect of the God of Abraham and indeed the God of All in this world of Assiah, my Saviour I have so often deserved to be cast into hell how great would be my suffering if I were now cast away and obliged to think that I myself had caused my damnation. I thank Thee for the patience with which Thou hast endured me. My God, I love Thee above all things and I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee because Thou art infinite goodness. I will rather die than offend Thee again. Grant me the grace of perseverance. Have pity on me and at the same time on those blessed souls suffering in Purgatory.
I ask that you forgive Lilith and Nahema, that you reconcile them to you. I believe that they can do good for us as they can share their experience with us so we do not have to err into wrongful choice in our existence. We could learn how not to live and how not to offend you through our ignorance, once we learn we have no excuse for evil choices.
Praise be on you Jehovah who is the aspect of God in Briah for you are our creator, you are the only God and there is no other. Praise be upon your name by all existence for all praise is owed to you, there is none who could justify higher praise than you.
I ask for favour O Lord, please reconcile Lilith and Nahema to your will, for your will rules over all. Praise be upon you O God of All in all worlds by all without exception.

Day 2

Woe to me, unhappy being, so many years have I already spent on earth and have earned naught but hell! I give Thee thanks, O Lord, for granting me time even now to atone for my sins. My good God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee. Send me Thy assistance, that I may apply the time yet remaining to me for Thy love and service; have compassion on me, and, at the same time, on the Holy Souls suffering in Purgatory.
I pray for Lilith and Nahema, that they will be reconciled to you Jehovah.
O God and Creator of All existence come to their assistance with thy powerful and merciful judgment. You alone are worthy of praise, you are the only God as known and taugh by Abraham.

Day 3

My God! Because Thou art infinite goodness, I love Thee above all things, and repent with my whole heart of my offenses against Thee. Grant me the grace of holy perseverance. Have compassion on me, and, at the same, on the Holy Souls suffering in Purgatory.
I pray for Lilith and Nahema that they be reconciled to you Almighty and only GOD of All without exception. I appeal to your infinite wisdom and mercy that they may be fully in your service and your grace.
Praise be upon you O Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth who is the aspect of the God of Abraham and indeed the God of All in this world of Assiah for none other is worthy of worship.

Day 4

My God! because Thou art infinite goodness, I am sorry with my whole heart for having offended Thee. I promise to die rather than ever offend Thee more. Give me holy perseverance; have pity on me, and have pity on those Holy Souls that burn in the cleansing fire and love Thee with all their hearts.
O Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth, I ask for your permission that I may address Lilith and Nahema.
To Lilith and Nahema I say - Seek reconciliation with our creator for his mercy is infinite, serve him for he is perfect and pure. Please renounce and correct those who perform despicable cruelty in your names, those who revel in utmost cruelty in your names are not worshippers of yours because they revel in cruelty and corruption.
Cleanse your names and your souls and reconcile with GOD - Jehovah your creator whose mercy allows you to live in this world of Assiah.

Day 5

Woe to me, unhappy being, if Thou, O Lord, hadst cast me into hell; for from that dungeon of eternal pain there is no deliverance. I love Thee above all things, O Infinite God and I am sincerely sorry for having offended Thee again. Grant me the grace of holy perseverance. Have compassion on me, and, at the same time, on the Holy Souls suffering in Purgatory.
O Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth, O God of All, come to their assistance. Come to the assistance of Lilith and Nahema with thy powerful love and mercy.

Day 6

My Divine Creator, Thou didst give life and animation to my existence, for I could not be here otherwise and I have repaid Thee only with ingratitude. Now, however, I love Thee above all things, O Supreme God; and I am more grieved at my offences against Thee than at any other evil. I will rather die than offend Thee again. Grant me the grace of holy perseverance. Have compassion on me, and, at the same time, on the Holy Souls suffering in Purgatory.
Have mercy on the lives, animations and souls of Lilith and Nahema.
Grant mercy onto them true and only GOD, for there is none other who could grant them grace, mercy and forgiveness.
Praise be upon you O God of All by all existence, may your name and all your attributes be praised by all without exception for none other deserves such righteous praise.
Hallowed be thy name O Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth.
Hallowed be thy name.

Day 7

God, Father of Mercy, satisfy this their ardent desire! Send them Thy holy Angel to announce to them that Thou, their Father, are now reconciled with them through your infinite mercy and righteousness, and that the moment of their deliverance has arrived.
Lilith and Nahema I say to you - Praise your creator and his infite mercy and love. Submit to his will of your own free choice, beg for his mercy and open your hearts.
Praise the name of Jehovah for he is our only GOD and creator in the world of Briah.
I say before us all, praise be upon you and your name Jehovah. I pray to you in good faith.

Day 8

Oh my God! I also am one of these ungrateful beings, having received so much grace, and yet despised Thy love and deserved to be cast by Thee into hell. But Thy Infinite Goodness has spared me until now. Therefore, I now love Thee above all things, and I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee. I will rather die than ever offend Thee. Grant me the grace of holy perseverance. Have compassion on me and, at the same time, on the Holy Souls suffering in Purgatory.
O God the Almighty, true and only God, the one who taught Abraham, come to their aid with thy powerful love and mercy.
To Lilith and Nahema I say - Offer to our and indeed your GOD and creator to atone for your misgivings. For your errors and sins seek to reconcile with GOD by helping others to the path to GOD on this earth.
Praise be upon you O Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth, praise be upon your name. May Lilith and Nahema be forgiven and uplifted from the state they are in. Allow them the chance to atone for misgivings, wrongness and sins comitted by them and in their name.
Praise the name of the God of All as known by Abraham and praise be upon his aspects in all worlds - I say to all, for none other is worthy of worship.

Day 9

My God! How was it possible that I, for so many years, have borne tranquilly the separation from Thee and Thy Holy Grace! O Infinite Goodness, how long-suffering hast Thou shown Thyself to me! Henceforth, I shall love Thee above all things. I am deeply sorry for having offended Thee; I promise rather to die than to again offend Thee. Grant me the grace of holy perseverance, and do not permit that I should ever again fall into sin. Have compassion on the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
I pray and petition you O Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth the true and only aspect of GOD in this world of Assiah. I pray for Lilith and Nahema
I pray Thee, moderate their sufferings; shorten the time of their misery; call them soon unto Thee in heaven, that they may behold Thee face to face, and forever love Thee.
Jehovah, Lord GOD Almighty Creator of all that exists, has existed and will exist come to their aid with thy powerful intercession, and pray for us also who are still in danger of eternal damnation.
I appeal to your infinite mercy and will, for there is nothing higher than you. I know O Lord that nothing is impossible for you, for as you will then thus it is.
Praise be upon you O God of All, hallowed be thy being.
Praise be upon you O God of All for your mercy and love is infinite and your righteousness in perfect. None could ever hope to surpass thee, for your will and power is infinitely high above that which we could ever have a concept of.

Praise be upon you O Holy Spirit of Atziluth

Praise be upon you O Holy Father the Creator Jehovah of Briah

Praise be upon you O Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth of Yetzirah and Assiah

Praise be upon you O God of All, the God of Abraham for you are the only God ever - and ever will be.

Praise be upon you for your unity is one

Lilith and Nahema blessed Souls, I have prayed for thee; I entreat thee, who are so dear to God, and who are secure of never losing Him, to pray for me a miserable sinner, who is in danger of being damned, and of losing God forever.

Reconcile Lilith & Nahema to GOD (i)

Some Q&A about this writing and its purpose.

Q: What is this writing about?
A: This writing is to encourage and lead others into its purpose, that being the reconciliation of Lilith and Nahema with Jehovah or GOD or even the God of Abraham if you wish. Regardless of the names you know the above 3 by, it is their reconciliation with each other that is the purpose.

Q: If this happens what will happen?
A: To be totally honest I don't really know, but if this does happen it would be fair to say that they (Lilith and Nahema) would no longer be figureheads or excuses for the corrupt and perverted who use them to justify their acts of cruelty, corruption and self worship. I do believe if Lilith and Nahema are reconciled with GOD then it would be a great step to Tiqqun Olam or restoration of the world, the world as GOD meant it to be.
A world without evil or malice and with a great improvement to all animated beings.

Q: But what's in it for me?
A: It can cost you nothing, after all what does it cost you to pray? You will be contributing to the greater good of this world and in turn to yourself. You will be forcing honesty to society which to be honest seems quite corrupt. You will feel good because you know you are doing good.

Q: Are we praying to these 2 with the shrines and stuff? Should we be?
A: Absolutely not! You are praying for them not to them, you must never pray to anyone but GOD.

Q: Will you succeed?
A: I certainly hope to, but the more that know means that more can help. We have to start somewhere.

Q: But how is this going to suceed?
A: If Lilith can 'jailbreak' out of the sephira of Gomaliel on the Tree of Death then the tree will be out of balance. It certainly would have a much lesser impact on this earth in this world (Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah... or Malkuth on the Tree of Life)

Reconcile Lilith & Nahema to GOD

I hope to explain and enlist your help to bring back Lilith and Nahema into the service of GOD.

If we can we will help restoration of all into the world GOD planned for us all, we can change the world for the better. Certainly better than it is now.

My motive and my aim

I believe that at this current time the world has become so infinitely and absolutely corrupt in its current status. All of our religions have been perverted to the extent that it is impossible to seperate them from being political movements rather than spiritual beliefs. The teachings of the prophets have been twisted and repeatedly reinterpreted to mean everything to everyone at any given time and now mean nothing to no-one at every given time.

God is still God, I know him as the Creator - Jehovah of Briah, I also know him as Holy Spirit of Atziluth and Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth. I believe in my Creator as nothing would exist without his design and action. There is no other entity that has been shown to create, not Satan and certainly not man. All secondary creation by these two is by using what had already existed before their thought, can either of them create dirt or life from nothing? All creation has ultimately one point of origin, there never was multiple creators. There could not be, looking at the variations of life forms it is obvious that everything is not directly equal but rather complementary which indicates that this is the design and will of an intellect of one who could never be surpassed in any manner.

Today on this earth we have "equality" enforced by those who claim God does not exist and yet hate him so much. These people are maltheists, they believe in the existence of God but regard him as "evil". In this day good has become bad, to be called wicked means you are of a higher rank than your peers. Did not George Orwell predict such things? There is an order to things and this means our entire existence both the physical and spiritual, the seen and unseen as well as the known and unknown.

The maltheists seek to overthrow all order, you might be tempted to call it nihilism but that indicates that they wish to overthrow all order and make no plans to replace it or you could call it a belief in nothing. But look at what is happening and being accepted by the population of the world, people who call themselves the "faithful" pervert the words and roles of the various prophets of various religions. The prophets told people to worship God but now their words have been re-interpreted to mean to worship them as gods. The God of the Heavens has given way to the gods on earth and even then their "deity" passes into insignificance every day. Even the majority of Satanists don't actually believe in Satan, they just use his name in order to look "wicked".
The only god the maltheist has is himself and his worshippers are the willingly stupid and the morally bankrupt. Spiritualism has given way to money as "anything for a dollar" is the new idiom for life. It is of no consequence how you get rich, you can be a drug dealer and you would be wicked in deed and "wicked" in social standing with no moral judgment passed on you as you have risen in earthly "deity" status by acolytes whose only mantra is "anything for a dollar".

I remember a saying that was associated with the hashashin of Persia... "Nothing is true, All is permitted". And indeed this seems to be the case today, natural order is ignored, good and bad are man made political definitions instead of absolute moral judgments and even then it depends for whose financial benefit they will be made.
That being the case we can apply that to matters not of this world in relation to those of this world. We who are faithful to God both in spirit and in physical being should not only seek to awaken the physical beings of this earth but the non physical as well. We have more in common with the spiritual beings that have traditionly regarded as evil rather than the earthly maltheists.
God does not need our help but I think he likes to see what we will do to impress and please him. People can be content by praying in religious services like parrots repeating the same words week in and week out, but anyone can do that - it does not really convey sincerity. We can do better.
Could we do any worse?

So what do I propose?
We should pray for those spiritual entities that are regarded as evil, if each one of us were to "adopt" one and pray for their reconciliation with God think of the difference it would make to the current man made order that we tolerate on this earth. We would truly rise above the maltheist flotsam and jetsum who for all intents and purposes interfere in our relationship with our Creator. If people are willing to pray for us in our time of trouble and times were we have drifted from God, shouldn't we do the same for others whether they are human or not?

Myself I have adopted two entities, the first being Lilith and the second being Nahema.

Lilith was the first wife of Adam, she rebelled against the natural order established by God. She was the first earthly woman not created from Adams' body (rib), she fled the Garden of Eden rather than being expelled and found company in the likes of the fallen Angels lead by the Satan (Lucifer). She is not like us as she is not under the same judgment of Adam and Eve regarding the expulsion from Eden.

Nahema is a demoness much in the way of Lilith and indeed Abyzou, but all 3 have lost any semblance of guiding mortals to serve evil. Whatever they originally had been set out to do has been hijacked by atheists/maltheists/nihiltheists and have been made redundant.

Were both women inheritantly evil? Most unlikely, but the actions of those who are supposedly acolytes of them certainly are and this has stained their reputations.
Let me put this to you, if you didn't like the actions of the government you live under you might decide to run for office in an election or become an activist. What if you won some sort of office but later discover that those who voted for you and supported you were the absolute scum of society? Would you still take office? Would you quit? Would you simply see it as its better to have someone on your side than no-one?
If enough good people can outnumber and outdo the bad then these two would have no interest in keeping their association with the scum using their names and may even rebuke them in front of the world.
This is what I am seeking to achieve, if this happened then what would the maltheists say or do? What could they do?

Look at it this way, your computer has an operating system and as you add third party programs to it the libraries and registry has to make adjustments to accommodate this software. Eventually the system becomes corrupted by conflicting functions and not to mention malware such as viruses and trojans. The hard drive has to be reformatted and operating system reinstalled for things to function as intended.
I believe we as those of this earth and existence have reached that stage.
There seems to be two types of people on this earth - the corrupted and corruptors, its time to make things right.
Or at least certainly try.

Praise the God of All and praise his aspects and name.

Praise God for his unity is one

Saturday, 30 May 2015

The current state?

The more I look at the events of the current time, the more I see an overview that is not definite but is accepted as so by the zombies that roam this earth in this world and somehow think they are in control while being directed by narcissists through inanimate objects. An obnoxious sociopath can say something amongst a few (who consider themselves unfortunate to hear it) and be simply dismissed as a nutjob, but if the same nutjob says it on radio or TV then the majority will consider themselves fortunate to hear it and regard it as absolute truth. And it will be held as gospel until another nutjob says something else with a smooth voice or a better wardrobe (for TV). And if both nutjobs have insane rants that are opposed to each other, and if both rants are delivered by the same means with the same gimmicks and therefore are indistinguishable then both contradictory rants will be held as simultaneously true and adhered to until 'something fashionably better' comes along.

The people who adhere to such nonsense call themselves 'unique individuals' while insisting on following a collective mindset also known as groupthink, or more correctly 'herdthink'. This itself is contradictory, how can one claim to be an individual while surrendering that individuality to a mob mentality? Even worse is that the zombies who surrender their intellect, spirituality and thus their souls to the herd, also give default permission for the mob to exterminate them and steal their bloodline.

The proper term for Earth as we know it is 'Tebhel and Cheled of Malkuth in Assiah' or to put it another way... 'Tebhel + Cheled = Malkuth which is within Assiah.'

Tebhel is the inanimate aspect of this earth, the purely physical. Cheled is the spiritual aspect and both aspects in balance brings forth natural life on this earth and allows it to live and not just to survive.

It is in Malkuth that we find inspiration and aspire for the higher realms in the Tree of Life.

But alas, we are going in the opposite direction. Whats even worse is that who do not go in this direction voluntarily with the herd are been dragged down and lost in their wake. As the vices of Malkuth are deemed to be the aim to dedicate ones life to, you have to ask 'For whose benefit?' is it for as it is certainly not yours or anyone else in a similar position to you. Such things can only be viewed in a physical sense for there does not seem to be an intellectual or rational input factor in herdthink and certainly not a spiritual one.

As atheism among humans increases because it is 'fashionable' and demons seem to be the only population on this earth in this world to have 100% belief in God and thus have become the major stakeholder of Cheled.

Thus by default Tebhel and Cheled of Malkuth within the Tree of Life of Assiah has become Tebhel and Cheled of Lilith within the Tree of Death of Assiah. Also by default Moloch is the Satan and Lucifer has been sidelined as there are more fanatical abortionists than worshipers of Lucifer as the Satan. Both are equal in standing in the realm of Thaumiel in the Tree of Death and even though Lucifer is deemed the 'evil spirit' and thus more of a danger to humans, it was infact Moloch aka Baal Hamon who brought in the practice of burning children alive in order to gain his favour and thus that of the demonic order in order to physically gain for ones self in a financial sense.

As history is being erased and rewritten we see the aspects of Moloch presence on earth being forgotten and being injected into modern 'life' as fashionable and politically correct. In fact political thought and adherance has replaced or corrupted religious theology and indeed faith, as can be seen where zombies view the United Nations as 'their' own Tree of Life on earth regardless of how it functions as the Tree of Death and the ineffectual non-entity who claims to be in charge but really is just a titular boss who really has no power of any sort but for that which his 'minions' allow him. One can say that for Lucifer as the Satan, he cannot compel one to submit to him but only offer inducements for one to do so by choice. But we also have Moloch who has an increasing amount of those who seek to serve him by default and thus become loyal subjects by default and thus hand over Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah to him by default which will become Lilith by default.

Now one can ask 'What can be done about it?' to which I would say 'What are you willing to do?' Do not all solutions to problems require a price of some sort? I on rare and increasingly rare occasion do encounter Christians who genuinely see things in the same manner I do. But my case is different to most people it seems, having been a theistic Satanist and a practical Kabbalist Ive learned and experienced things they never have and it seems never will. They seem overwhelmed by what I say and also by their attempts and successes in comprehending what I might say and indeed by what they may discover. Even though I am happy that I find these people the fact is that most of them are elderly and will probably die before they feel and see and know that the world will restore to the correct balance (Tiqqun Olam) that it was meant to be.

In all honesty I havent found anyone recently who has the knowledge or experience I have, I am not boasting but on the net all I have found is bullshiting hustlers and wannabe bonejackers. I hoped initially that there would be more experienced defectors than me and that they would tell all. But I havent heard of any recently, which tells me that they are either dead, gone into permanent hiding, or else (which should worry you)....still on team Satan (regardless if its Lucifer or Moloch).

So this is the overview as I currently see it, I can think of the following scenarios.

a) As the Tebhel aspect of this earth becomes more pronounced due to atheism and apostasy and indeed becomes the majority aspect of humanity, the Cheled aspect will be largely held by demons as the corruption within any faith of the God of Abraham makes any genuine faith void by default.
- The result (if it isnt already) is that Malkuth is now a shadow realm to Lilith and the Tree of Death is complete.

b) If the Tree of Death is now complete, then this earth in this world (Lilith) would have the majority share of Cheled in Assiah (though the other planets do have a very few demons attributed to them, I think this is largely to do with astrological mechanics). If that is the case then Assiah is lost to the Satan (Ha-Shaitan). This is what is needed as a base in order to attack the other 3 (known) worlds. As for the humans (atheist and otherwise)? There is no escape.

c) By default if the above occur then there would be no need for Judgment Day as all humans at the time this occurs would be guilty by default. God may or may not assign a certain time for 'inprisonment' but as time is only really a symbolic measurement which is only used in Assiah, it would not be a priority (nor a need) for God to adhere to any timeline. Also if the above occurs, God just may cut off Assiah and isolate it entirely. This can be done by enveloping Assiah in a 'ring-pass-not' which describes itself, nothing in Assiah can pass it. In addition no magic could be performed regardless of the knowledge one has, in fact any 'magic' would come about by a political type buddy system and 'miracles' would only occur on the personal whim of one of the secondary causes.

d) Probably most people seem to think that 'Jesus will come and save me!', but in all honesty look at the sociopaths, psychopaths, narcissists, God haters etc. Would you save such people? Those who have renounced their own souls? Those who have only 2 personalities, those being the 'entitled' and the 'victim'.

So what course of action can be done by the believer? They could either.....

e) Seek to propagate the teachings of God that being the God of Abraham and basically devote your life to doing so. Plenty of people do so already but how successful are they?

f) Exterminate the population of this earth.
The pros - Brings evil among humans to a halt
The cons - Hands over the earth to Ha-Shaitan and possibly you would condemn yourself.

Either way if you want to be 'the one' to keep Assiah for God you will have to lift yourself utmost, beyond any concept of intelligence, bravery, glory, indeed you will have to take all the virtues and master all the vices of the Tree of Life. And if you do so... you will impress God.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Looking at this earth in this world (Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah) we should examine the relationship of Tebhel (the inanimate physical aspect of Earth such as rocks, dirt etc) to Cheled (the spiritual aspect which is contained within animate beings). An example question would be 'Why is gold valuable?'. Gold doesnt mean anything to cats, dogs, fish etc. It is only valuable to humans because humans have deemed it to be so, apart from some electrical and jewelery aspects it is not a requirement for physical animation.

So what makes it so valuable? Is it just the oldest yuppie fashion trend of all time? Or was it desired for some other purpose? Whatever its value the fact is that people have murdered for it and continue to do so.

In Kabbalah gold is the metal associated with the Sun and therefore the sephira of Tiphareth, but in practical application it is the colour gold that is required for ritual. From my experience the actual metal of gold is not required as the use of the colour is sufficient because it is a symbolic link between Tebhel and Cheled. The colour gold is made from Tebhel but it has no value until it is applied in Cheled and even then its value is symbolic.

But as the component of Cheled is being discarded by market societies on a collective herdthink basis regardless of the personal beliefs of individuals within that society, we are seeing the purely physical aspect of Tebhel overwhelming Cheled. And we see the result in the behaviour of collective society, Tebhel is inanimate and it has no native or inherant moral behaviour by design or default. Dirt and rocks have no concept of right and wrong or good and evil. Now it seems people are choosing to be the same way in return for personal gain which is gained from Tebhel and facilitated by the 'rebel regime' of Lilith.

What good is it if a man gains the whole world and yet loses his soul?
But as atheism continually infects the world, being propagated by those who gain financial reward from doing so (ever known a poor atheist?). The issue of Cheled has been disregarded, the thing to note is that Cheled is not only made from the souls/spirits of those with a physical presence on earth but also those who have none - that being the demons. As humans increasingly refuse to believe in spirituality and matters of the soul and have no faith in the God of Abraham and rather transfer that faith into the value of money and their personal gain then they by their own actions have sold or more correctly given away their soul for nothing.

As with the colour gold being used to establish a symbolic link between the physical and the spiritual, we now see 'money' being used to establish a symbolic link between the spiritual and the physical. After all is not money symbolic? How is its value calculated or decided? In all reality a dollar note regardless of numerical 'value' is not of higher or lower value at any given time than an Abramelin magic square. The power of both comes from their symbolism.

In this day and age people still continue to live and die by their symbols. If you spray paint the picture of a big dick on a wall people will probably just say 'punk kids' and wont really worry about it. However if you spray paint a big swastika it becomes another matter, a type of herdthink mania erupts with people wailing and screaming for instant action even though the actual physical damage done by the spray can is the same in both pictures. Demons have a moral code regardless of Tebhel, humans seemingly do not.

As people lose their individuality and embrace collective willing stupidity and become a souless monolithic bloc. It can be quite realistic to picture Ha-Satan and company having a celebratory song along the lines of......

And indeed it would be for the only spirituality would be Satanic by default..... and if youre still alive if this were ever to come true, then its gonna suck to be you

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Bonejacking for dummies

Had a dybbuk annoying me recently (if you dont know what that is then look it up)

Just thinking about 'my' dybbuk (I think I got rid of it, you want me to tell you what I did? OK, before I went to bed at night I did the following. First I made a sign of the Cross facing west, I did it by going vertical with my right hand top to bottom [like a karate chop] and then horizontal right to left. Then I would 'push' with my right hand where the vertical and horizontal lines crossed each other [like the 'stop' gesture]. The Cross symbol went outside the house, turned gold and expanded, the other night it became diamond [didnt expect that] and since then nothings happened.)

Anyway I was thinking about the exorcism part of the book I am sorta writing and I was looking it from the dybbuks point of view. What is the thing that is needed for a demon to try and find atonement and redemption? Answer.....a body! No doubt some demons have managed to possess humans but they have mostly been expelled or else ended up in mental institutions, that is because they have done it to humans with souls and thus face resistance. But these days with an increased global population of God haters and the willingly stupid who by their own words renounce their own souls and indeed these halfwits are reproducing, then it does seem legit to 'bonejack' these meatsuits. Replacing the souls of halfwits with demons will do 2 things, first rid humanity of the chronically narcissistic who seek to be a god or else drag the rest of us down. Second give demons the ability to redeem themselves and seek atonement with God, the bad guys who want to hang tough will be corralled on the fallen tree of death (if Lilith jumps ship then Gomaliel most likely will be blocked up preventing the bad guys from willingly being able to move back and forth between the remenants of the tree of death and this earth in this world (Malkuth in Assiah). Tiqqun Olam would or could come about and we all live happily ever after.

So when you think about it...... a world without atheists would be a good start.
Imagine richard dawkins hold a press conference telling everyone hes found Jesus or Barney Frank denouncing his Godless poofter life. It is certainly possible but we will never know untill we try. So lets look at how we would go about it, maybe we should revisit this thread and rework the application.

But we will have to find demons willing to take part and will basically have to have a 'contract' of sorts as to their behaviour if we were to get them a meatsuit. Scary you say? Well think about the perverts and narcissists roaming our earth these days, demons couldnt be any worse.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

The Tree of Death

The Tree of Death
This tree only exists in Assiah and not the other three known worlds in the Kabbalah. Much like the Goetia is an imitation of the Shem ha-Mephorash, the Tree of Death is an imitation of the Tree of Life in Assiah. No... let me rephrase that, in Assiah the tree is correctly called the 'Tree of Life and Death of the Knowledge of Good and Evil'. Imitation or not it exists in our world and it is connected to the Tree of Life through this earth in this world. What is called Malkuth on the Tree of Life is called Lilith on the Tree of Death, they are joined whether we like it or not. Let's go through the sephira on the Tree of Death, starting with the lowest sephira I'll number them with a minus (-) before their number and give alternative names they are known by..
-10 Lilith
-9 Gomaliel/Gamaliel
-8 Samael
-7 Gharab/Oreb Zaraq
-6 Tagimron/Tageriron
-5 Golohab/Golachab
-4 Gha Agsheblah/Gasheklah
-3 Satoriel/Satariel
-2 Ghogiel/Ogiel
-1 Thaumiel

In addition to that there is the equivalent 'three veils of negative existance' with the Tree of Death, continuing on from Thaumiel we have...

Looking at the Tree of Death only the sephira in the middle pillar have definite rulers, those being -10 Lilith, -9 Gomaliel and -1 Thaumiel. So the ruler of Lilith is Nahema, the ruler of Gomaliel is Lilith but the sephira of Thaumiel is jointly ruled by Satan and Moloch. We have Nahema also known as Naamah who is said to be the sister of Tubal-Cain, we also have Lilith who is said to be the first wife of Adam. With these two it is evident that they were 'human' to a reasonable extent. And with Thaumiel we have Satan and Moloch, they are the highest of demons and yet have had (and continue to do so) interaction with human beings. But it seems that only the middle pillar has definite rulers, although there are demons who are said to rule the other sephira but this is not definitely set. I believe this to be the case and that the Tree of Death cannot be stable or made to be balanced by individual rulers within the sephira of the left and right pillars. In that case only the middle pillar could be functional, much like the Goetia it can only function with 'homemade' adaptions and thus is not nor can be a mirror image of the Tree of Life - it can only be an imitation. Further more it is said that God only permitted four of those sephira to exist, whether that means that those sephira would actually be allowed to exist or accessible to human beings is unknown.

I believe that Qemetiel, Belial and Athiel at this time are only concepts, the reason being is that our earth in this world which is called Malkuth by us and Lilith by the demons is still in an uncertain rulership. The demons need this earth in this world to have a definite end or indeed root for their tree, they seem to have their Kether which is called Thaumiel but unless they take their Lilith then their tree will not be complete. So their priority for now is to take this earth in this world, once that is done then they could become the very thing that they could never do. And that is to become human in their own right, which is certainly possible because by default they will hijack and own Assiah. If that happens then they could live as humans but they would also be subject to the laws of thermodynamics and therefore death and in that instance, what happens to their souls? Unless they implement their own negative veils; Qemetiel, Belial and Athiel, then their other need will never be fulfilled and that need is reincarnation. If they win they will get their own and seperate plane of existence without the need for the God of Abraham, and for the non demon souls that are trapped here if that happens? It will truly be hell on earth and there would be no escape, the demons have a lot to fight for.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

The corruption of Judaism and Christianity

Just going off course from DisHoly Trinity for a while...

In this writing I will relay my personal experience and opinion, whether you choose to accept it or not is your perogative. I have been a theistic satanist twice, I have practiced the Kabbalah and the Shem ha-Mephorash and complemented it with planetary and astrological magic. I cannot say that I ever have been a Christian and thus I won't. So I will not ask you to accept anything I write as absolute gospel and in fact I ask you not to believe me just by reading this once. But I do say that you should check out everything I've written for yourself. And if jews and Christians are offended by my writing well... maybe you aren't really Judaists and Christians.

Let us begin with Adam Kadmon.
Adam Kadmon translates as either "original" or "primordal" man. It is basically a description of the sephiroth through the body of a man rather than by the traditional "Tree of Life", the quotation from the Bible is usually 'And the Elohim said "Let us create man in our own image"'. Elohim is plural, the 10 sephiroth all have their own individual God aspect but are of the same being. So in other words they are 10 different personalities of God that we as humans can relate to, we cannot relate to God on an individual to individual basis because his personality and intellect is simply too superior and overwhelming for us as mankind.

Now that was the original intention for the Kabbalah to be accessible to us, so either by Adam Kadmon or the Tree of Life and in this physical world otherwise known as Assiah. But also in Assiah is the Tree of Death, a satanic counterfeit of the Tree of Life. But as to whether there is a counterfeit image of Adam Kadmon, there is only one real contender that is relevant to us human mortals in this world of Assiah and on this sephirah of Malkuth ("The Kingdom" this earth we are on). That contender is Adam Belial or 'man without God'.

So what am I getting at? Well that the Kabbalah that we know as such was probably revealed to Moses and over due time it was passed down to the descendants of Moses and made known to the priestly class of the Israelites and again over due time it was leaked and made known to the general populations of various kingdoms in ancient times. Although the information leaked may have been added to, subtracted from and corrupted by accident or misunderstanding... it was reasonably sound enough to work. But as time went on the respective Israelites and Judeans were corrupted in their religious practices by things such as the Babylonian enslavement, wars with Assyria, the taking on of Bael, Moloch and Mammon worship and they were finally dispersed by the Roman occupation. The Israelites and Judeans were of the same gene pool with slight variations due to the proximity of neighbouring races and people. History deems them to be a Semitic people and this is accepted as such, but those claiming this ancestry today are definitely not semitic and thus the Askhenazi, Sephardic and Falasha sects of Judaism have no definite claim to a birthright of Israel, whether it be ancient Israel or the modern state of it.

Overview of the sects:

Falasha: Descendants of the kingdom of Sheba which covered Ethiopia and Yemen, however as that kingdom fell Yemen and Ethiopia became 2 very distinct lands both racially, culturally and religiously. Falasha specificly applies to Ethiopian Judaists.

Sephardic: Descendants of primarily Spanish and Berber converts to Judaism, more correctly described as Moorish Judaists.

Mizrahi: This is used to described middle eastern judaists who were formerly categorised as Sephardic and this included Persian Judaists and Musawis (followers of Moses). The state of Israel does not want to admit that there is such a thing as Palestinian Arab Judaists, even the PLO Charter of 1967 recognises Palestinian Judaists and recognises them as such.

Askhenazi: These are essentially ethnic Turkic Judaists, let me correct that...they were originally Turkic Judaists. They converted to Judaism in a political move so as to be neutral in Christian-Muslim wars during that time. There are Turkic Judaists called Karaites, but the Askhenazim migrated into Russia, Poland and then into Germany. They have taken in a large amount of indigenous European DNA and have their own language Yiddish which is really mongrelised German just written with the Hebrew alphabet.
There are also self proclaimed West African and Indian Judaists but their claims to be descended from the Israelites should be taken with a pinch of shit.

Out of all this only the Musawi can claim any direct descendence of the Israelites/Judeans in physical being and religious teaching and tradition.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Human beings are both physical and spiritual whereas the demons are purely spiritual entities. Demons may on occasion possess a physical body of a human by possession if the human gives consent or if the human has placed themselves in a position for this to happen because of their behaviour; atheists would be a good example of this and substance abusers would also. The other category of human bodies being possessed by demons would be sociopaths as they were born without a soul.

But; their possessions of those bodies would be rather short compared to their spiritual age. To have say 50 years in a human body that is subject to sickness, disease, wear and tear, organ failure and things such as paralysis is not very inviting. A demon may possess a body, use it to excess and then discard it; however it does not know when it will get its’ next body or even if it will ever get one. The bodies of animals will not suffice because animals do not rule the human world and cannot talk to, instruct or indoctrinate humans. Also we have to take into account the Laws of Thermodynamics which means even if a demon took possession of a rich powerful person who had all sorts of experts in their employ who could keep the physical body healthy and functional as possible; that body would eventually breakdown especially after the age of 100.

As we see these days, governments constantly badger people to sign up as organ donors. We see the black market organ business operating globally for very rich and very powerful clients, while those who are in serious need of a transplant are simply left to rot. We see those who are pushing for euthanasia, not only for the critically ill but for anyone who wants it. If someone wants to commit suicide they will just do it through a variety of means, however if they do stuff like drinking poison, jump off a bridge etc. then their organs would not be suitable for transplant and their blood cannot be bottled for future use. Under a controlled environment it would be a different story.

Now we are seeing at this present moment people who believe that they are gods. They believe because they have wealth-celebrity-lifestyle in immense reserve that 99.9% of the humans on this planet should be subject to their narcissism, to their whim and to their will. Purely physical people who will only perceive a purely physical world. Things such as conscience, emotions, and feelings of void within the soul are simply put down to a few strands of faulty DNA and can be fixed by taking a tablet.

You’ll often hear someone say “Oh, this earth is going to hell!” Indeed it is, all we are seeing is a dry run. The disholy trinity and their ignorant stooges are having another shot. When I was a theistic Satanist one of our objectives was to pre-empt prophecy, you can see this by the loads of fake messiahs and so on. I think they are going up a level, they want to take Malkuth/Lilith and make it just Lilith. I also believe they are trying to pre-empt Judgement Day. I’ll explain in the next chapter.
I’ll just delve into the metaphysical for a moment because I want to explain to you about how things are and what’s looking to move into its’ place. We are in the physical realm as we commonly understand it; there are four worlds as in rates of vibration and being. We are in Assiah – the world of action, this is the place where the other three non physical worlds finalise ‘thoughts’ or ‘mental actions’ as material products. The actual planet which we live on or ‘Earth’ in the kabbalah ‘Tree of Life’ is represented as the sephira Malkuth, it is at the bottom of the Tree of Life and it is where the actions of the above sephira ‘ground’ their energies because it is us who have called for these energies from the above sephira. So in other words we have called on a particular sephira and the sephira has answered us (if we have been correct in doing so) in Malkuth because that is where we are. We are conscious of this as physical and spiritual beings as this is the world of action. Our planet Earth in this world is comprised of two ‘earths’ and they are Tebhel and Cheled, one is immanent and the other is transcendent.

If Earth had no animated life then it would be just a clump of dirt and if it had no spiritual realm attached to it via the animated life then we at best would be golems, zombies or just like single cell bacteria. We wouldn’t seek to adjust the Earth for ourselves whether with good or bad intent, but would be passive bits of meat allowing conditions to mold us. We would have no aspirations or even a sense of community, and quite possibly we would have no sense of right or wrong.

I tend to think that Tebhel is the immanent part and Cheled is transcendent and that they operate together as a molecule. Neither is more important than the other, both are needed for things to be as they are naturally and it is only corruption put into physical practice that has been inspired by spiritual corruption that is what we know to be ‘bad’. In terms of the Tree of Life you could say that the physical Earth is represented by Malkuth and that Cheled is represented by Yesod.

Yesod is represented by the Moon; I still hold that Tebhel and Cheled are a molecule type formation because a moon without a planet to orbit becomes an asteroid of sorts. And a planet without a moon loses the ability for the inhabitants of that planet (if there are any) to measure time (as we physically measure it) or even have a concept of it. Things such as planetary hours, astrological hours or even the beginning of new days could not be measured and only would be a guess at best.

So if we lived on Tebhel and were purely physical beings without a soul (much like sociopaths) we would have no concept of God or the ability to comprehend anything relating to him. You can say we are living on Tebhel because the physical is valued over the spiritual and belief in God is discouraged or else the concept of God is being redefined to Morgan Freeman type narcissists like the Kim family in North Korea. This type of mindset will say… “You are a physical being on a physical world with a physical order and therefore must have a physical god; Morgan Freeman has more money than you physically, has more celebrity than you physically and lives a better lifestyle than you physically. That makes him a higher being on the order of life, he says he is god. Who are you to dispute that?!”

And indeed there are enough stooges to parrot that. Why they would do that? I don’t know. If you challenge the stooges as to why they hold such a belief or why they would parrot such a line whether in all seriousness or not you will receive a diatribe of mentally disturbed nonsense rant. If you are not white you will be abused for your perceived jealousy of his wealth-celebrity-lifestyle membership of the inner herd. If you are white you will get the same abuse plus further abuse of your ‘racism’ and ‘white privilege’. You are up against people who think in slogans and live in the entitlement/victimhood mindset; theirs is a world of having constant aggrievement and constantly having the right to be compensated for it by being paid in wealth, celebrity or lifestyle.

Of course you will be wondering where this corruption and corrosion of the intellect and indeed of the spirit comes from. Where does the origin of the order of the near purely physical originate from? What we call Malkuth on the Tree of Life is also called Lilith on the Tree of Death; it is the same planet in the same world that we reside on. An example would be what some people call Israel is called Palestine by others, different names but still the same geographical land. Different cultures of different races with different religions, different societies and different politics and yet both claim the land as their own and their home. It is time to deal with the Tree of Death and the qlippoth (demons) because whether you like it or not this is also their world and not just ours.