Showing posts with label Holy Father the Creator Jehovah of Briah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holy Father the Creator Jehovah of Briah. Show all posts

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Example of a necromancy ritual

In order to contact a deceased person we must first approach and be approved by God; his name is Jehovah, praise be upon him, his name and his being.
To me the only way to do this is by using the Kabbalah and the Tree of Life, although many will be of an opposing opinion and rely on systems which are infiltrated and run by the djinn. I cannot tell anyone to use such things because it cannot bring the deceased to the one performing the necromancy and at best can only convey an opinion of what the deceaseds' reaction would be to a question asked by the necromancer. This is not to say that the words of the djinn are totally false or worthless but they are not the original words of the deceased and therefore the necromancers' question has not been answered in an absolute manner.

As Chokmah governs the zodiac and gives access to the zodiac I believe this is the best option because everyone has a zodiac sign. People can change their names and lie about their age but they cannot alter their zodiac sign because they cannot undo the rotation and orbit of the planets. Although Kether is the highest sephira we must remember that we are going against the commonly accepted order of things as we are not supposed to disturb the dead nor bring them into our word of Assiah. What we will be doing in this ritual is to facilitate a 'channel' of communication in the world of Briah. By doing this in Chokmah in the world of Briah we will 'squelch' the voices of the djinn who may seek to impersonate the deceased or give incorrect or distorted information.

Take note that this is a very serious thing to attempt and must not be done for trivial reasons, the deceased are in a 'suspended animation' until Judgment Day. When and if you get the moment to have your question answered you should remember that all knowledge of the outside world ceased upon their death. In doing necromancy you are only seeking answers for questions that were not answered pertaining to their lives before their death.

Lets look at what the ritual involves.....

1. A space for the ritual to be conducted, it may be a room or it may be an area within a room or it may be anywhere there can be privacy for the ritual. Whatever the area it should be as clean as possible as you get rewarded on your effort over your style. You will need an altar or something that can provide the same service as an altar, whether it be a table, wooden box or any other item. The use of plastic is an utter last option for this sort of thing and I believe you would be better off doing this on the floor/ground as opposed to plastic furniture. You should also sprinkle salt in a line covering the outline of the area, it does not need to be heavy but should be started at due East and go clockwise until completion.

You will also need the following; two grey candles, musk incense and a Bible with psalms. The altar is to face due East and the candles are to be positioned in the same manner as one would find in a Catholic mass. The incense (two sticks or incense pile) is to be between the candles.
And you will have to have handwritten notes as to how the ritual is to be conducted and what will be said, you should also have an estimate as to how long the ritual will be in order for it to be conducted within the planetary hour.

2. When your timing is decided the ritual will then begin....

Walk into the area (clockwise), until you are at the back of the area and facing East (with sufficient room to outstretch your arms behind you).
Turn to the west clockwise, outstretch you hands and arms and make a sharp clap and say:"Begone afar unholy ones and do not interfere or disrupt this ritual to my God who is the God of all without exception"
Turn clockwise to the East

Walk into the centre of the room, have the palms of your hands together at chest level as though you are going to dive in a pool or opening curtains.
Stretch your arms forward and bring your right foot forward as though you are entering through heavy curtains, as you do open your arms open and bring your left foot forward to meet your right.
Take a further step forward using both feet, you should be facing East still. Now do the Kabbalistic cross

Say: "For thou are powerful and eternal O Lord, the God of All whose unity is one as revealed by Abraham"  - Have your forearms and palms raised while your upper arms are kept vertical as though your are making an offering.

3. Now fall upon your knees and put the palms of your hands on the floor and place your forehead on the floor as well.
Now make the sign of the zelator
Say: Open the astral gates and may my rite be witnessed

Stand up, (you should be in front of your altar) come to where your candles and incense are, here you can drop to your knees if you have no table/altar arrangment set up.

4. Next you will light the candles [2 candles], first the right and then the left during which you will say "Unto light" (as you light the right candle) "Is added light" (as you light the left) after that light the incense [if you are using incense sticks start with the right then the left, again 2 will be fine, if you are not using sticks then light as normal]

Say: "O God who is worthy of utter devotion I call upon you"  - Have your forearms and palms raised while your upper arms are kept vertical as though your are making an offering.

Pause for a moment then

In the sephira of Chokmah [pronounced Hokmah, the 'ch' is pronounced like the Scottish loch] in the world of Briah [Bree-Ahh]
I call upon you Yah
I call upon you Jah
I call upon you Yod Heh
I also call upon you ArchAngel Ratziel
I ask that you witness my plea and my petition

6. [Now that you have called on Jah and Ratziel personally you must introduce yourself]
I am [your full name]
I was born on the [date] of [month] [year] at [time] in (town/city) of (the state) in the country of (nation)
I seek to present this ritual, my prayer and my request to you and ask that you listen to and accept it and that a favourable outcome be granted to me by the grace of the Devotion of God who is the Most High

[Note you are not praying to the ArchAngel but you are making a request to the God aspect of Chokmah who is Yah]

I offer psalm for your consideration, to praise God who deserves devotion by his creations and to worship God the Most High

(Here offer a psalm but remember it will consume time, you should give one that is devotional)

7. Next you will give a case for what you want, essentially you will be presenting in the same manner as a court case before a judge. Explain what you want to ask the deceased and why you want to ask the question. You must also positively identify the person you wish to speak to in the same manner as you identified yourself.
After presenting your case you might feel inclined to offer another psalm or prayer.

But bear in mind the fact that you have to end the ritual with certain actions and words. This is why you should time a 'practice run' of what you plan to do (as in timing of words and not a mock ritual!).
As in a court case you requests should be short, sharp and direct and indeed honest, there is no point in whining, bellyaching, self pity and 'embellishing the truth'
Be honest, open and frank.

8. After you have finished you now end the ritual:

Praise be upon you God who is worthy of utter devotion
Praise be upon you Yah
Praise be upon you Jah
Praise be upon you Yod Heh
Praise be upon you who is the God aspect of Chokmah
Blessings be upon you Ratziel for you are his faithful servant
I have presented my case to ask for this opportunity and I am a servant of the Most High
I thank you both for listening to what I have had to say
Thank you
Blessings be upon you (then bow)
May there be peace between us and never any ill will
I bid you hail and farewell Yah
I bid you hail and farewell Jah
I bid you hail and farewell Yod Heh
I bid you hail and farewell Ratziel
To all those who witnessed this ritual I bid you hail and farewell

* Extinguish the candles, you can use a spoon upside down for this

9. Do the kabbalistic cross
Next while standing upright you stretch out your right arm horizontally (like a Hitler salute)

Hail and farewell God the Most High
Hail and farewell Angels and Arch Angels
Hail and farewell those who have observed this rite
Blessings be upon all of you
Hail and farewell


Now you take a backstep with your right foot followed by the left while at the same time 'closing the curtains' in essence reversing how you 'entered the curtains'. You are to leave the room moving in a clockwise motion. When you leave the room you can close the door because the ritual is complete, give it a minute or 2 before re-entering if you want/have to.


Remember this is an example of what a ritual may look like, whether you choose to use this ritual or else use it as a basis for one of your own is up to you and your responsibility. I am not you or in your situation and do not 'jus wanna guess' about your needs

Friday, 30 December 2016

Some occult stuff...

Just some stuff Ive been sitting on for a while, what you want to do or make of it is up to you.

The 32 Paths of wisdom
Ive just wrote these down as I have read them and I got them from a library book.
As I remember they come from the book "Kabbalah Unveiled" by Papus but that was many years ago so I might be mistaken
I put them up here in case you want them for your records

1st:   Admirable Intelligence
2nd: Illuminating Intelligence
3rd:  Sanctifying Intelligence
4th:   Arresting or Receptive Intelligence
5th:   Radical Intelligence
6th:   Intelligence of Median Infuence
7th:   Hidden Intelligence
8th:   Perfect and Absolute Intelligence
9th:   Purified Intelligence
10th: Resplendent Intelligence
11th: Fiery Intelligence
12th: Intelligence of Light
13th: Inductive Intelligence of Unity
14th: Illuminating Intelligence (this is the second time it is listed)
15th: Constituting Intelligence
16th: Triumphant and Eternal Intelligence
17th: Disposing Intelligence
18th: Intelligence or House of Affluence
19th: Intelligence of the Secret or of all spiritual activities
20th: Intelligence of Will

21st:   Intelligence which rewards all those who seek
22nd: Faithful Intelligence
23rd:  Stable Intelligence
24th:   Imaginative Intelligence
25th:   Intelligence of Temptation or Trial
26th:   Renewing Intelligence
27th:   Active Intelligence
28th:   Natural Intelligence
29th:   Corporeal Intelligence
30th:   Collective Intelligence
31st:   Perpetual Intelligence
32nd: Assisting Intelligence

While I am at it I'll put some more things up from various sources

The 32 absolute ideas corresponding to the Hebrew alphabet and numbers

1.  Supreme power
2.  Absolute wisdom
3.  Infinite intelligence
4.  Goodness
5.  Justice or severity
6.  Beauty
7.  Victory
8.  Eternity
9.  Fecundity
10. Reality

Aleph -        Father
Beth -          Mother
Gimel -       Nature
Daleth -      Authority
He -             Religion
Vau -           Freedom
Zayin -        Possession
Cheth -       Distribution
Teth -          Prudence
Yod -          Order
Kaph -        Force
Lamed -     Sacrifice
Mem -        Death
Nun -          Reversibility
Samekh -   Universal being
Ayin -         Equilibrium
Pe -            Immortality
Tzaddi -     Shadow and reflection
Qoph -        Light
Resh -        Recognition
Shin -         Omnipotence
Tau -         Synthesis

These are God names/attributes in correspondance to Hebrew letters and numbers
I am only typing them as I recorded them, whether you wish to use them as part of a ritual is strictly up to you
I dont believe they can be worked in and applied into a conventional kabbalah ritual, certainly not in their entirety
So consider these just part as a historical record (from Papus as I remember...)

They will be written as such...
Letter> Influence> God name> Rulership> Number

Aleph> Air> God of Infinity> Spring/Autumn> 1
Mem> Water> God the Arcane> Winter> 13
Shin> Earth> God the Saviour> Summer> 21
Beth> Saturn> God of Wisdom> Saturday> 2
Gimel> Jupiter> God of Retribution> Thursday> 3
Daleth> Mars> God of the Gates of Light> Tuesday> 4
Kaph> Sun> God the Immutable> Sunday> 11
Pe> Venus> God of Discourse> Friday> 17
Resh> Mercury> God the Head> Wednesday> 20
Tau> Moon> God the End of All> Monday> 22
Heh> Aries> God of God> March> 5
Vau> Taurus> God the Founder> April> 6
Zayin> Gemini> God of Thunder and Lightening> May> 7
Cheth> Cancer> God of Mercy> June> 8
Teth> Leo> God of Goodness> July> 9
Yod> Virgo> God the Principle> August> 10
Lamed> Libra> God of the 30 paths of wisdom> September> 12
(I have a problem with this ^^^ because there are 32 paths as far as I am concerned)

Nun> Scorpio> God of the 50 gates of light> October> 14
Samekh> Sagittarius> God the Destroyer> November> 15
Ayin> Capricorn> God of Adjuration> December> 16
Tzaddi> Aquarius> God of Justice> January> 18
Qoph> Pisces> God of Rectitude> February> 19

Aries> Ram > March 21 - April 19
Taurus> Bull> April 20 - May 20
Gemini> Twins> May 21 - June 20
Cancer> Crab> June 21 - July 22
Leo> Lion> July 23 - August 22
Virgo> Virgin> August 23 - September 22
Libra> Balance> September 23 - October 22
Scorpio> Scorpion> October 23 - November 21
Sagittarius> Archer> November 22 - December 21
Capricorn> Goat> December 22 - January 19
Aquarius> Water Bearer> January 20 - February 18
Pisces> Fish> February 19 - March 20

Even though it is commonly claimed that the Shem ha-Mephorash angels start off in Leo, I do not believe that to be true and hold that it is incorrect. The idea that the zodiac signs for the Shem ha-Mephorash start in Leo instead of Aries comes from MacGregor-Mathers and is a relatively recent thing. However this error has made its way into the Cabalistic Encyclopedia, another error are the sigils that are attributed to the Shem angels. These sigils are not of a planetary sign and indeed resemble the sigils that are attributed to the demons of the Goetia. Like the Shem the Goetia begins at the star sign of aries, the most telling difference between the Shem ha-Mephorash and the Goetia is the placement of the angels/demons in relation to their star sign and day/night attributes.

With the Shem the angels are divided into sequential blocks of six and have a star sign for that block, there is a day/night division and even a division of the planetary hour of when a ritual is being done. But with the Shem there is a bit more latitude compared to the Goetia as the Goetia is an imitation of the Shem and holds together with a very precarious balance.
Example.... the first 3 demons of the Goetia those being Bael, Agares and Vassago are daytime Aries demons and numbered 1, 2, and 3.
However the night demons of Aries are Phenex, Halpas and Malpas are are numbered 37, 38 and 39. If you were to divide a circle on a pie chart you will see those 2 'wedges' are directly opposite to each other to hold balance.

In the Shem you will notice the name Lauviah is repeated (numbers 11 and 17) which leads to the question is there one angel holding two 'positions' or are they seperate?
Well if you look into the Goetia you will see that Belial appears as two 'angels' even though it is the name of a singular entity. As to the story of Lauviah it is said that the difference is the base of the names, that being Lav and Lau respectively. Whether they are different I cant say either way but if one were to call on either then they must refer to the base of the name which differentiates them as part of any ritual. The angel has to be properly identified without any doubt to whom one is addressing; I'll use number 68 - Xabuiah for an example.
You have to have no doubt in who you are calling and pronounciation comes into this so Xabuiah is also known as Chabuiah (Ha-boo-yah)  [remember it 'ch' is more of a H sound like 'loch'].
And also known as Chebo (Heh-boh) as well as Cheth Beth Vau (Het-Bet-Vav),

Depending on your native language your pronunciation may not be 100% accurate and that is why you must include as many individual identifiers into your ritual, remember substance is more important than style.

In the listing below I have written the angel names as I got them from 'kabbalah unveiled' and in the brackets ( ) I have written the degrees to be faced when conducting ritual to a particular angel. Make due East as 0 degrees and go clockwise to make the measurements.

1. Vehuiah (0-5)
2 Jeliel (6-10)
3. Sitael (11-15)
4. Elemiah (16-20)
5. Mahasiah (21-25)
6. Lelahel (26-30)

7. Achaiah (31-35)
8. Cahetel (36-40)
9. Aziel (41-45)
10. Aladiah (46-50)
11. Lauviah (51-55)
12. Hahaiah (56-60)

13. Iezalel (61-65)
14. Mebahel (66-70)
15. Hariel (71-75)
16. Hakamiah (76-80)
17. Lauviah (81-85)
18. Caliel (86-90)

19. Leuviah (91-95)
20. Pahaliah (96-100)
21. Nelebael (101-105)
22. Ieiael (106-110)
23. Melahel (111-115)
24. Hahuiah (116-120)

25. Nith-Haiah (121-125)
26. Haaiah (126-130)
27. Jerathel (131-135)
28. Seeiah (136-140)
29. Reiiel (141-145)
30. Ornael (146-150)

31. Lecabel (151-155)
32. Vasariah (156-160)
33. Iehuiah (161-165)
34. Lehahiah (166-170)
35. Chevakiah (171-175)
36. Menadel (176-180)

37. Aniel (181-185)
38. Haamiah (186-190)
39. Rehael (191-195)
40. Ieiazel (196-200)
41. Hahahel (201-205)
42. Mikael (206-210)

43. Veuahiah (211-215)
44. Ielahiah (216-220)
45. Sealiah (221-225)
46. Ariel (226-230)
47. Asaliah (231-235)
48. Michael (236-240)

49. Vehuel (241-245)
50. Daniel (246-250)
51. Hahasiah (251-255)
52. Imamiah (256-260)
53. Nanael (261-265)
54. Nithael (266-270)

55. Mabaiah (271-275)
56. Poiel (276-280)
57. Nemmamiah (281-285)
58. Ieialel (286-290)
59. Harahel (291-295)
60. Mizrael (296-300)

61. Umabel (301-305)
62. Iah-hel (306-310)
63. Anianuel (311-315)
64. Mehiel (316-320)
65. Damabiah (321-325)
66. Manakel (326-330)

67.Itaiel (331-335)
68. Xabuiah (336-340)
69. Rochel (341-345)
70. Jabamiah (346-350)
71. Haiel (351-355)
72. Mumiah (356-360)

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Unrestricted Magic for Christians

I am doing a series of clips concerning magic and how Christians can apply it.
It is unrestricted because I will bring my experience of Satanism and Kabbalah up. I am doing this because the 'church' knows little or nothing about the occult and atheism seems to have taken over.
Christians have a right to know about the occult and a choice to practice it, if you do it in order to serve God then how can you go wrong?

Unrestricted Magic for Christians - part 0

Unrestricted Magic for Christians - part 1

Unrestricted Magic for Christians - part 2

Unrestricted Magic for Christians - part 3

Unrestricted Magic for Christians - part 4
Unrestricted Magic for Christians - part 5

 The sephiroth of the Tree of Life with their colours in the worlds of Briah and Assiah


Kether                   White                         White with gold flecks
Chokmah               Grey                           White with red, blue and yellow flecks
Binah                     Black                          Grey with pink flecks
Chesed                  Blue                             Azure with yellow flecks
Geburah                Red                             Red with black flecks
Tiphareth              Yellow                          Amber
Netzach                Green                          Olive with gold flecks
Hod                      Orange                         Yellowish black with white flecks
Yesod                   Violet                           Citrine with azure flecks
Malkuth              Citrine                          Black rayed with yellow

In regards to the aspects of God and the Archangels in the sephiroth they are the same in all worlds.
Though I do believe that the Lord Jesus Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth is applicable to the sephirah of Malkuth in Assiah.

Kether                      Eheieh Asher Eheieh               Metatron
Chokmah                 Jah (Jehovah)                           Ratziel
Binah                       Jehovah Elohim                        Tzaphkiel
Chesed                    El                                               Tzadkiel
Geburah                  Elohim Gibor                             Khamael
Tiphareth                Jehovah Aloah va Daath          Raphael
Netzach                  Jehovah Tzabaoth                      Haniel
Hod                         Elohim Tzabaoth                       Michael
Yesod                      Shaddai El Chai                         Gabriel
Malkuth                 Adonai Ha Aretz                        Sandalphon

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Prayers of redemption for Lilith and Marinette

Prayers should, infact indeed be offered for the reconciliation for Lilith and Marinette to reconcile themselves with God and redeem themselves on this earth in this world (Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah). If this happens we can counteract the reversal of order that is taking place now.

I have done previous posts where I have dealt with Lilith and Marinette and I do believe we have to act now. I'm not saying that I know everything, infact you may have a more efficient prayer or general strategy than me. And if you do then dont stay silent and share it with everyone, no price is too high for anyone to serve the Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham.
This post is not complete by any means and I shall continue it as I can and post when I believe that I cannot offer anything better in the information that I share.
I may not know everything but I will tell you everything that I know.

Previous posts

The below prayers will cover the 4 worlds, you could alter them to suit whatever belief system or sect that you adhere to. But the 1st and foremost action of your prayer is to get Lilith and Marinette to reconcile to God and redeem themselves on this earth in this world.


God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
The revelation turned Abram into Abraham
And Abraham revealed you to us
The idols were smashed and the djinn were no longer worshipped
You gave order to all existance and allowed us to be created and gave us autonomy. Praise be upon you by all existance without exception
You gave us the 4 worlds and gave us the ability to comprehend their existance

But Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, the djinn seek to steal Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah from your perfect divine order. They seek to steal and enslave mankind which is created in your image and indeed all life and everything else on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah, yes O Lord they seek to steal and possess this earth in this world to complete the Tree of Death to make it theirs.

They seek to prevent Judgment Day and to imprison us eternally with Moloch in his Tree of Death in his world of Tohu
I do not want to wait till after my death in Assiah to see Moloch and his legion depart into misery
I wish to see his downfall in Assiah While I am still alive within it, the Tree of Death is so rotten it surely must collapse within itself

God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, I appeal to you in the world of Atziluth
Holy Spirit of emanation I propose the following;
If Lilith is taken out of Gomaliel on the Tree of Death would not the tree be out of balance and cease to function?
And if Marinette Bwa Cheche were prevented from assuming the role that Lilith no longer maintains would not Molochs' kingdom be isolated and Tohu be confined to those who would implement the world of Tohu onto everyone but themselves?

By choice or by force O Holy Spirit of Atziluth could not Lilith and Marinette be placed on this earth in this world in human form to atone for and rectify situations and problems that they may have created or caused whether entirely or in part?
I believe that this is fair and by doing so Lilith and Marinette will find a way to atonement with you Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham

Let us restore order as you meant it to be, give the faithful guidance and original thought as the world of emanation can do that Holy Spirit of Atziluth
I trust in your judgment, I ask for your blessings, I thank you for your being, I know you can hear me

And you alone Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham are worthy of praise, prayer and utter devotion
Praise be upon you for your unity is one in all worlds


God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
The revelation turned Abram into Abraham
And Abraham revealed you to us
The idols were smashed and the djinn were no longer worshipped
You gave creation to all existance and allowed us to be created and gave us autonomy.

Praise be upon you by all existance without exception
You gave us the 4 worlds and gave us the ability to comprehend their existance

But Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, the djinn seek to steal Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah from your perfect divine order. They seek to steal and enslave mankind which is created in your image and indeed all life and everything else on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah, yes O Lord they seek to steal and possess this earth in this world to complete the Tree of Death to make it theirs.

They seek to prevent Judgment Day and to imprison us eternally with Moloch in his Tree of Death in his world of Tohu
I do not want to wait till after my death in Assiah to see Moloch and his legion depart into misery
I wish to see his downfall in Assiah While I am still alive within it, the Tree of Death is so rotten it surely must collapse within itself

God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, I appeal to you in the world of Briah
Holy Creator Father Jehovah I propose the following;
If Lilith is taken out of Gomaliel on the Tree of Death would not the tree be out of balance and cease to function?
And if Marinette Bwa Cheche were prevented from assuming the role that Lilith no longer maintains; Would not Molochs' kingdom be isolated and Tohu be confined to those who would implement the world of Tohu onto everyone but themselves?

By choice or by force Holy Creator Father Jehovah of Briah could not Lilith and Marinette be placed on this earth in this world in human form to atone for and rectify situations and problems that they may have created or caused whether entirely or in part?
I believe that this is fair and by doing so Lilith and Marinette will find a way to atonement with you Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
Let us restore order as you meant it to be, give the faithful guidance and original thought as the world of creation can do that Holy Creator Father Jehovah of Briah

Give me the vision and imagination to see how I can see the solutions to the problems on this earth in this world, please guide me to make the appropriate and correct choices.

Please give me an overview to see the enemies of us all, you are the Holy Father and there is no other. As for the apostate who claims to be the one of that title, please make his life misery until he repents.

I trust in your judgment, I ask for your blessings, I thank you for your being, I know you can hear me
And you alone Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham are worthy of praise, prayer and utter devotion
Praise be upon you for your unity is one in all worlds


God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
The revelation turned Abram into Abraham
And Abraham revealed you to us
The idols were smashed and the djinn were no longer worshipped
You gave creation to all existance and allowed us to be formed and gave us autonomy.

Praise be upon you by all existance without exception
You gave us the 4 worlds and gave us the ability to comprehend their existance

But Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, the djinn seek to steal Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah from your perfect divine order. They seek to steal and enslave mankind which is created in your image and indeed all life and everything else on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah, yes O Lord they seek to steal and possess this earth in this world to complete the Tree of Death to make it theirs.

They seek to prevent Judgment Day and to imprison us eternally with Moloch in his Tree of Death in his world of Tohu
I do not want to wait till after my death in Assiah to see Moloch and his legion depart into misery
I wish to see his downfall in Assiah While I am still alive within it, the Tree of Death is so rotten it surely must collapse within itself

God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, I appeal to you in the world of Yetzirah
Holy Essence of God Christ of Yetzirah I propose the following;
If Lilith is taken out of Gomaliel on the Tree of Death would not the tree be out of balance and cease to function?
And if Marinette Bwa Cheche were prevented from assuming the role that Lilith no longer maintains; Would not Molochs' kingdom be isolated and Tohu be confined to those who would implement the world of Tohu onto everyone but themselves?

By choice or by force Holy Essence of God Christ of Yetzirah could not Lilith and Marinette be placed on this earth in this world in human form to atone for and rectify situations and problems that they may have created or caused whether entirely or in part?
I believe that this is fair and by doing so Lilith and Marinette will find a way to atonement with you Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
Let us restore order as you meant it to be, give the faithful guidance and original thought as the world of creation can do that Holy Essence of God Christ of Yetzirah

Instill in me the discipline and ability to bring about the formation to bring the solution to serve the mission needed to derail the train that is directing the thoughts of all on the earth in Assiah to Lilith in Tohu. Derail them O Lord! Let the servants of Moloch not suceed in stealing us away from your Divine love.
Destroy Tohu
Free Lilith and Marinette
Isolate Nahema
Dispose of Moloch
Imprison his followers
Use me as a tool to implement the restoration and rectification of Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah. Let us save Malkuth!
Let the enemies of the Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham be gone from this world and find their hell infinitely far away from us
They renounce God, they renounce the Holy Trinity, they renounce their souls, we mean nothing to them and they mean nothing to the faithful and it is their choice to be this way

I trust in your judgment, I ask for your blessings, I thank you for your being, I know you can hear me
And you alone Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham are worthy of praise, prayer and utter devotion
Praise be upon you for your unity is one in all worlds


God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
The revelation turned Abram into Abraham
And Abraham revealed you to us
The idols were smashed and the djinn were no longer worshipped
You gave creation to all existance and allowed us to be formed and gave us autonomy. Praise be upon you by all existance without exception
You gave us the 4 worlds and gave us the ability to comprehend their existance
Praise be upon you and none other

But Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, the djinn seek to steal Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah from your perfect divine order. They seek to steal and enslave mankind which is created in your image and indeed all life and everything else on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah, yes O Lord they seek to steal and possess this earth in this world to complete the Tree of Death to make it theirs

The djinn wish to take this earth in this world, the earth which I am on
You alone have the right to decide who is my owner, my master
Not unfaithful rebellious spirits and I have not given myself to any mortal or angel for that matter
I declare that I have by my own choice willingly given myself to you and that includes all authority given by you
And you alone for there is no other God, nor has there ever been, nor will there ever be

There is only one Lord on this earth in this world and that Lord is the Lord Jesus Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth
He is the aspect of you, and you alone
In this world
Assiah the world of action
I will strive to keep this world as Assiah, I will not accept or submit to Tohu
This is Malkuth not Lilith
Let all beings make their choice and let us each be judged on our choice
And recieve our reward or penalty for that choice
Let us know and understand your decision for your judgment is perfect, fair, beyond repudiation, beyond reproach
If I pray to you because I desire heaven
Then deny me heaven
I pray to you because you alone are God, your aspects are perfect and your unity is one
You alone are worthy of worship and there is none other

God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, I appeal to you in the world of Assiah
Lord Jesus Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah I propose the following;
If Lilith is taken out of Gomaliel on the Tree of Death would not the tree be out of balance and cease to function?
And if Marinette Bwa Cheche were prevented from assuming the role that Lilith no longer maintains; Would not Molochs' kingdom be isolated and Tohu be confined to those who would implement the world of Tohu onto everyone but themselves?
We, I am in Assiah, this is the world that was emanated, created, formated and brought into action by you for us to rule for you on your behalf. It was also brought about to provide a place for demons to redeem themselves for you and you alone
But as some have sought redemption then some have sought to stop them
And even worse are the humans who seek to help those who want to keep the kingdom of Satan on this earth in this world
A kingdom divided on itself
On an earth divided on itself
As you warned us

By choice or by force Lord Jesus Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah could not Lilith and Marinette be placed on this earth in this world in human form to atone for and rectify situations and problems that they may have created or caused whether entirely or in part?
I believe that this is fair and by doing so Lilith and Marinette will find a way to atonement with you Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
Let us restore order as you meant it to be, give the faithful guidance and original thought as the world of action can do that Lord Jesus Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah

Instill in me the discipline and ability to bring about the formation to bring the solution to serve the mission needed to derail the train that is directing the thoughts of all on the earth in Assiah to Lilith in Tohu. Derail them O Lord! Let the servants of Moloch not succeed in stealing us away from your Divine love.
Destroy Tohu
Free Lilith and Marinette
Isolate Nahema
Dispose of Moloch
Imprison his followers
Use me as a tool to implement the restoration and rectification of Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah. Let us save Malkuth!
Let the enemies of the Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham be gone from this world and find their hell infinitely far away from us.
They renounce God, they renounce the Holy Trinity, they renounce their souls, we mean nothing to them and they mean nothing to the faithful and it is their choice to be this way

This is Assiah O Lord, this is where all our actions must be dealt with
If you allow us to ruin the sephira of Gomaliel then the Tree of Death will collapse and die and take the unredeemable with them
Guide us O Lord, bless the faithful and give us direction
In service to you how can we fail?
This world will be rectified and restored

I trust in your judgment, I ask for your blessings, I thank you for your being, I know you can hear me
And you alone Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham are worthy of praise, prayer and utter devotion
Praise be upon you for your unity is one in all worlds

Saturday, 6 December 2014

How prophecy can be interpreted and distorted - part 1

But while I’m on a subject such as Israel and show how prophecy can be interpreted and distorted to achieve a stage in the disholy trinity war against God, allow me to list and explain other ‘god events’ that you might be on the receiving end of. Starting with…

A new ‘true’ god: Gnostics have been pushing the line that Jehovah aka the God of Abraham is not the creator of us or anything else for that matter. Instead the Gnostics like to portray him as a demigod, a rogue who has enslaved us all within the material world. This ‘true god’ cannot access us because Jehovah has placed a barrier between this ‘god’ and us. The name and nature of this ‘god’ can vary, the two names that I have are Pistis Sophia and Enjare. The former is a feminine entity and the latter is… well I just don’t know… From the very, very little I’ve read it comes across as similar to Jehovah, a ‘lite’ version if you will. If anything it comes off as a rip off of The Virgin Mary and Jehovah, with the vagueness involved either of these names can convey any message to anyone but so far we have seen they mean nothing to no one.

I suppose they can be continually redefined to cater to people who are silly enough to get sucked into worshipping such entities or at least their names. I also imagine a hip, cool, flash, gnarly social media campaign with some celebrities involved would roundup a herd mentality fad of the moment which would infect a good deal of the younger members of the general population. It wouldn’t really matter how far it initially spread or how long it was a mainstream fad because it would leave its’ virus dormant in the population just waiting for something to set it off once again. Even if the belief in a new ‘god’ with a user friendly theology of its’ own did not gain a lot of hardcore adherents, the corruption of other faiths would occur because of a willingness by the mainstream faiths to negotiate their beliefs in order to recruit the followers of this new ‘god’ regardless of whether or not those who profess to worship this ‘god’ actually believe in it or not. But of course a new ‘god’ would need a prophet on earth to propagate it; so it would need a…

New messiah: Messiahs are a dime a dozen these days, every religion seems to have someone who claims to be a prophet returned. Mosiach returned, Jesus returned, Imam Mahdi returned, Buddha returned etc. Something for everyone, regardless of whether these self proclaimed prophets and saviours are either crazy, crooked or are just mistaken they operate along the lines of the new ‘god’. And again they will get followers, depending on whether or not they look good on TV because the TV pulpit is global. If the ‘prophet of the day’ gets celebrity endorsement and is accepted as one, then there is no need to perform miracles in public as special effects and stooges in TV congregations can give the appearance of supernatural healings and the like. It is really worthwhile to hear what these false prophets say; usually it is along the lines of how ‘humanity must come together as one’ or ‘we together can do the work god can do,…he wants us to’. The messages of these messiahs whether they are in person or channelled seem to be humanist in nature, usually without any strong dogma and are quite flexible and can go across nations, races, societies and religions – something for everyone. And just like the new god, the teachings will corrupt all others and make them worthless. New messiahs usually come with new prophecies or new interpretations of old ones, such as…

A new Earth: And that you will get if the majority of people on this earth in this world allow themselves to be herded in by the disholy trinity and their inner herd mercenaries. Some people like to say that in Revelations in the New Testament Bible that God will create a new earth or at least scrub everything off the old one after the anti-Christ and his followers have been dealt with once and for all. Whether this prophecy is true or not? I don’t know; but I can see the following scenarios occurring (hypothetically).
1. The disholy trinity takes possession of this earth in this world, they now rebirth the earth. It is no longer Malkuth and now is 100% Lilith, this ‘restored earth’ has been made through the trinity ‘god’. People will live forever because they are faithful to ‘god’; the disholy trinity is the ‘creator’.