The anti-Christ... George Soros?
As we see now that nearly all churches outright refuse to talk about or even mention the end times, largely due to political correctness and infiltration by leftists. Everyone who believes even in a vague concept of God must engage in dealing with this issue. This day and age gets continually worse, evil is being embraced and stupidity is fashionable. There is no concrete standards because there are no longer any absolutes, everything is a variable and the moral code of atheists has full sway. This is an age of moral relativism because atheism and apostasy are now held as a fundamental basis for society, family and the individual.
This earth in this world (Tebhel and Cheled of Malkuth in Assiah) has been seemingly won by the Tree of Death and that tree is now complete. And now we can see its effects such as a worldwide epidemic of dementia and alzheimers. The sufferers may have physical causes of their situation but then again they may not, there is no doubt that people choose to be 'dumb' because it simplifies life to the extent they may feel privileged because they do not need to take any responsibility for their actions. They need not have any sense of responsibility or priorities because they deem it to be the problem of someone else. 'Its not my problem' is their slogan, their catchcry along with 'Im entitled!'. The professionally stupid seem to think that if they can not defeat their age physically then they can do it mentally or even spiritually, the spiritual aspect is what we are seeing being enacted now.
Spirituality cannot be evidenced or demonstrated in an empirical manner (at least in any manner acceptable to the atheist academics who now run the branches of the educational system), we now see anything relating to spirituality reduced to continuous variables where there cannot be any definite truth. What is true to you is true to you and what is true to me is true to me, this is now held as an absolute truth even though they can be for the most part conflicting variables.
We now have an order of chaos and this is no longer Malkuth on the Tree of Life but is Lilith on the Tree of Death and we have to see how to reverse this situation. This situation has not come about by accident but rather due to design and compliance. The apathy people show in this situation is a matter of consent by silence, if it is beneficial to them it is called 'good' but if it is adverse them another catchcry is bellowed namely 'Im a victim!' and indeed this is now acceptable and encouraged. We have professional victim molders usually posing as 'counselors' and other 'mental health practitioners' who see it as their lifes work to facilitate this for their own personal profit. There are two types of people who can profit from this chaos, those being the people who orchestrated the chaos and those who work within it. People who seek plentiful and easy money will gravitate towards these 'misery industries' and their ages are getting younger and younger. Generations will be lost into the malignant arms of Moloch because the variable moral atheist state has replaced the family as Karl Marx planned.
Even though Karl Marx is long dead his ideals are not just being used as a basis for some new fashion political dogma but are instead being used and taught as gospel in all aspects of human society. Everything from agriculture to psychiatry has some sort of Marx idiom attached to it, he is not deemed as just another rabble rouser but as a prophet. A prophet of who? Marx made several mentions of his allegance to Satan in his personal writings which were meant for a select few, but in the time passed that few has become the many. The many have become self indoctrinated and seek to indoctrinate others like a HIV cell will seek to infect other cells in a bloodstream in order to replicate, even worse the self indoctrinated serve a supposed messiah or moshiach unknown to themselves.
Karl Marx was a jew who converted to Christianity and then renounced it, he was not the first jew to do this and Christianity was not the only religion to have this occur. There is the issue of Sabbatai Tzevi who proclaimed himself to be a moshiach and converted to Islam under force. Tzevis' devotees converted to Islam in name only and still engaged in their Tzevi worship, their descendants are now known as the Doenmeh and the current leader of Turkey (Erdogan) and his wife are said to be Doenmeh. The next moshiach was Jacob Frank of Poland and the very first is said to be Simon Magus from Biblical times, the line has been continuous. It is alleged that there has been continuous reincarnation of the moshiach waiting for the conditions to be right until he can proclaim himself 'king of this world'.
If anyone proclaims themself to be the moshiach, then how would they prove it? As the people of this earth embrace stupidity then it is not of any importance for the moshiach. We are seeing the 'post-truth' society just sprouting now, the past truth is of no relevance now but the 'current' truth is of relevance depending on whether it is fashionable and popular. Even though a past 'truth' has been decided to be false due to popular opinion that does not really matter, what is deemed to matter is how the now discredited truth is now being applied.
Truth is truth regardless of whether or not it is fashionable or popular, truth is truth whether one person believes it or whether no one believes it. A variable is only a variable and not an absolute, a person without absolutes has no core values and will have no will of their own. God gave us freewill, then on what basis do people allow it to be taken away by anyone but God? If they are selling their autonomy and indeed their souls, then what is the price they would sell it for? Or are they just giving it away for free? This is the action of a slave who doesnt know they are a slave, nor cares to know.
So if we start the line of pseudo moshiachs from the time of Simon Magus we will see that it has been continuous. With Magus, Tzevi, Frank, Marx and other frauds we will find that they have in common an adoption of apostasy with no absolutes in addition to a tribal supremacist creed. The fake moshiachs were not the anti-Christ because the conditions for a permanent hold on this earth in this world were not opportune. There always was going to be resistance against any anti-Christ regime, largely by Christianity and this is why Christianity is the main target for extermination or else infiltration by apostasy. What has happened to the Judaism of Moses is now occuring to Christianity and Islam, any order in the Abrahamic faiths is being reversed and embraced. The constant variables are now being held as an absolute truth, it is just like what Hasan of Alamut said "Nothing is true, all is permitted".
When looking at the possible anti-Christ of the current age, we have to see who is arranging the favourable circumstances for such a regime especially on a global basis. The fingers are pointing at George Soros or else one of the Rothchilds, both interfere in global societies to the extent that these societies are losing their differences. In fact one can reasonably claim a global society as a monolithic bloc and this suits Soros as he can view and stategise against it as a single entity. Even though he is a billionaire who functions on making money by ensuring others are destitute, he in fact is held as a role model by 'progressive' forces even though he causes the situations which the progressives supposedly oppose. Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis, the likes of Soros and others like him are the arsonists who arrive at the fire they lit as the firemen. And for some unknown reason everyone is thankful to him for extinguishing the fire even though they know he lit it, the more he repeats this scenario the more he measures the consequences and the favourability of the opportunity in which to act.
People will worship Soros either because of his politically correct celebrity, this gives him a fanbase from tribal, racial, sexual identities. Otherwise he caters to those who worship money, and when you look at this he could comand the respect and service of over half the earths population and as his minions continue to reproduce and as his opponents cease reproducing and eventually die off, we will see a planet Soros where all history will be rewritten. This may not even be necessary because as we see the increase of willing stupidity on this earth, then literacy will be forgotten.
Information about a new satanic trinity formed by bael, moloch and mammon and how atheism serves that end. Written by an ex satanist (me - leon xiv) See me on YouTube - And you can download my E-Books (free!) Taking, Holding, Keeping - Possession and Exorcism Today Creed of Assiah
Showing posts with label lilith in assiah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lilith in assiah. Show all posts
Sunday, 27 November 2016
Saturday, 19 December 2015
Reconcile Lilith & Nahema to GOD (i)
Some Q&A about this writing and its purpose.
Q: What is this writing about?
A: This writing is to encourage and lead others into its purpose, that being the reconciliation of Lilith and Nahema with Jehovah or GOD or even the God of Abraham if you wish. Regardless of the names you know the above 3 by, it is their reconciliation with each other that is the purpose.
Q: If this happens what will happen?
A: To be totally honest I don't really know, but if this does happen it would be fair to say that they (Lilith and Nahema) would no longer be figureheads or excuses for the corrupt and perverted who use them to justify their acts of cruelty, corruption and self worship. I do believe if Lilith and Nahema are reconciled with GOD then it would be a great step to Tiqqun Olam or restoration of the world, the world as GOD meant it to be.
A world without evil or malice and with a great improvement to all animated beings.
Q: But what's in it for me?
A: It can cost you nothing, after all what does it cost you to pray? You will be contributing to the greater good of this world and in turn to yourself. You will be forcing honesty to society which to be honest seems quite corrupt. You will feel good because you know you are doing good.
Q: Are we praying to these 2 with the shrines and stuff? Should we be?
A: Absolutely not! You are praying for them not to them, you must never pray to anyone but GOD.
Q: Will you succeed?
A: I certainly hope to, but the more that know means that more can help. We have to start somewhere.
Q: But how is this going to suceed?
A: If Lilith can 'jailbreak' out of the sephira of Gomaliel on the Tree of Death then the tree will be out of balance. It certainly would have a much lesser impact on this earth in this world (Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah... or Malkuth on the Tree of Life)
Q: What is this writing about?
A: This writing is to encourage and lead others into its purpose, that being the reconciliation of Lilith and Nahema with Jehovah or GOD or even the God of Abraham if you wish. Regardless of the names you know the above 3 by, it is their reconciliation with each other that is the purpose.
Q: If this happens what will happen?
A: To be totally honest I don't really know, but if this does happen it would be fair to say that they (Lilith and Nahema) would no longer be figureheads or excuses for the corrupt and perverted who use them to justify their acts of cruelty, corruption and self worship. I do believe if Lilith and Nahema are reconciled with GOD then it would be a great step to Tiqqun Olam or restoration of the world, the world as GOD meant it to be.
A world without evil or malice and with a great improvement to all animated beings.
Q: But what's in it for me?
A: It can cost you nothing, after all what does it cost you to pray? You will be contributing to the greater good of this world and in turn to yourself. You will be forcing honesty to society which to be honest seems quite corrupt. You will feel good because you know you are doing good.
Q: Are we praying to these 2 with the shrines and stuff? Should we be?
A: Absolutely not! You are praying for them not to them, you must never pray to anyone but GOD.
Q: Will you succeed?
A: I certainly hope to, but the more that know means that more can help. We have to start somewhere.
Q: But how is this going to suceed?
A: If Lilith can 'jailbreak' out of the sephira of Gomaliel on the Tree of Death then the tree will be out of balance. It certainly would have a much lesser impact on this earth in this world (Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah... or Malkuth on the Tree of Life)
Reconcile Lilith & Nahema to GOD
I hope to explain and enlist your help to bring back Lilith and Nahema into the service of GOD.
If we can we will help restoration of all into the world GOD planned for us all, we can change the world for the better. Certainly better than it is now.
My motive and my aim
I believe that at this current time the world has become so infinitely and absolutely corrupt in its current status. All of our religions have been perverted to the extent that it is impossible to seperate them from being political movements rather than spiritual beliefs. The teachings of the prophets have been twisted and repeatedly reinterpreted to mean everything to everyone at any given time and now mean nothing to no-one at every given time.
God is still God, I know him as the Creator - Jehovah of Briah, I also know him as Holy Spirit of Atziluth and Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth. I believe in my Creator as nothing would exist without his design and action. There is no other entity that has been shown to create, not Satan and certainly not man. All secondary creation by these two is by using what had already existed before their thought, can either of them create dirt or life from nothing? All creation has ultimately one point of origin, there never was multiple creators. There could not be, looking at the variations of life forms it is obvious that everything is not directly equal but rather complementary which indicates that this is the design and will of an intellect of one who could never be surpassed in any manner.
Today on this earth we have "equality" enforced by those who claim God does not exist and yet hate him so much. These people are maltheists, they believe in the existence of God but regard him as "evil". In this day good has become bad, to be called wicked means you are of a higher rank than your peers. Did not George Orwell predict such things? There is an order to things and this means our entire existence both the physical and spiritual, the seen and unseen as well as the known and unknown.
The maltheists seek to overthrow all order, you might be tempted to call it nihilism but that indicates that they wish to overthrow all order and make no plans to replace it or you could call it a belief in nothing. But look at what is happening and being accepted by the population of the world, people who call themselves the "faithful" pervert the words and roles of the various prophets of various religions. The prophets told people to worship God but now their words have been re-interpreted to mean to worship them as gods. The God of the Heavens has given way to the gods on earth and even then their "deity" passes into insignificance every day. Even the majority of Satanists don't actually believe in Satan, they just use his name in order to look "wicked".
The only god the maltheist has is himself and his worshippers are the willingly stupid and the morally bankrupt. Spiritualism has given way to money as "anything for a dollar" is the new idiom for life. It is of no consequence how you get rich, you can be a drug dealer and you would be wicked in deed and "wicked" in social standing with no moral judgment passed on you as you have risen in earthly "deity" status by acolytes whose only mantra is "anything for a dollar".
I remember a saying that was associated with the hashashin of Persia... "Nothing is true, All is permitted". And indeed this seems to be the case today, natural order is ignored, good and bad are man made political definitions instead of absolute moral judgments and even then it depends for whose financial benefit they will be made.
That being the case we can apply that to matters not of this world in relation to those of this world. We who are faithful to God both in spirit and in physical being should not only seek to awaken the physical beings of this earth but the non physical as well. We have more in common with the spiritual beings that have traditionly regarded as evil rather than the earthly maltheists.
God does not need our help but I think he likes to see what we will do to impress and please him. People can be content by praying in religious services like parrots repeating the same words week in and week out, but anyone can do that - it does not really convey sincerity. We can do better.
Could we do any worse?
So what do I propose?
We should pray for those spiritual entities that are regarded as evil, if each one of us were to "adopt" one and pray for their reconciliation with God think of the difference it would make to the current man made order that we tolerate on this earth. We would truly rise above the maltheist flotsam and jetsum who for all intents and purposes interfere in our relationship with our Creator. If people are willing to pray for us in our time of trouble and times were we have drifted from God, shouldn't we do the same for others whether they are human or not?
Myself I have adopted two entities, the first being Lilith and the second being Nahema.
Lilith was the first wife of Adam, she rebelled against the natural order established by God. She was the first earthly woman not created from Adams' body (rib), she fled the Garden of Eden rather than being expelled and found company in the likes of the fallen Angels lead by the Satan (Lucifer). She is not like us as she is not under the same judgment of Adam and Eve regarding the expulsion from Eden.
Nahema is a demoness much in the way of Lilith and indeed Abyzou, but all 3 have lost any semblance of guiding mortals to serve evil. Whatever they originally had been set out to do has been hijacked by atheists/maltheists/nihiltheists and have been made redundant.
Were both women inheritantly evil? Most unlikely, but the actions of those who are supposedly acolytes of them certainly are and this has stained their reputations.
Let me put this to you, if you didn't like the actions of the government you live under you might decide to run for office in an election or become an activist. What if you won some sort of office but later discover that those who voted for you and supported you were the absolute scum of society? Would you still take office? Would you quit? Would you simply see it as its better to have someone on your side than no-one?
If enough good people can outnumber and outdo the bad then these two would have no interest in keeping their association with the scum using their names and may even rebuke them in front of the world.
This is what I am seeking to achieve, if this happened then what would the maltheists say or do? What could they do?
Look at it this way, your computer has an operating system and as you add third party programs to it the libraries and registry has to make adjustments to accommodate this software. Eventually the system becomes corrupted by conflicting functions and not to mention malware such as viruses and trojans. The hard drive has to be reformatted and operating system reinstalled for things to function as intended.
I believe we as those of this earth and existence have reached that stage.
There seems to be two types of people on this earth - the corrupted and corruptors, its time to make things right.
Or at least certainly try.
Praise the God of All and praise his aspects and name.
Praise God for his unity is one
If we can we will help restoration of all into the world GOD planned for us all, we can change the world for the better. Certainly better than it is now.
My motive and my aim
I believe that at this current time the world has become so infinitely and absolutely corrupt in its current status. All of our religions have been perverted to the extent that it is impossible to seperate them from being political movements rather than spiritual beliefs. The teachings of the prophets have been twisted and repeatedly reinterpreted to mean everything to everyone at any given time and now mean nothing to no-one at every given time.
God is still God, I know him as the Creator - Jehovah of Briah, I also know him as Holy Spirit of Atziluth and Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth. I believe in my Creator as nothing would exist without his design and action. There is no other entity that has been shown to create, not Satan and certainly not man. All secondary creation by these two is by using what had already existed before their thought, can either of them create dirt or life from nothing? All creation has ultimately one point of origin, there never was multiple creators. There could not be, looking at the variations of life forms it is obvious that everything is not directly equal but rather complementary which indicates that this is the design and will of an intellect of one who could never be surpassed in any manner.
Today on this earth we have "equality" enforced by those who claim God does not exist and yet hate him so much. These people are maltheists, they believe in the existence of God but regard him as "evil". In this day good has become bad, to be called wicked means you are of a higher rank than your peers. Did not George Orwell predict such things? There is an order to things and this means our entire existence both the physical and spiritual, the seen and unseen as well as the known and unknown.
The maltheists seek to overthrow all order, you might be tempted to call it nihilism but that indicates that they wish to overthrow all order and make no plans to replace it or you could call it a belief in nothing. But look at what is happening and being accepted by the population of the world, people who call themselves the "faithful" pervert the words and roles of the various prophets of various religions. The prophets told people to worship God but now their words have been re-interpreted to mean to worship them as gods. The God of the Heavens has given way to the gods on earth and even then their "deity" passes into insignificance every day. Even the majority of Satanists don't actually believe in Satan, they just use his name in order to look "wicked".
The only god the maltheist has is himself and his worshippers are the willingly stupid and the morally bankrupt. Spiritualism has given way to money as "anything for a dollar" is the new idiom for life. It is of no consequence how you get rich, you can be a drug dealer and you would be wicked in deed and "wicked" in social standing with no moral judgment passed on you as you have risen in earthly "deity" status by acolytes whose only mantra is "anything for a dollar".
I remember a saying that was associated with the hashashin of Persia... "Nothing is true, All is permitted". And indeed this seems to be the case today, natural order is ignored, good and bad are man made political definitions instead of absolute moral judgments and even then it depends for whose financial benefit they will be made.
That being the case we can apply that to matters not of this world in relation to those of this world. We who are faithful to God both in spirit and in physical being should not only seek to awaken the physical beings of this earth but the non physical as well. We have more in common with the spiritual beings that have traditionly regarded as evil rather than the earthly maltheists.
God does not need our help but I think he likes to see what we will do to impress and please him. People can be content by praying in religious services like parrots repeating the same words week in and week out, but anyone can do that - it does not really convey sincerity. We can do better.
Could we do any worse?
So what do I propose?
We should pray for those spiritual entities that are regarded as evil, if each one of us were to "adopt" one and pray for their reconciliation with God think of the difference it would make to the current man made order that we tolerate on this earth. We would truly rise above the maltheist flotsam and jetsum who for all intents and purposes interfere in our relationship with our Creator. If people are willing to pray for us in our time of trouble and times were we have drifted from God, shouldn't we do the same for others whether they are human or not?
Myself I have adopted two entities, the first being Lilith and the second being Nahema.
Lilith was the first wife of Adam, she rebelled against the natural order established by God. She was the first earthly woman not created from Adams' body (rib), she fled the Garden of Eden rather than being expelled and found company in the likes of the fallen Angels lead by the Satan (Lucifer). She is not like us as she is not under the same judgment of Adam and Eve regarding the expulsion from Eden.
Nahema is a demoness much in the way of Lilith and indeed Abyzou, but all 3 have lost any semblance of guiding mortals to serve evil. Whatever they originally had been set out to do has been hijacked by atheists/maltheists/nihiltheists and have been made redundant.
Were both women inheritantly evil? Most unlikely, but the actions of those who are supposedly acolytes of them certainly are and this has stained their reputations.
Let me put this to you, if you didn't like the actions of the government you live under you might decide to run for office in an election or become an activist. What if you won some sort of office but later discover that those who voted for you and supported you were the absolute scum of society? Would you still take office? Would you quit? Would you simply see it as its better to have someone on your side than no-one?
If enough good people can outnumber and outdo the bad then these two would have no interest in keeping their association with the scum using their names and may even rebuke them in front of the world.
This is what I am seeking to achieve, if this happened then what would the maltheists say or do? What could they do?
Look at it this way, your computer has an operating system and as you add third party programs to it the libraries and registry has to make adjustments to accommodate this software. Eventually the system becomes corrupted by conflicting functions and not to mention malware such as viruses and trojans. The hard drive has to be reformatted and operating system reinstalled for things to function as intended.
I believe we as those of this earth and existence have reached that stage.
There seems to be two types of people on this earth - the corrupted and corruptors, its time to make things right.
Or at least certainly try.
Praise the God of All and praise his aspects and name.
Praise God for his unity is one
Saturday, 30 May 2015
The current state?
The more I look at the events of the current time, the more I see an overview that is not definite but is accepted as so by the zombies that roam this earth in this world and somehow think they are in control while being directed by narcissists through inanimate objects. An obnoxious sociopath can say something amongst a few (who consider themselves unfortunate to hear it) and be simply dismissed as a nutjob, but if the same nutjob says it on radio or TV then the majority will consider themselves fortunate to hear it and regard it as absolute truth. And it will be held as gospel until another nutjob says something else with a smooth voice or a better wardrobe (for TV). And if both nutjobs have insane rants that are opposed to each other, and if both rants are delivered by the same means with the same gimmicks and therefore are indistinguishable then both contradictory rants will be held as simultaneously true and adhered to until 'something fashionably better' comes along.
The people who adhere to such nonsense call themselves 'unique individuals' while insisting on following a collective mindset also known as groupthink, or more correctly 'herdthink'. This itself is contradictory, how can one claim to be an individual while surrendering that individuality to a mob mentality? Even worse is that the zombies who surrender their intellect, spirituality and thus their souls to the herd, also give default permission for the mob to exterminate them and steal their bloodline.
The proper term for Earth as we know it is 'Tebhel and Cheled of Malkuth in Assiah' or to put it another way... 'Tebhel + Cheled = Malkuth which is within Assiah.'
Tebhel is the inanimate aspect of this earth, the purely physical. Cheled is the spiritual aspect and both aspects in balance brings forth natural life on this earth and allows it to live and not just to survive.
It is in Malkuth that we find inspiration and aspire for the higher realms in the Tree of Life.
But alas, we are going in the opposite direction. Whats even worse is that who do not go in this direction voluntarily with the herd are been dragged down and lost in their wake. As the vices of Malkuth are deemed to be the aim to dedicate ones life to, you have to ask 'For whose benefit?' is it for as it is certainly not yours or anyone else in a similar position to you. Such things can only be viewed in a physical sense for there does not seem to be an intellectual or rational input factor in herdthink and certainly not a spiritual one.
As atheism among humans increases because it is 'fashionable' and demons seem to be the only population on this earth in this world to have 100% belief in God and thus have become the major stakeholder of Cheled.
Thus by default Tebhel and Cheled of Malkuth within the Tree of Life of Assiah has become Tebhel and Cheled of Lilith within the Tree of Death of Assiah. Also by default Moloch is the Satan and Lucifer has been sidelined as there are more fanatical abortionists than worshipers of Lucifer as the Satan. Both are equal in standing in the realm of Thaumiel in the Tree of Death and even though Lucifer is deemed the 'evil spirit' and thus more of a danger to humans, it was infact Moloch aka Baal Hamon who brought in the practice of burning children alive in order to gain his favour and thus that of the demonic order in order to physically gain for ones self in a financial sense.
As history is being erased and rewritten we see the aspects of Moloch presence on earth being forgotten and being injected into modern 'life' as fashionable and politically correct. In fact political thought and adherance has replaced or corrupted religious theology and indeed faith, as can be seen where zombies view the United Nations as 'their' own Tree of Life on earth regardless of how it functions as the Tree of Death and the ineffectual non-entity who claims to be in charge but really is just a titular boss who really has no power of any sort but for that which his 'minions' allow him. One can say that for Lucifer as the Satan, he cannot compel one to submit to him but only offer inducements for one to do so by choice. But we also have Moloch who has an increasing amount of those who seek to serve him by default and thus become loyal subjects by default and thus hand over Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah to him by default which will become Lilith by default.
Now one can ask 'What can be done about it?' to which I would say 'What are you willing to do?' Do not all solutions to problems require a price of some sort? I on rare and increasingly rare occasion do encounter Christians who genuinely see things in the same manner I do. But my case is different to most people it seems, having been a theistic Satanist and a practical Kabbalist Ive learned and experienced things they never have and it seems never will. They seem overwhelmed by what I say and also by their attempts and successes in comprehending what I might say and indeed by what they may discover. Even though I am happy that I find these people the fact is that most of them are elderly and will probably die before they feel and see and know that the world will restore to the correct balance (Tiqqun Olam) that it was meant to be.
In all honesty I havent found anyone recently who has the knowledge or experience I have, I am not boasting but on the net all I have found is bullshiting hustlers and wannabe bonejackers. I hoped initially that there would be more experienced defectors than me and that they would tell all. But I havent heard of any recently, which tells me that they are either dead, gone into permanent hiding, or else (which should worry you)....still on team Satan (regardless if its Lucifer or Moloch).
So this is the overview as I currently see it, I can think of the following scenarios.
a) As the Tebhel aspect of this earth becomes more pronounced due to atheism and apostasy and indeed becomes the majority aspect of humanity, the Cheled aspect will be largely held by demons as the corruption within any faith of the God of Abraham makes any genuine faith void by default.
- The result (if it isnt already) is that Malkuth is now a shadow realm to Lilith and the Tree of Death is complete.
b) If the Tree of Death is now complete, then this earth in this world (Lilith) would have the majority share of Cheled in Assiah (though the other planets do have a very few demons attributed to them, I think this is largely to do with astrological mechanics). If that is the case then Assiah is lost to the Satan (Ha-Shaitan). This is what is needed as a base in order to attack the other 3 (known) worlds. As for the humans (atheist and otherwise)? There is no escape.
c) By default if the above occur then there would be no need for Judgment Day as all humans at the time this occurs would be guilty by default. God may or may not assign a certain time for 'inprisonment' but as time is only really a symbolic measurement which is only used in Assiah, it would not be a priority (nor a need) for God to adhere to any timeline. Also if the above occurs, God just may cut off Assiah and isolate it entirely. This can be done by enveloping Assiah in a 'ring-pass-not' which describes itself, nothing in Assiah can pass it. In addition no magic could be performed regardless of the knowledge one has, in fact any 'magic' would come about by a political type buddy system and 'miracles' would only occur on the personal whim of one of the secondary causes.
d) Probably most people seem to think that 'Jesus will come and save me!', but in all honesty look at the sociopaths, psychopaths, narcissists, God haters etc. Would you save such people? Those who have renounced their own souls? Those who have only 2 personalities, those being the 'entitled' and the 'victim'.
So what course of action can be done by the believer? They could either.....
e) Seek to propagate the teachings of God that being the God of Abraham and basically devote your life to doing so. Plenty of people do so already but how successful are they?
f) Exterminate the population of this earth.
The pros - Brings evil among humans to a halt
The cons - Hands over the earth to Ha-Shaitan and possibly you would condemn yourself.
Either way if you want to be 'the one' to keep Assiah for God you will have to lift yourself utmost, beyond any concept of intelligence, bravery, glory, indeed you will have to take all the virtues and master all the vices of the Tree of Life. And if you do so... you will impress God.
The people who adhere to such nonsense call themselves 'unique individuals' while insisting on following a collective mindset also known as groupthink, or more correctly 'herdthink'. This itself is contradictory, how can one claim to be an individual while surrendering that individuality to a mob mentality? Even worse is that the zombies who surrender their intellect, spirituality and thus their souls to the herd, also give default permission for the mob to exterminate them and steal their bloodline.
The proper term for Earth as we know it is 'Tebhel and Cheled of Malkuth in Assiah' or to put it another way... 'Tebhel + Cheled = Malkuth which is within Assiah.'
Tebhel is the inanimate aspect of this earth, the purely physical. Cheled is the spiritual aspect and both aspects in balance brings forth natural life on this earth and allows it to live and not just to survive.
It is in Malkuth that we find inspiration and aspire for the higher realms in the Tree of Life.
But alas, we are going in the opposite direction. Whats even worse is that who do not go in this direction voluntarily with the herd are been dragged down and lost in their wake. As the vices of Malkuth are deemed to be the aim to dedicate ones life to, you have to ask 'For whose benefit?' is it for as it is certainly not yours or anyone else in a similar position to you. Such things can only be viewed in a physical sense for there does not seem to be an intellectual or rational input factor in herdthink and certainly not a spiritual one.
As atheism among humans increases because it is 'fashionable' and demons seem to be the only population on this earth in this world to have 100% belief in God and thus have become the major stakeholder of Cheled.
Thus by default Tebhel and Cheled of Malkuth within the Tree of Life of Assiah has become Tebhel and Cheled of Lilith within the Tree of Death of Assiah. Also by default Moloch is the Satan and Lucifer has been sidelined as there are more fanatical abortionists than worshipers of Lucifer as the Satan. Both are equal in standing in the realm of Thaumiel in the Tree of Death and even though Lucifer is deemed the 'evil spirit' and thus more of a danger to humans, it was infact Moloch aka Baal Hamon who brought in the practice of burning children alive in order to gain his favour and thus that of the demonic order in order to physically gain for ones self in a financial sense.
As history is being erased and rewritten we see the aspects of Moloch presence on earth being forgotten and being injected into modern 'life' as fashionable and politically correct. In fact political thought and adherance has replaced or corrupted religious theology and indeed faith, as can be seen where zombies view the United Nations as 'their' own Tree of Life on earth regardless of how it functions as the Tree of Death and the ineffectual non-entity who claims to be in charge but really is just a titular boss who really has no power of any sort but for that which his 'minions' allow him. One can say that for Lucifer as the Satan, he cannot compel one to submit to him but only offer inducements for one to do so by choice. But we also have Moloch who has an increasing amount of those who seek to serve him by default and thus become loyal subjects by default and thus hand over Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah to him by default which will become Lilith by default.
Now one can ask 'What can be done about it?' to which I would say 'What are you willing to do?' Do not all solutions to problems require a price of some sort? I on rare and increasingly rare occasion do encounter Christians who genuinely see things in the same manner I do. But my case is different to most people it seems, having been a theistic Satanist and a practical Kabbalist Ive learned and experienced things they never have and it seems never will. They seem overwhelmed by what I say and also by their attempts and successes in comprehending what I might say and indeed by what they may discover. Even though I am happy that I find these people the fact is that most of them are elderly and will probably die before they feel and see and know that the world will restore to the correct balance (Tiqqun Olam) that it was meant to be.
In all honesty I havent found anyone recently who has the knowledge or experience I have, I am not boasting but on the net all I have found is bullshiting hustlers and wannabe bonejackers. I hoped initially that there would be more experienced defectors than me and that they would tell all. But I havent heard of any recently, which tells me that they are either dead, gone into permanent hiding, or else (which should worry you)....still on team Satan (regardless if its Lucifer or Moloch).
So this is the overview as I currently see it, I can think of the following scenarios.
a) As the Tebhel aspect of this earth becomes more pronounced due to atheism and apostasy and indeed becomes the majority aspect of humanity, the Cheled aspect will be largely held by demons as the corruption within any faith of the God of Abraham makes any genuine faith void by default.
- The result (if it isnt already) is that Malkuth is now a shadow realm to Lilith and the Tree of Death is complete.
b) If the Tree of Death is now complete, then this earth in this world (Lilith) would have the majority share of Cheled in Assiah (though the other planets do have a very few demons attributed to them, I think this is largely to do with astrological mechanics). If that is the case then Assiah is lost to the Satan (Ha-Shaitan). This is what is needed as a base in order to attack the other 3 (known) worlds. As for the humans (atheist and otherwise)? There is no escape.
c) By default if the above occur then there would be no need for Judgment Day as all humans at the time this occurs would be guilty by default. God may or may not assign a certain time for 'inprisonment' but as time is only really a symbolic measurement which is only used in Assiah, it would not be a priority (nor a need) for God to adhere to any timeline. Also if the above occurs, God just may cut off Assiah and isolate it entirely. This can be done by enveloping Assiah in a 'ring-pass-not' which describes itself, nothing in Assiah can pass it. In addition no magic could be performed regardless of the knowledge one has, in fact any 'magic' would come about by a political type buddy system and 'miracles' would only occur on the personal whim of one of the secondary causes.
d) Probably most people seem to think that 'Jesus will come and save me!', but in all honesty look at the sociopaths, psychopaths, narcissists, God haters etc. Would you save such people? Those who have renounced their own souls? Those who have only 2 personalities, those being the 'entitled' and the 'victim'.
So what course of action can be done by the believer? They could either.....
e) Seek to propagate the teachings of God that being the God of Abraham and basically devote your life to doing so. Plenty of people do so already but how successful are they?
f) Exterminate the population of this earth.
The pros - Brings evil among humans to a halt
The cons - Hands over the earth to Ha-Shaitan and possibly you would condemn yourself.
Either way if you want to be 'the one' to keep Assiah for God you will have to lift yourself utmost, beyond any concept of intelligence, bravery, glory, indeed you will have to take all the virtues and master all the vices of the Tree of Life. And if you do so... you will impress God.
Sunday, 19 April 2015
Bonejacking for dummies
Had a dybbuk annoying me recently (if you dont know what that is then look it up)
Just thinking about 'my' dybbuk (I think I got rid of it, you want me to tell you what I did? OK, before I went to bed at night I did the following. First I made a sign of the Cross facing west, I did it by going vertical with my right hand top to bottom [like a karate chop] and then horizontal right to left. Then I would 'push' with my right hand where the vertical and horizontal lines crossed each other [like the 'stop' gesture]. The Cross symbol went outside the house, turned gold and expanded, the other night it became diamond [didnt expect that] and since then nothings happened.)
Anyway I was thinking about the exorcism part of the book I am sorta writing and I was looking it from the dybbuks point of view. What is the thing that is needed for a demon to try and find atonement and redemption? Answer.....a body! No doubt some demons have managed to possess humans but they have mostly been expelled or else ended up in mental institutions, that is because they have done it to humans with souls and thus face resistance. But these days with an increased global population of God haters and the willingly stupid who by their own words renounce their own souls and indeed these halfwits are reproducing, then it does seem legit to 'bonejack' these meatsuits. Replacing the souls of halfwits with demons will do 2 things, first rid humanity of the chronically narcissistic who seek to be a god or else drag the rest of us down. Second give demons the ability to redeem themselves and seek atonement with God, the bad guys who want to hang tough will be corralled on the fallen tree of death (if Lilith jumps ship then Gomaliel most likely will be blocked up preventing the bad guys from willingly being able to move back and forth between the remenants of the tree of death and this earth in this world (Malkuth in Assiah). Tiqqun Olam would or could come about and we all live happily ever after.
So when you think about it...... a world without atheists would be a good start.
Imagine richard dawkins hold a press conference telling everyone hes found Jesus or Barney Frank denouncing his Godless poofter life. It is certainly possible but we will never know untill we try. So lets look at how we would go about it, maybe we should revisit this thread and rework the application.
But we will have to find demons willing to take part and will basically have to have a 'contract' of sorts as to their behaviour if we were to get them a meatsuit. Scary you say? Well think about the perverts and narcissists roaming our earth these days, demons couldnt be any worse.
Just thinking about 'my' dybbuk (I think I got rid of it, you want me to tell you what I did? OK, before I went to bed at night I did the following. First I made a sign of the Cross facing west, I did it by going vertical with my right hand top to bottom [like a karate chop] and then horizontal right to left. Then I would 'push' with my right hand where the vertical and horizontal lines crossed each other [like the 'stop' gesture]. The Cross symbol went outside the house, turned gold and expanded, the other night it became diamond [didnt expect that] and since then nothings happened.)
Anyway I was thinking about the exorcism part of the book I am sorta writing and I was looking it from the dybbuks point of view. What is the thing that is needed for a demon to try and find atonement and redemption? Answer.....a body! No doubt some demons have managed to possess humans but they have mostly been expelled or else ended up in mental institutions, that is because they have done it to humans with souls and thus face resistance. But these days with an increased global population of God haters and the willingly stupid who by their own words renounce their own souls and indeed these halfwits are reproducing, then it does seem legit to 'bonejack' these meatsuits. Replacing the souls of halfwits with demons will do 2 things, first rid humanity of the chronically narcissistic who seek to be a god or else drag the rest of us down. Second give demons the ability to redeem themselves and seek atonement with God, the bad guys who want to hang tough will be corralled on the fallen tree of death (if Lilith jumps ship then Gomaliel most likely will be blocked up preventing the bad guys from willingly being able to move back and forth between the remenants of the tree of death and this earth in this world (Malkuth in Assiah). Tiqqun Olam would or could come about and we all live happily ever after.
So when you think about it...... a world without atheists would be a good start.
Imagine richard dawkins hold a press conference telling everyone hes found Jesus or Barney Frank denouncing his Godless poofter life. It is certainly possible but we will never know untill we try. So lets look at how we would go about it, maybe we should revisit this thread and rework the application.
But we will have to find demons willing to take part and will basically have to have a 'contract' of sorts as to their behaviour if we were to get them a meatsuit. Scary you say? Well think about the perverts and narcissists roaming our earth these days, demons couldnt be any worse.
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