Just some stuff Ive been sitting on for a while, what you want to do or make of it is up to you.
The 32 Paths of wisdom
Ive just wrote these down as I have read them and I got them from a library book.
As I remember they come from the book "Kabbalah Unveiled" by Papus but that was many years ago so I might be mistaken
I put them up here in case you want them for your records
1st: Admirable Intelligence
2nd: Illuminating Intelligence
3rd: Sanctifying Intelligence
4th: Arresting or Receptive Intelligence
5th: Radical Intelligence
6th: Intelligence of Median Infuence
7th: Hidden Intelligence
8th: Perfect and Absolute Intelligence
9th: Purified Intelligence
10th: Resplendent Intelligence
11th: Fiery Intelligence
12th: Intelligence of Light
13th: Inductive Intelligence of Unity
14th: Illuminating Intelligence (this is the second time it is listed)
15th: Constituting Intelligence
16th: Triumphant and Eternal Intelligence
17th: Disposing Intelligence
18th: Intelligence or House of Affluence
19th: Intelligence of the Secret or of all spiritual activities
20th: Intelligence of Will
21st: Intelligence which rewards all those who seek
22nd: Faithful Intelligence
23rd: Stable Intelligence
24th: Imaginative Intelligence
25th: Intelligence of Temptation or Trial
26th: Renewing Intelligence
27th: Active Intelligence
28th: Natural Intelligence
29th: Corporeal Intelligence
30th: Collective Intelligence
31st: Perpetual Intelligence
32nd: Assisting Intelligence
While I am at it I'll put some more things up from various sources
The 32 absolute ideas corresponding to the Hebrew alphabet and numbers
1. Supreme power
2. Absolute wisdom
3. Infinite intelligence
4. Goodness
5. Justice or severity
6. Beauty
7. Victory
8. Eternity
9. Fecundity
10. Reality
Aleph - Father
Beth - Mother
Gimel - Nature
Daleth - Authority
He - Religion
Vau - Freedom
Zayin - Possession
Cheth - Distribution
Teth - Prudence
Yod - Order
Kaph - Force
Lamed - Sacrifice
Mem - Death
Nun - Reversibility
Samekh - Universal being
Ayin - Equilibrium
Pe - Immortality
Tzaddi - Shadow and reflection
Qoph - Light
Resh - Recognition
Shin - Omnipotence
Tau - Synthesis
These are God names/attributes in correspondance to Hebrew letters and numbers
I am only typing them as I recorded them, whether you wish to use them as part of a ritual is strictly up to you
I dont believe they can be worked in and applied into a conventional kabbalah ritual, certainly not in their entirety
So consider these just part as a historical record (from Papus as I remember...)
They will be written as such...
Letter> Influence> God name> Rulership> Number
Aleph> Air> God of Infinity> Spring/Autumn> 1
Mem> Water> God the Arcane> Winter> 13
Shin> Earth> God the Saviour> Summer> 21
Beth> Saturn> God of Wisdom> Saturday> 2
Gimel> Jupiter> God of Retribution> Thursday> 3
Daleth> Mars> God of the Gates of Light> Tuesday> 4
Kaph> Sun> God the Immutable> Sunday> 11
Pe> Venus> God of Discourse> Friday> 17
Resh> Mercury> God the Head> Wednesday> 20
Tau> Moon> God the End of All> Monday> 22
Heh> Aries> God of God> March> 5
Vau> Taurus> God the Founder> April> 6
Zayin> Gemini> God of Thunder and Lightening> May> 7
Cheth> Cancer> God of Mercy> June> 8
Teth> Leo> God of Goodness> July> 9
Yod> Virgo> God the Principle> August> 10
Lamed> Libra> God of the 30 paths of wisdom> September> 12
(I have a problem with this ^^^ because there are 32 paths as far as I am concerned)
Nun> Scorpio> God of the 50 gates of light> October> 14
Samekh> Sagittarius> God the Destroyer> November> 15
Ayin> Capricorn> God of Adjuration> December> 16
Tzaddi> Aquarius> God of Justice> January> 18
Qoph> Pisces> God of Rectitude> February> 19
Aries> Ram > March 21 - April 19
Taurus> Bull> April 20 - May 20
Gemini> Twins> May 21 - June 20
Cancer> Crab> June 21 - July 22
Leo> Lion> July 23 - August 22
Virgo> Virgin> August 23 - September 22
Libra> Balance> September 23 - October 22
Scorpio> Scorpion> October 23 - November 21
Sagittarius> Archer> November 22 - December 21
Capricorn> Goat> December 22 - January 19
Aquarius> Water Bearer> January 20 - February 18
Pisces> Fish> February 19 - March 20
Even though it is commonly claimed that the Shem ha-Mephorash angels start off in Leo, I do not believe that to be true and hold that it is incorrect. The idea that the zodiac signs for the Shem ha-Mephorash start in Leo instead of Aries comes from MacGregor-Mathers and is a relatively recent thing. However this error has made its way into the Cabalistic Encyclopedia, another error are the sigils that are attributed to the Shem angels. These sigils are not of a planetary sign and indeed resemble the sigils that are attributed to the demons of the Goetia. Like the Shem the Goetia begins at the star sign of aries, the most telling difference between the Shem ha-Mephorash and the Goetia is the placement of the angels/demons in relation to their star sign and day/night attributes.
With the Shem the angels are divided into sequential blocks of six and have a star sign for that block, there is a day/night division and even a division of the planetary hour of when a ritual is being done. But with the Shem there is a bit more latitude compared to the Goetia as the Goetia is an imitation of the Shem and holds together with a very precarious balance.
Example.... the first 3 demons of the Goetia those being Bael, Agares and Vassago are daytime Aries demons and numbered 1, 2, and 3.
However the night demons of Aries are Phenex, Halpas and Malpas are are numbered 37, 38 and 39. If you were to divide a circle on a pie chart you will see those 2 'wedges' are directly opposite to each other to hold balance.
In the Shem you will notice the name Lauviah is repeated (numbers 11 and 17) which leads to the question is there one angel holding two 'positions' or are they seperate?
Well if you look into the Goetia you will see that Belial appears as two 'angels' even though it is the name of a singular entity. As to the story of Lauviah it is said that the difference is the base of the names, that being Lav and Lau respectively. Whether they are different I cant say either way but if one were to call on either then they must refer to the base of the name which differentiates them as part of any ritual. The angel has to be properly identified without any doubt to whom one is addressing; I'll use number 68 - Xabuiah for an example.
You have to have no doubt in who you are calling and pronounciation comes into this so Xabuiah is also known as Chabuiah (Ha-boo-yah) [remember it 'ch' is more of a H sound like 'loch'].
And also known as Chebo (Heh-boh) as well as Cheth Beth Vau (Het-Bet-Vav),
Depending on your native language your pronunciation may not be 100% accurate and that is why you must include as many individual identifiers into your ritual, remember substance is more important than style.
In the listing below I have written the angel names as I got them from 'kabbalah unveiled' and in the brackets ( ) I have written the degrees to be faced when conducting ritual to a particular angel. Make due East as 0 degrees and go clockwise to make the measurements.
1. Vehuiah (0-5)
2 Jeliel (6-10)
3. Sitael (11-15)
4. Elemiah (16-20)
5. Mahasiah (21-25)
6. Lelahel (26-30)
7. Achaiah (31-35)
8. Cahetel (36-40)
9. Aziel (41-45)
10. Aladiah (46-50)
11. Lauviah (51-55)
12. Hahaiah (56-60)
13. Iezalel (61-65)
14. Mebahel (66-70)
15. Hariel (71-75)
16. Hakamiah (76-80)
17. Lauviah (81-85)
18. Caliel (86-90)
19. Leuviah (91-95)
20. Pahaliah (96-100)
21. Nelebael (101-105)
22. Ieiael (106-110)
23. Melahel (111-115)
24. Hahuiah (116-120)
25. Nith-Haiah (121-125)
26. Haaiah (126-130)
27. Jerathel (131-135)
28. Seeiah (136-140)
29. Reiiel (141-145)
30. Ornael (146-150)
31. Lecabel (151-155)
32. Vasariah (156-160)
33. Iehuiah (161-165)
34. Lehahiah (166-170)
35. Chevakiah (171-175)
36. Menadel (176-180)
37. Aniel (181-185)
38. Haamiah (186-190)
39. Rehael (191-195)
40. Ieiazel (196-200)
41. Hahahel (201-205)
42. Mikael (206-210)
43. Veuahiah (211-215)
44. Ielahiah (216-220)
45. Sealiah (221-225)
46. Ariel (226-230)
47. Asaliah (231-235)
48. Michael (236-240)
49. Vehuel (241-245)
50. Daniel (246-250)
51. Hahasiah (251-255)
52. Imamiah (256-260)
53. Nanael (261-265)
54. Nithael (266-270)
55. Mabaiah (271-275)
56. Poiel (276-280)
57. Nemmamiah (281-285)
58. Ieialel (286-290)
59. Harahel (291-295)
60. Mizrael (296-300)
61. Umabel (301-305)
62. Iah-hel (306-310)
63. Anianuel (311-315)
64. Mehiel (316-320)
65. Damabiah (321-325)
66. Manakel (326-330)
67.Itaiel (331-335)
68. Xabuiah (336-340)
69. Rochel (341-345)
70. Jabamiah (346-350)
71. Haiel (351-355)
72. Mumiah (356-360)
Information about a new satanic trinity formed by bael, moloch and mammon and how atheism serves that end. Written by an ex satanist (me - leon xiv) See me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnqUEbnfbt61iecCRL6mHOw And you can download my E-Books (free!) Taking, Holding, Keeping - Possession and Exorcism Today https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1072574 Creed of Assiah https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/392310
Friday, 30 December 2016
Necromancy for today...
With the recent deaths of 'celebrities' we have seen an outpouring of 'grief' (whether legitimate or not) and indeed a type of celebrity worship. So the celebs are dead but with the outpouring of sadness, worship and a type of 'saintness' over them the question to be asked is whether they can 'die' in the immediate term. We still have the likes of Elvis and James Dean worship, I read a claim many years ago that if you play your favourite Elvis song in a dark room with just a candle for light then Elvis will appear for a moment during that song. Is it an old wives tale or is it something else?
As I have said before this earth has been lost, it is no longer Malkuth in Assiah but instead it is Lilith in Tohu, nothing is true and all is permitted. We are seeing the reversal of order, white people are niggers and niggers are gods. This has been planned and atheism has provided the space for this plan to be executed, history and logic are being redefined and rewritten.... and being accepted without any major resistance.
Celebrities have always sought to interfere in our lives, so lets interfere in their deaths. They have the idea that when theyre dead theyre dead and that there are no consequences, this is what they hold true especially now. But what if we could get to them in their last refuge?
"And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them." Revelation 9:6
Looking at the celebrities just recently passed there (from what I see) isnt anyone who would deserve such treatment, it is the living celebrities of today who deserve to be tormented in death. By celebrities this would include politicians and other obnoxious professional bellyachers but this group comes in two flavours, the first being those with ham acting skills who are reasonably attractive and partial to taking their clothes off to get work and publicity. The second are those who seem to know the game and play it with an especial hatred of God, Christianity, white people, heterosexuality (for everyone but themselves). Their outspoken hatred of natural order just happens to be complemented by appearances on TV. The second group demand extortional money for their 'talent' and when the talent isnt there they just have 'talent' redefined and parroted by their groupthink fans who unwittingly approve of the lack of talent of their 'celebrity' idol.
These celebs then spent the money on drugs, medicine and other medical procedures in order to avoid death, some will say it is natural to want to avoid death. Yes but is it natural to be so scared of death that you will use the most unnatural methods to avoid it regardless of the pain involved? These people have a solipsist outlook on life and probably do in all honesty believe the world will end without them. But if they accept the fact they will die they will believe all the rotten things they have done will die with them, and those of their ilk in the media will simply erase their rotteness and the acts they have done and 'reincarnate' and 'rebirth' them in a saint like image. These are the secular saints of today and a look at the likes of Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and Abbie Hoffman are prime examples.
The secular saints have a problem.... despite how much they are worshipped by atheists and apostates no miracles or interaction comes from them wheras the saints linked to Christian faiths do produce miracles. The Christian saints may be the actual person themself who intercede to God on behalf of the person praying at/to the saint but myself..... I largely doubt it. The miracles can be performed by God directly or the angels indirectly but the interactions with the faithful I suspect are largely performed by djinn. This would explain why the 'saints' can only appear occasionally for a limited time, if the djinn wanted to behave maliciously they would do so but not in the name of a saint. Yet in voodoo we can see loas who are malicious but that is because niggers cater to their maliciousness.
Fact is that there are no miracles or interactions from the secular saints because no djinn wants anything to do with them, they did nothing in life to earn respect and can do nothing in death.
They have no protection from anyone, not God or angels and the djinn will not act on their behalf or for their interests. These celebs have nobody, they wanted hell on earth in order to get their paradise. Well seeing that we are now on Lilith in Tohu then who are we to deny them in death what they spent their lifes trying to achieve?
Now lets make them afraid of both living and dying, that would be hell on earth.
Praise be upon Jehovah who is the God of all existance and the only God in existance
As I have said before this earth has been lost, it is no longer Malkuth in Assiah but instead it is Lilith in Tohu, nothing is true and all is permitted. We are seeing the reversal of order, white people are niggers and niggers are gods. This has been planned and atheism has provided the space for this plan to be executed, history and logic are being redefined and rewritten.... and being accepted without any major resistance.
Celebrities have always sought to interfere in our lives, so lets interfere in their deaths. They have the idea that when theyre dead theyre dead and that there are no consequences, this is what they hold true especially now. But what if we could get to them in their last refuge?
"And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them." Revelation 9:6
Looking at the celebrities just recently passed there (from what I see) isnt anyone who would deserve such treatment, it is the living celebrities of today who deserve to be tormented in death. By celebrities this would include politicians and other obnoxious professional bellyachers but this group comes in two flavours, the first being those with ham acting skills who are reasonably attractive and partial to taking their clothes off to get work and publicity. The second are those who seem to know the game and play it with an especial hatred of God, Christianity, white people, heterosexuality (for everyone but themselves). Their outspoken hatred of natural order just happens to be complemented by appearances on TV. The second group demand extortional money for their 'talent' and when the talent isnt there they just have 'talent' redefined and parroted by their groupthink fans who unwittingly approve of the lack of talent of their 'celebrity' idol.
These celebs then spent the money on drugs, medicine and other medical procedures in order to avoid death, some will say it is natural to want to avoid death. Yes but is it natural to be so scared of death that you will use the most unnatural methods to avoid it regardless of the pain involved? These people have a solipsist outlook on life and probably do in all honesty believe the world will end without them. But if they accept the fact they will die they will believe all the rotten things they have done will die with them, and those of their ilk in the media will simply erase their rotteness and the acts they have done and 'reincarnate' and 'rebirth' them in a saint like image. These are the secular saints of today and a look at the likes of Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and Abbie Hoffman are prime examples.
The secular saints have a problem.... despite how much they are worshipped by atheists and apostates no miracles or interaction comes from them wheras the saints linked to Christian faiths do produce miracles. The Christian saints may be the actual person themself who intercede to God on behalf of the person praying at/to the saint but myself..... I largely doubt it. The miracles can be performed by God directly or the angels indirectly but the interactions with the faithful I suspect are largely performed by djinn. This would explain why the 'saints' can only appear occasionally for a limited time, if the djinn wanted to behave maliciously they would do so but not in the name of a saint. Yet in voodoo we can see loas who are malicious but that is because niggers cater to their maliciousness.
Fact is that there are no miracles or interactions from the secular saints because no djinn wants anything to do with them, they did nothing in life to earn respect and can do nothing in death.
They have no protection from anyone, not God or angels and the djinn will not act on their behalf or for their interests. These celebs have nobody, they wanted hell on earth in order to get their paradise. Well seeing that we are now on Lilith in Tohu then who are we to deny them in death what they spent their lifes trying to achieve?
Now lets make them afraid of both living and dying, that would be hell on earth.
Praise be upon Jehovah who is the God of all existance and the only God in existance
Sunday, 27 November 2016
The anti-Christ... George Soros?
The anti-Christ... George Soros?
As we see now that nearly all churches outright refuse to talk about or even mention the end times, largely due to political correctness and infiltration by leftists. Everyone who believes even in a vague concept of God must engage in dealing with this issue. This day and age gets continually worse, evil is being embraced and stupidity is fashionable. There is no concrete standards because there are no longer any absolutes, everything is a variable and the moral code of atheists has full sway. This is an age of moral relativism because atheism and apostasy are now held as a fundamental basis for society, family and the individual.
This earth in this world (Tebhel and Cheled of Malkuth in Assiah) has been seemingly won by the Tree of Death and that tree is now complete. And now we can see its effects such as a worldwide epidemic of dementia and alzheimers. The sufferers may have physical causes of their situation but then again they may not, there is no doubt that people choose to be 'dumb' because it simplifies life to the extent they may feel privileged because they do not need to take any responsibility for their actions. They need not have any sense of responsibility or priorities because they deem it to be the problem of someone else. 'Its not my problem' is their slogan, their catchcry along with 'Im entitled!'. The professionally stupid seem to think that if they can not defeat their age physically then they can do it mentally or even spiritually, the spiritual aspect is what we are seeing being enacted now.
Spirituality cannot be evidenced or demonstrated in an empirical manner (at least in any manner acceptable to the atheist academics who now run the branches of the educational system), we now see anything relating to spirituality reduced to continuous variables where there cannot be any definite truth. What is true to you is true to you and what is true to me is true to me, this is now held as an absolute truth even though they can be for the most part conflicting variables.
We now have an order of chaos and this is no longer Malkuth on the Tree of Life but is Lilith on the Tree of Death and we have to see how to reverse this situation. This situation has not come about by accident but rather due to design and compliance. The apathy people show in this situation is a matter of consent by silence, if it is beneficial to them it is called 'good' but if it is adverse them another catchcry is bellowed namely 'Im a victim!' and indeed this is now acceptable and encouraged. We have professional victim molders usually posing as 'counselors' and other 'mental health practitioners' who see it as their lifes work to facilitate this for their own personal profit. There are two types of people who can profit from this chaos, those being the people who orchestrated the chaos and those who work within it. People who seek plentiful and easy money will gravitate towards these 'misery industries' and their ages are getting younger and younger. Generations will be lost into the malignant arms of Moloch because the variable moral atheist state has replaced the family as Karl Marx planned.
Even though Karl Marx is long dead his ideals are not just being used as a basis for some new fashion political dogma but are instead being used and taught as gospel in all aspects of human society. Everything from agriculture to psychiatry has some sort of Marx idiom attached to it, he is not deemed as just another rabble rouser but as a prophet. A prophet of who? Marx made several mentions of his allegance to Satan in his personal writings which were meant for a select few, but in the time passed that few has become the many. The many have become self indoctrinated and seek to indoctrinate others like a HIV cell will seek to infect other cells in a bloodstream in order to replicate, even worse the self indoctrinated serve a supposed messiah or moshiach unknown to themselves.
Karl Marx was a jew who converted to Christianity and then renounced it, he was not the first jew to do this and Christianity was not the only religion to have this occur. There is the issue of Sabbatai Tzevi who proclaimed himself to be a moshiach and converted to Islam under force. Tzevis' devotees converted to Islam in name only and still engaged in their Tzevi worship, their descendants are now known as the Doenmeh and the current leader of Turkey (Erdogan) and his wife are said to be Doenmeh. The next moshiach was Jacob Frank of Poland and the very first is said to be Simon Magus from Biblical times, the line has been continuous. It is alleged that there has been continuous reincarnation of the moshiach waiting for the conditions to be right until he can proclaim himself 'king of this world'.
If anyone proclaims themself to be the moshiach, then how would they prove it? As the people of this earth embrace stupidity then it is not of any importance for the moshiach. We are seeing the 'post-truth' society just sprouting now, the past truth is of no relevance now but the 'current' truth is of relevance depending on whether it is fashionable and popular. Even though a past 'truth' has been decided to be false due to popular opinion that does not really matter, what is deemed to matter is how the now discredited truth is now being applied.
Truth is truth regardless of whether or not it is fashionable or popular, truth is truth whether one person believes it or whether no one believes it. A variable is only a variable and not an absolute, a person without absolutes has no core values and will have no will of their own. God gave us freewill, then on what basis do people allow it to be taken away by anyone but God? If they are selling their autonomy and indeed their souls, then what is the price they would sell it for? Or are they just giving it away for free? This is the action of a slave who doesnt know they are a slave, nor cares to know.
So if we start the line of pseudo moshiachs from the time of Simon Magus we will see that it has been continuous. With Magus, Tzevi, Frank, Marx and other frauds we will find that they have in common an adoption of apostasy with no absolutes in addition to a tribal supremacist creed. The fake moshiachs were not the anti-Christ because the conditions for a permanent hold on this earth in this world were not opportune. There always was going to be resistance against any anti-Christ regime, largely by Christianity and this is why Christianity is the main target for extermination or else infiltration by apostasy. What has happened to the Judaism of Moses is now occuring to Christianity and Islam, any order in the Abrahamic faiths is being reversed and embraced. The constant variables are now being held as an absolute truth, it is just like what Hasan of Alamut said "Nothing is true, all is permitted".
When looking at the possible anti-Christ of the current age, we have to see who is arranging the favourable circumstances for such a regime especially on a global basis. The fingers are pointing at George Soros or else one of the Rothchilds, both interfere in global societies to the extent that these societies are losing their differences. In fact one can reasonably claim a global society as a monolithic bloc and this suits Soros as he can view and stategise against it as a single entity. Even though he is a billionaire who functions on making money by ensuring others are destitute, he in fact is held as a role model by 'progressive' forces even though he causes the situations which the progressives supposedly oppose. Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis, the likes of Soros and others like him are the arsonists who arrive at the fire they lit as the firemen. And for some unknown reason everyone is thankful to him for extinguishing the fire even though they know he lit it, the more he repeats this scenario the more he measures the consequences and the favourability of the opportunity in which to act.
People will worship Soros either because of his politically correct celebrity, this gives him a fanbase from tribal, racial, sexual identities. Otherwise he caters to those who worship money, and when you look at this he could comand the respect and service of over half the earths population and as his minions continue to reproduce and as his opponents cease reproducing and eventually die off, we will see a planet Soros where all history will be rewritten. This may not even be necessary because as we see the increase of willing stupidity on this earth, then literacy will be forgotten.
As we see now that nearly all churches outright refuse to talk about or even mention the end times, largely due to political correctness and infiltration by leftists. Everyone who believes even in a vague concept of God must engage in dealing with this issue. This day and age gets continually worse, evil is being embraced and stupidity is fashionable. There is no concrete standards because there are no longer any absolutes, everything is a variable and the moral code of atheists has full sway. This is an age of moral relativism because atheism and apostasy are now held as a fundamental basis for society, family and the individual.
This earth in this world (Tebhel and Cheled of Malkuth in Assiah) has been seemingly won by the Tree of Death and that tree is now complete. And now we can see its effects such as a worldwide epidemic of dementia and alzheimers. The sufferers may have physical causes of their situation but then again they may not, there is no doubt that people choose to be 'dumb' because it simplifies life to the extent they may feel privileged because they do not need to take any responsibility for their actions. They need not have any sense of responsibility or priorities because they deem it to be the problem of someone else. 'Its not my problem' is their slogan, their catchcry along with 'Im entitled!'. The professionally stupid seem to think that if they can not defeat their age physically then they can do it mentally or even spiritually, the spiritual aspect is what we are seeing being enacted now.
Spirituality cannot be evidenced or demonstrated in an empirical manner (at least in any manner acceptable to the atheist academics who now run the branches of the educational system), we now see anything relating to spirituality reduced to continuous variables where there cannot be any definite truth. What is true to you is true to you and what is true to me is true to me, this is now held as an absolute truth even though they can be for the most part conflicting variables.
We now have an order of chaos and this is no longer Malkuth on the Tree of Life but is Lilith on the Tree of Death and we have to see how to reverse this situation. This situation has not come about by accident but rather due to design and compliance. The apathy people show in this situation is a matter of consent by silence, if it is beneficial to them it is called 'good' but if it is adverse them another catchcry is bellowed namely 'Im a victim!' and indeed this is now acceptable and encouraged. We have professional victim molders usually posing as 'counselors' and other 'mental health practitioners' who see it as their lifes work to facilitate this for their own personal profit. There are two types of people who can profit from this chaos, those being the people who orchestrated the chaos and those who work within it. People who seek plentiful and easy money will gravitate towards these 'misery industries' and their ages are getting younger and younger. Generations will be lost into the malignant arms of Moloch because the variable moral atheist state has replaced the family as Karl Marx planned.
Even though Karl Marx is long dead his ideals are not just being used as a basis for some new fashion political dogma but are instead being used and taught as gospel in all aspects of human society. Everything from agriculture to psychiatry has some sort of Marx idiom attached to it, he is not deemed as just another rabble rouser but as a prophet. A prophet of who? Marx made several mentions of his allegance to Satan in his personal writings which were meant for a select few, but in the time passed that few has become the many. The many have become self indoctrinated and seek to indoctrinate others like a HIV cell will seek to infect other cells in a bloodstream in order to replicate, even worse the self indoctrinated serve a supposed messiah or moshiach unknown to themselves.
Karl Marx was a jew who converted to Christianity and then renounced it, he was not the first jew to do this and Christianity was not the only religion to have this occur. There is the issue of Sabbatai Tzevi who proclaimed himself to be a moshiach and converted to Islam under force. Tzevis' devotees converted to Islam in name only and still engaged in their Tzevi worship, their descendants are now known as the Doenmeh and the current leader of Turkey (Erdogan) and his wife are said to be Doenmeh. The next moshiach was Jacob Frank of Poland and the very first is said to be Simon Magus from Biblical times, the line has been continuous. It is alleged that there has been continuous reincarnation of the moshiach waiting for the conditions to be right until he can proclaim himself 'king of this world'.
If anyone proclaims themself to be the moshiach, then how would they prove it? As the people of this earth embrace stupidity then it is not of any importance for the moshiach. We are seeing the 'post-truth' society just sprouting now, the past truth is of no relevance now but the 'current' truth is of relevance depending on whether it is fashionable and popular. Even though a past 'truth' has been decided to be false due to popular opinion that does not really matter, what is deemed to matter is how the now discredited truth is now being applied.
Truth is truth regardless of whether or not it is fashionable or popular, truth is truth whether one person believes it or whether no one believes it. A variable is only a variable and not an absolute, a person without absolutes has no core values and will have no will of their own. God gave us freewill, then on what basis do people allow it to be taken away by anyone but God? If they are selling their autonomy and indeed their souls, then what is the price they would sell it for? Or are they just giving it away for free? This is the action of a slave who doesnt know they are a slave, nor cares to know.
So if we start the line of pseudo moshiachs from the time of Simon Magus we will see that it has been continuous. With Magus, Tzevi, Frank, Marx and other frauds we will find that they have in common an adoption of apostasy with no absolutes in addition to a tribal supremacist creed. The fake moshiachs were not the anti-Christ because the conditions for a permanent hold on this earth in this world were not opportune. There always was going to be resistance against any anti-Christ regime, largely by Christianity and this is why Christianity is the main target for extermination or else infiltration by apostasy. What has happened to the Judaism of Moses is now occuring to Christianity and Islam, any order in the Abrahamic faiths is being reversed and embraced. The constant variables are now being held as an absolute truth, it is just like what Hasan of Alamut said "Nothing is true, all is permitted".
When looking at the possible anti-Christ of the current age, we have to see who is arranging the favourable circumstances for such a regime especially on a global basis. The fingers are pointing at George Soros or else one of the Rothchilds, both interfere in global societies to the extent that these societies are losing their differences. In fact one can reasonably claim a global society as a monolithic bloc and this suits Soros as he can view and stategise against it as a single entity. Even though he is a billionaire who functions on making money by ensuring others are destitute, he in fact is held as a role model by 'progressive' forces even though he causes the situations which the progressives supposedly oppose. Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis, the likes of Soros and others like him are the arsonists who arrive at the fire they lit as the firemen. And for some unknown reason everyone is thankful to him for extinguishing the fire even though they know he lit it, the more he repeats this scenario the more he measures the consequences and the favourability of the opportunity in which to act.
People will worship Soros either because of his politically correct celebrity, this gives him a fanbase from tribal, racial, sexual identities. Otherwise he caters to those who worship money, and when you look at this he could comand the respect and service of over half the earths population and as his minions continue to reproduce and as his opponents cease reproducing and eventually die off, we will see a planet Soros where all history will be rewritten. This may not even be necessary because as we see the increase of willing stupidity on this earth, then literacy will be forgotten.
atheist jews,
george soros,
gyorgy schwartz,
jacob frank,
karl marx,
lilith in assiah,
lilith in tohu,
sabbatai tzevi,
willingly stupid
Friday, 11 November 2016
Clinton Supporters
People in America and worldwide are wondering about how a Trump presidency will impact on the world, such as the economic, political, social and moral factors of his rule. And it is his rule, he doesnt owe anything to anyone unlike Hillary Clinton who has taken 100s of millions if not billions in bribes. I believe she was planning a North Korea type dynasty where after she did eight years she would have handed the presidency to her daughter Chelsea. Its along the lines of how Justin Trudeau is now prime minister of Canada, he did nothing to earn this but rather was born into it and indeed we definitely see second generation politicians in the Western world who have taken these positions because they were raised to believe they are entitled. Yet these same spoiled brats are oblivious to their own hypocrisy when they demand the likes of Bashar Assad be overthrown and killed in the name of 'democracy'.
One has to ask what sort of filth support the likes of Clinton and Trudeau? These are the same sort of people who do have an entitlement mentality, they believe that in due time they will be living the same lifestyle as Clinton and Trudeau because it is their right, their entitlement. They hold a belief in society like normal sane people, but they invert it. It isnt a matter of what they can do for society but rather of what society is or is not doing for them. With the triumph of Trump and the defeat of Clinton we have seen these turds wailing, crying, throwing tantrums, rioting; no doubt they will be organising terrorist type gangs along the lines of Black Lives Matter.
What sort of political or ideological belief motivates them? Although it is quite easy to simply put their beliefs under the column of 'leftist' because they will individually give some sort of marxist based answer as a reply, the simpler explanation is that they are nihilists because they believe in nothing. An easy and bloc mentality that caters for anything and anyone can be summed up as nihilist, you can believe in nothing and have no absolutes to adhere to. If a father doesnt buy his children ice cream does the child say or think that his father is a racist, islamophobe, antisemitic, homophobe, etc? No, the child will throw a tantrum and demand it gets what it wants and this is the mentality of Clinton supporters.
That is what Clinton supporters are; a gang of misbehaving children who will only misbehave as long as they have a 'big kid' leading the gang. Hillary was that big kid, the sort which came from a dysfunctional family where the concept of love, respect and order had no place. More importantly responsibility was totally alien along with loyalty. But a big kid is only a big kid until it gets kicked to the gutter; and thats what Donald Trump did. Like in the Rocky IV film where Drago was expected to beat Rocky in Moscow, or like an arranged fight in primary school where a big kid may be thinking 'Im the biggest, I run the gang, everyone likes me, Im the toughest in school'. So when the big tough popular kid get knocked out by a severe beating then all the kids have to ask 'how did this happen!'. They are not asking a question but are demanding an answer.
When they cannot get an answer they will re-evaluate their own position or else they will continue with their naughty child act, if they want to continue with the act then their position is now worse. Instead of being just a naughty child/wannabe tough guy they have become nothing but a stray feral dog. In turn they will hook up with other stray feral dogs and wander the streets with the priority of filling their stomachs, followed by occasion sex and attacking cats and non feral dogs. And they will be like this until either they are caught and killed by a dog catcher or else leave the pack and hope a human will adopt them. Actually their secret hope would be that a human finds them who offers food and a home at which point they may abandon the pack. Stray and lost dogs want a home, feral dogs might accept a home. But! There is no point in someone taking in a feral dog until it comes to understand the concepts of love, loyalty, order and respect or else it will always turn on them because it expects more for nothing.
This is the situation of Clinton supporters today, they are lost and want a home. But until they understand and participate in the concepts of love, loyalty, order and respect then no-one would ever consider adopting them, taking them into their home, or even feeding them scraps. As in the school the big kid has been beaten up and transferred to another school, the kids are now scared of the new big kid and seek to avoid him or else hope that another big kid comes into the school and beats him up. They believe in violence for the sake of violence because 'thats just the way things are done', much like 'daddy punches mummy because thats what it is'.
The defeated big kid goes to a new school with the stories of how the old school was really bad to her; in due time she will have a small cadre form around her through various favours. Members of the cadre start calling in favours from kids in other schools, start bullying and pressuring kids in their school to join up to fight against big kids old school, and all this becomes an endless cycle of which there is no purpose because the original reasons and kids have long gone and all sorts of myths and legends have filled the void. The now adult kids occasionally reminisce over the 'good old days' and are completely indifferent to the violence and misery which they have incited, any news coverage of violence of their old schools are now deemed funny reality TV along with "Oh wow I can relate to that! Gnarly dude!".
The likes of Robert DeNiro, Katy Perry, that disgusting Amy Schumer and other celebrity arseholes who whined 'oh I gonna leave if Don gets in' were really bellyaching 'expel that kid of we will all leave!'. The fact is the school will get a higher IQ and prestige if those punks leave, or even better - expelled. No one will miss them because no one respects them, they are nothing but snot nosed brats who have to rent 'friends' to appear popular.
Donald Trump was the new kid who KO'd the big kid Clinton and scattered her minions, he grew up and became the headmaster. The reputation of the school can excel if the students are in line with him.
One has to ask what sort of filth support the likes of Clinton and Trudeau? These are the same sort of people who do have an entitlement mentality, they believe that in due time they will be living the same lifestyle as Clinton and Trudeau because it is their right, their entitlement. They hold a belief in society like normal sane people, but they invert it. It isnt a matter of what they can do for society but rather of what society is or is not doing for them. With the triumph of Trump and the defeat of Clinton we have seen these turds wailing, crying, throwing tantrums, rioting; no doubt they will be organising terrorist type gangs along the lines of Black Lives Matter.
What sort of political or ideological belief motivates them? Although it is quite easy to simply put their beliefs under the column of 'leftist' because they will individually give some sort of marxist based answer as a reply, the simpler explanation is that they are nihilists because they believe in nothing. An easy and bloc mentality that caters for anything and anyone can be summed up as nihilist, you can believe in nothing and have no absolutes to adhere to. If a father doesnt buy his children ice cream does the child say or think that his father is a racist, islamophobe, antisemitic, homophobe, etc? No, the child will throw a tantrum and demand it gets what it wants and this is the mentality of Clinton supporters.
That is what Clinton supporters are; a gang of misbehaving children who will only misbehave as long as they have a 'big kid' leading the gang. Hillary was that big kid, the sort which came from a dysfunctional family where the concept of love, respect and order had no place. More importantly responsibility was totally alien along with loyalty. But a big kid is only a big kid until it gets kicked to the gutter; and thats what Donald Trump did. Like in the Rocky IV film where Drago was expected to beat Rocky in Moscow, or like an arranged fight in primary school where a big kid may be thinking 'Im the biggest, I run the gang, everyone likes me, Im the toughest in school'. So when the big tough popular kid get knocked out by a severe beating then all the kids have to ask 'how did this happen!'. They are not asking a question but are demanding an answer.
When they cannot get an answer they will re-evaluate their own position or else they will continue with their naughty child act, if they want to continue with the act then their position is now worse. Instead of being just a naughty child/wannabe tough guy they have become nothing but a stray feral dog. In turn they will hook up with other stray feral dogs and wander the streets with the priority of filling their stomachs, followed by occasion sex and attacking cats and non feral dogs. And they will be like this until either they are caught and killed by a dog catcher or else leave the pack and hope a human will adopt them. Actually their secret hope would be that a human finds them who offers food and a home at which point they may abandon the pack. Stray and lost dogs want a home, feral dogs might accept a home. But! There is no point in someone taking in a feral dog until it comes to understand the concepts of love, loyalty, order and respect or else it will always turn on them because it expects more for nothing.
This is the situation of Clinton supporters today, they are lost and want a home. But until they understand and participate in the concepts of love, loyalty, order and respect then no-one would ever consider adopting them, taking them into their home, or even feeding them scraps. As in the school the big kid has been beaten up and transferred to another school, the kids are now scared of the new big kid and seek to avoid him or else hope that another big kid comes into the school and beats him up. They believe in violence for the sake of violence because 'thats just the way things are done', much like 'daddy punches mummy because thats what it is'.
The defeated big kid goes to a new school with the stories of how the old school was really bad to her; in due time she will have a small cadre form around her through various favours. Members of the cadre start calling in favours from kids in other schools, start bullying and pressuring kids in their school to join up to fight against big kids old school, and all this becomes an endless cycle of which there is no purpose because the original reasons and kids have long gone and all sorts of myths and legends have filled the void. The now adult kids occasionally reminisce over the 'good old days' and are completely indifferent to the violence and misery which they have incited, any news coverage of violence of their old schools are now deemed funny reality TV along with "Oh wow I can relate to that! Gnarly dude!".
The likes of Robert DeNiro, Katy Perry, that disgusting Amy Schumer and other celebrity arseholes who whined 'oh I gonna leave if Don gets in' were really bellyaching 'expel that kid of we will all leave!'. The fact is the school will get a higher IQ and prestige if those punks leave, or even better - expelled. No one will miss them because no one respects them, they are nothing but snot nosed brats who have to rent 'friends' to appear popular.
Donald Trump was the new kid who KO'd the big kid Clinton and scattered her minions, he grew up and became the headmaster. The reputation of the school can excel if the students are in line with him.
Thursday, 4 August 2016
Unrestricted Magic for Christians
I am doing a series of clips concerning magic and how Christians can apply it.
It is unrestricted because I will bring my experience of Satanism and Kabbalah up. I am doing this because the 'church' knows little or nothing about the occult and atheism seems to have taken over.
Christians have a right to know about the occult and a choice to practice it, if you do it in order to serve God then how can you go wrong?
Unrestricted Magic for Christians - part 3
Unrestricted Magic for Christians - part 4
Unrestricted Magic for Christians - part 5
It is unrestricted because I will bring my experience of Satanism and Kabbalah up. I am doing this because the 'church' knows little or nothing about the occult and atheism seems to have taken over.
Christians have a right to know about the occult and a choice to practice it, if you do it in order to serve God then how can you go wrong?
Unrestricted Magic for Christians - part 0
Unrestricted Magic for Christians - part 1
Unrestricted Magic for Christians - part 2
Unrestricted Magic for Christians - part 3
Unrestricted Magic for Christians - part 4
Unrestricted Magic for Christians - part 5
The sephiroth of the Tree of Life with their colours in the worlds of Briah and Assiah
Kether White White with gold flecks
Chokmah Grey White with red, blue and yellow flecks
Binah Black Grey with pink flecks
Chesed Blue Azure with yellow flecks
Geburah Red Red with black flecks
Tiphareth Yellow Amber
Netzach Green Olive with gold flecks
Hod Orange Yellowish black with white flecks
Yesod Violet Citrine with azure flecks
Malkuth Citrine Black rayed with yellow
In regards to the aspects of God and the Archangels in the sephiroth they are the same in all worlds.
Though I do believe that the Lord Jesus Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth is applicable to the sephirah of Malkuth in Assiah.
Kether Eheieh Asher Eheieh Metatron
Chokmah Jah (Jehovah) Ratziel
Binah Jehovah Elohim Tzaphkiel
Chesed El Tzadkiel
Geburah Elohim Gibor Khamael
Tiphareth Jehovah Aloah va Daath Raphael
Netzach Jehovah Tzabaoth Haniel
Hod Elohim Tzabaoth Michael
Yesod Shaddai El Chai Gabriel
Malkuth Adonai Ha Aretz Sandalphon
Kether White White with gold flecks
Chokmah Grey White with red, blue and yellow flecks
Binah Black Grey with pink flecks
Chesed Blue Azure with yellow flecks
Geburah Red Red with black flecks
Tiphareth Yellow Amber
Netzach Green Olive with gold flecks
Hod Orange Yellowish black with white flecks
Yesod Violet Citrine with azure flecks
Malkuth Citrine Black rayed with yellow
In regards to the aspects of God and the Archangels in the sephiroth they are the same in all worlds.
Though I do believe that the Lord Jesus Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth is applicable to the sephirah of Malkuth in Assiah.
Kether Eheieh Asher Eheieh Metatron
Chokmah Jah (Jehovah) Ratziel
Binah Jehovah Elohim Tzaphkiel
Chesed El Tzadkiel
Geburah Elohim Gibor Khamael
Tiphareth Jehovah Aloah va Daath Raphael
Netzach Jehovah Tzabaoth Haniel
Hod Elohim Tzabaoth Michael
Yesod Shaddai El Chai Gabriel
Malkuth Adonai Ha Aretz Sandalphon
Saturday, 30 July 2016
Magic....Let's play!
I did this as an example about 4 years ago on a variety of sites, it was first published on
where it still remains.
So you can look at it here or there but I will do it here because as we are now on Lilith in Tohu and not Malkuth in Assiah anymore you should know of an option that the kikes and cucks on this planet do not want you to know.
I have done writings on spiritual warfare on this blog so if youre really interested you can look at stuff I wrote in 2015
I'll add on to this where appropriate and whenever I get the time.
Ask questions as you need to.
While recently reading a thread on this site about internet warriors I decided to put this forth because there are some people on this site who want to achieve something against their enemies but are unable to do so due to physical constraints.
Anyway you have a right to retaliate against those who wronged you and you have a right to know that which I will tell you.
If you believe in the God of Abraham and hate atheists/marxists/one-worlders/etc then continue on. If not, then fuck off.
So what I will do is teach you how to perform magic against avowed enemies of God and yourself and your society. Unlike the 'give us a few hundred dollars and we'll give you a spell' crooks, I intend to show you all aspects of the particular actions I will get you to perform if you wish to.
I want you to understand what you will be doing and why you will be doing it.
Scenario: (so far...)
A loud mouth godless white traitor is giving you the shits by backing publicly every anti-white cause. You want to shut him/her up permanently.
Now to act....
In preparing any sort of attack on an enemy you need intel, including here. But you have to choose your enemies wisely, you have to choose not only the most offensive to all but you should also choose the most likely to chimpout.
"The ones who easily offend and are most easily offended"
You are not only looking to do someone over but also looking to discredit their work, cause and that of their friends/allies.
So far....
1. Pick your target
2. List their allies/friends
3. List any orgnisations they are involved with
4. And their relationships to these organisations and each other
When you have done this you should review the information without bias, you may find that the person you chose out of a personal hatred may not be the best target. If there is someone else in your list who does more damage to your society regardless of whether they have a high or low profile and whose ruination will be more destructive to their cause as a whole then you should make them your initial target. Remember it's not soley about you, if it were then you should just go and kill them.
Review your targets and list them in priority.
Now make listings on the following of the targets....
Full name
Birthday (including time of birth if possible)
Place of birth
Name of parents
Name of spouse and children
Name of grandparents
Why should you do this? Simple...these types of people are all about bloodlines, it is their bloodline they wish to advance and it is that which is their weakpoint. As for the full name it is to do with numerology and gematria, and with birthday it is to do with zodiac factors.
Now once again you review your targets, depending on how much information you can get you have to make a definite single choice....but not just yet.
There is also timing to consider, how soon do you wish/need to do it? Also consider the target zodiac/planetary attributes as well as the attributes of the time you wish to/can only do the ritual required and even attributes relating to yourself.
As you see it is not just a matter of abracadabra.
Also you have to consider the flow on or trickle down effects, let's say you wish to kill a politician because they are a bad bastard. Sure you may rub them out but you could get someone even worse in their place.
It is not just an airy-fairy thing as you might imagine, you have to do some serious thinking.
You will get to know GOD after all...you will petition him...directly!
So you began the exercise with the intention of taking a particular person out but now you have a 'Top 5' or even 'Top 10' of targets. Now you could go with the determination to get the original target regardless of the cost or effect, or you can take a tradesman type approach to do the job you think you would be best suited to. In order to assess the job you can do you have to see what tools are available to you and the tools you actually know how to use.
Shem Ha-Mephorash
Zodiac -Astrology/Planetary factors
Symbolic factors
So I'll use the following texts...
Book on the Shem Ha-Mephorash by Lenain or Papus
The book of the sacred magic of Abramelin the mage
Godwins' Cabalistic Encyclopaedia
You can also use other books which can refer to astrology, herbalism, etc. as you need to.
I highly recommend the last book.
Anyway, I'll use this target as an example as for what to do.
Richard Dawkins
Now I don't really care if someone wants to fuck him over, I'm just using him as an example. He is way past his 'prime' and nothing more than an unfashionable burnout who is getting wishy-washy about his convictions because it has dawned on him that he will kiss the dirt in a few years or so. Makes you wonder how 'atheist' these criminals are.
So let's get to work....
NAME: Clinton Richard Dawkins
D.O.B.: 26 March 1941
PLACE OF BIRTH: Nairobi, Kenya Colony
WIVES: Marian Stamp Dawkins
Eve Barham
Lalla Ward
CHILDREN: Juliet Emma Dawkins
PARENTS: Clinton John Dawkins
Jean Mary Vyvyan (née Ladner)
From this we get that he is an Aries and more importantly we get his full name.
Clinton = 20+30+10+50+400+70+700=1280
Richard = 200+1+8+1+200+4=414
Dawkins = 4+1+6+20+1+50+60=142
1280+414+142= 1836 which using gematria matches 'Sekhel Mitnotzetz' or 'Resplendent Intelligence'
It is the 10th path of wisdom, it matches to Malkuth which is represented by Earth. Malkuth means 'the Kingdom' in relation to the Tree of Life and the number 10 corresponds to the absolute idea of 'reality'
Now some of you might be wondering why it would take an investigation on a target to make a move against him possible. Well if you want to petition God to take out someone you should at least be correct about who you want to take out.
If you say that you want the English guy Richard Dawkins rubbed out, well which Richard Dawkins do you mean?
If you went into a court with unverified evidence you shouldnt be surprised if the judge called you a fuckwit and threw your case out of court.
Looking at the info gathered so far there is no mistake who I am describing (the actual being, he could change his name tomorrow but I still have his birth date and the names of his wives and kid...he cant change that) and infact I could seek to impersonate him on the net. The net is accessible by the physical computer to the non physical realm of 'the net', afterall how do you measure it at any given time?
God helps them that help themselves and you only deserve the reward from the effort you put in. Thats why most prayer fails, people put no effort into their prayer and have no consideration for how the result is achieved. You may want a
couple of hundred thousand to go to Vegas, so you pray (or demand!) that God cough up asap.
Next day you get a phone call telling you that both your parents were killed in a car crash but the life insurance policies will payout soon. Hey you werent specific about how you got it! Gather up as much info and sort out the factors resulting from it.
26+03+1941 = 1970 = 1+9+7 = 17 = 1+7 = 8
No.8 people tend to be control freaks, this matches Dawkins
As I earlier stated "Easy to offend and are easily offended"
Seeing as Dawkins supposedly doesnt believe in this sort of stuff he denies himself the ability to know himself. When you undertake an action like this you seek to know more about a person than they do about themselves.
And when you do you can pre-empt them, success will follow.
Still more to come later....
BTW If youre interested....
I mentioned before that Dawkins is an '8' person, not especially important in itself but is a strand to add on. I look at it this way, if you wanted to cross over a large gap and all there was to use was a rope bridge you would want more than one strand of rope holding or forming it.
Same could be said for an electrical cord, you would want more than one strand of wire to carry a 240 volt charge. So by looking up every conceivable aspect involved with the ritual and the target we can add strands of wire to the cord. Or in hacking terms it is 'sweating the small stuff'.
Now in the Tree of Life the 8th sephira is Hod, it means 'Glory' it is symbolised by Mercury and is more or less to do with the realm of communication and speed.
Again this seems to match up with Dawkins, but he is a godless loud mouthed narcissist and uses his 'birthright' wrongly.
If the pen is mightier than the sword, then I want him to cut his throat with one. A major league chimpout using his 'birthright' to do so to his acolyte audience of God haters and other filth.
Off-hand I can think of 2 ways to destroy his so-called belief in there being no God or as seeing God as an enemy.
1. Make his daughter the target instead of him, when he realises his rotten bloodline and name will be forgotten he will realise what a waste his life has been in the service of evil.
Ok....that really is a bit simple and you dont know what his daughter is really like.
2. We bring Abramelin into it....
Go to the 22nd chapter, now you can pick whatever you want but I'm thinking No.4
The square is a 5x5 (5 letters by 5 letters) and comes under Geburah (the 5th sephira). If you dont know what that means then look it up for yourself!
Quick overview....
We have the following sephira covered....
Geburah - No.5, this is done with the Abramelin square
Hod - No.8, this is linked with his birthdate and demonstrated by his loud mouth nature
Malkuth - No.10, this is linked via gematria because of the mathematical value of his name
Get a hold of a diagram of the Tree of Life and look at the relation of those sephira to each other. If we manage to factor in Kether and Binah we will have created a path from 1 to 10 using the left hand pillar - severity.
So let's say we factor in one of the Shem Ha-Mephorash God aspects as the Kether part and make Saturday as the day of ritual to factor in Binah, we could say the chain is complete.
Whoa ace! Dont think its that easy!
We still have to factor in the 'what ifs' as well as preparing our case to
present to God.
If it was just a matter of wishing people dead do you think you would still be here?
Now it's time to refer to the Shem Ha-Mephorash to decide which God form in bring into our ritual. There are 72 of them...
Scroll down till you find this text...
Here are 3 versions of the 72 names in English letters. ( there are more )
Now off-hand I have picked the following...
God the Creator - Hariel (No.15)
God who erects the Universe - Hakamiah (No.16)
God the Redeemer - Pahaliah (No.20)
God who punishes the Wicked - Jerathel (No.27)
God prompt to aid - Reiiel (No.29)
God in three persons - Hahahel (No.41)
Mover of all things - Sealiah (No.45)
You can also refer to numbers 53, 71 and 72
As you can see there is a variety to choose from and it also brings in a variety of factors. Each of the God aspects/forms (or Angels if you wish) has a star sign assigned to it and in doing so has planetary factors as well as other factors assigned to it as well.
And once you go through all their various aspects/factors, you will have to pick one
So you can add more strands to the cord as you need or wish, you should only add the strand if it is absolute. You cannot (or should not) use 'fuzzy math' just to add something on. In fact it would be best to have only a couple of factors which are absolute rather than an avalanche of iffy factors. Keep it as simple as possible and only expand as you gain the knowledge and experience to do so.
Remember you are asking the Creator, you are not some bullshit politician making a spin speech at election time for the herd.
You cant bullshit the Creator, our God - you are not an equal, you are of a lesser intellect.
There are 2 schools of thought on the astrological aspects of the Shem Ha-Mephorash. This is to do with the order, myself....I see and know Vehuiah to be the 1st and the astrological sign to be Aries.
Look up the aspects yourselves, you need to discover for yourselves that which is required to be known before you go any further. This you should do because I aint going to give you a shrink wrapped/no thinking required explanation.
Now let us review our selections in order to decide the timing of the ritual.
You will rarely find everything just happens to fall in place as you want so you have to do some adjusting, it depends on how quick you wish to do it.
We'll go by zodiac signs that are governed by the aspects
God the Creator - Hariel (No.15) Gemini
God who erects the Universe - Hakamiah (No.16) Gemini
God the Redeemer - Pahaliah (No.20) Cancer
God who punishes the Wicked - Jerathel (No.27) Leo
God prompt to aid - Reiiel (No.29) Leo
God in three persons - Hahahel (No.41) Libra
Mover of all things - Sealiah (No.45) Scorpio
God who humbles the proud - Nanael (No.53) Sagittarius
God, master of the Universe - Haiel (No.71) Pisces
Mumiah (No.72) Pisces
We are looking at planetary influences so we match up a star sign to complement the planets in play that we will be using. Mars and Saturn are good for doing bad things and Mercury is good for speed and just by coincidence they are all found in the left hand pillar of the Tree of Life.
Looking at the zodiac.....
Aries Ram March 21 - April 19
Taurus Bull April 20 - May 20
Gemini Twins May 21 - June 20
Cancer Crab June 21 - July 22
Leo Lion July 23 - August 22
Virgo Virgin August 23 - September 22
Libra Balance September 23 - October 22
Scorpio Scorpion October 23 - November 21
Sagittarius Archer November 22 - December 21
Capricorn Goat December 22 - January 19
Aquarius Water Bearer January 20 - February 18
Pisces Fish February 19 - March 20
It would seem that either.....
God the Creator - Hariel (No.15) Gemini
God who erects the Universe - Hakamiah (No.16) Gemini
Would be the go if I was planning to do it sometime from May 21 - June 20 as this is the closest timeframe to the present time. But I am more concerned with conflicts and complements between planets and zodiac signs.
Anyway I've chosen....
Mover of all things - Sealiah (No.45) Scorpio
Reasons being that it the star sign complements the Mars aspect that is needed for the ritual, it also is governed by Pluto if the appropriate zodiac hour (7 am/pm or Scorpio hour on Mars hour = Pluto hour) matches the Mars hour.
Pluto is the planet for transformation
Now we go to this site....
So I've chosen 22nd May (Tuesday) to act and according to the calculator based on Sydney, Australia I get 2 shots on that day.
06:54 - 07:42
19:10 - 20:19
The preferable time is in the morning, the star signs have 6 God forms assigned to them.
3 by day and 3 by night, Sealiah is a daytime form and is the 3rd of the 3.
Dividing the zodiac hour (06:54 - 07:42 = 48 minutes /3 = 16 minutes)
So you have the time from 07:26 - 07:42 to make your pitch directly at Sealiah, you can begin your ritual earlier in the Mars/Scorpio hour but your main pitch should be done in the 16 minutes from 07:26 - 07:42
But it aint over in calculating planetary times yet....we still have the talisman to do....among other things
The talisman has to be prepared before the ritual at which it will be consecrated. The talisman will be made during certain planetary/zodiac hours.
Lets look at the one I've chosen....

Pretty straight forward...on one side, but what about the other?
This is where we personalise it to the target.
Seeing as the talisman is a 5x5 kamea (magic square) it comes under Mars, so we have the written talisman (or intent) on one side and on the other we will have the numerical values on the other. From this and applying a type of gematria/cryptography we create sigils from the name of the target. This is a type of 'signature' of the occult realm, it could not identify anyone else as a rule and definitely wouldnt when it comes to ritual.
Here is the kamea
The name is Clinton Richard Dawkins
Applying AIQ BEKAR results in this....(depending on your Hebrew transliteration of non-Hebrew names, you'll have to look up AIQ BEKAR for yourself to get an understanding. It is also called the Kabbalah of the 9 chambers)
You get this.....

Or you could use Western numerology....
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
And you get this...

Although the Aiq Bekar is the preferred system because you used it in the numerology application to his name (PART 2) you should only really apply what you know to be absolute and know how it is to be applied. If you cant explain it to anyone else then how will you explain its use when you are asking God for favour?
As long as the procedures you use are in similar vein and do not contradict each other then you should be fine, remember keep it simple within reason.
So now you have an idea of what you want written, so when to write it? You could do it a week before your ritual with the same planetary/zodiac hours.
But I want to bring in a calculating effort into it, I want to bring in a Saturn aspect so as to be grinding.
Well Dawkins is an Aries and that sign is in detriment when it interacts with Saturn, so on the 13/5 from 11:51 - 1:00 would be good. It doesnt have to be any specific date, just the aspects of the hours.
So when you work out which hours to do the talisman, then you have to decide how you will apply it. You have to make an effort, show that you are sincere. It is best to get the talisman (or multiples of the talisman) as close as possible in physical proximity to the target or if possible touch him with it on bare skin and preferably without him knowing it.
I'll explain later...
We have an idea on when to construct a talisman, but in order to put it into practice we need a means of delivering it.
You could touch the target directly if possible, but it is unlikely that you will get such a chance. So you have to deliver or at least attempt to deliver your talisman 'payload' by other means, I came up with these ideas.....
* Postal Mail - If you knew a postal address at which the target would pick up mail you could send the talisman within a letter. The preferable method would be to make the talisman on a blank sheet of paper using an 'invisible ink' made from herbs and other plant aspects assigned to one of the preferred planets. The target would indeed touch it and most likely have no idea of what it is if they could make it out. Get bonus points if you make the 'ink' using infected water/saliva as the base (such as flu)
* Proximity - If you didnt know the targets residential or workplace address but knew the vicinity of them you could place talismans (preferably 'invisible') in that area. Places to do this would be in commercial areas (shopping malls) as well as other areas used by the public in general, much like a poster/leaflet run.
* Cyber - The internet, I believe, can be used in this. A talisman could be made on a word processing program such as Word, then it could be copy/paste into one of those stenography programs and hidden in a pic such as jpeg, bmp, tif or similar file. You could then email it or post it on a forum that you know the target uses.
You get the idea.......
Just out of interest looking at Dawkins as the target brings up the following...
The paths involved in doing the spell on Dawkins uses 5 sephira in addition to 4 other paths. All up there are 9 paths of wisdom involved
1. Kether - Union with God
12. Healing
3. Binah - Vision of sorrow
18. Enchantment
5. Geburah - Vision of Power
23. Talismans
8. Hod - Vision of Splendor
31. Evocation and pyromancy
10. Malkuth - Vision of Holy Guardian Angel
This sort of stuff will most probably only be of interest to those who have an idea about practical kabbalah. But my intention in writing up this ritual is not to kill Dawkins but to break his will.
All indications so far says this ritual would be a winner for anyone who wanted to do it, but it would be best to have an extremely good idea about how it works or know someone such as an old fashioned priest in order to carry it out.
So we have the High Magic aspect more or less done, now it is time for the Low Magic aspect.
That will be next
Youve seen what the High magic aspect involves, now it is time for the Low magic one. Both High and Low magic are of the same value and complement each other, so what is Low magic? You ever heard of voodoo dolls?
So yes it is time for an arts and crafts class, although you might find this to be childish it is infact necessary but not compulsory. Remember we are seeking to make as many symbolic links as possible because we are trying to map the non-physical with the physical or 'making the invisible - visible'
So if we are seeking to make a doll we could make one out of anything (they should be made, not bought. Think of it as a piece of art, you put your emotions into it and it becomes physical.)
Myself, I prefer to make one out of a cardboard tube such as one you would get from a paper towel roll. You could download, scale and print a pic from the net for the face of the target. Then you can hand paint the body part or use other printouts.
Looking at the target Dawkins you could even go so far as even to baptise the doll in his name. After all, he has renounced God and in a defacto way has renounced his baptism.
Next you make a coffin for the doll, whether you use an old shoebox or make one is fine out of wood or cardboard it will be fine (dont use plastic/rubber). Next we paint it red on the inside and out, followed by painting 5 black crosses on the outside.
One each on the head/foot sides, one each on the lid/bottom sides, now we place the doll inside face down with the coffin facing East. The 5th cross is painted on the left side of the coffin leaving the right side blank.
We then paint 5 matching crosses in the inside.
5 crosses would represent Geburah, another 5 would bring the total to 10 which would represent Malkuth.
Next you get a long piece of black string or wool, you loosely tie knots in the string and tighten it with spite when you finish saying a curse.
The doll and coffin will be present at the ritual along with the talisman/s,
during the ritual you will tie the string around the doll. After the ritual you will bury the coffin facing East preferrably at a crossroads in a park/nature trail. Even better would be if you did this in an area where the target walked, if he walked upon his own 'grave' physically he would also be doing so symbolically.
This of it this way, a sailing ship needs sails in order to catch the wind (High magic) to make it move. But you also need an anchor (Low magic) to make it stay in a certain place. You are just the captain, success or ruination depends on your planning and decisions for action.
Let's look at our checklist so far......
God form/Angel - Sealiah
Sephira - Kether
Timing - 22/05/2012 - Tuesday, aspect Mars
- 06:54 - 07:42 (aspect Mars/Scorpio or Pluto) with specific pitch at 07:26 - 07:42
High magic - Talisman/s
Low magic - Doll/coffin
World - Briah
Some further notes....
God form/Angel - Sealiah
You can read more about him on
Myself I think the site is a bit hippy with some of the info but is basically correct. You may wonder what the 221-225 degrees is all about, well that would be the direction you will face when you perform the ritual in.......
Kether - This sephira is represented by the number 1 and the colour white.
NB - When you perform a ritual using the Shem Ha-Mephorash you should only utilise the particular God form from the Shem and not mix in aspects normally associated with a particular sephira. In Kether the God name is Eheieh Asher Eheieh and the Angel is Metatron, so we will not be calling on them because we are calling on Sealiah from the Shem.
Now using due East as 0 degrees we go clockwise until 221-225 which would be roughly West South West, this is the direction you will face while performing the ritual. Use a compass to get as accurate a reading as possible. You will have an altar of some sort, depends on what you can get I suppose but anything such as a bedside table or any piece of furniture should be fine as long as you make an effort to clean it up etc. (remember you get rewarded on effort rather than appearance).
A white tablecloth or similar to cover it should be fine, you should also have some white or mostly clothing cleaned and set aside for the ritual. You will also want a white candle or 2 and some incense, for Kether it is ambergris but I find that an incense not associated with other sephira should suffice. Myself, I have never been able to find ambergris so I used a combination of Opium and Frankincense or sometimes Strawberry
Timing - Seems pretty much OK, when using the net for these types of sites bear in mind that those doing the calculating may have based their programs for a specific or their specific geographical location, you should compare with various sites and see which time they lean towards as you might have to make an allowance for as much as 5 minutes.
High magic - Talisman is a Mars kamea so if it isnt to be done in an 'invisible' ink make from herbs/plants associated with Mars then it should be done in the colour red. A red and black (Saturn) combo should be OK as long as the dominant colour is red.
Low magic - Same applies in relation to colour, but I trust that you made both the talisman/s and doll/coffin at the appropriate planetary hours.
World - Briah
Colour representing Kether in Briah is white
Now listen up!
If you think I am going to provide you with a colour by numbers type magic set in which you put in no effort but expect instant answers you will be mistaken.
If you want a shrink wrapped setup which requires no thinking - become a marxist.
Have you come to the conclusion that it isnt as easy as it seems?
That it seems like something a priest would do went setting up a Mass?
You may find yourself having to extend your timeframe in which to do something like this, remember who you will be performing for. You will either get an ultimate high or an ultimate low...such as the local bum living in the park screaming at pigeons.
Serious stakes in a serious game
Now its time to write the ritual.
First of all we have to decide what the actual aim of the ritual is. In this exercise I dont aim to kill Dawkins, rather I would have him publicly repent of his apostasy. This ultimately will be good for him and good for others who would give up on such a despicable lifestyle and it will be good for those who avoid contemplating such a decision to serve their ego above all.
Another factor is that I would pick Dawkins to jump ship, lets face it he knows he will be hitting the dirt soon enough. He also isnt as fashionable as he once was, long gone are the days of university bimbos lining up to blow him and the same could be said about the bucketloads of cash he got for writing shitty books.
So first we have to address the entity/persona we intend to ask, that being Sealiah. In addressing Sealiah we are to address by all the names we know him by, this is to ensure that we know who we are addressing. We cannot proceed if we have any doubt about who we are petitioning, if so then doubt will be throughout the ritual...and it will fail.
So we say...
"I call upon you
Sealiah, SaALaYA, Samech Alef Lamed, SaALa, Sehaliah,
Deus Motor omnium - The God who stirs all men
I petition you to witness and enact on my ritual
I call upon you in good faith, for I am a servant of the Most High
My cause is just, please accept my cause and my rite"
Sealiah also has a psalm associated with him, all the Shem do.
For Sealiah it is Psalm 94
"I offer Psalm to you Sealiah"
Now you say the Psalm.
Next you identify who you wish to curse...
"I call upon you Sealiah to act upon an avowed enemy of God and the faithful his name is Clinton Richard Dawkins also known as Richard Dawkins. He was born on the 26th of March 1941 in Nairobi, Kenya Colony. His father being Clinton John Dawkins and his mother being Jean Mary Vyvyan née Ladner. He has been the husband to Marian Stamp Dawkins and Eve Barham and is the husband of Lalla Ward. He is the father of Juliet Emma Dawkins.
This is the man that I accuse of being an avowed enemy of God and the faithful.
This is the man I ask you to enact upon."
Next we propose how he is to be dealt with.....
"Sealiah, I want to see him repent of his atheism, to renounce it completely and disown those who wish to continue with such a despicable filthy lifestyle. O Sealiah I ask that you break his arrogance and break his will and that he publicly renounces his atheism and acknowledges the God of Abraham as the only GOD of all without exception. O Sealiah, bear down on him exceedingly until he
does these things. This I ask.
Next would be another Psalm, its really up to you to decide. Myself I would go for Psalm 109
Now we have basically made our petition and now will close the ceremony.
"O Sealiah, may your name be blessed and praised by all. I ask for your help because you can do what I have asked. Will you help? Will you do this for me? If I have offended you in my request please understand that I do not mean to. Let there be no ill will between us if this is the case, if there is offence then I do apologise. Your virtues are just and I trust in your ability, governance, and goodwill. I am faithful to the Most High, the Creator of All.
I am true to the God of Abraham. Amen"
Followed by...........
"Hail and farewell Sealiah
Hail and farewell The God who stirs all men
Hail and farewell ArchAngels and Angels
Hail and farewell to all those who have witnessed this ritual
Blessing be upon all of you
Hail and farewell"
Seeing as the Mars/Scorpio or Plutonic hour is 06:54 - 07:42 and the specific time for Sealiah is 07:26 - 07:42 we would be hard pressed to do the ritual within the specific time for Sealiah. As Sun is the next hour after Mars I would be willing to let the ritual spill over into the Sun hour. As for the time from 06:54 - 07:26 I would consider reciting Psalm 119 as that takes about 20 mins.
Ultimately you have to tailor the ritual to what makes you feel confident and comfortable. Dont be afraid to experiment, after all you will be putting yourself before God. It is between you and him,...not you and me or anyone else for that matter.
Writing out the ritual isnt the end of it, you still have to enact on it.
Learn the Qabbalistic cross and the sign of the Zelator.
Time to act.....
First you have to have the area you intend to use prepared, it has to be clean and as freed up as possible. You will have an altar facing at 221-225 degrees from due East (measure clockwise from East). On the altar you will have either one large fat candle (like from a mass) or 2 medium sized candles (again like a mass, get the idea?). You will need to have incense prepared, sticks will be fine. You can use a single stick of a hot/peppery incense or 5 of various scents, ie. Opium, Frankincense, Eucalyptus, Pepper/Fire, Lemon etc. You should pick those scents that you know and feel are appropriate for this type of ritual and feel comfortable with.
If possible burn some frankincense in the ritual area beforehand and sprinkle some salt around the perimeter of the area you will be using.
Ok...the time is about 06:30 and you are waiting for the proper time to begin, what should you do? Have a conversation with God, tell him how much you trust in him and his actions and judgment. Also ask him to deal justly with the person you intend to take action against.
Maybe this will explain what I mean....
"O Allah, have mercy on the soul of the one whose feet I intend to cover with dust this day"
06:54, time to start....
Walk into the area, you will be at the back of the area and facing East. Walk into the centre of the room, have the palms of your hands together at chest level as though you are going to dive in a pool or opening curtains.
Stretch your arms forward and bring your right foot forward as though you are entering through heavy curtains, as you do open your arms open and bring your left foot forward to meet your right.
Take a further step forward using both feet, you should be facing East still. Now do the Qabbalistic cross....
Say Do
Thine is Touch your forehead using your right hand
The kingdom Touch your lower abdomen
The power Touch your right shoulder
The glory Touch your left shoulder
Forever and ever Stretch out your arms, so you are a Y shape
Amen Bring your arms back and cross them over your
shoulders right over left
'For thou are powerful and eternal O Lord' - Have your forearms and palms raised while your upper arms are kept vertical as though your are making an offering.
Now fall upon your knees and put the palms of your hands on the floor and place your forehead on the floor as well. Yes this is the way muslims pray and so did Jesus for that matter in the desert. You now sit up and pray to the God of Abraham aka Jehovah in a manner that you should have planned out. You may offer psalm or some other prayer, ask for his blessing in this venture.
You will want to have an idea of how much time you will want to pray to the East so you will be ready for Sealiah at 221-225 degrees. You wont have the option of having an alarm clock or stopwatch to work by, I never use one as I dont think its appropriate.
When youve decided its time to move, stand up and moving clockwise face the altar. Move towards it but leave enough room to do the sign of the Zelator (look it up yourself).
You can do the sign of the Zelator and then proceed to light the candle(s) (or if it is dark you can light the candles first - dont have lights on). When you light the candles you start with the right one and say 'Unto light is added light', then you use the now lit candle to light the left one. Next you light the incense, use the right candle to do so if you are in doubt on how to light them.
You are now ready to perform the rite, dont forget to have your talismans and other low magic aspects you intend to use on the altar.
Now you go through the ritual you have written out and planned, to finish you will extinguish the candles - first the left and then the right (a spoon can be used to do this, you can keep it under the altar/table. You cannot leave the altar at anytime during the ritual). As for the incense they can be left to burn out. You give a final salute (hitler style with your right hand/arm) as you should have done with your 'Hail and farewell's at the end of the ritual...I forgot to mention it before.
Now you take a back step with your right foot followed by the left while at the same time 'closing the curtains' in essence reversing how you 'entered the curtains'. Turning clockwise to you face east, go forth to where you prayed before and give a final prayer (Lords Prayer should be fine if you dont have anything special in mind) and say whatever gratitudes you feel. When you are finished stand up, bow and exit the space moving clockwise to do so.
Yep....thats pretty much it
where it still remains.
So you can look at it here or there but I will do it here because as we are now on Lilith in Tohu and not Malkuth in Assiah anymore you should know of an option that the kikes and cucks on this planet do not want you to know.
I have done writings on spiritual warfare on this blog so if youre really interested you can look at stuff I wrote in 2015
I'll add on to this where appropriate and whenever I get the time.
Ask questions as you need to.
While recently reading a thread on this site about internet warriors I decided to put this forth because there are some people on this site who want to achieve something against their enemies but are unable to do so due to physical constraints.
Anyway you have a right to retaliate against those who wronged you and you have a right to know that which I will tell you.
If you believe in the God of Abraham and hate atheists/marxists/one-worlders/etc then continue on. If not, then fuck off.
So what I will do is teach you how to perform magic against avowed enemies of God and yourself and your society. Unlike the 'give us a few hundred dollars and we'll give you a spell' crooks, I intend to show you all aspects of the particular actions I will get you to perform if you wish to.
I want you to understand what you will be doing and why you will be doing it.
Scenario: (so far...)
A loud mouth godless white traitor is giving you the shits by backing publicly every anti-white cause. You want to shut him/her up permanently.
Now to act....
In preparing any sort of attack on an enemy you need intel, including here. But you have to choose your enemies wisely, you have to choose not only the most offensive to all but you should also choose the most likely to chimpout.
"The ones who easily offend and are most easily offended"
You are not only looking to do someone over but also looking to discredit their work, cause and that of their friends/allies.
So far....
1. Pick your target
2. List their allies/friends
3. List any orgnisations they are involved with
4. And their relationships to these organisations and each other
When you have done this you should review the information without bias, you may find that the person you chose out of a personal hatred may not be the best target. If there is someone else in your list who does more damage to your society regardless of whether they have a high or low profile and whose ruination will be more destructive to their cause as a whole then you should make them your initial target. Remember it's not soley about you, if it were then you should just go and kill them.
Review your targets and list them in priority.
Now make listings on the following of the targets....
Full name
Birthday (including time of birth if possible)
Place of birth
Name of parents
Name of spouse and children
Name of grandparents
Why should you do this? Simple...these types of people are all about bloodlines, it is their bloodline they wish to advance and it is that which is their weakpoint. As for the full name it is to do with numerology and gematria, and with birthday it is to do with zodiac factors.
Now once again you review your targets, depending on how much information you can get you have to make a definite single choice....but not just yet.
There is also timing to consider, how soon do you wish/need to do it? Also consider the target zodiac/planetary attributes as well as the attributes of the time you wish to/can only do the ritual required and even attributes relating to yourself.
As you see it is not just a matter of abracadabra.
Also you have to consider the flow on or trickle down effects, let's say you wish to kill a politician because they are a bad bastard. Sure you may rub them out but you could get someone even worse in their place.
It is not just an airy-fairy thing as you might imagine, you have to do some serious thinking.
You will get to know GOD after all...you will petition him...directly!
So you began the exercise with the intention of taking a particular person out but now you have a 'Top 5' or even 'Top 10' of targets. Now you could go with the determination to get the original target regardless of the cost or effect, or you can take a tradesman type approach to do the job you think you would be best suited to. In order to assess the job you can do you have to see what tools are available to you and the tools you actually know how to use.
Shem Ha-Mephorash
Zodiac -Astrology/Planetary factors
Symbolic factors
So I'll use the following texts...
Book on the Shem Ha-Mephorash by Lenain or Papus
The book of the sacred magic of Abramelin the mage
Godwins' Cabalistic Encyclopaedia
You can also use other books which can refer to astrology, herbalism, etc. as you need to.
I highly recommend the last book.
Anyway, I'll use this target as an example as for what to do.
Richard Dawkins
Now I don't really care if someone wants to fuck him over, I'm just using him as an example. He is way past his 'prime' and nothing more than an unfashionable burnout who is getting wishy-washy about his convictions because it has dawned on him that he will kiss the dirt in a few years or so. Makes you wonder how 'atheist' these criminals are.
So let's get to work....
NAME: Clinton Richard Dawkins
D.O.B.: 26 March 1941
PLACE OF BIRTH: Nairobi, Kenya Colony
WIVES: Marian Stamp Dawkins
Eve Barham
Lalla Ward
CHILDREN: Juliet Emma Dawkins
PARENTS: Clinton John Dawkins
Jean Mary Vyvyan (née Ladner)
From this we get that he is an Aries and more importantly we get his full name.
Clinton = 20+30+10+50+400+70+700=1280
Richard = 200+1+8+1+200+4=414
Dawkins = 4+1+6+20+1+50+60=142
1280+414+142= 1836 which using gematria matches 'Sekhel Mitnotzetz' or 'Resplendent Intelligence'
It is the 10th path of wisdom, it matches to Malkuth which is represented by Earth. Malkuth means 'the Kingdom' in relation to the Tree of Life and the number 10 corresponds to the absolute idea of 'reality'
Now some of you might be wondering why it would take an investigation on a target to make a move against him possible. Well if you want to petition God to take out someone you should at least be correct about who you want to take out.
If you say that you want the English guy Richard Dawkins rubbed out, well which Richard Dawkins do you mean?
If you went into a court with unverified evidence you shouldnt be surprised if the judge called you a fuckwit and threw your case out of court.
Looking at the info gathered so far there is no mistake who I am describing (the actual being, he could change his name tomorrow but I still have his birth date and the names of his wives and kid...he cant change that) and infact I could seek to impersonate him on the net. The net is accessible by the physical computer to the non physical realm of 'the net', afterall how do you measure it at any given time?
God helps them that help themselves and you only deserve the reward from the effort you put in. Thats why most prayer fails, people put no effort into their prayer and have no consideration for how the result is achieved. You may want a
couple of hundred thousand to go to Vegas, so you pray (or demand!) that God cough up asap.
Next day you get a phone call telling you that both your parents were killed in a car crash but the life insurance policies will payout soon. Hey you werent specific about how you got it! Gather up as much info and sort out the factors resulting from it.
26+03+1941 = 1970 = 1+9+7 = 17 = 1+7 = 8
No.8 people tend to be control freaks, this matches Dawkins
As I earlier stated "Easy to offend and are easily offended"
Seeing as Dawkins supposedly doesnt believe in this sort of stuff he denies himself the ability to know himself. When you undertake an action like this you seek to know more about a person than they do about themselves.
And when you do you can pre-empt them, success will follow.
Still more to come later....
BTW If youre interested....
I mentioned before that Dawkins is an '8' person, not especially important in itself but is a strand to add on. I look at it this way, if you wanted to cross over a large gap and all there was to use was a rope bridge you would want more than one strand of rope holding or forming it.
Same could be said for an electrical cord, you would want more than one strand of wire to carry a 240 volt charge. So by looking up every conceivable aspect involved with the ritual and the target we can add strands of wire to the cord. Or in hacking terms it is 'sweating the small stuff'.
Now in the Tree of Life the 8th sephira is Hod, it means 'Glory' it is symbolised by Mercury and is more or less to do with the realm of communication and speed.
Again this seems to match up with Dawkins, but he is a godless loud mouthed narcissist and uses his 'birthright' wrongly.
If the pen is mightier than the sword, then I want him to cut his throat with one. A major league chimpout using his 'birthright' to do so to his acolyte audience of God haters and other filth.
Off-hand I can think of 2 ways to destroy his so-called belief in there being no God or as seeing God as an enemy.
1. Make his daughter the target instead of him, when he realises his rotten bloodline and name will be forgotten he will realise what a waste his life has been in the service of evil.
Ok....that really is a bit simple and you dont know what his daughter is really like.
2. We bring Abramelin into it....
Go to the 22nd chapter, now you can pick whatever you want but I'm thinking No.4
The square is a 5x5 (5 letters by 5 letters) and comes under Geburah (the 5th sephira). If you dont know what that means then look it up for yourself!
Quick overview....
We have the following sephira covered....
Geburah - No.5, this is done with the Abramelin square
Hod - No.8, this is linked with his birthdate and demonstrated by his loud mouth nature
Malkuth - No.10, this is linked via gematria because of the mathematical value of his name
Get a hold of a diagram of the Tree of Life and look at the relation of those sephira to each other. If we manage to factor in Kether and Binah we will have created a path from 1 to 10 using the left hand pillar - severity.
So let's say we factor in one of the Shem Ha-Mephorash God aspects as the Kether part and make Saturday as the day of ritual to factor in Binah, we could say the chain is complete.
Whoa ace! Dont think its that easy!
We still have to factor in the 'what ifs' as well as preparing our case to
present to God.
If it was just a matter of wishing people dead do you think you would still be here?
Now it's time to refer to the Shem Ha-Mephorash to decide which God form in bring into our ritual. There are 72 of them...
Scroll down till you find this text...
Here are 3 versions of the 72 names in English letters. ( there are more )
Now off-hand I have picked the following...
God the Creator - Hariel (No.15)
God who erects the Universe - Hakamiah (No.16)
God the Redeemer - Pahaliah (No.20)
God who punishes the Wicked - Jerathel (No.27)
God prompt to aid - Reiiel (No.29)
God in three persons - Hahahel (No.41)
Mover of all things - Sealiah (No.45)
You can also refer to numbers 53, 71 and 72
As you can see there is a variety to choose from and it also brings in a variety of factors. Each of the God aspects/forms (or Angels if you wish) has a star sign assigned to it and in doing so has planetary factors as well as other factors assigned to it as well.
And once you go through all their various aspects/factors, you will have to pick one
So you can add more strands to the cord as you need or wish, you should only add the strand if it is absolute. You cannot (or should not) use 'fuzzy math' just to add something on. In fact it would be best to have only a couple of factors which are absolute rather than an avalanche of iffy factors. Keep it as simple as possible and only expand as you gain the knowledge and experience to do so.
Remember you are asking the Creator, you are not some bullshit politician making a spin speech at election time for the herd.
You cant bullshit the Creator, our God - you are not an equal, you are of a lesser intellect.
There are 2 schools of thought on the astrological aspects of the Shem Ha-Mephorash. This is to do with the order, myself....I see and know Vehuiah to be the 1st and the astrological sign to be Aries.
Look up the aspects yourselves, you need to discover for yourselves that which is required to be known before you go any further. This you should do because I aint going to give you a shrink wrapped/no thinking required explanation.
Now let us review our selections in order to decide the timing of the ritual.
You will rarely find everything just happens to fall in place as you want so you have to do some adjusting, it depends on how quick you wish to do it.
We'll go by zodiac signs that are governed by the aspects
God the Creator - Hariel (No.15) Gemini
God who erects the Universe - Hakamiah (No.16) Gemini
God the Redeemer - Pahaliah (No.20) Cancer
God who punishes the Wicked - Jerathel (No.27) Leo
God prompt to aid - Reiiel (No.29) Leo
God in three persons - Hahahel (No.41) Libra
Mover of all things - Sealiah (No.45) Scorpio
God who humbles the proud - Nanael (No.53) Sagittarius
God, master of the Universe - Haiel (No.71) Pisces
Mumiah (No.72) Pisces
We are looking at planetary influences so we match up a star sign to complement the planets in play that we will be using. Mars and Saturn are good for doing bad things and Mercury is good for speed and just by coincidence they are all found in the left hand pillar of the Tree of Life.
Looking at the zodiac.....
Aries Ram March 21 - April 19
Taurus Bull April 20 - May 20
Gemini Twins May 21 - June 20
Cancer Crab June 21 - July 22
Leo Lion July 23 - August 22
Virgo Virgin August 23 - September 22
Libra Balance September 23 - October 22
Scorpio Scorpion October 23 - November 21
Sagittarius Archer November 22 - December 21
Capricorn Goat December 22 - January 19
Aquarius Water Bearer January 20 - February 18
Pisces Fish February 19 - March 20
It would seem that either.....
God the Creator - Hariel (No.15) Gemini
God who erects the Universe - Hakamiah (No.16) Gemini
Would be the go if I was planning to do it sometime from May 21 - June 20 as this is the closest timeframe to the present time. But I am more concerned with conflicts and complements between planets and zodiac signs.
Anyway I've chosen....
Mover of all things - Sealiah (No.45) Scorpio
Reasons being that it the star sign complements the Mars aspect that is needed for the ritual, it also is governed by Pluto if the appropriate zodiac hour (7 am/pm or Scorpio hour on Mars hour = Pluto hour) matches the Mars hour.
Pluto is the planet for transformation
Now we go to this site....
So I've chosen 22nd May (Tuesday) to act and according to the calculator based on Sydney, Australia I get 2 shots on that day.
06:54 - 07:42
19:10 - 20:19
The preferable time is in the morning, the star signs have 6 God forms assigned to them.
3 by day and 3 by night, Sealiah is a daytime form and is the 3rd of the 3.
Dividing the zodiac hour (06:54 - 07:42 = 48 minutes /3 = 16 minutes)
So you have the time from 07:26 - 07:42 to make your pitch directly at Sealiah, you can begin your ritual earlier in the Mars/Scorpio hour but your main pitch should be done in the 16 minutes from 07:26 - 07:42
But it aint over in calculating planetary times yet....we still have the talisman to do....among other things
The talisman has to be prepared before the ritual at which it will be consecrated. The talisman will be made during certain planetary/zodiac hours.
Lets look at the one I've chosen....
Pretty straight forward...on one side, but what about the other?
This is where we personalise it to the target.
Seeing as the talisman is a 5x5 kamea (magic square) it comes under Mars, so we have the written talisman (or intent) on one side and on the other we will have the numerical values on the other. From this and applying a type of gematria/cryptography we create sigils from the name of the target. This is a type of 'signature' of the occult realm, it could not identify anyone else as a rule and definitely wouldnt when it comes to ritual.
Here is the kamea
The name is Clinton Richard Dawkins
Applying AIQ BEKAR results in this....(depending on your Hebrew transliteration of non-Hebrew names, you'll have to look up AIQ BEKAR for yourself to get an understanding. It is also called the Kabbalah of the 9 chambers)
You get this.....
Or you could use Western numerology....
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
And you get this...
Although the Aiq Bekar is the preferred system because you used it in the numerology application to his name (PART 2) you should only really apply what you know to be absolute and know how it is to be applied. If you cant explain it to anyone else then how will you explain its use when you are asking God for favour?
As long as the procedures you use are in similar vein and do not contradict each other then you should be fine, remember keep it simple within reason.
So now you have an idea of what you want written, so when to write it? You could do it a week before your ritual with the same planetary/zodiac hours.
But I want to bring in a calculating effort into it, I want to bring in a Saturn aspect so as to be grinding.
Well Dawkins is an Aries and that sign is in detriment when it interacts with Saturn, so on the 13/5 from 11:51 - 1:00 would be good. It doesnt have to be any specific date, just the aspects of the hours.
So when you work out which hours to do the talisman, then you have to decide how you will apply it. You have to make an effort, show that you are sincere. It is best to get the talisman (or multiples of the talisman) as close as possible in physical proximity to the target or if possible touch him with it on bare skin and preferably without him knowing it.
I'll explain later...
We have an idea on when to construct a talisman, but in order to put it into practice we need a means of delivering it.
You could touch the target directly if possible, but it is unlikely that you will get such a chance. So you have to deliver or at least attempt to deliver your talisman 'payload' by other means, I came up with these ideas.....
* Postal Mail - If you knew a postal address at which the target would pick up mail you could send the talisman within a letter. The preferable method would be to make the talisman on a blank sheet of paper using an 'invisible ink' made from herbs and other plant aspects assigned to one of the preferred planets. The target would indeed touch it and most likely have no idea of what it is if they could make it out. Get bonus points if you make the 'ink' using infected water/saliva as the base (such as flu)
* Proximity - If you didnt know the targets residential or workplace address but knew the vicinity of them you could place talismans (preferably 'invisible') in that area. Places to do this would be in commercial areas (shopping malls) as well as other areas used by the public in general, much like a poster/leaflet run.
* Cyber - The internet, I believe, can be used in this. A talisman could be made on a word processing program such as Word, then it could be copy/paste into one of those stenography programs and hidden in a pic such as jpeg, bmp, tif or similar file. You could then email it or post it on a forum that you know the target uses.
You get the idea.......
Just out of interest looking at Dawkins as the target brings up the following...
The paths involved in doing the spell on Dawkins uses 5 sephira in addition to 4 other paths. All up there are 9 paths of wisdom involved
1. Kether - Union with God
12. Healing
3. Binah - Vision of sorrow
18. Enchantment
5. Geburah - Vision of Power
23. Talismans
8. Hod - Vision of Splendor
31. Evocation and pyromancy
10. Malkuth - Vision of Holy Guardian Angel
This sort of stuff will most probably only be of interest to those who have an idea about practical kabbalah. But my intention in writing up this ritual is not to kill Dawkins but to break his will.
All indications so far says this ritual would be a winner for anyone who wanted to do it, but it would be best to have an extremely good idea about how it works or know someone such as an old fashioned priest in order to carry it out.
So we have the High Magic aspect more or less done, now it is time for the Low Magic aspect.
That will be next
Youve seen what the High magic aspect involves, now it is time for the Low magic one. Both High and Low magic are of the same value and complement each other, so what is Low magic? You ever heard of voodoo dolls?
So yes it is time for an arts and crafts class, although you might find this to be childish it is infact necessary but not compulsory. Remember we are seeking to make as many symbolic links as possible because we are trying to map the non-physical with the physical or 'making the invisible - visible'
So if we are seeking to make a doll we could make one out of anything (they should be made, not bought. Think of it as a piece of art, you put your emotions into it and it becomes physical.)
Myself, I prefer to make one out of a cardboard tube such as one you would get from a paper towel roll. You could download, scale and print a pic from the net for the face of the target. Then you can hand paint the body part or use other printouts.
Looking at the target Dawkins you could even go so far as even to baptise the doll in his name. After all, he has renounced God and in a defacto way has renounced his baptism.
Next you make a coffin for the doll, whether you use an old shoebox or make one is fine out of wood or cardboard it will be fine (dont use plastic/rubber). Next we paint it red on the inside and out, followed by painting 5 black crosses on the outside.
One each on the head/foot sides, one each on the lid/bottom sides, now we place the doll inside face down with the coffin facing East. The 5th cross is painted on the left side of the coffin leaving the right side blank.
We then paint 5 matching crosses in the inside.
5 crosses would represent Geburah, another 5 would bring the total to 10 which would represent Malkuth.
Next you get a long piece of black string or wool, you loosely tie knots in the string and tighten it with spite when you finish saying a curse.
The doll and coffin will be present at the ritual along with the talisman/s,
during the ritual you will tie the string around the doll. After the ritual you will bury the coffin facing East preferrably at a crossroads in a park/nature trail. Even better would be if you did this in an area where the target walked, if he walked upon his own 'grave' physically he would also be doing so symbolically.
This of it this way, a sailing ship needs sails in order to catch the wind (High magic) to make it move. But you also need an anchor (Low magic) to make it stay in a certain place. You are just the captain, success or ruination depends on your planning and decisions for action.
Let's look at our checklist so far......
God form/Angel - Sealiah
Sephira - Kether
Timing - 22/05/2012 - Tuesday, aspect Mars
- 06:54 - 07:42 (aspect Mars/Scorpio or Pluto) with specific pitch at 07:26 - 07:42
High magic - Talisman/s
Low magic - Doll/coffin
World - Briah
Some further notes....
God form/Angel - Sealiah
You can read more about him on
Myself I think the site is a bit hippy with some of the info but is basically correct. You may wonder what the 221-225 degrees is all about, well that would be the direction you will face when you perform the ritual in.......
Kether - This sephira is represented by the number 1 and the colour white.
NB - When you perform a ritual using the Shem Ha-Mephorash you should only utilise the particular God form from the Shem and not mix in aspects normally associated with a particular sephira. In Kether the God name is Eheieh Asher Eheieh and the Angel is Metatron, so we will not be calling on them because we are calling on Sealiah from the Shem.
Now using due East as 0 degrees we go clockwise until 221-225 which would be roughly West South West, this is the direction you will face while performing the ritual. Use a compass to get as accurate a reading as possible. You will have an altar of some sort, depends on what you can get I suppose but anything such as a bedside table or any piece of furniture should be fine as long as you make an effort to clean it up etc. (remember you get rewarded on effort rather than appearance).
A white tablecloth or similar to cover it should be fine, you should also have some white or mostly clothing cleaned and set aside for the ritual. You will also want a white candle or 2 and some incense, for Kether it is ambergris but I find that an incense not associated with other sephira should suffice. Myself, I have never been able to find ambergris so I used a combination of Opium and Frankincense or sometimes Strawberry
Timing - Seems pretty much OK, when using the net for these types of sites bear in mind that those doing the calculating may have based their programs for a specific or their specific geographical location, you should compare with various sites and see which time they lean towards as you might have to make an allowance for as much as 5 minutes.
High magic - Talisman is a Mars kamea so if it isnt to be done in an 'invisible' ink make from herbs/plants associated with Mars then it should be done in the colour red. A red and black (Saturn) combo should be OK as long as the dominant colour is red.
Low magic - Same applies in relation to colour, but I trust that you made both the talisman/s and doll/coffin at the appropriate planetary hours.
World - Briah
Colour representing Kether in Briah is white
Now listen up!
If you think I am going to provide you with a colour by numbers type magic set in which you put in no effort but expect instant answers you will be mistaken.
If you want a shrink wrapped setup which requires no thinking - become a marxist.
Have you come to the conclusion that it isnt as easy as it seems?
That it seems like something a priest would do went setting up a Mass?
You may find yourself having to extend your timeframe in which to do something like this, remember who you will be performing for. You will either get an ultimate high or an ultimate low...such as the local bum living in the park screaming at pigeons.
Serious stakes in a serious game
Now its time to write the ritual.
First of all we have to decide what the actual aim of the ritual is. In this exercise I dont aim to kill Dawkins, rather I would have him publicly repent of his apostasy. This ultimately will be good for him and good for others who would give up on such a despicable lifestyle and it will be good for those who avoid contemplating such a decision to serve their ego above all.
Another factor is that I would pick Dawkins to jump ship, lets face it he knows he will be hitting the dirt soon enough. He also isnt as fashionable as he once was, long gone are the days of university bimbos lining up to blow him and the same could be said about the bucketloads of cash he got for writing shitty books.
So first we have to address the entity/persona we intend to ask, that being Sealiah. In addressing Sealiah we are to address by all the names we know him by, this is to ensure that we know who we are addressing. We cannot proceed if we have any doubt about who we are petitioning, if so then doubt will be throughout the ritual...and it will fail.
So we say...
"I call upon you
Sealiah, SaALaYA, Samech Alef Lamed, SaALa, Sehaliah,
Deus Motor omnium - The God who stirs all men
I petition you to witness and enact on my ritual
I call upon you in good faith, for I am a servant of the Most High
My cause is just, please accept my cause and my rite"
Sealiah also has a psalm associated with him, all the Shem do.
For Sealiah it is Psalm 94
"I offer Psalm to you Sealiah"
Now you say the Psalm.
Next you identify who you wish to curse...
"I call upon you Sealiah to act upon an avowed enemy of God and the faithful his name is Clinton Richard Dawkins also known as Richard Dawkins. He was born on the 26th of March 1941 in Nairobi, Kenya Colony. His father being Clinton John Dawkins and his mother being Jean Mary Vyvyan née Ladner. He has been the husband to Marian Stamp Dawkins and Eve Barham and is the husband of Lalla Ward. He is the father of Juliet Emma Dawkins.
This is the man that I accuse of being an avowed enemy of God and the faithful.
This is the man I ask you to enact upon."
Next we propose how he is to be dealt with.....
"Sealiah, I want to see him repent of his atheism, to renounce it completely and disown those who wish to continue with such a despicable filthy lifestyle. O Sealiah I ask that you break his arrogance and break his will and that he publicly renounces his atheism and acknowledges the God of Abraham as the only GOD of all without exception. O Sealiah, bear down on him exceedingly until he
does these things. This I ask.
Next would be another Psalm, its really up to you to decide. Myself I would go for Psalm 109
Now we have basically made our petition and now will close the ceremony.
"O Sealiah, may your name be blessed and praised by all. I ask for your help because you can do what I have asked. Will you help? Will you do this for me? If I have offended you in my request please understand that I do not mean to. Let there be no ill will between us if this is the case, if there is offence then I do apologise. Your virtues are just and I trust in your ability, governance, and goodwill. I am faithful to the Most High, the Creator of All.
I am true to the God of Abraham. Amen"
Followed by...........
"Hail and farewell Sealiah
Hail and farewell The God who stirs all men
Hail and farewell ArchAngels and Angels
Hail and farewell to all those who have witnessed this ritual
Blessing be upon all of you
Hail and farewell"
Seeing as the Mars/Scorpio or Plutonic hour is 06:54 - 07:42 and the specific time for Sealiah is 07:26 - 07:42 we would be hard pressed to do the ritual within the specific time for Sealiah. As Sun is the next hour after Mars I would be willing to let the ritual spill over into the Sun hour. As for the time from 06:54 - 07:26 I would consider reciting Psalm 119 as that takes about 20 mins.
Ultimately you have to tailor the ritual to what makes you feel confident and comfortable. Dont be afraid to experiment, after all you will be putting yourself before God. It is between you and him,...not you and me or anyone else for that matter.
Writing out the ritual isnt the end of it, you still have to enact on it.
Learn the Qabbalistic cross and the sign of the Zelator.
Time to act.....
First you have to have the area you intend to use prepared, it has to be clean and as freed up as possible. You will have an altar facing at 221-225 degrees from due East (measure clockwise from East). On the altar you will have either one large fat candle (like from a mass) or 2 medium sized candles (again like a mass, get the idea?). You will need to have incense prepared, sticks will be fine. You can use a single stick of a hot/peppery incense or 5 of various scents, ie. Opium, Frankincense, Eucalyptus, Pepper/Fire, Lemon etc. You should pick those scents that you know and feel are appropriate for this type of ritual and feel comfortable with.
If possible burn some frankincense in the ritual area beforehand and sprinkle some salt around the perimeter of the area you will be using.
Ok...the time is about 06:30 and you are waiting for the proper time to begin, what should you do? Have a conversation with God, tell him how much you trust in him and his actions and judgment. Also ask him to deal justly with the person you intend to take action against.
Maybe this will explain what I mean....
"O Allah, have mercy on the soul of the one whose feet I intend to cover with dust this day"
06:54, time to start....
Walk into the area, you will be at the back of the area and facing East. Walk into the centre of the room, have the palms of your hands together at chest level as though you are going to dive in a pool or opening curtains.
Stretch your arms forward and bring your right foot forward as though you are entering through heavy curtains, as you do open your arms open and bring your left foot forward to meet your right.
Take a further step forward using both feet, you should be facing East still. Now do the Qabbalistic cross....
Say Do
Thine is Touch your forehead using your right hand
The kingdom Touch your lower abdomen
The power Touch your right shoulder
The glory Touch your left shoulder
Forever and ever Stretch out your arms, so you are a Y shape
Amen Bring your arms back and cross them over your
shoulders right over left
'For thou are powerful and eternal O Lord' - Have your forearms and palms raised while your upper arms are kept vertical as though your are making an offering.
Now fall upon your knees and put the palms of your hands on the floor and place your forehead on the floor as well. Yes this is the way muslims pray and so did Jesus for that matter in the desert. You now sit up and pray to the God of Abraham aka Jehovah in a manner that you should have planned out. You may offer psalm or some other prayer, ask for his blessing in this venture.
You will want to have an idea of how much time you will want to pray to the East so you will be ready for Sealiah at 221-225 degrees. You wont have the option of having an alarm clock or stopwatch to work by, I never use one as I dont think its appropriate.
When youve decided its time to move, stand up and moving clockwise face the altar. Move towards it but leave enough room to do the sign of the Zelator (look it up yourself).
You can do the sign of the Zelator and then proceed to light the candle(s) (or if it is dark you can light the candles first - dont have lights on). When you light the candles you start with the right one and say 'Unto light is added light', then you use the now lit candle to light the left one. Next you light the incense, use the right candle to do so if you are in doubt on how to light them.
You are now ready to perform the rite, dont forget to have your talismans and other low magic aspects you intend to use on the altar.
Now you go through the ritual you have written out and planned, to finish you will extinguish the candles - first the left and then the right (a spoon can be used to do this, you can keep it under the altar/table. You cannot leave the altar at anytime during the ritual). As for the incense they can be left to burn out. You give a final salute (hitler style with your right hand/arm) as you should have done with your 'Hail and farewell's at the end of the ritual...I forgot to mention it before.
Now you take a back step with your right foot followed by the left while at the same time 'closing the curtains' in essence reversing how you 'entered the curtains'. Turning clockwise to you face east, go forth to where you prayed before and give a final prayer (Lords Prayer should be fine if you dont have anything special in mind) and say whatever gratitudes you feel. When you are finished stand up, bow and exit the space moving clockwise to do so.
Yep....thats pretty much it
Monday, 25 July 2016
End Time for cucks
It really and truly does seem that the End Times are finally here; With
recent global events regarding terrorism, crime, corruption, moral
bankruptcy and what seems to be an infinite deluge of degeneracy it is
obvious that this world will soon drown. When the water receeds then
this earth (Tebhel & Cheled) will be remolded in the image of the
one who holds it. As for the 'drowned' well who would really care? It
seems that a select few can swim with the current or even swim against
it but everyone else is stagnant, just treading water and going nowhere.
Those who are not content to 'just tread water' believe that they will
reach a destination or just hope to go somewhere, whereas the 'water
treaders' will go nowhere and eventually drown.
We are now on the Tree of Death, Malkuth in Assiah is now Lilith in Tohu, those who believe in God as revealed by Abraham are now living behind enemy lines. On an earth out of balance in a world without balance; Tebhel is now dominant over Cheled, money decides morality, God is just an allegory, a true faith is now just mythological creed, religions are remolded and re-engineered into political ideologies. In fact we now live on an earth and in a world where nothing is true and all is permitted.
People just tread water while telling lies to themselves that they are going somewhere, they hypnotise and convince themselves that this is true. And when they have the moments where they realise that they are going nowhere they will call out to God to save them, the same God they dont believe exists. Just like the cucks in Europe who lie to themselves in believing pseudo-refugees will mold with them in some sort of 'united greater humanity' when the only thing these fake refugees intend to mold is these cucks into the dirt. These are the same cucks who will proudly proclaim the lie that there is no God and at the very same time will proclaim that jews are Gods' chosen.
Treason to ones nation is now deemed to be loyalty to ones earth, there is no spirit to their beliefs it is just a 'physical' mental decision based on the hormones and chemicals in their brain. As for the ideologies and creeds that push them into this direction? Well... thats just social altruism because all people are equal in humanity regardless of ones physical construction in regards to physiology or melanin or intelligence or inherant being. No, it doesnt matter whether or not you are a sociopath or psychopath because we are all equal... and if you disagree you will be physically punished until you conform.
If you oppose 'progressive social norms' because you are a thug by nature with a non absolute moral system, then you will be dealt with leniantly because you are a 'spiritual' problem and redeemable. If you oppose 'progressive social norms' because you believe they are inheritantly wrong and corrupt because who hold a moral belief system that is absolute, then you are unredeemable and will be dealt with in a sadistic brutal manner because you are the problem - a physical problem that can only be dealt with in a physical way. But if you hold no moral values or have no absolutes in the socio-progressive creed that you publically proclaim yourself to believe for the present time, then you have 'evolved' but you are no longer human but rather an organic robot that has no will of its own and can be programmed at any given time.
We have no stewardship over the earth but rather the concerns of the earth have stewardship over us, we no longer have individual autonomy but instead a collective humanity groupthink where we do not matter as individuals but only as politically correct progressive social castes. We have a global mindset where people will swear utter allegiance to celebrities who care nothing for them and yet will insult, decieve and abuse the families that have always supported them at every situation. If you show devotion to God then you will be ridiculed for worshiping someone that allegedly doesnt exist and told that your 'spiritual' belief is irrational. And at the same time you will be told that the worship of money is perfectly rational even though at least 90% of money doesnt exist in physical form.
We are being indoctrinated to believe that everything is purely physical in existance, if that is true then it stands to reason that it can be empirically measured. But how does one measure evil? Sure, we can observe the acts of implementing evil but how does one measure the original impetus behind it? It cannot be said to be physical, todays so called 'leaders, politicians and celebrities' are operating from the same playbook. They operate on the same level as sociopaths and psychopaths who see everyone as a willing victim, they see themselves as butchers and everyone else as cattle. We can see this as the 'frog in the pot' example, we are seeing and living the 'reversal of order'... and the water is just about to boil.
We are now on the Tree of Death, Malkuth in Assiah is now Lilith in Tohu, those who believe in God as revealed by Abraham are now living behind enemy lines. On an earth out of balance in a world without balance; Tebhel is now dominant over Cheled, money decides morality, God is just an allegory, a true faith is now just mythological creed, religions are remolded and re-engineered into political ideologies. In fact we now live on an earth and in a world where nothing is true and all is permitted.
People just tread water while telling lies to themselves that they are going somewhere, they hypnotise and convince themselves that this is true. And when they have the moments where they realise that they are going nowhere they will call out to God to save them, the same God they dont believe exists. Just like the cucks in Europe who lie to themselves in believing pseudo-refugees will mold with them in some sort of 'united greater humanity' when the only thing these fake refugees intend to mold is these cucks into the dirt. These are the same cucks who will proudly proclaim the lie that there is no God and at the very same time will proclaim that jews are Gods' chosen.
Treason to ones nation is now deemed to be loyalty to ones earth, there is no spirit to their beliefs it is just a 'physical' mental decision based on the hormones and chemicals in their brain. As for the ideologies and creeds that push them into this direction? Well... thats just social altruism because all people are equal in humanity regardless of ones physical construction in regards to physiology or melanin or intelligence or inherant being. No, it doesnt matter whether or not you are a sociopath or psychopath because we are all equal... and if you disagree you will be physically punished until you conform.
If you oppose 'progressive social norms' because you are a thug by nature with a non absolute moral system, then you will be dealt with leniantly because you are a 'spiritual' problem and redeemable. If you oppose 'progressive social norms' because you believe they are inheritantly wrong and corrupt because who hold a moral belief system that is absolute, then you are unredeemable and will be dealt with in a sadistic brutal manner because you are the problem - a physical problem that can only be dealt with in a physical way. But if you hold no moral values or have no absolutes in the socio-progressive creed that you publically proclaim yourself to believe for the present time, then you have 'evolved' but you are no longer human but rather an organic robot that has no will of its own and can be programmed at any given time.
We have no stewardship over the earth but rather the concerns of the earth have stewardship over us, we no longer have individual autonomy but instead a collective humanity groupthink where we do not matter as individuals but only as politically correct progressive social castes. We have a global mindset where people will swear utter allegiance to celebrities who care nothing for them and yet will insult, decieve and abuse the families that have always supported them at every situation. If you show devotion to God then you will be ridiculed for worshiping someone that allegedly doesnt exist and told that your 'spiritual' belief is irrational. And at the same time you will be told that the worship of money is perfectly rational even though at least 90% of money doesnt exist in physical form.
We are being indoctrinated to believe that everything is purely physical in existance, if that is true then it stands to reason that it can be empirically measured. But how does one measure evil? Sure, we can observe the acts of implementing evil but how does one measure the original impetus behind it? It cannot be said to be physical, todays so called 'leaders, politicians and celebrities' are operating from the same playbook. They operate on the same level as sociopaths and psychopaths who see everyone as a willing victim, they see themselves as butchers and everyone else as cattle. We can see this as the 'frog in the pot' example, we are seeing and living the 'reversal of order'... and the water is just about to boil.
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
Questions for Zionist Apostate Xians
This will be ongoing as there are plenty of questions to ask these apostates.
You can add further questions in the comment box, but in all honesty I dont expect them to answer,.... anyway.......... lets start.....
1. If jews are the superior people whom everyone must serve then are they to be obeyed without question?
2. If they are our superiors then who is the theirs?
3. Whom do jews call 'god'? Who is their 'god'?
4. And is their god our god?
5. And seeing that jews do not worship or even respect Jesus Christ then is it fair to say that Jesus Christ is not God or an aspect of God?
6. In the Talmud it says that Jesus Christ is in hell in a boiling pool of shit and seeing that jews hold this to be true; Is it fair to say that you do too?
7. Who is your god? Do you worship a guy in hell in a boiling pool of shit? Is this your god?
8. Is abortion sinful?
9. But if jews perform abortions is that not a sin? And should they go to hell for doing them?
10. 90% of the American pornography industry is owned and run by jews, is this ordained by your god? Do you purchase this pornography? If you dont then why not? After all the money will end up in Israel.
11. Israel was founded on zionism which is an atheist creed. Was this ordained by your god?
12. Do you have any DNA evidence that proves that todays jews are in fact descendants of Abraham, Moses, or any ancient Israelites?
13. If Messianic Jews are just Christians then why do they do they call themselves jews and why do they not allow Christians to join?
14. Do you actually interact with jews in a worship service context? Do you actually interact with them at all?
15. If you do interact with them then what information do you exchange with them?
16. Do you speak Hebrew?
17. Have jews ever invited you to join Judaism?
18. Did you realise that jews do not believe in hell? Rather they believe that if jews have been bad then upon death they will go into purgatory for up to a year and then ascend to heaven. Non jews will remain permanently dead, is this not atheism?
19. Do you suffer from white guilt? Why is xian zionism an exclusively whites only club?
20. You do realise that jews do not consider themselves white? Dont you?
You can add further questions in the comment box, but in all honesty I dont expect them to answer,.... anyway.......... lets start.....
1. If jews are the superior people whom everyone must serve then are they to be obeyed without question?
2. If they are our superiors then who is the theirs?
3. Whom do jews call 'god'? Who is their 'god'?
4. And is their god our god?
5. And seeing that jews do not worship or even respect Jesus Christ then is it fair to say that Jesus Christ is not God or an aspect of God?
6. In the Talmud it says that Jesus Christ is in hell in a boiling pool of shit and seeing that jews hold this to be true; Is it fair to say that you do too?
7. Who is your god? Do you worship a guy in hell in a boiling pool of shit? Is this your god?
8. Is abortion sinful?
9. But if jews perform abortions is that not a sin? And should they go to hell for doing them?
10. 90% of the American pornography industry is owned and run by jews, is this ordained by your god? Do you purchase this pornography? If you dont then why not? After all the money will end up in Israel.
11. Israel was founded on zionism which is an atheist creed. Was this ordained by your god?
12. Do you have any DNA evidence that proves that todays jews are in fact descendants of Abraham, Moses, or any ancient Israelites?
13. If Messianic Jews are just Christians then why do they do they call themselves jews and why do they not allow Christians to join?
14. Do you actually interact with jews in a worship service context? Do you actually interact with them at all?
15. If you do interact with them then what information do you exchange with them?
16. Do you speak Hebrew?
17. Have jews ever invited you to join Judaism?
18. Did you realise that jews do not believe in hell? Rather they believe that if jews have been bad then upon death they will go into purgatory for up to a year and then ascend to heaven. Non jews will remain permanently dead, is this not atheism?
19. Do you suffer from white guilt? Why is xian zionism an exclusively whites only club?
20. You do realise that jews do not consider themselves white? Dont you?
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
The curse of chiliasm
The curse of chiliasm
What is chiliasm? It is a jewish heresy that has become ingrained into Christianity, originally it was a prophecy regarding the endtimes. However as judaism is for jews only (by maternal bloodline) we can say that the prophecy was for jews only and only concerned the ancient Israelite world of the time. That prophecy came true in 70AD when the Romans destroyed the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem and destroyed the geneology records and that should be the end of the subject about that particular prophecy, but as we see it is reinfecting the dying body of Christianity much in the same way as HIV.
It is now being propagated by the likes of Zionist Apostate Xtians (I refuse to call these parasites Christian as there is nothing remotely Christian about them; I call them ZAX) as well as nutjob cults who are all headed by some loon who thinks he is Jesus and the followers regard them as such. It is also in the interests of the state of Israel and jewish zionists in general to ensure this propagation for political and financial ends instead of religious ones. Either by stupidity, gulliability or just plain corruption the ZAX have adopted this expired jewish heresy and seek to make it a current viable prophecy in Christianity, they propagate the idea that it is the purpose of Christians to serve the state of Israel, to serve zionism and to serve jews. ZAX seek to redefine Christianity from a faith that believes in Jesus Christ into one that serves jews, zionists and Israel (a type of unholy trinity really...) despite the fact that these three entities are largely atheist and that any spiritual aspect in them is pantheist. Modern judaism cannot be said to be an Abrahamic faith or a Mosaic faith as those who call themselves jews are not descendants of Abraham, Moses or even their tribes or even those of ancient Israel.
Todays jews are infact descendants of converts such as the askhenazim who are descendants of georgian and chechen converts, the same applies to sephardim who are descendants of Berber and Iberian converts. You also have various subsaharan africans claiming to be jews, as well as cochini (Indian) jews and even self proclaimed jews in China. These grubs are not semitic in the slightest but are just filth looking for easy money, a free trip to Israel, an Israeli passport and a springboard to Europe.
The only jews who have some claim to Israel are the Falashas and Musawis, the Falashas are Ethiopian jews who have a miniscule claim due to being descendants of the kingdom of the Queen of Sheba but the line of descendance is so remote that it no longer counts. The Musawi on the other hand are indeed recognised as having a right to live in Israel, but only by the Palestine Liberation Organisation charter that recognises them as Palestinians of the Judaist faith. However neither the jewish state of Israel nor ZAX recognises them as ethnic arabs who practice the judaist faith but instead has deemed them to be sephardic jews even though there is no bloodline connection. To claim that sephardic jews and Musawis are the same people is the same as saying Spanish and Italians are the same people because they look kinda similiar and use the same alphabet. As bigoted as this is, the ZAX will claim that it is a holy duty of all Christians to believe this because the jews said so (despite the fact they are not descendants of ancient Israelites or even believe in God, and if they do its not the same one everyone else believes in).
So let us examine the two key figures of ZAX chiliasm as well see it today (at this point I want to give credit to Brother Nathanael whose YouTube clips about zionist xtians are certainly worth watching), those two figures are John Nelson Darby and Cyrus Scofield. Their innane and opportunistic rantings are the backbone of ZAXism today which are being peddled by John Hagee.
John Nelson Darby
This guy started off in the Church of Ireland but later left to become involved in the Plymouth Brethren and from there he founded the Exclusive Brethren. His spin was his personal take on dispensationalism and futurism which is now held as 'the rapture' but pre-tribulation rapture theology was what he peddled with the Plymouth Brethren. His crankery increased with the invention of the telegraph which he saw as an invention of Cain and a harbinger of Armageddon and a definite sign that the end of the world was coming.
I'll just paste in this bit from the wikipedia page about Darby....
Dispensationalist beliefs about the fate of the Jews and the re-establishment of the Kingdom of Israel put dispensationalists at the forefront of Christian Zionism, because "God is able to graft them in again," and they believe that in His grace he will do so according to their understanding of Old Testament prophecy.
So here we have Darby stating that for whatever reason that prophecy from the Old Testament regarding jews must be given priority because that is what God wants according to their (brethren) understanding. Is Darby saying that he and his stooges/captives know what God is going to do before God does? This sort of megalomania is quite evident when one examines the Exclusive Brethren.
At best this can be described as heresy or else it is better described as a personality cult which passes for xtian.
Cyrus Scofield
The author of the Scofield Reference Bible which is the indoctrination book of ZAX, although ZAX would like to portray Scofield as an enlightened progressive scholar the fact is the truth is quite opposite.
Cyrus Scofield was actually:
A drunk
A bigamist - he deserted his 1st wife and 2 children, the wife sued for divorce on grounds of desertion but Scofield actually remarried before the divorce was finalised.
And we have this as well from wikipedia....
In 1871, Scofield was elected to the Kansas House of Representatives, first from Atchison for one year and then from Nemaha County for a second. In 1873 he worked for the election of John J. Ingalls as senator from Kansas, and when Ingalls won, the new senator had Scofield appointed U. S. District Attorney for Kansas—at 29, the youngest in the country. Nevertheless, that same year Scofield was forced to resign "under a cloud of scandal" because of questionable financial transactions, that may have included accepting bribes from railroads, stealing political contributions intended for Ingalls, and securing bank promissory notes by forging signatures. It is possible Scofield was jailed on forgery charges, although there is no extant evidence in the public records.
If anything Cyrus Scofield was nothing more than a street hustler with expensive tastes and in fact both Darby and Scofield were lawyers by profession. They were just grubs looking to peddle their spin to jews and indeed anyone unfortunate enough to cross their paths. They are certainly not to be admired or respected. The sort of people they were can be seen today in the likes of John Hagee who is just another opportunist who likes the jetset lifestyle.
Now let us deal with the issue of Messianic Judaism, although people think of the term 'messianic jews' and simply think they are jews who have converted to Christianity this certainly isnt the case. If you convert to Christianity then that makes you a Christian and not a jew of some sort in relation to religious terms. Are there jews who have converted to Christianity? Yes and we see that with Brother Nathanael who identifies himself as an Orthodox Christian and not as a 'messianic jew' or any sort of jew.
Messianic Judaism is for jews only, they dont seek to recruit ZAX and at best ZAX might be regarded as associates or in reality just plain brown nosing stooges. One should look at the Messianic Judaism setup as a punk movement within Judaism, in it Jesus Christ isnt regarded as an aspect of God or having a God aspect; Rather he is a figurehead or totem like Sid Vicious was within the punk movement. Jesus Christ is respected by these jews not because of who and what he was but rather because he was a jew anti-hero who got the goyim to worship him as mainstream judaism aims to do for all jews in regards to the goyim (yes...thats non jews...in other words you and me). Messianic Judaism has remodelled Jesus Christ into some sort of punk Buddha. The ZAX are not in on the joke so they are the butt of it and indeed so is anyone else who falls for their spin.
So lets say a ZAX (or anybody else for that matter) wants to become a 'kosher christian'; How would they go about it?
Well first they would have to convert and be accepted into mainstream Judaism, they would have to study for 1-3 years. They would get instant acceptance depending on what they can do for zionism/global jewry (such as politicians, celebrities, etc), if they are poor or else bums they will be discouraged from trying to convert and told they can serve jewry by becoming or remaining a ZAX. If they do convert and do decide to become a Messianic Judaist then they will finally realise the joke but wont be able to do anything about it because they have invested so much time and money into this venture that they have alienated non jewish friends and face the real risk of leaving bankrupt.
They can only continue on in this new tribe in a cloud of self deceit much in the same way they were when they were ZAX. In my opinion this could explain the number of neurosies within the jewish community. I suppose this is always possible when one realises that ones history has been a lie.
Now one has to ask where mainstream modern judaism comes into this, well let us look at the situation. We have a group of people who call themselves jews who claim to be descendants of the ancient Israelites and anything that has to do with them.
But as we have things like DNA testing and the internet where there is a free flow of all sorts of information, we are seeing these ancient Israelite claims repeatedly challenged and increasingly refuted. The fact is that todays jews are not descendants of Abraham, Moses, or any ancient Israelites - they are descendants of converts and cannot call themselves 'the seed of Abraham' and they cannot call themselves 'Gods chosen people'.
With the overwhelming amount of jews who are either atheist or pantheist it cannot be said that they worship the God as worshiped by Abraham or Moses. What we have is not people who adjust themselves to comply to a religion but rather we have a religion which is being constantly remolded to comply to people. Todays judaism is not based on the Torah but instead is based on the Talmud, this is the same Talmud that condones pedophilia, calls non jews filth, calls the Virgin Mary a slut and says that Jesus Christ is in hell in a pool of boiling shit.
The fact is that judaism has had no prophets since the time of Jesus Christ, the only 'jews' who have attempted to convey prophecy on behalf of judaism are pagan converts and all they have done is inject vague prophecies from other religions into judaism to give the appearance of being the continuous line of Abraham, Moses and ancient Israel. An example of this is the issue of the AntiChrist in Christianity or the Dajjal of Islam, the jews came up with Armilus as their equivalent. But this has come after the prophecies of the AntiChrist/Dajjal despite the fact that these jews claim to be a direct line of descent from the ancient Israelites and have a continuous line of the gift of prophecy.
So where does chiliasm come into all this? Well considering that chiliasm is indeed an ancient Israelite prophecy and that it only applied to ancient Judaists and that the 'doomsday' aspect occurred in 70AD with the destruction of the 2nd Temple and destruction of the geneology records. But seeing as the jews had their Messiah - that being the Lord Jesus Christ crucified by the Romans, then the prophecy could not be fulfilled as it was recieved. So todays jews who are the descendants of pagan converts are now seeking to bring forth that prophecy to be fulfilled as it was recieved. And this is being percieved as certainly possible with events and circumstances as they are today.
With ZAX, messianic jews, the increase of atheism and various new age type pantheist thinking, the acceptance of anti-Christian type philosophies which require a religious devotion and a general tone of apathy as well; Then this 2nd shot at chiliasm may certainly be possible.
We seem to be dealing with a singular aspect on a multi-headed monster, whatever reasons the likes of 'christian zionism' or really better called 'Zionist Apostate Xtianity' was invented for its current purpose is to serve the zionist state of Israel and nothing else. I sometimes wonder and have to ask why these people dont join the likes of British Israelism, it seems that ZAX have a need to be servile. But all they actually achieve is being so vile, if they are not to be called ZAX then the appropriate word for them would be cucks. If there are no jews to serve under the name of atheist zionism then they would be willing slaves to the likes of the black American group called the Nation of Islam. These people hate themselves with pride in being debased, quite frankly these loathsome creatures are HIV to everything that is remotely European.
I'll just add this on:
1. There is a miniscule and dying minority of Judaists who do believe in the concept of God as was taught by Moses, these people should not refer to themselves as jews but rather as those who believe in the 'Mosaic faith'.
2. Musawis should be recognised for what they are - semitic Palestinians who believe in the Mosaic faith, they are not sephardim. The PLO charter of 1967 recognises them as such.
3. If Christian churches want to peddle the expired jewish prophecy of chiliasm then they should no longer be classified as Christian but instead must be referred to as chiliastic.
4. ZAX must be expelled from churches as they do engage in and propagate apostasy.
5. Judaism can no longer be accepted as an Abrahamic faith because it is overrun with atheists and pantheists.
6. There are physical (maternal bloodline) jews and there are 'spiritual' jews, the former should never be recognised as being of the Mosaic faith (unless they practice as Moses instructed) and the latter should be recognised as ZAX.
Brother Nathanael vids
This info on my blog
These jews see themselves as the only 'people' and see this world as their own.
You, me and all non jews are not people as far as they are concerned because the Talmud says so
Anyway.... Ive done a couple of clips on chiliasm myself and will add them as I finish them.
The curse of chiliasm - part 3
The curse of chiliasm - part 4
The curse of chiliasm - part 5
What is chiliasm? It is a jewish heresy that has become ingrained into Christianity, originally it was a prophecy regarding the endtimes. However as judaism is for jews only (by maternal bloodline) we can say that the prophecy was for jews only and only concerned the ancient Israelite world of the time. That prophecy came true in 70AD when the Romans destroyed the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem and destroyed the geneology records and that should be the end of the subject about that particular prophecy, but as we see it is reinfecting the dying body of Christianity much in the same way as HIV.
It is now being propagated by the likes of Zionist Apostate Xtians (I refuse to call these parasites Christian as there is nothing remotely Christian about them; I call them ZAX) as well as nutjob cults who are all headed by some loon who thinks he is Jesus and the followers regard them as such. It is also in the interests of the state of Israel and jewish zionists in general to ensure this propagation for political and financial ends instead of religious ones. Either by stupidity, gulliability or just plain corruption the ZAX have adopted this expired jewish heresy and seek to make it a current viable prophecy in Christianity, they propagate the idea that it is the purpose of Christians to serve the state of Israel, to serve zionism and to serve jews. ZAX seek to redefine Christianity from a faith that believes in Jesus Christ into one that serves jews, zionists and Israel (a type of unholy trinity really...) despite the fact that these three entities are largely atheist and that any spiritual aspect in them is pantheist. Modern judaism cannot be said to be an Abrahamic faith or a Mosaic faith as those who call themselves jews are not descendants of Abraham, Moses or even their tribes or even those of ancient Israel.
Todays jews are infact descendants of converts such as the askhenazim who are descendants of georgian and chechen converts, the same applies to sephardim who are descendants of Berber and Iberian converts. You also have various subsaharan africans claiming to be jews, as well as cochini (Indian) jews and even self proclaimed jews in China. These grubs are not semitic in the slightest but are just filth looking for easy money, a free trip to Israel, an Israeli passport and a springboard to Europe.
The only jews who have some claim to Israel are the Falashas and Musawis, the Falashas are Ethiopian jews who have a miniscule claim due to being descendants of the kingdom of the Queen of Sheba but the line of descendance is so remote that it no longer counts. The Musawi on the other hand are indeed recognised as having a right to live in Israel, but only by the Palestine Liberation Organisation charter that recognises them as Palestinians of the Judaist faith. However neither the jewish state of Israel nor ZAX recognises them as ethnic arabs who practice the judaist faith but instead has deemed them to be sephardic jews even though there is no bloodline connection. To claim that sephardic jews and Musawis are the same people is the same as saying Spanish and Italians are the same people because they look kinda similiar and use the same alphabet. As bigoted as this is, the ZAX will claim that it is a holy duty of all Christians to believe this because the jews said so (despite the fact they are not descendants of ancient Israelites or even believe in God, and if they do its not the same one everyone else believes in).
So let us examine the two key figures of ZAX chiliasm as well see it today (at this point I want to give credit to Brother Nathanael whose YouTube clips about zionist xtians are certainly worth watching), those two figures are John Nelson Darby and Cyrus Scofield. Their innane and opportunistic rantings are the backbone of ZAXism today which are being peddled by John Hagee.
John Nelson Darby
This guy started off in the Church of Ireland but later left to become involved in the Plymouth Brethren and from there he founded the Exclusive Brethren. His spin was his personal take on dispensationalism and futurism which is now held as 'the rapture' but pre-tribulation rapture theology was what he peddled with the Plymouth Brethren. His crankery increased with the invention of the telegraph which he saw as an invention of Cain and a harbinger of Armageddon and a definite sign that the end of the world was coming.
I'll just paste in this bit from the wikipedia page about Darby....
Dispensationalist beliefs about the fate of the Jews and the re-establishment of the Kingdom of Israel put dispensationalists at the forefront of Christian Zionism, because "God is able to graft them in again," and they believe that in His grace he will do so according to their understanding of Old Testament prophecy.
So here we have Darby stating that for whatever reason that prophecy from the Old Testament regarding jews must be given priority because that is what God wants according to their (brethren) understanding. Is Darby saying that he and his stooges/captives know what God is going to do before God does? This sort of megalomania is quite evident when one examines the Exclusive Brethren.
At best this can be described as heresy or else it is better described as a personality cult which passes for xtian.
Cyrus Scofield
The author of the Scofield Reference Bible which is the indoctrination book of ZAX, although ZAX would like to portray Scofield as an enlightened progressive scholar the fact is the truth is quite opposite.
Cyrus Scofield was actually:
A drunk
A bigamist - he deserted his 1st wife and 2 children, the wife sued for divorce on grounds of desertion but Scofield actually remarried before the divorce was finalised.
And we have this as well from wikipedia....
In 1871, Scofield was elected to the Kansas House of Representatives, first from Atchison for one year and then from Nemaha County for a second. In 1873 he worked for the election of John J. Ingalls as senator from Kansas, and when Ingalls won, the new senator had Scofield appointed U. S. District Attorney for Kansas—at 29, the youngest in the country. Nevertheless, that same year Scofield was forced to resign "under a cloud of scandal" because of questionable financial transactions, that may have included accepting bribes from railroads, stealing political contributions intended for Ingalls, and securing bank promissory notes by forging signatures. It is possible Scofield was jailed on forgery charges, although there is no extant evidence in the public records.
If anything Cyrus Scofield was nothing more than a street hustler with expensive tastes and in fact both Darby and Scofield were lawyers by profession. They were just grubs looking to peddle their spin to jews and indeed anyone unfortunate enough to cross their paths. They are certainly not to be admired or respected. The sort of people they were can be seen today in the likes of John Hagee who is just another opportunist who likes the jetset lifestyle.
Now let us deal with the issue of Messianic Judaism, although people think of the term 'messianic jews' and simply think they are jews who have converted to Christianity this certainly isnt the case. If you convert to Christianity then that makes you a Christian and not a jew of some sort in relation to religious terms. Are there jews who have converted to Christianity? Yes and we see that with Brother Nathanael who identifies himself as an Orthodox Christian and not as a 'messianic jew' or any sort of jew.
Messianic Judaism is for jews only, they dont seek to recruit ZAX and at best ZAX might be regarded as associates or in reality just plain brown nosing stooges. One should look at the Messianic Judaism setup as a punk movement within Judaism, in it Jesus Christ isnt regarded as an aspect of God or having a God aspect; Rather he is a figurehead or totem like Sid Vicious was within the punk movement. Jesus Christ is respected by these jews not because of who and what he was but rather because he was a jew anti-hero who got the goyim to worship him as mainstream judaism aims to do for all jews in regards to the goyim (yes...thats non jews...in other words you and me). Messianic Judaism has remodelled Jesus Christ into some sort of punk Buddha. The ZAX are not in on the joke so they are the butt of it and indeed so is anyone else who falls for their spin.
So lets say a ZAX (or anybody else for that matter) wants to become a 'kosher christian'; How would they go about it?
Well first they would have to convert and be accepted into mainstream Judaism, they would have to study for 1-3 years. They would get instant acceptance depending on what they can do for zionism/global jewry (such as politicians, celebrities, etc), if they are poor or else bums they will be discouraged from trying to convert and told they can serve jewry by becoming or remaining a ZAX. If they do convert and do decide to become a Messianic Judaist then they will finally realise the joke but wont be able to do anything about it because they have invested so much time and money into this venture that they have alienated non jewish friends and face the real risk of leaving bankrupt.
They can only continue on in this new tribe in a cloud of self deceit much in the same way they were when they were ZAX. In my opinion this could explain the number of neurosies within the jewish community. I suppose this is always possible when one realises that ones history has been a lie.
Now one has to ask where mainstream modern judaism comes into this, well let us look at the situation. We have a group of people who call themselves jews who claim to be descendants of the ancient Israelites and anything that has to do with them.
But as we have things like DNA testing and the internet where there is a free flow of all sorts of information, we are seeing these ancient Israelite claims repeatedly challenged and increasingly refuted. The fact is that todays jews are not descendants of Abraham, Moses, or any ancient Israelites - they are descendants of converts and cannot call themselves 'the seed of Abraham' and they cannot call themselves 'Gods chosen people'.
With the overwhelming amount of jews who are either atheist or pantheist it cannot be said that they worship the God as worshiped by Abraham or Moses. What we have is not people who adjust themselves to comply to a religion but rather we have a religion which is being constantly remolded to comply to people. Todays judaism is not based on the Torah but instead is based on the Talmud, this is the same Talmud that condones pedophilia, calls non jews filth, calls the Virgin Mary a slut and says that Jesus Christ is in hell in a pool of boiling shit.
The fact is that judaism has had no prophets since the time of Jesus Christ, the only 'jews' who have attempted to convey prophecy on behalf of judaism are pagan converts and all they have done is inject vague prophecies from other religions into judaism to give the appearance of being the continuous line of Abraham, Moses and ancient Israel. An example of this is the issue of the AntiChrist in Christianity or the Dajjal of Islam, the jews came up with Armilus as their equivalent. But this has come after the prophecies of the AntiChrist/Dajjal despite the fact that these jews claim to be a direct line of descent from the ancient Israelites and have a continuous line of the gift of prophecy.
So where does chiliasm come into all this? Well considering that chiliasm is indeed an ancient Israelite prophecy and that it only applied to ancient Judaists and that the 'doomsday' aspect occurred in 70AD with the destruction of the 2nd Temple and destruction of the geneology records. But seeing as the jews had their Messiah - that being the Lord Jesus Christ crucified by the Romans, then the prophecy could not be fulfilled as it was recieved. So todays jews who are the descendants of pagan converts are now seeking to bring forth that prophecy to be fulfilled as it was recieved. And this is being percieved as certainly possible with events and circumstances as they are today.
With ZAX, messianic jews, the increase of atheism and various new age type pantheist thinking, the acceptance of anti-Christian type philosophies which require a religious devotion and a general tone of apathy as well; Then this 2nd shot at chiliasm may certainly be possible.
We seem to be dealing with a singular aspect on a multi-headed monster, whatever reasons the likes of 'christian zionism' or really better called 'Zionist Apostate Xtianity' was invented for its current purpose is to serve the zionist state of Israel and nothing else. I sometimes wonder and have to ask why these people dont join the likes of British Israelism, it seems that ZAX have a need to be servile. But all they actually achieve is being so vile, if they are not to be called ZAX then the appropriate word for them would be cucks. If there are no jews to serve under the name of atheist zionism then they would be willing slaves to the likes of the black American group called the Nation of Islam. These people hate themselves with pride in being debased, quite frankly these loathsome creatures are HIV to everything that is remotely European.
I'll just add this on:
1. There is a miniscule and dying minority of Judaists who do believe in the concept of God as was taught by Moses, these people should not refer to themselves as jews but rather as those who believe in the 'Mosaic faith'.
2. Musawis should be recognised for what they are - semitic Palestinians who believe in the Mosaic faith, they are not sephardim. The PLO charter of 1967 recognises them as such.
3. If Christian churches want to peddle the expired jewish prophecy of chiliasm then they should no longer be classified as Christian but instead must be referred to as chiliastic.
4. ZAX must be expelled from churches as they do engage in and propagate apostasy.
5. Judaism can no longer be accepted as an Abrahamic faith because it is overrun with atheists and pantheists.
6. There are physical (maternal bloodline) jews and there are 'spiritual' jews, the former should never be recognised as being of the Mosaic faith (unless they practice as Moses instructed) and the latter should be recognised as ZAX.
Brother Nathanael vids
This info on my blog
These jews see themselves as the only 'people' and see this world as their own.
You, me and all non jews are not people as far as they are concerned because the Talmud says so
Anyway.... Ive done a couple of clips on chiliasm myself and will add them as I finish them.
The curse of chiliasm - part 1
The curse of chiliasm - part 2
The curse of chiliasm - part 3
The curse of chiliasm - part 4
The curse of chiliasm - part 5
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