Showing posts with label atheist jews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label atheist jews. Show all posts

Friday, 20 December 2019

Chapter 6 - part 1

 This is from a book I have written called "Taking, holding and keeping. Possession and Exorcism today."

Chapter 6

I just decided to place an intermission here to do a recap of what I have written so far. So far I've been centred on the secular and commercial cultural aspects of the problem we are facing right now, as it would be a mistake to simply dismiss it as being an irrelevant factor. It is a relevant factor, all factors are relevant because one complements or at the least supplements the others. An army may be fighting an enemy on a single front but to be successful it has to break up its singular front into multiple fronts which each one using a different strategy. It does this knowing if one mini front is successful in breaking the enemys' line. Then the other fronts will be able to supply soldiers to continually invade the breach or else the breach will weaken various sections of the enemys' front line by making them transport their soldiers to that breach without a coherent strategy. Transportation of soldiers front various parts of a line will weaken the sections where they were stationed and quite possibly lead to another breach.

So using Christianity as an example, we have the various mini fronts in the likes of the various denominations of Christianity. Some will back up, complement and supplement the others, but some will not. And some will support a non Christian or even atheist religion in a conflict against a denomination who they see as a rival in the Christian realm. Yes we are talking about minuscule, near extinct denominations and a handful of people who would rather hand over the keys of their church to non Christians and atheists than to a Christian denomination who they see as their number one rival. Even worse they would rather burn their church than see it held by rival theology Christians. If you want to ask where and when this has happened, one only has to look at history particulary in the middle ages. 

If you want something more recent then you only have to look at Northern Ireland/Ulster, it didn't start off as a sectarian war per se but was caught up in one. It amazes me that people do not or simply refuse to recognise the PIRA (Provisional Irish Republican Army) is a decidedly atheist and somewhat Marxist organisation. The PIRA has a problem with those who identify as British in Northern Ireland but has no problem with professional refugees or a gay ethnic Indian ruling and running the southern portion of Ireland (Republic of Ireland). So the propaganda of PIRA saying it wanted a celtic and catholic Ireland was just lies and garbage and yet the Christian world (if not the entire world) fell for it. These sort of situations simply have to stop regardless of denomination, Christianity is about your faith in God and not about your "identity". It is as simple as that. Islam faces the same problems as well, most notably the sunni/shiite divide and indeed such divisions will be found in all religions. But truthfully there are only two sides, those who are faithful to God and those who serve Satan. Unless we complement, supplement, back up and support each other then it will be our lines that are breached, And it will be our front that collapses and it will be our children and our future that are taken away in chains. The fact is we are losing the war and if we utterly lose the war, then that's it! The game is over! The Tree of Death will be completed and cut off from God, the separation will be eternal. This is hell from which you will not escape.

Now you know why this war has to utterly be won, all tactics are fair and if they work you win. Today we blatantly see things that were predicted over two millennia ago, in fact when looking through the ages it is probably longer. We are now seeing ancient plans (well at least ancient to us) come into fruition, what people have to realise is that there is no concept of mechanical time by the standards of the djinn because they are not physical beings per se. Yes they can assume a physical appearance when the time is appropriate by the planets but they are not physical mortal beings. A human being cannot kill a djinni by a purely physical based method as can be done to other human beings. To them one day, one week or one year is all the same, it is by the planets on a physical level and human time (as measured with clocks and calendars) on a symbolic level they can measure time. Yes they can measure an approximation of time by our life and death but this is an approximation and not guaranteed. Because what we know as time is measured symbolically, it is possible for a government to declare that sunrise occurs at 3pm and indeed enforce this by physical means (regardless of what you think).

We exist in a world that does not seem to have absolutes, certainly in the West where everything is negotiable and therefore a variable.Whether by theory or actual practice it seems that factors in any situation we may face or encounter cannot be absolute but rather variables. Concepts of right and wrong are just that....concepts and will remain that because of people as a whole engaging in moral relativism.

What we are seeing globally today is the result of the reversal of order; and this is what the djinn need in order to take this earth in this world (Malkuth in Assiah) and it is also about taking control of everything else in this world. It is indeed the ability to decide and declare that day is night, make the days of week function in the reverse. And to impose the order and method for these things to operate and be accepted. They could very well each claim and declare (as a collective in relation to human beings) themselves 'god of this world'. Ha-Shaitan is referred to as 'Prince of this world', if these things can be done by the one who holds the title of Satan. Why would it not be acceptable or proper that they will promote themselves above their current position? After all, if you went to war against God and took this earth in this world (and by default all known physical existence) would you not feel 'entitled' to do so?

Sunday, 27 November 2016

The anti-Christ... George Soros?

The anti-Christ... George Soros?

As we see now that nearly all churches outright refuse to talk about or even mention the end times, largely due to political correctness and infiltration by leftists. Everyone who believes even in a vague concept of God must engage in dealing with this issue. This day and age gets continually worse, evil is being embraced and stupidity is fashionable. There is no concrete standards because there are no longer any absolutes, everything is a variable and the moral code of atheists has full sway. This is an age of moral relativism because atheism and apostasy are now held as a fundamental basis for society, family and the individual.

This earth in this world (Tebhel and Cheled of Malkuth in Assiah) has been seemingly won by the Tree of Death and that tree is now complete. And now we can see its effects such as a worldwide epidemic of dementia and alzheimers. The sufferers may have physical causes of their situation but then again they may not, there is no doubt that people choose to be 'dumb' because it simplifies life to the extent they may feel privileged because they do not need to take any responsibility for their actions. They need not have any sense of responsibility or priorities because they deem it to be the problem of someone else. 'Its not my problem' is their slogan, their catchcry along with 'Im entitled!'. The professionally stupid seem to think that if they can not defeat their age physically then they can do it mentally or even spiritually, the spiritual aspect is what we are seeing being enacted now.

Spirituality cannot be evidenced or demonstrated in an empirical manner (at least in any manner acceptable to the atheist academics who now run the branches of the educational system), we now see anything relating to spirituality reduced to continuous variables where there cannot be any definite truth. What is true to you is true to you and what is true to me is true to me, this is now held as an absolute truth even though they can be for the most part conflicting variables.

We now have an order of chaos and this is no longer Malkuth on the Tree of Life but is Lilith on the Tree of Death and we have to see how to reverse this situation. This situation has not come about by accident but rather due to design and compliance. The apathy people show in this situation is a matter of consent by silence, if it is beneficial to them it is called 'good' but if it is adverse them another catchcry is bellowed namely 'Im a victim!' and indeed this is now acceptable and encouraged. We have professional victim molders usually posing as 'counselors' and other 'mental health practitioners' who see it as their lifes work to facilitate this for their own personal profit. There are two types of people who can profit from this chaos, those being the people who orchestrated the chaos and those who work within it. People who seek plentiful and easy money will gravitate towards these 'misery industries' and their ages are getting younger and younger. Generations will be lost into the malignant arms of Moloch because the variable moral atheist state has replaced the family as Karl Marx planned.

Even though Karl Marx is long dead his ideals are not just being used as a basis for some new fashion political dogma but are instead being used and taught as gospel in all aspects of human society. Everything from agriculture to psychiatry has some sort of Marx idiom attached to it, he is not deemed as just another rabble rouser but as a prophet. A prophet of who? Marx made several mentions of his allegance to Satan in his personal writings which were meant for a select few, but in the time passed that few has become the many. The many have become self indoctrinated and seek to indoctrinate others like a HIV cell will seek to infect other cells in a bloodstream in order to replicate, even worse the self indoctrinated serve a supposed messiah or moshiach unknown to themselves.

Karl Marx was a jew who converted to Christianity and then renounced it, he was not the first jew to do this and Christianity was not the only religion to have this occur. There is the issue of Sabbatai Tzevi who proclaimed himself to be a moshiach and converted to Islam under force. Tzevis' devotees converted to Islam in name only and still engaged in their Tzevi worship, their descendants are now known as the Doenmeh and the current leader of Turkey (Erdogan) and his wife are said to be Doenmeh. The next moshiach was Jacob Frank of Poland and the very first is said to be Simon Magus from Biblical times, the line has been continuous. It is alleged that there has been continuous reincarnation of the moshiach waiting for the conditions to be right until he can proclaim himself 'king of this world'.

If anyone proclaims themself to be the moshiach, then how would they prove it? As the people of this earth embrace stupidity then it is not of any importance for the moshiach. We are seeing the 'post-truth' society just sprouting now, the past truth is of no relevance now but the 'current' truth is of relevance depending on whether it is fashionable and popular. Even though a past 'truth' has been decided to be false due to popular opinion that does not really matter, what is deemed to matter is how the now discredited truth is now being applied.

Truth is truth regardless of whether or not it is fashionable or popular, truth is truth whether one person believes it or whether no one believes it. A variable is only a variable and not an absolute, a person without absolutes has no core values and will have no will of their own. God gave us freewill, then on what basis do people allow it to be taken away by anyone but God? If they are selling their autonomy and indeed their souls, then what is the price they would sell it for? Or are they just giving it away for free? This is the action of a slave who doesnt know they are a slave, nor cares to know.

So if we start the line of pseudo moshiachs from the time of Simon Magus we will see that it has been continuous. With Magus, Tzevi, Frank, Marx and other frauds we will find that they have in common an adoption of apostasy with no absolutes in addition to a tribal supremacist creed. The fake moshiachs were not the anti-Christ because the conditions for a permanent hold on this earth in this world were not opportune. There always was going to be resistance against any anti-Christ regime, largely by Christianity and this is why Christianity is the main target for extermination or else infiltration by apostasy. What has happened to the Judaism of Moses is now occuring to Christianity and Islam, any order in the Abrahamic faiths is being reversed and embraced. The constant variables are now being held as an absolute truth, it is just like what Hasan of Alamut said "Nothing is true, all is permitted".

When looking at the possible anti-Christ of the current age, we have to see who is arranging the favourable circumstances for such a regime especially on a global basis. The fingers are pointing at George Soros or else one of the Rothchilds, both interfere in global societies to the extent that these societies are losing their differences. In fact one can reasonably claim a global society as a monolithic bloc and this suits Soros as he can view and stategise against it as a single entity. Even though he is a billionaire who functions on making money by ensuring others are destitute, he in fact is held as a role model by 'progressive' forces even though he causes the situations which the progressives supposedly oppose. Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis, the likes of Soros and others like him are the arsonists who arrive at the fire they lit as the firemen. And for some unknown reason everyone is thankful to him for extinguishing the fire even though they know he lit it, the more he repeats this scenario the more he measures the consequences and the favourability of the opportunity in which to act.

People will worship Soros either because of his politically correct celebrity, this gives him a fanbase from tribal, racial, sexual identities. Otherwise he caters to those who worship money, and when you look at this he could comand the respect and service of over half the earths population and as his minions continue to reproduce and as his opponents cease reproducing and eventually die off, we will see a planet Soros where all history will be rewritten. This may not even be necessary because as we see the increase of willing stupidity on this earth, then literacy will be forgotten.


Saturday, 14 March 2015

The cancer of 'christian zionism'

The cancer of 'christian zionism'

This is an ideology not a spiritual faith or religious belief, 'christian zionism' is a creed with its own Bible and that being the scofield bible. The inventor of christian zionism was john darby of the plymouth brethren who went on to found the 'exclusive brethren'. The main proponent of christian zionism today is john hagee who calls on christians to bless jews as their first priority.

(Im just going to refer to 'christian zionists'as 'xtian zionists' because there is nothing remotely Christian about them),

The main thrust at the moment is a 'pre-tribulation rapture' in which the xtian zionist faithful are brought to heaven leaving the jews and non believers who will then battle it out amongst themselves and the end result will be Jesus (sananda?) coming to the rescue and the jews live happily ever after etc.
Myself...I dont go for much on doomsday scenarios, no man will know when such a thing will happen and a trail of failed prophets proves that. All I can do for you is offer my opinion and perspective on the xtian zionist senario of the moment....

First of all, zionism is an atheist movement. It was based on a bloodline need for a jewish state not a religious one, after all in religious (judaist) terms the restoration of Israel is only supposed to occur with the appearance of the moshiach (messiah) but the issue of the restoration of Israel brings up whether it is supposed to be a slither of land in the middle east or the entire world, if it is the entire earth/world the issues of tiqqun olam, bloodline jews, 'spiritual jews' and indeed Assiah also come into play.

Zionism is a creed for a physical homeland for a people who are defined physically solely on the basis of the bloodline. There is nothing spiritual about it and it is said 50% of jews in Israel are indeed atheist or do not subscribe to judaism in a spiritual sense or application. The anti zionist jewish population of Israel is said to be less than 10%, as for the other 40%? Well this is where it gets interesting as for all intents and purposes they seem to subscribe to pantheist type belief which can vary in people and change at any given time.

As to where xtian zionism comes into it? Well... it takes a decidedly blasphemous and apostate turn here... They are very big on the physical jews are given rights to overlord spiritual jews and this is the way it will be when the 'earth' is conquered by 'jesus' and everybody else goes to hell. Problem here for them is that jews dont believe in hell, especially those who are either atheist or pantheist. In this instance they are holding true 2 utterly opposed alien concepts as a religious belief. Does this make any logical sense as a religious faith? No.
Would it make sense or be applicable in a caste system in a purely physical realm? Well... maybe it might be workable in a sense if the jews were running a concentration camp and the likes of hagee was a kapo and everyone else were just run of the mill inmates who were denied privilages because they were not fervent enough.

Another thing that xtian zionists seem to adhere to is that anything before the birth of Jesus Christ is off limits to them, as far as they are concerned jews are more qualified to comment on the Old Testament than they are. As far as they are concerned the only time they are qualified to comment on the Old Testament is when they are trying to indoctrinate everyone else into blessing the jews.

One must ask how zionism is to applied, it seems it depends on who you are physically or spiritually. If one is of a jewish mother then it is through physical bloodline that makes you jewish and there is no need for a spiritual belief and certainly not one in a metaphysical and transcendant God. It is a purely physical qualification that makes you a 'chosen person' as opposed to conversion which makes you an 'adopted person' and therefore not as 'chosen'. As for hagee and his stooges, they willingly accept a part in a lesser caste and are for practical purposes an 'indoctrinated person'. So within bloodline jews you have the askhenazi, sephardic, mizrahi, cochini, etc. The converts are deemed less than them and the xtian zionists are deemed even lower, so for all intents and purposes we have a caste system in concept which could be aligned up to the Adam Kadmon concept. As for everyone else, they are only good for landfill or spare parts. You might be asking how could such a system operate? On what blueprint could it be planned and function?

Lets go back into kabbalah for a possible answer, we have the Adam Kadmon concept which is a body of God based on the Tree of Life. If Adam Kadmon is to be displayed as standing on something he is usually displayed as standing on this earth in this world. The sephiroth are the most spiritual in aim and application starting from the crown of the head and as they descend downwards they become less spiritual and more physical in application. So we have a very basic 'spirit to physical' blueprint and method.

But if the spirit/physical blueprint is reversed we would not have Adam Kadmon standing on this earth in this world. Rather we would have Adam Belial standing on his head with the earth on his feet. Assuming that the 'higher' sephiroth would be physical and the lower being spiritual then anything spiritual would be contained between the now physical 'kether'(or rather Thaumiel) and the now purely physical earth which would be Tebhel in 'essence' and Arqa in application.

......a reversal of order.....

Replacing the spiritual for the physical.... a reversal of order
I wonder what their version of Jesus Christ is?
Most probably a new age 'jesus' or cosmic 'christ', the new age has coughed up a new age 'abraham' and all these concepts are sold with the same spruiking that one associates with hagee.

I would love to know if hagee is a sociopath, it would explain a lot.....