Toward the end of the first century the first epistle of John was written to combat the growing menace of Gnosticism. This little book is outstanding in all Christian literature for its teachings of love and purity and fellowship with God. The letter ends with the simple counsel, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols." Obviously the idols John meant were the false teachings against which he had been warning them.
Idolatry may be the worship of material objects; it may be the worship of some manifestation of God in place of God Himself; or it may be the worship of a false conception of God in place of the true. The idols of modern civilization are different from the idols of ancient paganism, and Christian idols may be more deceptive than heathen. One form of idol worship is the adulation of the human personality. A human being may express a high quality of spiritual goodness – or godliness – but he is not the creator of that goodness. Jesus, the Master, declared, "I can of mine own self do nothing" (John 5:30); "The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works" (John 14:10).
Jesus and Christ
Jesus was not understood by many of the people of his time, especially his enemies. It is important to understand the dual nature of Christ Jesus, otherwise some of his statements about himself seem contradictory and hard to understand. Christian Science dispels the mystery. It points out that Jesus was the name of the human man who was born, brought up, carried out his mission, and at last disappeared to material sense. The name was common among Hebrew boys and men.
But this man Jesus was different from all other men who have ever walked the earth. To state it simply, he knew more about God than any man before or since; he lived what he knew, and he proved the practical power of spiritual understanding in overcoming every type of human trouble – sin, danger, disease, and even death itself. His friends and associates soon began to perceive that here, right in their midst, was a truly Godlike character. While it reached its highest expression in and through the man Jesus, it was not for him exclusively. Others began to share the divine understanding; their lives, too, became imbued and inspired with the divine nature, enabling them also to do great works of healing. For centuries the Jewish people had expected some such manifestation of godliness among them; earlier writers foretold its appearing as the Messiah, the Christ, the Coming One, Immanuel, or God with us. So when Jesus began to teach and heal, many devout Jews recognized that he was indeed bringing what they had been waiting for.
Christ, as defined in Science and Health (p. 583), is "The divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error." Jesus' work, in revealing the power and presence of God on earth, was incomparable. He stands alone. So the word Christ was attached to him as a title. It stands for the Godlike nature which animated him, and must not be confused with Jesus as the name of the human person.
Dual Nature
Keeping in mind this dual nature, we see how inaccurate it is to say that Christ was born on Christmas Day, or that Christ was crucified and died. It was Jesus who was born and later crucified and rose from the dead; the Christ, or true spiritual nature, was quite untouched by these material changes, just as the quantity two remains unchanged when you erase the figure 2 from the blackboard.
The quantity two is a mental conception; the figure 2 is a material symbol. The symbol is subject to change or erasure; the quantity is always the same because it is a mental conception.
Sometimes Jesus spoke of himself as the son of man, meaning Jesus the son of Mary. At other times he called himself the Son of God, referring to the Christ or spiritual manifestation of God. Some of his later followers became confused on this point. He had said, "I and my Father are one" (John 10:30).
Mrs. Eddy, in the textbook, explains that this means one in quality, not in quantity, "as a drop of water is one with the ocean" or "a "ray of light one with the sun" (see Science and Health 361:15-17).
But the early Christians fell into the same error of which the Jews accused Jesus, the error of believing the man Jesus to be equal with God. After three hundred years it was definitely declared to be the creed of the Christian church that Jesus was God. This led to the idolatrous worship of the human personality and praying to Jesus as God.
One Mind versus Minds Many
The bedrock of true religion is the First Commandment – one God, infinite and good. One God means one Mind. Human belief would divide the one infinite Mind into many finite minds, distribute one to each person, encase it in a body of flesh, separate it completely from the one supreme intelligence, and let it go on from there operating strictly on its own, progressing or retrogressing in good or evil, as the case might be, according to whatever standard or rule it sets up for itself.
The belief of a mind and reality apart from God is the one basic error. This error is responsible for all the troubles of mankind. The belief is that there are many minds, one to each person. Each so-called human mind turns in upon itself, tries to prove itself self-sufficient, develops its own will, and takes pride in its achievements. It calls itself "I" – spelled with a capital letter. This human egotism swells into a great seeming, and yet it is basically unreal and erroneous. The call of Christian Science is to uncover this falsity, denounce it and cast it out, and return to the simple basic facts as set forth in the First Commandment of Moses and demonstrated by Jesus the Christ with great power and signs following: one God, one Mind, one Principle, infinite, good, present, understandable, and demonstrable. The reflection or expression of the true God is seen in the real man and universe.
Spiritual Leadership
Mrs. Eddy's discovery of Christian Science was the revelation to her of the truth of God and man: one Mind expressing itself in an infinitude of spiritual ideas. It included the uncovering of the claims of evil: many minds, knowing both evil and good, and the belief that there is real substance-matter outside the infinitude of Spirit. Finally, it included the demonstration that the understanding of these facts will cure disease, dispel sin, and harmonize human existence.
The Discoverer of Christian Science is also the Founder of our church. The members of this church are governed by the divinely inspired rules in the Church Manual. The purpose of this organization is to restore to Christianity the lost element of healing; to heal and transform, but not to deify the human personality. Having seen how the worship of human personality had entered the early Christian church as a great mental and moral cloud, depriving Christians of spiritual understanding and power to heal, she resolved to keep it out of Christian Science. She declares: "Person is not in the question of Christian Science. Principle, instead of person, is next to our hearts, on our lips, and in our lives" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 135).
She consistently exhorted her followers not to pursue her personality but to find her in her writings. While she demanded strictly that her place as Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science and author of its textbook should be recognized and acknowledged, this was not because of any desire for personal glory but because she understood that mortal mind would make its attack upon her discovery by first trying to discredit her as the discoverer. The discovery must stand because it is true; the discoverer must be acknowledged because she was God's instrument.
Mrs. Eddy is no longer with us in person, but her revelation of man as the perfect expression of God remains to lead her followers on to clearer vision and unerring demonstration. There are no personal leaders in Christian Science churches, but there is no lack of leadership. The revealed Principle and rule of true being is studied and obeyed by students of Christian Science and so provides spiritual leadership for all the churches and their members, leadership that is wise, positive, and effective.
A stranger going to a Christian Science church need have no concern as to whether or not he is getting in with the right people; he is getting in with the right Principle. He need not wonder who runs the church, for the true Church is spiritual, and Christian Scientists work to understand God's government and submit to it. "Again I repeat, person is not in the question of Christian Science" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 135).
Information about a new satanic trinity formed by bael, moloch and mammon and how atheism serves that end. Written by an ex satanist (me - leon xiv) See me on YouTube - And you can download my E-Books (free!) Taking, Holding, Keeping - Possession and Exorcism Today Creed of Assiah
Showing posts with label chiliasm is satanic jew worship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chiliasm is satanic jew worship. Show all posts
Sunday, 4 August 2019
Part2 Militant Atheism
Militant Atheism
One of the chief devils – or evils – at large in the world today is militant atheism, presenting itself as a philosophy or teaching suitable as a foundation for government and society, and organized to propagate itself and destroy religion. It is improbable that the propaganda of organized militant atheism has impressed itself to any great extent upon the minds of my listeners in this audience, but the very prominence which the teaching claims to occupy in world thought furnishes us a useful challenge to examine our own beliefs and conclusions and to find and eliminate from our own lives any lurking elements of atheism or its wretched relations, agnosticism and idolatry.
The atheistic individual claims there is no God; the agnostic says there may be a God, but you cannot know Him for sure; the idolater entertains false concepts of God and worships falsity in the name of truth. Christian Science comes to all types of human thinking, as the Apostle Paul once went before the citizens of Athens, bearing the same God-inspired message, "Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you" (Acts 17:23).
A great many people do not need to be convinced that there is a God; to others the fact of a Supreme Being is not so apparent – they wish to be shown. Such an attitude is permissible; it may even be commendable when honestly held. But how is the nonbeliever to be convinced of the reality of God? How is the doubter or skeptic to be enlightened?
Learning of God
In considering the question how mortals may learn of God, suppose we ask: "How do we learn anything?
How does a practical and successful individual arrive at reliable conclusions in whatever activity he engages?" Mrs. Eddy writes in the textbook (p. 199), "The devotion of thought to an honest achievement makes the achievement possible." Successful results in business, advances in scientific discovery, improvements in government, in society, and in individual well-being, these all come about through the exercise of intelligent thought, through observation, reason, experience, revelation, and proof.
May we not, then, expect to achieve right conclusions in matters of religion by the same practical process? Is not true intelligence able to penetrate the vast realm of spiritual knowledge and to reveal God's nature and man's relation to Him? Is knowledge of material things to become more and more important while at the same time we are limited to blind belief, speculation, and chance in the far more important matters of holiness, eternal salvation, and God's kingdom on earth?
One recognizes the truth of a new idea by its consistency with other ideas which he already knows, and has proved, to be true. So one may learn to know the true God as the divine origin and Principle of the spiritual good which he already claims and practices. Universe and Creator
In our efforts to discover the nature or character of God as the creator and ruler of the universe, let us consider first the nature of the universe we are trying to account for. Suppose one looks about him and notes the earth, sky, and people, and says to himself: "Here I am, a corporeal mortal, living in a material body, subject to material conditions, and dependent upon them to preserve me.
Where did it all start? Who or what is responsible?" Conceiving the universe to be material, he is obliged to find a material cause for it, and such material cause must be held responsible for all the disasters to which the material world seems subject – earthquake, famines, disease, cruelty, and death. Such a concept of primal cause or God is blindly worshiped by pagans through rituals designed to placate His vengeance. This is pantheism, the opposite of Christianity.
But, instead of starting with earth, sky, and people, suppose one considers the charity and love which he feels in his heart, the wisdom and intelligence he sees expressed around him, the hope, faith, joy, and courage so vital to human life, so present and real to him who appreciates them. Now let him ask himself: "Where do these things originate? How is it that men are capable of such grand and noble ideals? What is it that will cause people to turn away wrath with gentleness, meet hatred with love, sacrifice themselves to help others, and face danger with confidence?" The only way to account for these spiritual higher manifestations is to attribute them to a primal spiritual cause; so here we have the Christian or true concept of God as pure Spirit, the all-knowing divine Mind, the origin of all spiritual reality.
Belief and Conduct
We have, in our society today, a large number of men and women who seldom go to church; they make no profession of religion. If you were to ask them about God or the things of God they would probably say, "I don't know." And yet these people are honest in business; they are good citizens and good neighbors; they are intelligent and worthy. Why do they reject religion? One reason is that while they conduct their daily lives and achieve whatever success comes to them through reason and intelligence, if they go to church on Sunday it seems to them they are asked to put aside reason and intelligence and blindly believe without understanding what they are told about God. Their honesty makes them rebel against such inconsistency; so they let the religion go.
Many people of this sort have found the Christian Science explanations of God, man, and universe completely satisfying and convincing, for human reason rightly directed and divine revelation are here seen to coincide. Such people who have turned to Christian Science find no conflict between their everyday duties and their service to God. On the contrary, they understand and prove that the teachings of pure Christianity, revealed and demonstrated today in Christian Science, are entirely practical and able to meet legitimate human needs in matters of health and work and in dealings with other men.
Militant Atheism
One of the chief devils – or evils – at large in the world today is militant atheism, presenting itself as a philosophy or teaching suitable as a foundation for government and society, and organized to propagate itself and destroy religion. It is improbable that the propaganda of organized militant atheism has impressed itself to any great extent upon the minds of my listeners in this audience, but the very prominence which the teaching claims to occupy in world thought furnishes us a useful challenge to examine our own beliefs and conclusions and to find and eliminate from our own lives any lurking elements of atheism or its wretched relations, agnosticism and idolatry.
The atheistic individual claims there is no God; the agnostic says there may be a God, but you cannot know Him for sure; the idolater entertains false concepts of God and worships falsity in the name of truth. Christian Science comes to all types of human thinking, as the Apostle Paul once went before the citizens of Athens, bearing the same God-inspired message, "Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you" (Acts 17:23).
A great many people do not need to be convinced that there is a God; to others the fact of a Supreme Being is not so apparent – they wish to be shown. Such an attitude is permissible; it may even be commendable when honestly held. But how is the nonbeliever to be convinced of the reality of God? How is the doubter or skeptic to be enlightened?
Learning of God
In considering the question how mortals may learn of God, suppose we ask: "How do we learn anything?
How does a practical and successful individual arrive at reliable conclusions in whatever activity he engages?" Mrs. Eddy writes in the textbook (p. 199), "The devotion of thought to an honest achievement makes the achievement possible." Successful results in business, advances in scientific discovery, improvements in government, in society, and in individual well-being, these all come about through the exercise of intelligent thought, through observation, reason, experience, revelation, and proof.
May we not, then, expect to achieve right conclusions in matters of religion by the same practical process? Is not true intelligence able to penetrate the vast realm of spiritual knowledge and to reveal God's nature and man's relation to Him? Is knowledge of material things to become more and more important while at the same time we are limited to blind belief, speculation, and chance in the far more important matters of holiness, eternal salvation, and God's kingdom on earth?
One recognizes the truth of a new idea by its consistency with other ideas which he already knows, and has proved, to be true. So one may learn to know the true God as the divine origin and Principle of the spiritual good which he already claims and practices. Universe and Creator
In our efforts to discover the nature or character of God as the creator and ruler of the universe, let us consider first the nature of the universe we are trying to account for. Suppose one looks about him and notes the earth, sky, and people, and says to himself: "Here I am, a corporeal mortal, living in a material body, subject to material conditions, and dependent upon them to preserve me.
Where did it all start? Who or what is responsible?" Conceiving the universe to be material, he is obliged to find a material cause for it, and such material cause must be held responsible for all the disasters to which the material world seems subject – earthquake, famines, disease, cruelty, and death. Such a concept of primal cause or God is blindly worshiped by pagans through rituals designed to placate His vengeance. This is pantheism, the opposite of Christianity.
But, instead of starting with earth, sky, and people, suppose one considers the charity and love which he feels in his heart, the wisdom and intelligence he sees expressed around him, the hope, faith, joy, and courage so vital to human life, so present and real to him who appreciates them. Now let him ask himself: "Where do these things originate? How is it that men are capable of such grand and noble ideals? What is it that will cause people to turn away wrath with gentleness, meet hatred with love, sacrifice themselves to help others, and face danger with confidence?" The only way to account for these spiritual higher manifestations is to attribute them to a primal spiritual cause; so here we have the Christian or true concept of God as pure Spirit, the all-knowing divine Mind, the origin of all spiritual reality.
Belief and Conduct
We have, in our society today, a large number of men and women who seldom go to church; they make no profession of religion. If you were to ask them about God or the things of God they would probably say, "I don't know." And yet these people are honest in business; they are good citizens and good neighbors; they are intelligent and worthy. Why do they reject religion? One reason is that while they conduct their daily lives and achieve whatever success comes to them through reason and intelligence, if they go to church on Sunday it seems to them they are asked to put aside reason and intelligence and blindly believe without understanding what they are told about God. Their honesty makes them rebel against such inconsistency; so they let the religion go.
Many people of this sort have found the Christian Science explanations of God, man, and universe completely satisfying and convincing, for human reason rightly directed and divine revelation are here seen to coincide. Such people who have turned to Christian Science find no conflict between their everyday duties and their service to God. On the contrary, they understand and prove that the teachings of pure Christianity, revealed and demonstrated today in Christian Science, are entirely practical and able to meet legitimate human needs in matters of health and work and in dealings with other men.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
The curse of chiliasm
The curse of chiliasm
What is chiliasm? It is a jewish heresy that has become ingrained into Christianity, originally it was a prophecy regarding the endtimes. However as judaism is for jews only (by maternal bloodline) we can say that the prophecy was for jews only and only concerned the ancient Israelite world of the time. That prophecy came true in 70AD when the Romans destroyed the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem and destroyed the geneology records and that should be the end of the subject about that particular prophecy, but as we see it is reinfecting the dying body of Christianity much in the same way as HIV.
It is now being propagated by the likes of Zionist Apostate Xtians (I refuse to call these parasites Christian as there is nothing remotely Christian about them; I call them ZAX) as well as nutjob cults who are all headed by some loon who thinks he is Jesus and the followers regard them as such. It is also in the interests of the state of Israel and jewish zionists in general to ensure this propagation for political and financial ends instead of religious ones. Either by stupidity, gulliability or just plain corruption the ZAX have adopted this expired jewish heresy and seek to make it a current viable prophecy in Christianity, they propagate the idea that it is the purpose of Christians to serve the state of Israel, to serve zionism and to serve jews. ZAX seek to redefine Christianity from a faith that believes in Jesus Christ into one that serves jews, zionists and Israel (a type of unholy trinity really...) despite the fact that these three entities are largely atheist and that any spiritual aspect in them is pantheist. Modern judaism cannot be said to be an Abrahamic faith or a Mosaic faith as those who call themselves jews are not descendants of Abraham, Moses or even their tribes or even those of ancient Israel.
Todays jews are infact descendants of converts such as the askhenazim who are descendants of georgian and chechen converts, the same applies to sephardim who are descendants of Berber and Iberian converts. You also have various subsaharan africans claiming to be jews, as well as cochini (Indian) jews and even self proclaimed jews in China. These grubs are not semitic in the slightest but are just filth looking for easy money, a free trip to Israel, an Israeli passport and a springboard to Europe.
The only jews who have some claim to Israel are the Falashas and Musawis, the Falashas are Ethiopian jews who have a miniscule claim due to being descendants of the kingdom of the Queen of Sheba but the line of descendance is so remote that it no longer counts. The Musawi on the other hand are indeed recognised as having a right to live in Israel, but only by the Palestine Liberation Organisation charter that recognises them as Palestinians of the Judaist faith. However neither the jewish state of Israel nor ZAX recognises them as ethnic arabs who practice the judaist faith but instead has deemed them to be sephardic jews even though there is no bloodline connection. To claim that sephardic jews and Musawis are the same people is the same as saying Spanish and Italians are the same people because they look kinda similiar and use the same alphabet. As bigoted as this is, the ZAX will claim that it is a holy duty of all Christians to believe this because the jews said so (despite the fact they are not descendants of ancient Israelites or even believe in God, and if they do its not the same one everyone else believes in).
So let us examine the two key figures of ZAX chiliasm as well see it today (at this point I want to give credit to Brother Nathanael whose YouTube clips about zionist xtians are certainly worth watching), those two figures are John Nelson Darby and Cyrus Scofield. Their innane and opportunistic rantings are the backbone of ZAXism today which are being peddled by John Hagee.
John Nelson Darby
This guy started off in the Church of Ireland but later left to become involved in the Plymouth Brethren and from there he founded the Exclusive Brethren. His spin was his personal take on dispensationalism and futurism which is now held as 'the rapture' but pre-tribulation rapture theology was what he peddled with the Plymouth Brethren. His crankery increased with the invention of the telegraph which he saw as an invention of Cain and a harbinger of Armageddon and a definite sign that the end of the world was coming.
I'll just paste in this bit from the wikipedia page about Darby....
Dispensationalist beliefs about the fate of the Jews and the re-establishment of the Kingdom of Israel put dispensationalists at the forefront of Christian Zionism, because "God is able to graft them in again," and they believe that in His grace he will do so according to their understanding of Old Testament prophecy.
So here we have Darby stating that for whatever reason that prophecy from the Old Testament regarding jews must be given priority because that is what God wants according to their (brethren) understanding. Is Darby saying that he and his stooges/captives know what God is going to do before God does? This sort of megalomania is quite evident when one examines the Exclusive Brethren.
At best this can be described as heresy or else it is better described as a personality cult which passes for xtian.
Cyrus Scofield
The author of the Scofield Reference Bible which is the indoctrination book of ZAX, although ZAX would like to portray Scofield as an enlightened progressive scholar the fact is the truth is quite opposite.
Cyrus Scofield was actually:
A drunk
A bigamist - he deserted his 1st wife and 2 children, the wife sued for divorce on grounds of desertion but Scofield actually remarried before the divorce was finalised.
And we have this as well from wikipedia....
In 1871, Scofield was elected to the Kansas House of Representatives, first from Atchison for one year and then from Nemaha County for a second. In 1873 he worked for the election of John J. Ingalls as senator from Kansas, and when Ingalls won, the new senator had Scofield appointed U. S. District Attorney for Kansas—at 29, the youngest in the country. Nevertheless, that same year Scofield was forced to resign "under a cloud of scandal" because of questionable financial transactions, that may have included accepting bribes from railroads, stealing political contributions intended for Ingalls, and securing bank promissory notes by forging signatures. It is possible Scofield was jailed on forgery charges, although there is no extant evidence in the public records.
If anything Cyrus Scofield was nothing more than a street hustler with expensive tastes and in fact both Darby and Scofield were lawyers by profession. They were just grubs looking to peddle their spin to jews and indeed anyone unfortunate enough to cross their paths. They are certainly not to be admired or respected. The sort of people they were can be seen today in the likes of John Hagee who is just another opportunist who likes the jetset lifestyle.
Now let us deal with the issue of Messianic Judaism, although people think of the term 'messianic jews' and simply think they are jews who have converted to Christianity this certainly isnt the case. If you convert to Christianity then that makes you a Christian and not a jew of some sort in relation to religious terms. Are there jews who have converted to Christianity? Yes and we see that with Brother Nathanael who identifies himself as an Orthodox Christian and not as a 'messianic jew' or any sort of jew.
Messianic Judaism is for jews only, they dont seek to recruit ZAX and at best ZAX might be regarded as associates or in reality just plain brown nosing stooges. One should look at the Messianic Judaism setup as a punk movement within Judaism, in it Jesus Christ isnt regarded as an aspect of God or having a God aspect; Rather he is a figurehead or totem like Sid Vicious was within the punk movement. Jesus Christ is respected by these jews not because of who and what he was but rather because he was a jew anti-hero who got the goyim to worship him as mainstream judaism aims to do for all jews in regards to the goyim (yes...thats non other words you and me). Messianic Judaism has remodelled Jesus Christ into some sort of punk Buddha. The ZAX are not in on the joke so they are the butt of it and indeed so is anyone else who falls for their spin.
So lets say a ZAX (or anybody else for that matter) wants to become a 'kosher christian'; How would they go about it?
Well first they would have to convert and be accepted into mainstream Judaism, they would have to study for 1-3 years. They would get instant acceptance depending on what they can do for zionism/global jewry (such as politicians, celebrities, etc), if they are poor or else bums they will be discouraged from trying to convert and told they can serve jewry by becoming or remaining a ZAX. If they do convert and do decide to become a Messianic Judaist then they will finally realise the joke but wont be able to do anything about it because they have invested so much time and money into this venture that they have alienated non jewish friends and face the real risk of leaving bankrupt.
They can only continue on in this new tribe in a cloud of self deceit much in the same way they were when they were ZAX. In my opinion this could explain the number of neurosies within the jewish community. I suppose this is always possible when one realises that ones history has been a lie.
Now one has to ask where mainstream modern judaism comes into this, well let us look at the situation. We have a group of people who call themselves jews who claim to be descendants of the ancient Israelites and anything that has to do with them.
But as we have things like DNA testing and the internet where there is a free flow of all sorts of information, we are seeing these ancient Israelite claims repeatedly challenged and increasingly refuted. The fact is that todays jews are not descendants of Abraham, Moses, or any ancient Israelites - they are descendants of converts and cannot call themselves 'the seed of Abraham' and they cannot call themselves 'Gods chosen people'.
With the overwhelming amount of jews who are either atheist or pantheist it cannot be said that they worship the God as worshiped by Abraham or Moses. What we have is not people who adjust themselves to comply to a religion but rather we have a religion which is being constantly remolded to comply to people. Todays judaism is not based on the Torah but instead is based on the Talmud, this is the same Talmud that condones pedophilia, calls non jews filth, calls the Virgin Mary a slut and says that Jesus Christ is in hell in a pool of boiling shit.
The fact is that judaism has had no prophets since the time of Jesus Christ, the only 'jews' who have attempted to convey prophecy on behalf of judaism are pagan converts and all they have done is inject vague prophecies from other religions into judaism to give the appearance of being the continuous line of Abraham, Moses and ancient Israel. An example of this is the issue of the AntiChrist in Christianity or the Dajjal of Islam, the jews came up with Armilus as their equivalent. But this has come after the prophecies of the AntiChrist/Dajjal despite the fact that these jews claim to be a direct line of descent from the ancient Israelites and have a continuous line of the gift of prophecy.
So where does chiliasm come into all this? Well considering that chiliasm is indeed an ancient Israelite prophecy and that it only applied to ancient Judaists and that the 'doomsday' aspect occurred in 70AD with the destruction of the 2nd Temple and destruction of the geneology records. But seeing as the jews had their Messiah - that being the Lord Jesus Christ crucified by the Romans, then the prophecy could not be fulfilled as it was recieved. So todays jews who are the descendants of pagan converts are now seeking to bring forth that prophecy to be fulfilled as it was recieved. And this is being percieved as certainly possible with events and circumstances as they are today.
With ZAX, messianic jews, the increase of atheism and various new age type pantheist thinking, the acceptance of anti-Christian type philosophies which require a religious devotion and a general tone of apathy as well; Then this 2nd shot at chiliasm may certainly be possible.
We seem to be dealing with a singular aspect on a multi-headed monster, whatever reasons the likes of 'christian zionism' or really better called 'Zionist Apostate Xtianity' was invented for its current purpose is to serve the zionist state of Israel and nothing else. I sometimes wonder and have to ask why these people dont join the likes of British Israelism, it seems that ZAX have a need to be servile. But all they actually achieve is being so vile, if they are not to be called ZAX then the appropriate word for them would be cucks. If there are no jews to serve under the name of atheist zionism then they would be willing slaves to the likes of the black American group called the Nation of Islam. These people hate themselves with pride in being debased, quite frankly these loathsome creatures are HIV to everything that is remotely European.
I'll just add this on:
1. There is a miniscule and dying minority of Judaists who do believe in the concept of God as was taught by Moses, these people should not refer to themselves as jews but rather as those who believe in the 'Mosaic faith'.
2. Musawis should be recognised for what they are - semitic Palestinians who believe in the Mosaic faith, they are not sephardim. The PLO charter of 1967 recognises them as such.
3. If Christian churches want to peddle the expired jewish prophecy of chiliasm then they should no longer be classified as Christian but instead must be referred to as chiliastic.
4. ZAX must be expelled from churches as they do engage in and propagate apostasy.
5. Judaism can no longer be accepted as an Abrahamic faith because it is overrun with atheists and pantheists.
6. There are physical (maternal bloodline) jews and there are 'spiritual' jews, the former should never be recognised as being of the Mosaic faith (unless they practice as Moses instructed) and the latter should be recognised as ZAX.
Brother Nathanael vids
This info on my blog
These jews see themselves as the only 'people' and see this world as their own.
You, me and all non jews are not people as far as they are concerned because the Talmud says so
Anyway.... Ive done a couple of clips on chiliasm myself and will add them as I finish them.
The curse of chiliasm - part 3
The curse of chiliasm - part 4
The curse of chiliasm - part 5
What is chiliasm? It is a jewish heresy that has become ingrained into Christianity, originally it was a prophecy regarding the endtimes. However as judaism is for jews only (by maternal bloodline) we can say that the prophecy was for jews only and only concerned the ancient Israelite world of the time. That prophecy came true in 70AD when the Romans destroyed the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem and destroyed the geneology records and that should be the end of the subject about that particular prophecy, but as we see it is reinfecting the dying body of Christianity much in the same way as HIV.
It is now being propagated by the likes of Zionist Apostate Xtians (I refuse to call these parasites Christian as there is nothing remotely Christian about them; I call them ZAX) as well as nutjob cults who are all headed by some loon who thinks he is Jesus and the followers regard them as such. It is also in the interests of the state of Israel and jewish zionists in general to ensure this propagation for political and financial ends instead of religious ones. Either by stupidity, gulliability or just plain corruption the ZAX have adopted this expired jewish heresy and seek to make it a current viable prophecy in Christianity, they propagate the idea that it is the purpose of Christians to serve the state of Israel, to serve zionism and to serve jews. ZAX seek to redefine Christianity from a faith that believes in Jesus Christ into one that serves jews, zionists and Israel (a type of unholy trinity really...) despite the fact that these three entities are largely atheist and that any spiritual aspect in them is pantheist. Modern judaism cannot be said to be an Abrahamic faith or a Mosaic faith as those who call themselves jews are not descendants of Abraham, Moses or even their tribes or even those of ancient Israel.
Todays jews are infact descendants of converts such as the askhenazim who are descendants of georgian and chechen converts, the same applies to sephardim who are descendants of Berber and Iberian converts. You also have various subsaharan africans claiming to be jews, as well as cochini (Indian) jews and even self proclaimed jews in China. These grubs are not semitic in the slightest but are just filth looking for easy money, a free trip to Israel, an Israeli passport and a springboard to Europe.
The only jews who have some claim to Israel are the Falashas and Musawis, the Falashas are Ethiopian jews who have a miniscule claim due to being descendants of the kingdom of the Queen of Sheba but the line of descendance is so remote that it no longer counts. The Musawi on the other hand are indeed recognised as having a right to live in Israel, but only by the Palestine Liberation Organisation charter that recognises them as Palestinians of the Judaist faith. However neither the jewish state of Israel nor ZAX recognises them as ethnic arabs who practice the judaist faith but instead has deemed them to be sephardic jews even though there is no bloodline connection. To claim that sephardic jews and Musawis are the same people is the same as saying Spanish and Italians are the same people because they look kinda similiar and use the same alphabet. As bigoted as this is, the ZAX will claim that it is a holy duty of all Christians to believe this because the jews said so (despite the fact they are not descendants of ancient Israelites or even believe in God, and if they do its not the same one everyone else believes in).
So let us examine the two key figures of ZAX chiliasm as well see it today (at this point I want to give credit to Brother Nathanael whose YouTube clips about zionist xtians are certainly worth watching), those two figures are John Nelson Darby and Cyrus Scofield. Their innane and opportunistic rantings are the backbone of ZAXism today which are being peddled by John Hagee.
John Nelson Darby
This guy started off in the Church of Ireland but later left to become involved in the Plymouth Brethren and from there he founded the Exclusive Brethren. His spin was his personal take on dispensationalism and futurism which is now held as 'the rapture' but pre-tribulation rapture theology was what he peddled with the Plymouth Brethren. His crankery increased with the invention of the telegraph which he saw as an invention of Cain and a harbinger of Armageddon and a definite sign that the end of the world was coming.
I'll just paste in this bit from the wikipedia page about Darby....
Dispensationalist beliefs about the fate of the Jews and the re-establishment of the Kingdom of Israel put dispensationalists at the forefront of Christian Zionism, because "God is able to graft them in again," and they believe that in His grace he will do so according to their understanding of Old Testament prophecy.
So here we have Darby stating that for whatever reason that prophecy from the Old Testament regarding jews must be given priority because that is what God wants according to their (brethren) understanding. Is Darby saying that he and his stooges/captives know what God is going to do before God does? This sort of megalomania is quite evident when one examines the Exclusive Brethren.
At best this can be described as heresy or else it is better described as a personality cult which passes for xtian.
Cyrus Scofield
The author of the Scofield Reference Bible which is the indoctrination book of ZAX, although ZAX would like to portray Scofield as an enlightened progressive scholar the fact is the truth is quite opposite.
Cyrus Scofield was actually:
A drunk
A bigamist - he deserted his 1st wife and 2 children, the wife sued for divorce on grounds of desertion but Scofield actually remarried before the divorce was finalised.
And we have this as well from wikipedia....
In 1871, Scofield was elected to the Kansas House of Representatives, first from Atchison for one year and then from Nemaha County for a second. In 1873 he worked for the election of John J. Ingalls as senator from Kansas, and when Ingalls won, the new senator had Scofield appointed U. S. District Attorney for Kansas—at 29, the youngest in the country. Nevertheless, that same year Scofield was forced to resign "under a cloud of scandal" because of questionable financial transactions, that may have included accepting bribes from railroads, stealing political contributions intended for Ingalls, and securing bank promissory notes by forging signatures. It is possible Scofield was jailed on forgery charges, although there is no extant evidence in the public records.
If anything Cyrus Scofield was nothing more than a street hustler with expensive tastes and in fact both Darby and Scofield were lawyers by profession. They were just grubs looking to peddle their spin to jews and indeed anyone unfortunate enough to cross their paths. They are certainly not to be admired or respected. The sort of people they were can be seen today in the likes of John Hagee who is just another opportunist who likes the jetset lifestyle.
Now let us deal with the issue of Messianic Judaism, although people think of the term 'messianic jews' and simply think they are jews who have converted to Christianity this certainly isnt the case. If you convert to Christianity then that makes you a Christian and not a jew of some sort in relation to religious terms. Are there jews who have converted to Christianity? Yes and we see that with Brother Nathanael who identifies himself as an Orthodox Christian and not as a 'messianic jew' or any sort of jew.
Messianic Judaism is for jews only, they dont seek to recruit ZAX and at best ZAX might be regarded as associates or in reality just plain brown nosing stooges. One should look at the Messianic Judaism setup as a punk movement within Judaism, in it Jesus Christ isnt regarded as an aspect of God or having a God aspect; Rather he is a figurehead or totem like Sid Vicious was within the punk movement. Jesus Christ is respected by these jews not because of who and what he was but rather because he was a jew anti-hero who got the goyim to worship him as mainstream judaism aims to do for all jews in regards to the goyim (yes...thats non other words you and me). Messianic Judaism has remodelled Jesus Christ into some sort of punk Buddha. The ZAX are not in on the joke so they are the butt of it and indeed so is anyone else who falls for their spin.
So lets say a ZAX (or anybody else for that matter) wants to become a 'kosher christian'; How would they go about it?
Well first they would have to convert and be accepted into mainstream Judaism, they would have to study for 1-3 years. They would get instant acceptance depending on what they can do for zionism/global jewry (such as politicians, celebrities, etc), if they are poor or else bums they will be discouraged from trying to convert and told they can serve jewry by becoming or remaining a ZAX. If they do convert and do decide to become a Messianic Judaist then they will finally realise the joke but wont be able to do anything about it because they have invested so much time and money into this venture that they have alienated non jewish friends and face the real risk of leaving bankrupt.
They can only continue on in this new tribe in a cloud of self deceit much in the same way they were when they were ZAX. In my opinion this could explain the number of neurosies within the jewish community. I suppose this is always possible when one realises that ones history has been a lie.
Now one has to ask where mainstream modern judaism comes into this, well let us look at the situation. We have a group of people who call themselves jews who claim to be descendants of the ancient Israelites and anything that has to do with them.
But as we have things like DNA testing and the internet where there is a free flow of all sorts of information, we are seeing these ancient Israelite claims repeatedly challenged and increasingly refuted. The fact is that todays jews are not descendants of Abraham, Moses, or any ancient Israelites - they are descendants of converts and cannot call themselves 'the seed of Abraham' and they cannot call themselves 'Gods chosen people'.
With the overwhelming amount of jews who are either atheist or pantheist it cannot be said that they worship the God as worshiped by Abraham or Moses. What we have is not people who adjust themselves to comply to a religion but rather we have a religion which is being constantly remolded to comply to people. Todays judaism is not based on the Torah but instead is based on the Talmud, this is the same Talmud that condones pedophilia, calls non jews filth, calls the Virgin Mary a slut and says that Jesus Christ is in hell in a pool of boiling shit.
The fact is that judaism has had no prophets since the time of Jesus Christ, the only 'jews' who have attempted to convey prophecy on behalf of judaism are pagan converts and all they have done is inject vague prophecies from other religions into judaism to give the appearance of being the continuous line of Abraham, Moses and ancient Israel. An example of this is the issue of the AntiChrist in Christianity or the Dajjal of Islam, the jews came up with Armilus as their equivalent. But this has come after the prophecies of the AntiChrist/Dajjal despite the fact that these jews claim to be a direct line of descent from the ancient Israelites and have a continuous line of the gift of prophecy.
So where does chiliasm come into all this? Well considering that chiliasm is indeed an ancient Israelite prophecy and that it only applied to ancient Judaists and that the 'doomsday' aspect occurred in 70AD with the destruction of the 2nd Temple and destruction of the geneology records. But seeing as the jews had their Messiah - that being the Lord Jesus Christ crucified by the Romans, then the prophecy could not be fulfilled as it was recieved. So todays jews who are the descendants of pagan converts are now seeking to bring forth that prophecy to be fulfilled as it was recieved. And this is being percieved as certainly possible with events and circumstances as they are today.
With ZAX, messianic jews, the increase of atheism and various new age type pantheist thinking, the acceptance of anti-Christian type philosophies which require a religious devotion and a general tone of apathy as well; Then this 2nd shot at chiliasm may certainly be possible.
We seem to be dealing with a singular aspect on a multi-headed monster, whatever reasons the likes of 'christian zionism' or really better called 'Zionist Apostate Xtianity' was invented for its current purpose is to serve the zionist state of Israel and nothing else. I sometimes wonder and have to ask why these people dont join the likes of British Israelism, it seems that ZAX have a need to be servile. But all they actually achieve is being so vile, if they are not to be called ZAX then the appropriate word for them would be cucks. If there are no jews to serve under the name of atheist zionism then they would be willing slaves to the likes of the black American group called the Nation of Islam. These people hate themselves with pride in being debased, quite frankly these loathsome creatures are HIV to everything that is remotely European.
I'll just add this on:
1. There is a miniscule and dying minority of Judaists who do believe in the concept of God as was taught by Moses, these people should not refer to themselves as jews but rather as those who believe in the 'Mosaic faith'.
2. Musawis should be recognised for what they are - semitic Palestinians who believe in the Mosaic faith, they are not sephardim. The PLO charter of 1967 recognises them as such.
3. If Christian churches want to peddle the expired jewish prophecy of chiliasm then they should no longer be classified as Christian but instead must be referred to as chiliastic.
4. ZAX must be expelled from churches as they do engage in and propagate apostasy.
5. Judaism can no longer be accepted as an Abrahamic faith because it is overrun with atheists and pantheists.
6. There are physical (maternal bloodline) jews and there are 'spiritual' jews, the former should never be recognised as being of the Mosaic faith (unless they practice as Moses instructed) and the latter should be recognised as ZAX.
Brother Nathanael vids
This info on my blog
These jews see themselves as the only 'people' and see this world as their own.
You, me and all non jews are not people as far as they are concerned because the Talmud says so
Anyway.... Ive done a couple of clips on chiliasm myself and will add them as I finish them.
The curse of chiliasm - part 1
The curse of chiliasm - part 2
The curse of chiliasm - part 3
The curse of chiliasm - part 4
The curse of chiliasm - part 5
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