Saturday 14 March 2015

The cancer of 'christian zionism'

The cancer of 'christian zionism'

This is an ideology not a spiritual faith or religious belief, 'christian zionism' is a creed with its own Bible and that being the scofield bible. The inventor of christian zionism was john darby of the plymouth brethren who went on to found the 'exclusive brethren'. The main proponent of christian zionism today is john hagee who calls on christians to bless jews as their first priority.

(Im just going to refer to 'christian zionists'as 'xtian zionists' because there is nothing remotely Christian about them),

The main thrust at the moment is a 'pre-tribulation rapture' in which the xtian zionist faithful are brought to heaven leaving the jews and non believers who will then battle it out amongst themselves and the end result will be Jesus (sananda?) coming to the rescue and the jews live happily ever after etc.
Myself...I dont go for much on doomsday scenarios, no man will know when such a thing will happen and a trail of failed prophets proves that. All I can do for you is offer my opinion and perspective on the xtian zionist senario of the moment....

First of all, zionism is an atheist movement. It was based on a bloodline need for a jewish state not a religious one, after all in religious (judaist) terms the restoration of Israel is only supposed to occur with the appearance of the moshiach (messiah) but the issue of the restoration of Israel brings up whether it is supposed to be a slither of land in the middle east or the entire world, if it is the entire earth/world the issues of tiqqun olam, bloodline jews, 'spiritual jews' and indeed Assiah also come into play.

Zionism is a creed for a physical homeland for a people who are defined physically solely on the basis of the bloodline. There is nothing spiritual about it and it is said 50% of jews in Israel are indeed atheist or do not subscribe to judaism in a spiritual sense or application. The anti zionist jewish population of Israel is said to be less than 10%, as for the other 40%? Well this is where it gets interesting as for all intents and purposes they seem to subscribe to pantheist type belief which can vary in people and change at any given time.

As to where xtian zionism comes into it? Well... it takes a decidedly blasphemous and apostate turn here... They are very big on the physical jews are given rights to overlord spiritual jews and this is the way it will be when the 'earth' is conquered by 'jesus' and everybody else goes to hell. Problem here for them is that jews dont believe in hell, especially those who are either atheist or pantheist. In this instance they are holding true 2 utterly opposed alien concepts as a religious belief. Does this make any logical sense as a religious faith? No.
Would it make sense or be applicable in a caste system in a purely physical realm? Well... maybe it might be workable in a sense if the jews were running a concentration camp and the likes of hagee was a kapo and everyone else were just run of the mill inmates who were denied privilages because they were not fervent enough.

Another thing that xtian zionists seem to adhere to is that anything before the birth of Jesus Christ is off limits to them, as far as they are concerned jews are more qualified to comment on the Old Testament than they are. As far as they are concerned the only time they are qualified to comment on the Old Testament is when they are trying to indoctrinate everyone else into blessing the jews.

One must ask how zionism is to applied, it seems it depends on who you are physically or spiritually. If one is of a jewish mother then it is through physical bloodline that makes you jewish and there is no need for a spiritual belief and certainly not one in a metaphysical and transcendant God. It is a purely physical qualification that makes you a 'chosen person' as opposed to conversion which makes you an 'adopted person' and therefore not as 'chosen'. As for hagee and his stooges, they willingly accept a part in a lesser caste and are for practical purposes an 'indoctrinated person'. So within bloodline jews you have the askhenazi, sephardic, mizrahi, cochini, etc. The converts are deemed less than them and the xtian zionists are deemed even lower, so for all intents and purposes we have a caste system in concept which could be aligned up to the Adam Kadmon concept. As for everyone else, they are only good for landfill or spare parts. You might be asking how could such a system operate? On what blueprint could it be planned and function?

Lets go back into kabbalah for a possible answer, we have the Adam Kadmon concept which is a body of God based on the Tree of Life. If Adam Kadmon is to be displayed as standing on something he is usually displayed as standing on this earth in this world. The sephiroth are the most spiritual in aim and application starting from the crown of the head and as they descend downwards they become less spiritual and more physical in application. So we have a very basic 'spirit to physical' blueprint and method.

But if the spirit/physical blueprint is reversed we would not have Adam Kadmon standing on this earth in this world. Rather we would have Adam Belial standing on his head with the earth on his feet. Assuming that the 'higher' sephiroth would be physical and the lower being spiritual then anything spiritual would be contained between the now physical 'kether'(or rather Thaumiel) and the now purely physical earth which would be Tebhel in 'essence' and Arqa in application.

......a reversal of order.....

Replacing the spiritual for the physical.... a reversal of order
I wonder what their version of Jesus Christ is?
Most probably a new age 'jesus' or cosmic 'christ', the new age has coughed up a new age 'abraham' and all these concepts are sold with the same spruiking that one associates with hagee.

I would love to know if hagee is a sociopath, it would explain a lot.....

Sunday 1 February 2015

Been transferred to Christ

This is something I never thought was likely or even possible.
But I have become a defacto Christian, it was while praying to Jehovah and somewhat concerned how I would appear to him by my hanging around Christians. I said "I will not practice Christianity or call myself one until every spiv, hustler and conman has been driven out of it."

This was followed by a silence I felt inside and outside of me, I then went "no no no no!" I had been punk'd by Jehovah using my own words and now I have this 'job' to serve what Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth sought to teach people.

I suppose I was not enthusiastic about it initially but I do realise that Christianity (along with other faiths) have been corrupted by opportunists seeking money, celebrity and lifestyle (sounds familiar doesnt it?). But through this job I have learned about God in a metaphysical way, which I will tell to others when appropriate.

Oh....guess who taught me to refer to Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth rather than just Jesus?

Its a big workload but I think I will become a better person for it.
So for your dubious pleasure here is my youtube channel.....
Leons' YouTube Channel

Saturday 10 January 2015

God in 4 worlds

An idea popped in my head or really more of a concept.
That being the Christian concept of a trinitarian God can be spread over the 4 worlds, each with their own independance/autonomy and yet be a continuous line.

So for Atziluth (emanation) the purely spiritual world you would have the Holy Spirit

For Briah (creation) you would have God the Father, after all did not creation as WE know it come from him?
We do not know all creation, for most people they only know (or choose to know) what they can physically experience.

For Yetzirah (formation) you would have the Christ aspect of Jesus, a spiritual 'being' or persona (from the Holy Spirit) 'fashioned' (by God the Father) and given a destiny/ specific purpose in this particular world and thus it is all set

For Assiah (world of action/ physical world) you would need a physical body of a human in order for the above fashioned spirit to 'live the message' whereas an angel can only convey a message.

And thus the end result is Christ Jesus of Nazareth who has autonomy from both the Holy Spirit and God the Father (as evident when satan tried to tempt him)

And there are things I cant deny such as the Shem ha-Mephorash having angels that deal with Christianity, miracles occuring on behalf of the saints etc. I think Christ Jesus of Nazareth is a cut above the people of this earth in this world. There is also the issue of Christian Kabbalah.

If you were to define God as one continuous essence without beginning or end that simultaneously exists in all 4 worlds, the 3 negative veils and beyond (and thats only that we know of) then how do we explain how the 3 'personages' came into being? The same could be said for the 10 aspects of the Tree of Life and their respective God personas.
I dont think it will ever be satisfactory explained with the language that humans possess at this current time, but.... maybe it was never meant to be explained to us. They are just forms/personas of God that he presents because they are the only ones we can relate to.

I tend to look at it this way... you have the seas/oceans of this earth, they have different names and different qualities.
Some are freshwater, some are salt water, some are deeper than others and so on. But they actually are a continuous body of water, above them are the sky and clouds but above that is the moon which controls the tides.
While I just wrote about the 4 worlds there is the factor of the 3 negative veils...but what is beyond them?
I dont think we as human beings will ever begin to comprehend or explain that, I dont think such concepts have ever entered into the consciousness of any man or into the combined consciousness of mankind at any time from Adam onwards.

I suppose you could come up with a mathematical formula to explain the value of each member of the Trinity and Tree of Life by using a square root symbol √

So the value of the any individual aspect within the Trinity would be √3 and any individual aspect within the Tree of Life would be √10 because no individual aspect is greater than the others and yet are a base aspect for the whole....if that makes rational sense......just making mathematical theory from this....

As long as the concept is able to be explained, comprehended and allows for further discussion it is all that matters.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Political correctness and cucks

I noted a Brother Nathaniel vid where he says that christian zionist churches do not have crucifixes on them or within their grounds. I have noticed this too, there is an increasing number of churches who seem to not have any.

Why? I dont know, but it seems to be along the lines of political correctness. Is it being done so as not to offend muslims? Possibly, but if the idea is not to offend muslims by removing crosses and by doing this the muslims will come to the church, then this is ridiculous.

Why would muslims convert to a religion that removes the symbol of the central part of their faith? Why would you sign up to a cowardly faith for? You have 'christian apologetics' but what are they actually apologising for? While some muslims are chronic complainers but not all, the chronic complainers are always backed up by white marxists who are by default atheist. It is marxism that is the driving force behind the removal of crucifixes from churches and the watering down of faith and the redefining of tenets. And marxism by default is the holding of atheist whites and atheist jews.
But in the end the connection is obvious as marxism and zionism were founded by atheist jews.
I'll start off with the unitarians, as to what they actually believe? I have no idea, if anything they are the askhenazi of Christianity. Their services include the truly faithful to Jesus, but they also include atheists and queers and everything inbetween. If anything it seems like a quakers type setup, but by trying to mean everything to everybody they essentially mean nothing to nobody. They as a whole seem to be a set of rich left wing cracka yuppies. Could I call them Christian? Well....yes as to show how to use the teachings of Jesus in a practical way within society. As to do with theology and worship?...I would have to say no. But while on the subject of queers within Christianity, to be fair a lot of them are devout and if not for their queerness would actually be quite decent Christians. I would call the Unitarians a social club based on Christian teachings but not fully exclusive to them, it can be added to and subtracted from depending on the individual beliefs of its members...and not always for the better.

Christian Zionism, I regard this as a real cancer. It isnt actually Christianity but a form of subserviant atheism in Christian clothing. It actually has a johnny come lately bible called the schofield bible and its main mission is to indoctrinate christians into serving jews and israel. I'll tell you this story...I came across one of these types of 'christians' some years ago. Her pitch went along these lines...
The jews worship God, the christians worship jesus and the muslims worship the moon or a moon god of some sort. I pointed out if the jews worship God then jesus isnt God, I got some sort of indoctrinated mantra which went something like this...'The jews worship God because they are Gods chosen people, christians worship jesus but he is God as well, but the muslims worship the moon!'

I put it down to a politically based christianity from america, but i didnt fully comprehend the basis of that and what it actually propagated. You wont find a 'church of christian zionism' and when you actually look at it, it is something of a parasitic entity. It propagates by its adherants within the various denominations clergy, why dig a well in order to poison it when you can use the same effort and poison a water supply? Yes the poison may be more diluted but you will hit many more people than by just a well. I came across someone handing out Chick tracts in the street once, they asked me if I believe in jesus to which i replied i believe there was a jesus and i dont have any problem with what he taught. I also said I believe Jehovah is God, i was then asked if i was a jew or a jehovahs witness to which i replied no. I was then asked to say 'jesus is lord'...I refused and said that Jehovah is Lord.

The street peddler could not understand why i was not a christian seeing as i was not a jew, i pointed out that chick is very pro israel and i threw in a bit about atheist rabbis. The look of disbelief to what i said was priceless, i then got a pitch about how jesus created everything and that as a christian i should only be concerned about things from the birth of jesus onwards....i just walked away.

And this gets me thinking...if christians are only to be concerned about things from the birth of jesus onwards, then who is to be concerned for what happened before that? Oh lets have a guess, my gut instinct says the vikings but yeah it does seem like the jews (atheists and all) who are the ones to have absolute authority over what we would call the Old Testament which includes such things like Genesis which apparantely are not of any relevance to the christian zionists. But what about the jews killing jesus? The 1st answer youll get is 'the romans killed jesus!' then followed by 'if the jews killed jesus then that is their right because they are Gods chosen people!' I dont know about you but does this seem like a caste system? Where the lesser caste of christianity worship a lesser god? Christian zionists are actually quite fanatical about hating muslims, i dont believe their issue with them is to do with israel per se but a fear that people will seek to leave the caste of christian zionism or not enlist in it by becoming muslim. If people start reading the koran (which is just an upgraded version of the Old Testament with extra commentary) then they will feel no need to worship the jews or israel as they presently do.
When I was a child I basically knew nothing about Christianity (as was evident later) from what little knowledge I had I understood that there was a God, he had a son called Jesus and there was a holy ghost somewhere in the picture. I did attend church after my first foray into satanism but I was none the wiser for it and I still didnt understand what the purpose of the Christian religion was. I quit it and eventually ended up going back to satanism for a second time because I actually understood what it was actually about.

So I examined the Christian faith again because I was preparing for a war but I noticed that it had skewed somewhat. Instead of....
God the father
His son Jesus and...
The holy ghost

I was actually up against...
God the father
God the son
God the holy spirit

Was I dealing with 3 Gods or 1?
But satanism views it like this, There is one God and his name is Jehovah and this is who we are seeking to overthrow or expel, he has a direct creation named Jesus who in effect is a son. Jesus is also an enemy because of the message he was spreading and in effect still spreads. The holy spirit is not so much a personal enemy and in any event will become void if Jehovah is overthrown or Christianity is made to crumble. As for dealing with Islam? That will come at a later time, but for the time being Jehovah is enemy and target number 1.

In satanism you always obey orders and never question them regardless, just like a jihadi. When I was told that one of the aims of satanism was to break off this world and base hell on this earth I didnt really comprehend it. Quite frankly I thought this idea was a bit on the looney tunes side, but you just obey and the only questions that would be permitted on this would be to find the best and quickest way to execute such an aim. At the time I was just a sorceror, I had next to no knowledge on the kabbalah. It was only when I began studying it that I came to fully understand terms such as 'this world' and 'this earth'.

But this bit on the thread is about Christianity so I wont continue on about that. So as a former satanist I will tell you that if we couldnt directly target Jehovah we would go after the church instead. Not only in physical attacks against churches but also in a spiritual sense, such as instilling doubt and lies among congregations. Rumours, fake religious leaflets and so on. Did I tell you I had actually planned to infiltrate the catholic church and seek to be a priest? Anyway that was 25 years ago, but the seeds were sown and now the fruit is being reaped... so lets look at all the bastardry that is now accepted as 'christianity'.

When I resume this I fully intend to deal with ...
Christian Zionism, Unitarianism, pseudo messiah sects, televangelists and actually I tend to think they are all related. I intend to list as many bad eggs as I can
But I only really intend to take issue with the Askhenazi sect because it is their claims to 'jewishness' that affect Western nations and indeed the world. What is their claim to 'jewishness' and how do they define 'jewishness'? I believe there is a difference between Judaism and jewishness, for example to be practicing Judaism makes one a Judaist regardless of biological race. Whereas to be born of a 'jewish' mother makes one jewish, indeed one can be atheist and jewish, buddhist and jewish, christian and jewish or even islamic and jewish. And until you go into a synagogue and formally renounce judaism you will be considered jewish and indeed participate in synagogue services even though your 'jewishness'is supposedly based on a religion that you do not adhere to. So one can attend a synagogue and while the true believers are praying can just think to themself while mouthing the words of a prayer.... "What a load of shit, there is no God!" Myself? I find this to be truly evil and indeed opposes the order that God created. In fact it is an example of a reversal of order, for an atheist to enter a synagogue and to participate in a service is mocking God and for a congregation to accept such an utter bastard in the synagogue service compounds that insult. Even worse than that is the fact there are atheist rabbis running the synagogues, not many in fact probably very very few. But the door has been opened and a foothold has taken place.

And thus all things relating to 'jewishness' has fallen into the hands of the Godless, they are equal partners in race, culture and religion even though their atheism should by default renounce all three. But with default access to the religion aspect of 'jewishness' they can and will corrupt and pervert religious teaching either by design or default. But then again what is jewishness? If you come from a long line of atheists with no culture or tradition or indeed racial descendence of the ancient Israelites or Judeans, the question to ask is "What makes you jewish and why are you accepted as such?"

The issue at hand is the status of such atheists being simultaneously touted as "Chosen people of God". In this regard you no longer have a religion but rather a mythology which can be added to, subtracted from, redefined and syncretised at any given time depending upon the 'adherant' of the 'religion' and thus a garbage book such as the Babylonian Talmud is placed on the same level as what we would call the Old Testament or even the 10 Commandments. In fact looking at the moral relativism of some, if not increasing numbers of Askhenazi 'jews' one would suspect it has been placed on a higher footing. Some of the pearls of wisdom from this book are 'that the best of the goyim should be killed' and 'a woman who has sex with a beast is fit to be the wife of a priest'. It is not divinely inspired scripture, it does not come from God or the prophets. It come from rabbis whose qualifications are unknown and even then it is their own personal opinion and nothing else. It divides the world between themselves and the goyim, it places their 'people' on a higher level of being based on a false history. Askhenazi jewishness is about imposing a caste system, there is a hindu caste system and even though it is illegal in India it does exist to some extent. And it too is based on a mythology and the caste has a racial if not incestuous element to it much like askhenazi jewishness, but one can opt out of this caste system by leaving hinduism and taking another religion. But askhenazi jewishness is aggressive, regardless of how many times you change your religion you will not be exempt from targeting by this caste system, the only way out is death.

The Adam Kadmon and Adam Belial concepts have been corrupted into blueprints for a caste system, the Adam kadmon one is for them and the sephiroth represent sub castes within the body of the superior caste. This could be either atheist sects and other sects within Judaism, you might even have a sephira for modern day converts to Judaism or 'spiritual jews'. But spiritual jews are not born of a jewish mother, there is no bloodline and bloodlines decide ones' place within a caste. You could get a job in Buckingham Palace as the Queens' personal butler, you could end up being a confidant, you could sleep with her on a regular basis, you could do that for 50 years...but you will never be a royal.

As for us goyim? We get the Adam Belial deal, a caste system where we are equally garbage, equally without God and equally without hope. You may say "Oh! The jews will never do that! They'll never be able to do that, there's not enough of them!" Then why is it that for their so few number they control so much?

The fact is they are aided by traitors within our ranks, people that look like us, have the same racial background as us and raised in the same culture as us. These traitors are driven by the trinity of money, celebrity and lifestyle. Are the jews using occult practices to this end as well? Maybe, maybe not, who really knows? But as of this current time jews are deemed 'holy' and sancrosanct and no criticism is permitted. It's amazing that so called 'christians' will condemn a country like Pakistan for having blasphemy laws which jail people for criticising Islam and yet say nothing about similar laws regarding 'antisemitism'. Both operate the same way and are applied in the same corrupt way, if a Christian in Pakistan is percieved to cause offence to a Muslim they will be arrested and automatically found guilty regardless of whether an actual offence has been committed because the dignity of a Muslim takes precedance over the word of a non Muslim. The same thing applies to laws regarding antisemitism, the word and dignity of a jew is never to be questioned or compromised in any manner. Fact is you can be jailed or fined for percieved rudeness.

Anti-Semitism is actions against Semitic people such as Assyrians, Arabs, Maltese etc.
Antisemitism is simply defined as 'jew hatred' but actually does not define what a jew is.

One thing I learned as a theistic satanist was that it is a useful tactic to try and pre-empt prophecy.
Nutjobs who think they are Jesus are a dime a dozen and it takes little effort to pump their ego and have them disrupting the lives of real believers. But the next guy I mention has got to take the cake regarding pre-empting prophecy.

Theodor Herzl - Although he is deemed a hero for the jews regarding the zionist movement, fact is he was a hateful Godless bigot. The zionist movement was offered Uganda by the British, Birobidzhan by Stalin, Madagascar by Hitler and the Japanese gave then autonomy in China. But Herzl and his hangers on wanted Palestine, why would an atheist care about religious significance? I thought the purpose of zionism was to get the jews a homeland where they would be safe and allowed to be jews. But the zionist movement is atheist and the getting of a holy land would pre-empt any need for a moshiach/messiah to return or come.

It seems Herzl was more interested in extinguishing belief in God than helping his fellow jews, possibly he thought extinguishing hope in God was helping his fellow jews. Now pilgrimages are made to his grave in Israel, just like those who make pilgrimages to the grave of Karl Marx.

We haves fools giving God like devotion and reverance to people who hated God and thus the fools hate God too.