The cancer of 'christian zionism'
This is an ideology not a spiritual faith or religious belief, 'christian zionism' is a creed with its own Bible and that being the scofield bible. The inventor of christian zionism was john darby of the plymouth brethren who went on to found the 'exclusive brethren'. The main proponent of christian zionism today is john hagee who calls on christians to bless jews as their first priority.
(Im just going to refer to 'christian zionists'as 'xtian zionists' because there is nothing remotely Christian about them),
The main thrust at the moment is a 'pre-tribulation rapture' in which the xtian zionist faithful are brought to heaven leaving the jews and non believers who will then battle it out amongst themselves and the end result will be Jesus (sananda?) coming to the rescue and the jews live happily ever after etc.
Myself...I dont go for much on doomsday scenarios, no man will know when such a thing will happen and a trail of failed prophets proves that. All I can do for you is offer my opinion and perspective on the xtian zionist senario of the moment....
First of all, zionism is an atheist movement. It was based on a bloodline need for a jewish state not a religious one, after all in religious (judaist) terms the restoration of Israel is only supposed to occur with the appearance of the moshiach (messiah) but the issue of the restoration of Israel brings up whether it is supposed to be a slither of land in the middle east or the entire world, if it is the entire earth/world the issues of tiqqun olam, bloodline jews, 'spiritual jews' and indeed Assiah also come into play.
Zionism is a creed for a physical homeland for a people who are defined physically solely on the basis of the bloodline. There is nothing spiritual about it and it is said 50% of jews in Israel are indeed atheist or do not subscribe to judaism in a spiritual sense or application. The anti zionist jewish population of Israel is said to be less than 10%, as for the other 40%? Well this is where it gets interesting as for all intents and purposes they seem to subscribe to pantheist type belief which can vary in people and change at any given time.
As to where xtian zionism comes into it? Well... it takes a decidedly blasphemous and apostate turn here... They are very big on the physical jews are given rights to overlord spiritual jews and this is the way it will be when the 'earth' is conquered by 'jesus' and everybody else goes to hell. Problem here for them is that jews dont believe in hell, especially those who are either atheist or pantheist. In this instance they are holding true 2 utterly opposed alien concepts as a religious belief. Does this make any logical sense as a religious faith? No.
Would it make sense or be applicable in a caste system in a purely physical realm? Well... maybe it might be workable in a sense if the jews were running a concentration camp and the likes of hagee was a kapo and everyone else were just run of the mill inmates who were denied privilages because they were not fervent enough.
Another thing that xtian zionists seem to adhere to is that anything before the birth of Jesus Christ is off limits to them, as far as they are concerned jews are more qualified to comment on the Old Testament than they are. As far as they are concerned the only time they are qualified to comment on the Old Testament is when they are trying to indoctrinate everyone else into blessing the jews.
One must ask how zionism is to applied, it seems it depends on who you are physically or spiritually. If one is of a jewish mother then it is through physical bloodline that makes you jewish and there is no need for a spiritual belief and certainly not one in a metaphysical and transcendant God. It is a purely physical qualification that makes you a 'chosen person' as opposed to conversion which makes you an 'adopted person' and therefore not as 'chosen'. As for hagee and his stooges, they willingly accept a part in a lesser caste and are for practical purposes an 'indoctrinated person'. So within bloodline jews you have the askhenazi, sephardic, mizrahi, cochini, etc. The converts are deemed less than them and the xtian zionists are deemed even lower, so for all intents and purposes we have a caste system in concept which could be aligned up to the Adam Kadmon concept. As for everyone else, they are only good for landfill or spare parts. You might be asking how could such a system operate? On what blueprint could it be planned and function?
Lets go back into kabbalah for a possible answer, we have the Adam Kadmon concept which is a body of God based on the Tree of Life. If Adam Kadmon is to be displayed as standing on something he is usually displayed as standing on this earth in this world. The sephiroth are the most spiritual in aim and application starting from the crown of the head and as they descend downwards they become less spiritual and more physical in application. So we have a very basic 'spirit to physical' blueprint and method.
But if the spirit/physical blueprint is reversed we would not have Adam Kadmon standing on this earth in this world. Rather we would have Adam Belial standing on his head with the earth on his feet. Assuming that the 'higher' sephiroth would be physical and the lower being spiritual then anything spiritual would be contained between the now physical 'kether'(or rather Thaumiel) and the now purely physical earth which would be Tebhel in 'essence' and Arqa in application.
......a reversal of order.....
Replacing the spiritual for the physical.... a reversal of order
I wonder what their version of Jesus Christ is?
Most probably a new age 'jesus' or cosmic 'christ', the new age has coughed up a new age 'abraham' and all these concepts are sold with the same spruiking that one associates with hagee.
I would love to know if hagee is a sociopath, it would explain a lot.....
Information about a new satanic trinity formed by bael, moloch and mammon and how atheism serves that end. Written by an ex satanist (me - leon xiv) See me on YouTube - And you can download my E-Books (free!) Taking, Holding, Keeping - Possession and Exorcism Today Creed of Assiah
Showing posts with label arqa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arqa. Show all posts
Saturday, 14 March 2015
Monday, 1 December 2014
But it’s not just the showbiz world that produces celebrities, politics
and science does the same things as long as the TV pulpit is their
stage. Regardless of how inept and corrupt a politician may be or how
flawed and illogical the information a scientist may teach, if they can
get a repeating spot on TV and have a good hair stylist as well as nice
clothes then how can they ever be wrong? Or as the herd will say “Don’t
be so judgmental!” You also have ‘social media’ hysteria which is also a
tool for the inner herd to issue orders to the dumbass stooges who call
themselves fans and acolytes. And for some reason that I cannot fathom,
they obey without question and the reason they do not question is
because there is no way for them to do so. They are inner herd, you are
outer herd; your life means nothing and if you die tomorrow there are
plenty of stooges to replace you.
And this is where schadenfreude comes into it, a shameful glee where people celebrate the misery of others. A good place to see this is on ‘reality TV’ shows of various sorts even though they are not truly reality because they are scripted to an extent because of viewer enticements to watch and time constraints. Viewers will pick a favourite contestant and hope for the others to fail, they will enforce their opinions on others whether they watch a particular show or not. So they have in effect become a volunteer spruiker for a particular show and by default for a particular TV channel. Advertisers on that show will play on the fanaticism of the viewers to get them to buy particular merchandise supposedly to improve their lifestyle and be in the ‘cool’ crowd just like the contestants on the show.
Again we see the wealth-celebrity-lifestyle triangle that separates the inner herd from the outer and those in the outer herd are merely imitating the inner herd by participating in this. If you will not or cannot participate as an imitator in the triangle, then you become a social pariah and exiled to the edges of the outer herd until you adjust your ‘mindset’ and become a willing participant devoting your entire life to that TV show until it ends (at least for the ratings season anyway…). Still, if you do not run with the herd then they will take every chance possible to laugh at any misfortune you might have. As far as they are concerned the cause of any misfortune you have is that you have not dedicated your life to a TV show, doesn’t matter what it is or who was responsible – it’s your fault! Get hit by a drunken driver while crossing the road? Well if you were devoting your time to the show you would not have been crossing the road at that particular time and if the drunk driver is a fan of that show? Well what’s wrong with having a few drinks with other show fans? If you were drinking with him then none of this would have happened!
You can say that I’m over exaggerating this example but if you go into any courtroom you will see defence lawyers coming up with all sorts of excuses and justifications for the actions of a defendant, regardless if they are obviously guilty. Again we can look at courtroom dramas where this sort of behaviour is acceptable; people take such things as real life and unfortunately cause it to be enacted in real life because it has to be true because it was on TV.
You can also see it in many workplaces where instead of helping their fellow employees, some employees will hope for others to fail in their duties or else sabotage them to ensure they do. These sorts of employees have no exceptional skills of their own to be promoted within a business and so seek the ruination or dismissal of others they see as competition in order to go up in that business. If they are successful in this then they will get a better position, more money and more control over the rest of the employees. We can see this in companies which are flooded by non English speaking foreigners in white countries, these rogue employees are controlling any potential opposition to their self indulgent narcissism by ensuring the employment of those who may be on visas or else cannot voice their concerns about the behaviour of such supervisors because of their language skills.
Back to the contestants of the so called reality shows, people seek to get on these shows to gain the wealth-celebrity-lifestyle triangle because they are ‘entitled’. So you have those who attempted and failed to get on the show, those who got on the show and were booted leaving a single winner. The winner is now in the triangle until the next season thinking they are in the inner herd. As for those who helped them win by txt messaging polls etc? Well… who gives a shit? That’s what outer herd stooges are for, and as for those who failed on the show or even to get on? They played the entitlement card this time and lost, they can’t play it again until a new fashionable game comes along onto the screens. So they have to be content to play the victim card.
And this is where schadenfreude comes into it, a shameful glee where people celebrate the misery of others. A good place to see this is on ‘reality TV’ shows of various sorts even though they are not truly reality because they are scripted to an extent because of viewer enticements to watch and time constraints. Viewers will pick a favourite contestant and hope for the others to fail, they will enforce their opinions on others whether they watch a particular show or not. So they have in effect become a volunteer spruiker for a particular show and by default for a particular TV channel. Advertisers on that show will play on the fanaticism of the viewers to get them to buy particular merchandise supposedly to improve their lifestyle and be in the ‘cool’ crowd just like the contestants on the show.
Again we see the wealth-celebrity-lifestyle triangle that separates the inner herd from the outer and those in the outer herd are merely imitating the inner herd by participating in this. If you will not or cannot participate as an imitator in the triangle, then you become a social pariah and exiled to the edges of the outer herd until you adjust your ‘mindset’ and become a willing participant devoting your entire life to that TV show until it ends (at least for the ratings season anyway…). Still, if you do not run with the herd then they will take every chance possible to laugh at any misfortune you might have. As far as they are concerned the cause of any misfortune you have is that you have not dedicated your life to a TV show, doesn’t matter what it is or who was responsible – it’s your fault! Get hit by a drunken driver while crossing the road? Well if you were devoting your time to the show you would not have been crossing the road at that particular time and if the drunk driver is a fan of that show? Well what’s wrong with having a few drinks with other show fans? If you were drinking with him then none of this would have happened!
You can say that I’m over exaggerating this example but if you go into any courtroom you will see defence lawyers coming up with all sorts of excuses and justifications for the actions of a defendant, regardless if they are obviously guilty. Again we can look at courtroom dramas where this sort of behaviour is acceptable; people take such things as real life and unfortunately cause it to be enacted in real life because it has to be true because it was on TV.
You can also see it in many workplaces where instead of helping their fellow employees, some employees will hope for others to fail in their duties or else sabotage them to ensure they do. These sorts of employees have no exceptional skills of their own to be promoted within a business and so seek the ruination or dismissal of others they see as competition in order to go up in that business. If they are successful in this then they will get a better position, more money and more control over the rest of the employees. We can see this in companies which are flooded by non English speaking foreigners in white countries, these rogue employees are controlling any potential opposition to their self indulgent narcissism by ensuring the employment of those who may be on visas or else cannot voice their concerns about the behaviour of such supervisors because of their language skills.
Back to the contestants of the so called reality shows, people seek to get on these shows to gain the wealth-celebrity-lifestyle triangle because they are ‘entitled’. So you have those who attempted and failed to get on the show, those who got on the show and were booted leaving a single winner. The winner is now in the triangle until the next season thinking they are in the inner herd. As for those who helped them win by txt messaging polls etc? Well… who gives a shit? That’s what outer herd stooges are for, and as for those who failed on the show or even to get on? They played the entitlement card this time and lost, they can’t play it again until a new fashionable game comes along onto the screens. So they have to be content to play the victim card.
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