Showing posts with label ex satanist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ex satanist. Show all posts

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Been transferred to Christ

This is something I never thought was likely or even possible.
But I have become a defacto Christian, it was while praying to Jehovah and somewhat concerned how I would appear to him by my hanging around Christians. I said "I will not practice Christianity or call myself one until every spiv, hustler and conman has been driven out of it."

This was followed by a silence I felt inside and outside of me, I then went "no no no no!" I had been punk'd by Jehovah using my own words and now I have this 'job' to serve what Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth sought to teach people.

I suppose I was not enthusiastic about it initially but I do realise that Christianity (along with other faiths) have been corrupted by opportunists seeking money, celebrity and lifestyle (sounds familiar doesnt it?). But through this job I have learned about God in a metaphysical way, which I will tell to others when appropriate.

Oh....guess who taught me to refer to Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth rather than just Jesus?

Its a big workload but I think I will become a better person for it.
So for your dubious pleasure here is my youtube channel.....
Leons' YouTube Channel

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

The beginning

I suppose that I should explain why I decided to write this; actually I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to. But seeing as there seems to be no-one else writing one about what I want to tell you (maybe someone has but I’ve just never come across it) I think that I should. Maybe you’ve read my previous book “Creed of Assiah” and know the deal with me. If you don’t I’ll briefly explain to you my background.

I was twice a theistic Satanist; I was a Satanist when I was young. I did leave it and tried to be a Christian but I just couldn’t understand it and so returned to Satanism as that was the only religion that I really understood. During that time I learned some magic practices, it was during my exploration of various magic systems that I encountered the Kabbalah which finally led me out of Satanism. I have since learned more about the concept of God as well as who God actually is (Jehovah is the only God ever and ever will be. Praise be upon him and his name).
Now you may be wondering why I am writing this here and this is a good question. It is because I feel that I should at least attempt to inform those who are willing to read it about the “new fashionable” trinity of Baal, Moloch and Mammon who have pretty much taken hold of this earth. Maybe some of you believe that there is such a trinity or at least suspect it. All I wish to do is to confirm to you that I too believe that there is and that they are being served through the herd “groupthink” that is being touted by everyone from politicians to celebrities. So I will tell you about each member of the trinty (which is quite a DisHoly trinity) and how so many people end up serving them whether they know it or not.

Baal, Moloch and Mammon or if you like “ego, lifestyle and money” respectively, together these three supplement and complement each other. It is often said that the Devils’ greatest trick was to convince people he didn’t exist; maybe he has done so too well. But who is the Devil? At the time of when the Bible was written the Devil was Lucifer, yes he is (or maybe was) the Satan but Satan is a title which can be subject to challenge. Some say Moloch is a more than willing contender; after all he was worshipped as a god in ancient times to whom people sacrificed their children in order to gain or preserve a certain lifestyle. A fallen angel cum demon who ended up being worshipped as a god, who had his own method for accepting sacrifice and who still receives it to this day.

As for Baal? He too was worshipped as a god, in fact some people who adhere to the worship of ancient gods refer to modern “Christianity” as simple Baal worship. I can see these reasoning behind this because Baal was said to be on the earth at one time and had followers who re-invented themselves on his image (I believe they were called the “Baalim”). Is this not the case with supposed Christianity these days? You have people calling themselves Christians imposing on everyone to become a Christian, by that they mean praying to Jesus as God and imitating him in every way possible. And yet these same “Christians” claim that they can lead all people to Jesus because they have been “ordained” by Jesus personally and that they alone can save your soul etc.
We can see these sorts of people in their TV ministries preaching, but it seems now that the religion of Jesus has become a religion about Jesus. And in that Jesus has about as much relevance in day to day living of peoples lives as the clown at McDonalds has in day to day operations of the company.
In the end Jesus has become the clown representing the public face of these TV types of ministries which operate as franchises of the corporation known as “Christianity”. Nothing to do with Jesus or his teachings, instead it is about the individuals who set up and run these “faiths”. It is all about them, their egos, their finances and their lifestyles. They have become gods on earth and are worshipped as such.

What about Mammon you say? Easy to sum up in a word, that being money. As we see know people will do anything for a dollar, they will lie, cheat, debase themselves and debase others. Hell….. people will even pimp out their children for a case of beer, we only have to look at what junkies will do for their next hit. Let me put this to you….Do you think that people would have different judgments on such a situation depending on the result? As far as I am concerned anyone who pimped out their children should be hanging on the end of a rope regardless of what was gained by them. Let’s use this as an example……

A man is arrested and ends up in court because he was prostituting his two sons who were both under the age of 16. And let’s add that he has been doing it for five years. Now if he were to stand up in court and say that he did it and got paid in heroin because he is a heroin addict; what would most people say? Most probably they would call him a bastard, a fuckwit, a worthless junkie and an idiot. But if he was to stand up in court and say that he made $50K a year by doing this and that he made $250K tax free altogether which he invested in real estate speculation as well as in the stock market and turned that $250K into $1.5 million. Would people be as harsh in their condemnation of him as they would if he was just a junkie?
Sad to say that they probably wouldn’t, you would have other perverts claiming the kids were in on it. You would have people offering all sorts of excuses and explanations because regardless of any abuse and regardless of how bad it was, it is eclipsed by money which is the ultimate good.

Welcome to the new trinity, it is a formidable challenge for all if you oppose it.
I hope you do…

And if you want to read my book you can get it (and yes it's free in various formats) at

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