Wednesday, 6 July 2016

The curse of chiliasm

The curse of chiliasm

What is chiliasm? It is a jewish heresy that has become ingrained into Christianity, originally it was a prophecy regarding the endtimes. However as judaism is for jews only (by maternal bloodline) we can say that the prophecy was for jews only and only concerned the ancient Israelite world of the time. That prophecy came true in 70AD when the Romans destroyed the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem and destroyed the geneology records and that should be the end of the subject about that particular prophecy, but as we see it is reinfecting the dying body of Christianity much in the same way as HIV.

It is now being propagated by the likes of Zionist Apostate Xtians (I refuse to call these parasites Christian as there is nothing remotely Christian about them; I call them ZAX) as well as nutjob cults who are all headed by some loon who thinks he is Jesus and the followers regard them as such. It is also in the interests of the state of Israel and jewish zionists in general to ensure this propagation for political and financial ends instead of religious ones. Either by stupidity, gulliability or just plain corruption the ZAX have adopted this expired jewish heresy and seek to make it a current viable prophecy in Christianity, they propagate the idea that it is the purpose of Christians to serve the state of Israel, to serve zionism and to serve jews. ZAX seek to redefine Christianity from a faith that believes in Jesus Christ into one that serves jews, zionists and Israel (a type of unholy trinity really...) despite the fact that these three entities are largely atheist and that any spiritual aspect in them is pantheist. Modern judaism cannot be said to be an Abrahamic faith or a Mosaic faith as those who call themselves jews are not descendants of Abraham, Moses or even their tribes or even those of ancient Israel.

Todays jews are infact descendants of converts such as the askhenazim who are descendants of georgian and chechen converts, the same applies to sephardim who are descendants of Berber and Iberian converts. You also have various subsaharan africans claiming to be jews, as well as cochini (Indian) jews and even self proclaimed jews in China. These grubs are not semitic in the slightest but are just filth looking for easy money, a free trip to Israel, an Israeli passport and a springboard to Europe.

The only jews who have some claim to Israel are the Falashas and Musawis, the Falashas are Ethiopian jews who have a miniscule claim due to being descendants of the kingdom of the Queen of Sheba but the line of descendance is so remote that it no longer counts. The Musawi on the other hand are indeed recognised as having a right to live in Israel, but only by the Palestine Liberation Organisation charter that recognises them as Palestinians of the Judaist faith. However neither the jewish state of Israel nor ZAX recognises them as ethnic arabs who practice the judaist faith but instead has deemed them to be sephardic jews even though there is no bloodline connection. To claim that sephardic jews and Musawis are the same people is the same as saying Spanish and Italians are the same people because they look kinda similiar and use the same alphabet. As bigoted as this is, the ZAX will claim that it is a holy duty of all Christians to believe this because the jews said so (despite the fact they are not descendants of ancient Israelites or even believe in God, and if they do its not the same one everyone else believes in).

So let us examine the two key figures of ZAX chiliasm as well see it today (at this point I want to give credit to Brother Nathanael whose YouTube clips about zionist xtians are certainly worth watching), those two figures are John Nelson Darby and Cyrus Scofield. Their innane and opportunistic rantings are the backbone of ZAXism today which are being peddled by John Hagee.

John Nelson Darby
This guy started off in the Church of Ireland but later left to become involved in the Plymouth Brethren and from there he founded the Exclusive Brethren. His spin was his personal take on dispensationalism and futurism which is now held as 'the rapture' but pre-tribulation rapture theology was what he peddled with the Plymouth Brethren. His crankery increased with the invention of the telegraph which he saw as an invention of Cain and a harbinger of Armageddon and a definite sign that the end of the world was coming.

I'll just paste in this bit from the wikipedia page about Darby....
Dispensationalist beliefs about the fate of the Jews and the re-establishment of the Kingdom of Israel put dispensationalists at the forefront of Christian Zionism, because "God is able to graft them in again," and they believe that in His grace he will do so according to their understanding of Old Testament prophecy.

So here we have Darby stating that for whatever reason that prophecy from the Old Testament regarding jews must be given priority because that is what God wants according to their (brethren) understanding. Is Darby saying that he and his stooges/captives know what God is going to do before God does? This sort of megalomania is quite evident when one examines the Exclusive Brethren.
At best this can be described as heresy or else it is better described as a personality cult which passes for xtian.

Cyrus Scofield
The author of the Scofield Reference Bible which is the indoctrination book of ZAX, although ZAX would like to portray Scofield as an enlightened progressive scholar the fact is the truth is quite opposite.
Cyrus Scofield was actually:
A drunk
A bigamist - he deserted his 1st wife and 2 children, the wife sued for divorce on grounds of desertion but Scofield actually remarried before the divorce was finalised.

And we have this as well from wikipedia....
In 1871, Scofield was elected to the Kansas House of Representatives, first from Atchison for one year and then from Nemaha County for a second. In 1873 he worked for the election of John J. Ingalls as senator from Kansas, and when Ingalls won, the new senator had Scofield appointed U. S. District Attorney for Kansas—at 29, the youngest in the country. Nevertheless, that same year Scofield was forced to resign "under a cloud of scandal" because of questionable financial transactions, that may have included accepting bribes from railroads, stealing political contributions intended for Ingalls, and securing bank promissory notes by forging signatures. It is possible Scofield was jailed on forgery charges, although there is no extant evidence in the public records.

If anything Cyrus Scofield was nothing more than a street hustler with expensive tastes and in fact both Darby and Scofield were lawyers by profession. They were just grubs looking to peddle their spin to jews and indeed anyone unfortunate enough to cross their paths. They are certainly not to be admired or respected. The sort of people they were can be seen today in the likes of John Hagee who is just another opportunist who likes the jetset lifestyle.

Now let us deal with the issue of Messianic Judaism, although people think of the term 'messianic jews' and simply think they are jews who have converted to Christianity this certainly isnt the case. If you convert to Christianity then that makes you a Christian and not a jew of some sort in relation to religious terms. Are there jews who have converted to Christianity? Yes and we see that with Brother Nathanael who identifies himself as an Orthodox Christian and not as a 'messianic jew' or any sort of jew.

Messianic Judaism is for jews only, they dont seek to recruit ZAX and at best ZAX might be regarded as associates or in reality just plain brown nosing stooges. One should look at the Messianic Judaism setup as a punk movement within Judaism, in it Jesus Christ isnt regarded as an aspect of God or having a God aspect; Rather he is a figurehead or totem like Sid Vicious was within the punk movement. Jesus Christ is respected by these jews not because of who and what he was but rather because he was a jew anti-hero who got the goyim to worship him as mainstream judaism aims to do for all jews in regards to the goyim (yes...thats non other words you and me). Messianic Judaism has remodelled Jesus Christ into some sort of punk Buddha. The ZAX are not in on the joke so they are the butt of it and indeed so is anyone else who falls for their spin.

So lets say a ZAX (or anybody else for that matter) wants to become a 'kosher christian'; How would they go about it?
Well first they would have to convert and be accepted into mainstream Judaism, they would have to study for 1-3 years. They would get instant acceptance depending on what they can do for zionism/global jewry (such as politicians, celebrities, etc), if they are poor or else bums they will be discouraged from trying to convert and told they can serve jewry by becoming or remaining a ZAX. If they do convert and do decide to become a Messianic Judaist then they will finally realise the joke but wont be able to do anything about it because they have invested so much time and money into this venture that they have alienated non jewish friends and face the real risk of leaving bankrupt.

They can only continue on in this new tribe in a cloud of self deceit much in the same way they were when they were ZAX. In my opinion this could explain the number of neurosies within the jewish community. I suppose this is always possible when one realises that ones history has been a lie.

Now one has to ask where mainstream modern judaism comes into this, well let us look at the situation. We have a group of people who call themselves jews who claim to be descendants of the ancient Israelites and anything that has to do with them.

But as we have things like DNA testing and the internet where there is a free flow of all sorts of information, we are seeing these ancient Israelite claims repeatedly challenged and increasingly refuted. The fact is that todays jews are not descendants of Abraham, Moses, or any ancient Israelites - they are descendants of converts and cannot call themselves 'the seed of Abraham' and they cannot call themselves 'Gods chosen people'.

With the overwhelming amount of jews who are either atheist or pantheist it cannot be said that they worship the God as worshiped by Abraham or Moses. What we have is not people who adjust themselves to comply to a religion but rather we have a religion which is being constantly remolded to comply to people. Todays judaism is not based on the Torah but instead is based on the Talmud, this is the same Talmud that condones pedophilia, calls non jews filth, calls the Virgin Mary a slut and says that Jesus Christ is in hell in a pool of boiling shit.

The fact is that judaism has had no prophets since the time of Jesus Christ, the only 'jews' who have attempted to convey prophecy on behalf of judaism are pagan converts and all they have done is inject vague prophecies from other religions into judaism to give the appearance of being the continuous line of Abraham, Moses and ancient Israel. An example of this is the issue of the AntiChrist in Christianity or the Dajjal of Islam, the jews came up with Armilus as their equivalent. But this has come after the prophecies of the AntiChrist/Dajjal despite the fact that these jews claim to be a direct line of descent from the ancient Israelites and have a continuous line of the gift of prophecy.

So where does chiliasm come into all this? Well considering that chiliasm is indeed an ancient Israelite prophecy and that it only applied to ancient Judaists and that the 'doomsday' aspect occurred in 70AD with the destruction of the 2nd Temple and destruction of the geneology records. But seeing as the jews had their Messiah - that being the Lord Jesus Christ crucified by the Romans, then the prophecy could not be fulfilled as it was recieved. So todays jews who are the descendants of pagan converts are now seeking to bring forth that prophecy to be fulfilled as it was recieved. And this is being percieved as certainly possible with events and circumstances as they are today.

With ZAX, messianic jews, the increase of atheism and various new age type pantheist thinking, the acceptance of anti-Christian type philosophies which require a religious devotion and a general tone of apathy as well; Then this 2nd shot at chiliasm may certainly be possible.

We seem to be dealing with a singular aspect on a multi-headed monster, whatever reasons the likes of 'christian zionism' or really better called 'Zionist Apostate Xtianity' was invented for its current purpose is to serve the zionist state of Israel and nothing else. I sometimes wonder and have to ask why these people dont join the likes of British Israelism, it seems that ZAX have a need to be servile. But all they actually achieve is being so vile, if they are not to be called ZAX then the appropriate word for them would be cucks. If there are no jews to serve under the name of atheist zionism then they would be willing slaves to the likes of the black American group called the Nation of Islam. These people hate themselves with pride in being debased, quite frankly these loathsome creatures are HIV to everything that is remotely European.

I'll just add this on:
1. There is a miniscule and dying minority of Judaists who do believe in the concept of God as was taught by Moses, these people should not refer to themselves as jews but rather as those who believe in the 'Mosaic faith'.

2. Musawis should be recognised for what they are - semitic Palestinians who believe in the Mosaic faith, they are not sephardim. The PLO charter of 1967 recognises them as such.

3. If Christian churches want to peddle the expired jewish prophecy of chiliasm then they should no longer be classified as Christian but instead must be referred to as chiliastic.

4. ZAX must be expelled from churches as they do engage in and propagate apostasy.

5. Judaism can no longer be accepted as an Abrahamic faith because it is overrun with atheists and pantheists.

6. There are physical (maternal bloodline) jews and there are 'spiritual' jews, the former should never be recognised as being of the Mosaic faith (unless they practice as Moses instructed) and the latter should be recognised as ZAX.


Brother Nathanael vids

This info on my blog

These jews see themselves as the only 'people' and see this world as their own.

You, me and all non jews are not people as far as they are concerned because the Talmud says so

Anyway.... Ive done a couple of clips on chiliasm myself and will add them as I finish them.

The curse of chiliasm - part 1

The curse of chiliasm - part 2

The curse of chiliasm - part 3

The curse of chiliasm - part 4

The curse of chiliasm - part 5

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Gnostic chiliastic evolution

This is not my work but I believe that it is important that it be spread to as many people as possible. It can be found here....

Gnostic chiliastic evolution: Satan's alternative plan of salvation

By Linda Kimball

" far as human wisdom and resources are concerned, the salvation of sinners is as impossible as raising the dead. Every conceivable method of expiation and purification has been tried without success." Charles Hodge

In the hearts of all humans, bar none, is the possibility of evil, thus sin, said GK Chesterton, is as obvious as potatoes. This being the case it is completely irrational for the unrepentant to think they can purify themselves and others when it is their evil conscience and will turned toward wickedness – aspects of their souls – that need cleansing. And it is because man is evil and depraved, that the 20th century's purification movements – Marxist Communism and Nazi Socialism – purified the human gene pool by murdering in excess of 160,000,000 men, women and children of which in Russia, approximately half were Christians. According to Srdja Trifkovic, persecution and martyrdom of Christians under 20th century totalitarianism, and mainly of Russian Orthodox Christians under Communist Bolshevism,

" by far the greatest crime in all of recorded history....Attempts at "killing the soul" started only months after the Revolution of 1917." Persecution and martyrdom was, "several times greater than the Holocaust in terms of innocent lives brutally destroyed. It has killed more Christians in a few decades than all other causes put together in all ages, with Islam a distant second as the cause of their death and suffering. And yet it still remains a largely unknown, often minimized, or scandalously glossed over crime." (New Martyrs of the East and Coming Trials in the West, Srdja Trifkovic,

In his analysis of Marxist Communism, early conservative intellectual Frank Meyer describes it as the state form taken by a materialist pagan,

" determined to rule the world" Communism is the "final synthesis of all heretical tendencies that have pervaded Western civilization for many centuries." (The Conservative Intellectual Movement, pp. 251-252)

Communism is a godless, philosophically pagan form of heretical Jewish elements and heretical Protestant liberalism's upside-down, anti-creation account grounded in a chiliastic-evolutionary, apocalyptic proclamation of a coming new order based in belief in the inevitability of evolutionary progress from molecule to sea-weed, reptile, ape, hominid, and finally god-man and in the perfectibility of this fallen world. (1)

Chiliasm in Greek means 'thousand years' and is primarily a godless version of the millennial belief expressed in some Christian denominations that there will be a paradise on earth where Christ will reign for a thousand years prior to the final judgment and future eternal state.

The contemporary chiliastic-evolutionary movement is Technocracy. The world is being actively transformed by an amoral power elite and their minions according to a very narrow economical/political/social philosophy called Technocracy, and it is impacting every segment of society in every corner of the world:

"Technocracy is being sponsored and orchestrated by a global elite led by David Rockefeller's and Zbigniew Brzezinski's Trilateral Commission...Originally started in the early 1930's, Technocracy is antithetical to every American institution that made us into the greatest nation on earth. It eschews property rights, obsoletes capitalism, hates politicians and traditional structures, and promises a lofty utopian dream made possible only if engineers, scientists, and technicians are allowed to run society. When Aldous Huxley penned Brave New World in 1932, he accurately foresaw this wrenching transformation of society and predicted that the end of it would be a scientific dictatorship unlike anything the world has ever seen." (Preface, Technocracy Rising, Patrick Wood)

Huxley concluded that Technocracy produces scientific dictatorship designed to scientifically engineer, manipulate, dominate and control the world's wealth and resources and micro-manage every human being in every detail of his life. Moreover, said Huxley, the scientific and evolutionary system itself would become a god that was worshipped and questioning any aspect of it, such as the validity of evolution as empirical science, or any decision or outcome would be tantamount to blasphemy.

Like its' 20th century counterparts, Technocracy is the evolutionary chiliastic expression of a coming Golden Age that is the culminating hubris of Promethean god-men who having 'murdered' the Christian God mean to purify and remake man and creation.

In "Science, Politics and Gnosticism," highly respected political philosopher Eric Voegelin (1901-85) identifies many modern Gnostic movements. They range from Comte's positivism, to progressivism, Hegelianism, Masonry, Marxist Communism, Nazi Socialism, Schleiermacher's doctrine of faith, Protestant liberalism, and Luciferian Theosophy.

In an upside-down exegesis typical of Gnosticism, Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, leading Masonic thinker, and important formulator of chiliastic evolution wrote in her book, "The Secret Doctrine" volume II,

" is but view Satan, the Serpent of Genesis, as the real creator and benefactor, the Father of Spiritual mankind..." (Theosophy University Press, 1888, p. 243, 513)

Chiliastic-evolutionary systems are modern forms of ancient and very "elitist" pre-Christian and Christian-era Gnosticism which assigns the Holy Triune God to hell and instead worships Lucifer. Furthermore, it teaches that salvation is attained through the 'elitist' knowledge of Gnostic teachers such as gurus, god-men, certain scientists and Oprah Winfrey, a contemporary spiritual guide possessed of the knowledge of the Gnostic cosmogony.

With Satan as the spiritual father of an army of unrepentant Gnostic pagans, it is no wonder that modern Gnostic systems have so far produced every dictatorial, genocidal utopian movement of the 20th century and underpin contemporary spiritually pagan, chiliastic New Age and Technocratic globalist's hopes and visions. In his article, "Leftism a Radical Faith," Bruce Riggs notes that much of the political history of the extended 20th century is that of massive extinctions of citizenries by their dictatorial governments:

"Take the engineered mass starvations, torture chambers, firing squads, and gulags of Lenin and Stalin; Nazi gas chambers; Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge killing fields; the genocides of Mao's "Great Leap Forward,"; and the tyrannical North Korean Sung dynasty, and one will find that over one hundred million people have been slaughtered." (2)

The authors of the Black Book of Communism point to the godless anti-creation Darwinian "biological and zoological" strain of thinking as the engine of evil that proved itself a most effective means of denying the humanity of millions of victims:

"This strain of thinking is why so many of the crimes of Communism were crimes against humanity, and how Marxist-Leninist ideology managed to justify these crimes to its followers." (The Black Book of Communism, Stephanie Courtois, p. 751)

The devilish Gnostic rebel Vladimir Lenin concurs. Anti-creation Darwinism put an end to the belief that human, animals, and vegetable kinds bear no relation to one another and,

"that they were created by God, and hence immutable." (Fatal Fruit, Tom DeRosa, p. 9)

Twentieth century Gnostic pagan god-states systematically dehumanized and murdered millions of people in order to create an imagined earthly Eden purified of evil, and this is clearly insane. Yet this evil religion whose spiritual father is Satan continues today as a God-hating, globally elitist, evolutionary progressive, politico-centric faith entirely disdainful of orthodox Christian and faithful Jewish beliefs and contemptuous of those who subscribe to them.

In short, devilish Gnostic chiliastic evolution is a Satanic spiritually pagan religion with the look of a religious inquisition that represents the 20th century heretical version of orthodox Christianity. Unless we grasp this crucial point the nature of this devilishly evil religion will elude us. (3)

Rise of Satan's Chiliastic Technocratic Utopia

In "False Dawn: The United Religions Initiative, Globalism, and the Quest for a One-World Religion," Lee Penn wans that the United Religions Initiative (URI) and the Gaia initiative represents the spiritually pagan religious facet of the coming Technocratic New World Order. The URI is a United Nations organization that to a significant extent is animated by Satanic Gnostic chiliastic evolution. In preparation for the coming new order, a 'new' pagan spiritually is under construction of which the Earth Charter is set to become its Holy Writ.

Crafted by a conclave of 'Wise Persons' headed by former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev, the Charter's benign sounding verbiage,

"and symbolic nature camouflages its dangerous purpose. The Charter is intended to become a universally adopted creed that will psychologically prepare the world's children to accept the necessity of world government to save the environment. It is also an outrageous attempt to indoctrinate your children in the UN's New Age paganism." (The New World Religion, William F. Jasper, New American, 2002)

The URI has attracted a diverse group of activists and powerful supporters such as the Dalai Lama, progressive churchmen from the People's Republic of China, pro-gay Episcopalians, radical Muslims, feminist goddesses and witches, rich capitalist foundations, the Club of Rome, the Temple of Understanding, and the Lucis Trust, formerly called Lucifer Publishing. (pp. 5, 7, 23-26)

Prominent supporters include occultist Robert Muller (former UN assistant secretary general and father of Common Core), Neale Donald Walsh, George Soros, Mikhail Gorbachev, Maurice Strong, Ted Turner, and Barbara Marx Hubbard. (ibid)

Penn notes that evolution is absolutely ventral to the ambitions of Technocratic global elites. Thus after more than eighty years of nearly unopposed evolutionary evangelization in schools, seminaries, pulpits, media, academia and elsewhere global elite god-men like Jeremy Rifkin are finally free to declare that evolution is a living "Mind" enlarging its domain as it evolves up and through the "chain of species." Moreover, now that the evolution god "Mind" reigns supreme, global elitists no longer feel like guests in someone else's home and therefore obliged to make their behavior conform with a set of pre-existing cosmic rules:

"It is our creation now. We make the rules (and) establish the parameters of reality. We create the world (and) no longer have to justify our behavior...We are responsible to nothing outside ourselves for we are the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever." (Algeny, Rifkin, 1983, p. 188)

Here we see that in the completely delusional, entirely depraved (Jer. 51: 17-18), and ultimately demonically orchestrated global elite dream-scape it is not the personal Triune God who has created and sustains the world. No, it is each Gnostic man-god who creates and sustains his own world and meaning in every moment out of his own divine consciousness. In other words, since according to the devil the substance of the Holy Creator God is distributed throughout all of the cosmos, including the mind of man, then by occult magic rituals such as transcendental meditation and brain-altering drugs, man can tap into the god-force within, thereby becoming a little god who controls the cosmos because he controls "Mind." The physical world then, is an illusion because reality is inside the divine mind of the god-man.

Given the likelihood that an ancient evil intelligence has crawled inside Rifkin and other Technocratic god-men the fact that New Age spirituality relies heavily on spirit revelations channeled through mediums such as Blavatsky, Bailey, Benjamin Crème, Robert Muller, Neale Donald Walsh and Barbara Marx Hubbard, to name but a few, should come as no surprise. Penn observes that all together they form a comprehensive anti-Gospel setting forth a Gnostic progressive vision of apocalyptic spiritualized totalitarianism that includes:

1. Praise for Lucifer as the light-bearer and giver of wisdom

2. Highly evolved humans are gods.

3. Advocacy for extreme population control

4. Concentrated hate directed at faithful Judaism, orthodox evangelical Protestantism, and Roman Catholicism

5. Forecasting a pending, and for them, desirable selection of mankind in which the progressives enter the New Age millennium and reactionaries face extinction. For "New Age Apostles of 'progressive' Social Darwinism, these casualties are a necessary price to pay for human evolution." (Penn, p. 7)

Speaking through Barbara Marx Hubbard, her spirit guide 'Christ' prophesied in 1995 that the Rider of the Pale Horse will use the 'sword' as one of his means to "kill those who choose to remain self-centered." (ibid, Penn, p. 322)

The meaning of 'self-centered' is briefly defined in the Global Biodiversity Assessment; a document mandated by the U.N. sponsored Convention on Biological Diversity. This document explicitly refers to Christianity as a faith that, rather than making God and humans one with nature, has instead set God and humans "apart from nature," a process in which nature has "lost its sacred qualities." The document states:

"Conversion to Christianity has....meant an abandonment of an affinity with the natural world." (Al Gore, The United Nations and the Cult of Gaia, Cliff Kincaid,, 1999)

In other words, because orthodox Christianity teaches that there is an unbridgeable gulf between the Triune God and His creation that is only breached by Jesus Christ then idolaters like Jeremy Rifkin do not and cannot share the substance of the Triune God as pantheism teaches. According to Christianity man is radically different from the Lord and atonement, purification and mediation is achieved only through Jesus Christ, Who rose from the dead. This means that neither Rifkin nor any other Technocratic global elitist is god but rather an evil idolater speeding along the broad, smooth highway to hell.

All modern Gnostic pagan movements share the same chiliastic goal: a coming "new pantheist order" and "new pagan god-man" completely purified of all evil and existing in oneness with the evolutionary god force. This means extermination of all faithful Christians and Jews and other dissenters who refuse to become one with the god of forces.

Purification also extends to Biblical moral standards, sexual ethics, traditional marriage and traditions derived therefrom since they have been by-passed by the ongoing process of evolution. These will be changed just as all distinctions between nonlife forms, life forms and gender will be blurred in the idea of evolution from molecule to ape to man and woman to transgender to androgynous god-man. In the same way, all distinctions between good and evil, nations and religions will be merged in the chiliastic vision of worldly purification.

In conclusion, Gnostic chiliastic evolution is the anti-gospel of Satan, thus the antithesis of the glorious Gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ. So powerful is the stranglehold of Satan's anti-gospel on millions of darkened Western minds that it has imaginatively inverted the order of creation and reversed the direction of Biblical theism, meaning that the millions of people whose minds are in bondage to Satan and his legions can no longer think right-side up. With creation ex nihilo virtually replaced by the evolution god it is now believed that men have not fallen from perfection but are instead gradually evolving upward from their ape beginnings toward greater and greater spiritual perfection.

For all Westerners who are perhaps uncomfortable with, offended by, or outright hostile toward the personal Holy Triune God and His plan of salvation Satan's anti-gospel provides them a chiliastic plan of purification and a substitute deity – evolution – the animated god force of the cosmos which men believe they can control and direct. Through scientifically controlled and directed evolution they imagine they are destined to realize unimaginable spiritual advances.

1. Genesis, Creation, and Early Man, Fr. Seraphim Rose

2. Leftism a Radical Faith, Bruce Riggs, American Thinker, 2014

3. ibid, Klaus Fischer

© Linda Kimball

Friday, 1 July 2016

The Last Pope: A useful idiot

Without any doubt this earth in this world has entered into a new era which cannot maintain the status quo. We see telltale signs with current events, its not just things such as terrorism or the doings of politicians and celebrities which are touted as priorities on the media. The continuous constant fracturings occuring in all aspects of life in our societies and subsocieties has produced a 'reality' without any absolutes, it is just as Hassan of Alamut said when nothing is true then all is permitted.

And thus it is, there are no absolute rights and wrongs or cases of true and false. Now there is just butchers and cattle, masters and slaves, the haves and the have nots. And the situation the 'winner' has to their advantage may only be temporal depending on who their allies are, this is the result of moral relativism. Corruption and gangsterism is now the order of the day and all are under its rule whether practical or titular, it affects the highest to the lowest in all fractured societies and all fractions within them. Atheism, maltheism, misotheism, hypocrisy and solipsism are now the acceptable religions because the Tree of Death has become completed, Tebhel and Cheled have been taken by the house of Satan, Malkuth in Assiah is now Lilith in Tohu.

Although people would like to see it in a matter of politics, economics and social networking because in doing so it maybe somewhat comprehended by them in order to survive within that system, the fact is that it is a matter of religion, faith and God. On top of that it is also a matter of dealing with the enemies of God, this is the Tree of Death where the virtues and vices of the Tree of Life has been reversed and are being applied. We see the results of this everyday, people would be able to understand this if not for the infiltration and sabotage of the religions and faiths which have been corrupted to the extent that has made its fanbase become practicing atheists. One might be tempted to call them apostates, but the only thing that prevents one from calling them that is the fact that they donot recognise the apostasy they practice.

There are many problems, there are many monsters in this picture. There are so many monsters who are motivated by so many differing desires that one cannot slay them in a single heroic effort, but there no dishonour in slaying them one at a time.

Which brings me to this monster, a useful idiot without concept of honour or dignity and whose only faith is stupidity and whose only creed is hypocrisy. His words and acts are a declaration of war against the only God, the only God as revealed by Abraham. His deeds and indeed every breath he takes are acts of war against Christianity and the belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the personification of a human soul draining leech; His name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio otherwise known as Pope Francis.

I will just refer to him as Bergoglio as all the Popes before him were of a much finer calibre than he could ever possibly hope to be despite whatever flaws they had. With Bergoglio we are dealing with a moral relativist who will hold diametrically opposed views as being simultaneously true, he will preach a message in one country and then fly into another and preach the complete opposite. His vision of a wide church which can actually be said to be a one world church means that he has invited everyone and anyone in. He has consistantly negotiated the Roman Catholic faith and compromised its principles which we see in the way he has invited atheists into his fold, the results of which can be seen in his moral relativism. An example of this is where he has invited homosexuals into the church while supposedly adhering to traditional family values. Under Bergoglio the church has reportedly sought to increase the number of exorcists within its ranks and yet he never talks about occult matters and is quite content with redefining these issues in a secular context which can only be resolved in a secular context.

In doing so he can justify and implement his selective memory, by doing so he can avoid dealing with the prophecy of St. Malachy and his followers can avoid asking questions relating to this. The prophecy of St. Malachy is that from the time that St. Malachy recieved the prophecy that there would be 112 more Popes before the Catholic church fell and the 112th Pope would be the last Pope. The 112th Pope from the time of Malachy is Bergoglio and the acts, words, and hypocrisy of Bergoglio indicate that the prophecy is true and will be fulfilled. If he wants to repudiate this then he will have to declare St. Malachy a liar which then begs the question that if he was a liar then how did he become a saint? If Bergoglio were to declare that St. Malachy is a liar then the sainthood of all the saints would have to be reviewed. If it is declared that it is the line of succession that has been the cause of confusion regarding this matter then the issue regarding Cardinal Siri also known as Pope Gregory the XVII would also have to be reviewed. This specifically refers to the 1958 conclave in which Cardinal Siri was allegedly elected Pope after the death of Pope Pius XII.

Bergoglio seeks to invite all Christian churches to 'meld' into the Catholic faith, he is deemed to be the defacto head of the Catholic world and views non-Catholic churches to be merely rebels or having lost their way. He sees the way to do this is on political or corporate terms not on a spiritual basis, the Roman Catholic church is portrayed as the corporate office and the non Roman Catholic churches are portrayed as independant franchises who are operating as rogues and who need to be brought back to the fold and control of the head office. As it stands the independant churches that cannot be bought or forced to return to the fold would have to be declared different religions via technicallity, and to do this there has to be a greater claim of or else renouncement of the tenets of Christianity. One side has to redefine Christianity to such an extent that it can no longer be defined as Christian on a technical basis. We see now that the Roman Catholic church is subject to claims that it is no longer a Christian faith but rather one of Maryology due to what seems to be the veneration and worship of the Virgin Mary over that of the Lord Jesus Christ.

With Roman catholics now seeming more refering to Bergoglio as the 'holy father' and Bergoglio refering to the church as a feminine mother type entity we are seeing the Virgin Mary being seen as a personification of the Roman Catholic church and the Lord Jesus Christ is now deemed a 'child' of the church and Bergoglio is the father. What we are seeing is a reversal of order and any self proclaimed Christian church engaging in this sort of behaviour can no longer be called Christian because the Lord Jesus Christ is deemed to be subject to the authority of the Vatican or at least equal to it. As Bergoglio is declared the 'holy father', the church is declared by Bergoglio to be the feminine entity, as Jesus Christ is now 'just a man' and the Holy Spirit is seldom mentioned or else deemed to be an assistant of the church; Then the issue of God gets pushed out of any concern to what the actual church stands for, instead by default it seems the 'god' of the Vatican hierachy is a type of pantheism and not the God of the Lord Jesus Christ or any current or previous Bible prophet in either the New or Old Testaments. With the pantheism we can no longer say that the Roman Catholic churches that adhere to the direct word of Bergoglio are Christian. Bergoglio have written and published prayers which are held as perfect by his followers, in fact we are not seeing members of a Christian faith but fanatics of a personality cult.

If Bergoglio believes himself to be the highest entity of the Roman Catholic church (if not indeed all churches) then what are the positions of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary? On what basis are they to be worshipped and venerated? Are they declared to be higher and above the church? No, whatever their origins they are now the property of the church and this explains why Bergoglio and his ilk seek to take possession of non Roman Catholic churches. They and their members are deemed to be criminals not only because they wont submit to Bergoglio and the Vatican apparatchiks, but also because they are engaged in trademark and copyright violations.

But ultimately Bergoglio sees himself as the highest authority on this earth, you may ask how does he view other non Christian religions? Well my offhand opinion would be that he regards them as unattended business gone bad and this is why he seeks to draw them all in.... under his control. Although you might point the finger and say Bergoglio is a solipsist, myself I wouldnt go that far - at least not yet. If he did have a 'god on earth' complex he wouldnt feel the need to try and draw other religions in to absorb them or else be absorbed, it would be hard for him to find fault in those other religions when those other religions would easily find fault in the way that he leads the Roman Catholic church. They would point and say that his religion goes against the original teachings of Jesus Christ with things such as Maryology and the papacy which deems the Pope to be a proxy (if not overriding) authority for God on this earth, which is the exact description of what the Pope and Vatican claim that position to be... god on this earth.

Looking at the 2 other (kind of) Abrahamic faiths, those being Judaism and Islam; Bergoglio needs to find a serial unity in order to draw them in. He can no longer offer anything from a Christian perspective both in fact and to actually compromise, he has to redefine Jesus Christ in order to make him acceptable to both religions and yet make it as a unifying centrepiece.

Hence the Roman Catholic church can no longer call itself a Christian church but should call itself what it really is - a chiliastic church.

Chiliasm is Bergoglios' solution, with chiliasm Bergoglio can tell his cult captives to continue to worship Jesus and Mary.

He can tell the Jews that his cult worships Jesus and Mary not because of anything to do with God, but rather to them both being Jews. He can then tell the Muslims that the worship of Jesus and Mary in his cult is not really worship but a fetish because the Christ aspect of Jesus no longer has any bearing and thus at best he can only be a prophet. Mary is just being honoured for being the mother of Jesus and nothing else and if in doubt they should ask the Jews and the Jews will confirm this. It is a serial line of Judaism-Christianity-Islam, so officially nothing has changed, but technically these 3 'faiths' have been united under chiliasm. So as these 3 religions have separated from each other to the extent that it seems impossible to believe they came from a common ancestor, Bergoglio will be the hero of the hour doing everything he can to unite them. He will portray himself as the most unselfish person to ever walk the earth, he is so self sacrificing that he will even give up and end the papacy to do it. From that his name will be praised as the last Pope, as a Muslim saint and as a warrior for Tiqqun Olam. And people will pray to an undefined god in order to bless him.

Bergoglios' chiliasm can cater to everyone as it will certainly be accepted by xtian zionists, Jesus without the Christ aspect will be accepted by Buddhists and the fetish aspect will be accepted by Hindus and all schismatic sects from all global religions. It will be accepted by atheists with pronouncements that Jesus is just a man like everyone else, he will be everything to everyone but yet mean nothing to no one. Then the issue of UFOs and alien life can and probably will come into it and with Bergoglios' machinations he can make Jesus a key centrepoint of the various religions by using texts such as the Urantia book to justify his views on any current situation. He can claim that demons are just misunderstood aliens, claim that the chaos that results from the public appearance and interaction of demons/aliens with the global human public is just the tribulation and on top of that if any rapture were to occur he can just say that the disappeared people were taken by aliens to live with them on their own planets.

One might ask where does the concept of God come into all of this? And again the pantheist 'god' answers this, without any set absolute value this 'god' can cater to anyone in the manner that they wish to see it. To an atheist it will be the impersonal aspect of space, cycles and time, in the same way a Buddhist or Jain would percieve it. To everyone else it might be something that is personal to them and them alone, one could venture and say that this would lead to a mass solipsism and this would lead to an utter chaos. In such a world there could truly not be any judgment of right and wrong because how would such things be judged? No one could say that there is an absolute god in such a world because everyone would have a 1/7000000000th of a say in how this god would act and a singular absolute god in this context would be a contradiction of terms. The multitude of personal absolute truths being held as true while being diametrically opposed or at the very least just opposed to each other results in moral relativism and a case of 'whats true to you is true to you and whats true to me is true to me'. The end result of this will be nothing is true, all is permitted; Welcome to Lilith in Tohu.

We have to ask the reasons that would motivate someone like Bergoglio to gamble everything for one chance for what?
A world unifying religion? You have the likes of the Bahais unifying all faiths because their tenets can be expandable to adjust for these faiths and they dont have dogma per se. The Roman Catholic faith is riddled with dogma and seemingly none of it is to do with purely spiritual matters but rather to do with governance of the church, the clergy and the congregations.

If the church would invite questions from non catholics to clarify and answer them, then in theory all faiths would find they have more in common than what opportunist spokesmen from those faith are telling their members. But the vatican is its own nation and it can never be questioned and certainly not compelled to answer all questions but maybe a select few. In fact Bergoglio doesnt actually issue press releases but instead this is the dominion of the vatican press office, and yet another question is if Bergoglio is the head of the vatican state then on what authority or indeed non authority does the vatican press office issue press releases on his personal behalf? And why do they do it?

Is it a matter of official protocol or is it something else? Examining what Bergoglio has said and continues to say at differing times, saying things that are contradictory and yet held as being simultaneously true one has to question the mental faculties of Bergoglio as they should be done to any head of state or any head of religion whether they be practical or titular. I've come up with the following possibilities:
1. These are just his personal idiosyncracies and in no way reflect his mental state
2. He is displaying the symptoms of senility/alzheimers/dementia
3. He has a mental illness of some sort
4. He has a physical condition which requires him to use narcotics which reflects in his actions
5. He is just a body being used by various demons in a routine based on planetary and/or zodiacal hours
6. He is just an arsehole

I have never met or examined any medical records pertaining to Bergoglio so I wont make any judgment or pronounciation on his current state. All I will do is comment on the points:
1. Quite possible
2. Another possibility but he does seem to be able to function enough to do public appearances and meet with other heads of state. But we can only observe what the media cares to make public
3. Again possible but this would most likely have been a lifelong condition and would have prevented him from being considered for the position of pope
4. Again possible
5. Again possible as his persona seems to change with his contradictory announcements
6. Again possible

I think what would be more telling in relation to these points would be the knowledge of his assistants, what they do and who they are.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Prayers of redemption for Lilith and Marinette

Prayers should, infact indeed be offered for the reconciliation for Lilith and Marinette to reconcile themselves with God and redeem themselves on this earth in this world (Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah). If this happens we can counteract the reversal of order that is taking place now.

I have done previous posts where I have dealt with Lilith and Marinette and I do believe we have to act now. I'm not saying that I know everything, infact you may have a more efficient prayer or general strategy than me. And if you do then dont stay silent and share it with everyone, no price is too high for anyone to serve the Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham.
This post is not complete by any means and I shall continue it as I can and post when I believe that I cannot offer anything better in the information that I share.
I may not know everything but I will tell you everything that I know.

Previous posts

The below prayers will cover the 4 worlds, you could alter them to suit whatever belief system or sect that you adhere to. But the 1st and foremost action of your prayer is to get Lilith and Marinette to reconcile to God and redeem themselves on this earth in this world.


God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
The revelation turned Abram into Abraham
And Abraham revealed you to us
The idols were smashed and the djinn were no longer worshipped
You gave order to all existance and allowed us to be created and gave us autonomy. Praise be upon you by all existance without exception
You gave us the 4 worlds and gave us the ability to comprehend their existance

But Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, the djinn seek to steal Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah from your perfect divine order. They seek to steal and enslave mankind which is created in your image and indeed all life and everything else on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah, yes O Lord they seek to steal and possess this earth in this world to complete the Tree of Death to make it theirs.

They seek to prevent Judgment Day and to imprison us eternally with Moloch in his Tree of Death in his world of Tohu
I do not want to wait till after my death in Assiah to see Moloch and his legion depart into misery
I wish to see his downfall in Assiah While I am still alive within it, the Tree of Death is so rotten it surely must collapse within itself

God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, I appeal to you in the world of Atziluth
Holy Spirit of emanation I propose the following;
If Lilith is taken out of Gomaliel on the Tree of Death would not the tree be out of balance and cease to function?
And if Marinette Bwa Cheche were prevented from assuming the role that Lilith no longer maintains would not Molochs' kingdom be isolated and Tohu be confined to those who would implement the world of Tohu onto everyone but themselves?

By choice or by force O Holy Spirit of Atziluth could not Lilith and Marinette be placed on this earth in this world in human form to atone for and rectify situations and problems that they may have created or caused whether entirely or in part?
I believe that this is fair and by doing so Lilith and Marinette will find a way to atonement with you Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham

Let us restore order as you meant it to be, give the faithful guidance and original thought as the world of emanation can do that Holy Spirit of Atziluth
I trust in your judgment, I ask for your blessings, I thank you for your being, I know you can hear me

And you alone Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham are worthy of praise, prayer and utter devotion
Praise be upon you for your unity is one in all worlds


God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
The revelation turned Abram into Abraham
And Abraham revealed you to us
The idols were smashed and the djinn were no longer worshipped
You gave creation to all existance and allowed us to be created and gave us autonomy.

Praise be upon you by all existance without exception
You gave us the 4 worlds and gave us the ability to comprehend their existance

But Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, the djinn seek to steal Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah from your perfect divine order. They seek to steal and enslave mankind which is created in your image and indeed all life and everything else on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah, yes O Lord they seek to steal and possess this earth in this world to complete the Tree of Death to make it theirs.

They seek to prevent Judgment Day and to imprison us eternally with Moloch in his Tree of Death in his world of Tohu
I do not want to wait till after my death in Assiah to see Moloch and his legion depart into misery
I wish to see his downfall in Assiah While I am still alive within it, the Tree of Death is so rotten it surely must collapse within itself

God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, I appeal to you in the world of Briah
Holy Creator Father Jehovah I propose the following;
If Lilith is taken out of Gomaliel on the Tree of Death would not the tree be out of balance and cease to function?
And if Marinette Bwa Cheche were prevented from assuming the role that Lilith no longer maintains; Would not Molochs' kingdom be isolated and Tohu be confined to those who would implement the world of Tohu onto everyone but themselves?

By choice or by force Holy Creator Father Jehovah of Briah could not Lilith and Marinette be placed on this earth in this world in human form to atone for and rectify situations and problems that they may have created or caused whether entirely or in part?
I believe that this is fair and by doing so Lilith and Marinette will find a way to atonement with you Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
Let us restore order as you meant it to be, give the faithful guidance and original thought as the world of creation can do that Holy Creator Father Jehovah of Briah

Give me the vision and imagination to see how I can see the solutions to the problems on this earth in this world, please guide me to make the appropriate and correct choices.

Please give me an overview to see the enemies of us all, you are the Holy Father and there is no other. As for the apostate who claims to be the one of that title, please make his life misery until he repents.

I trust in your judgment, I ask for your blessings, I thank you for your being, I know you can hear me
And you alone Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham are worthy of praise, prayer and utter devotion
Praise be upon you for your unity is one in all worlds


God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
The revelation turned Abram into Abraham
And Abraham revealed you to us
The idols were smashed and the djinn were no longer worshipped
You gave creation to all existance and allowed us to be formed and gave us autonomy.

Praise be upon you by all existance without exception
You gave us the 4 worlds and gave us the ability to comprehend their existance

But Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, the djinn seek to steal Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah from your perfect divine order. They seek to steal and enslave mankind which is created in your image and indeed all life and everything else on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah, yes O Lord they seek to steal and possess this earth in this world to complete the Tree of Death to make it theirs.

They seek to prevent Judgment Day and to imprison us eternally with Moloch in his Tree of Death in his world of Tohu
I do not want to wait till after my death in Assiah to see Moloch and his legion depart into misery
I wish to see his downfall in Assiah While I am still alive within it, the Tree of Death is so rotten it surely must collapse within itself

God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, I appeal to you in the world of Yetzirah
Holy Essence of God Christ of Yetzirah I propose the following;
If Lilith is taken out of Gomaliel on the Tree of Death would not the tree be out of balance and cease to function?
And if Marinette Bwa Cheche were prevented from assuming the role that Lilith no longer maintains; Would not Molochs' kingdom be isolated and Tohu be confined to those who would implement the world of Tohu onto everyone but themselves?

By choice or by force Holy Essence of God Christ of Yetzirah could not Lilith and Marinette be placed on this earth in this world in human form to atone for and rectify situations and problems that they may have created or caused whether entirely or in part?
I believe that this is fair and by doing so Lilith and Marinette will find a way to atonement with you Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
Let us restore order as you meant it to be, give the faithful guidance and original thought as the world of creation can do that Holy Essence of God Christ of Yetzirah

Instill in me the discipline and ability to bring about the formation to bring the solution to serve the mission needed to derail the train that is directing the thoughts of all on the earth in Assiah to Lilith in Tohu. Derail them O Lord! Let the servants of Moloch not suceed in stealing us away from your Divine love.
Destroy Tohu
Free Lilith and Marinette
Isolate Nahema
Dispose of Moloch
Imprison his followers
Use me as a tool to implement the restoration and rectification of Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah. Let us save Malkuth!
Let the enemies of the Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham be gone from this world and find their hell infinitely far away from us
They renounce God, they renounce the Holy Trinity, they renounce their souls, we mean nothing to them and they mean nothing to the faithful and it is their choice to be this way

I trust in your judgment, I ask for your blessings, I thank you for your being, I know you can hear me
And you alone Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham are worthy of praise, prayer and utter devotion
Praise be upon you for your unity is one in all worlds


God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
The revelation turned Abram into Abraham
And Abraham revealed you to us
The idols were smashed and the djinn were no longer worshipped
You gave creation to all existance and allowed us to be formed and gave us autonomy. Praise be upon you by all existance without exception
You gave us the 4 worlds and gave us the ability to comprehend their existance
Praise be upon you and none other

But Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, the djinn seek to steal Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah from your perfect divine order. They seek to steal and enslave mankind which is created in your image and indeed all life and everything else on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah, yes O Lord they seek to steal and possess this earth in this world to complete the Tree of Death to make it theirs

The djinn wish to take this earth in this world, the earth which I am on
You alone have the right to decide who is my owner, my master
Not unfaithful rebellious spirits and I have not given myself to any mortal or angel for that matter
I declare that I have by my own choice willingly given myself to you and that includes all authority given by you
And you alone for there is no other God, nor has there ever been, nor will there ever be

There is only one Lord on this earth in this world and that Lord is the Lord Jesus Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth
He is the aspect of you, and you alone
In this world
Assiah the world of action
I will strive to keep this world as Assiah, I will not accept or submit to Tohu
This is Malkuth not Lilith
Let all beings make their choice and let us each be judged on our choice
And recieve our reward or penalty for that choice
Let us know and understand your decision for your judgment is perfect, fair, beyond repudiation, beyond reproach
If I pray to you because I desire heaven
Then deny me heaven
I pray to you because you alone are God, your aspects are perfect and your unity is one
You alone are worthy of worship and there is none other

God Almighty as revealed by Abraham, I appeal to you in the world of Assiah
Lord Jesus Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah I propose the following;
If Lilith is taken out of Gomaliel on the Tree of Death would not the tree be out of balance and cease to function?
And if Marinette Bwa Cheche were prevented from assuming the role that Lilith no longer maintains; Would not Molochs' kingdom be isolated and Tohu be confined to those who would implement the world of Tohu onto everyone but themselves?
We, I am in Assiah, this is the world that was emanated, created, formated and brought into action by you for us to rule for you on your behalf. It was also brought about to provide a place for demons to redeem themselves for you and you alone
But as some have sought redemption then some have sought to stop them
And even worse are the humans who seek to help those who want to keep the kingdom of Satan on this earth in this world
A kingdom divided on itself
On an earth divided on itself
As you warned us

By choice or by force Lord Jesus Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah could not Lilith and Marinette be placed on this earth in this world in human form to atone for and rectify situations and problems that they may have created or caused whether entirely or in part?
I believe that this is fair and by doing so Lilith and Marinette will find a way to atonement with you Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham
Let us restore order as you meant it to be, give the faithful guidance and original thought as the world of action can do that Lord Jesus Christ of Bethlehem and Nazareth on Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah

Instill in me the discipline and ability to bring about the formation to bring the solution to serve the mission needed to derail the train that is directing the thoughts of all on the earth in Assiah to Lilith in Tohu. Derail them O Lord! Let the servants of Moloch not succeed in stealing us away from your Divine love.
Destroy Tohu
Free Lilith and Marinette
Isolate Nahema
Dispose of Moloch
Imprison his followers
Use me as a tool to implement the restoration and rectification of Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah. Let us save Malkuth!
Let the enemies of the Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham be gone from this world and find their hell infinitely far away from us.
They renounce God, they renounce the Holy Trinity, they renounce their souls, we mean nothing to them and they mean nothing to the faithful and it is their choice to be this way

This is Assiah O Lord, this is where all our actions must be dealt with
If you allow us to ruin the sephira of Gomaliel then the Tree of Death will collapse and die and take the unredeemable with them
Guide us O Lord, bless the faithful and give us direction
In service to you how can we fail?
This world will be rectified and restored

I trust in your judgment, I ask for your blessings, I thank you for your being, I know you can hear me
And you alone Lord God Almighty as revealed by Abraham are worthy of praise, prayer and utter devotion
Praise be upon you for your unity is one in all worlds

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Prepare for Hell on this Earth in this World

Lately we have been seeing a multitude of 'outer space' inspired announcements and fads. Supposedly aliens will contact us and come to earth, new planets are being discovered everyday and the only reason none of this was revealed earlier is that people would stop believing in God. Seeing how atheism is increasing then this reason is no longer necessary, all will be revealed because 'god' will explain everything. This 'god' is a pantheist collective of everything: humans, animals, plants, angels (who really are just aliens) and demons (who really are just misunderstood aliens).

We have seen the utter corruption of Abrahamic faiths which should no longer be called Abrahamic. Judaism is not just a combined atheist and pantheist philosophy that can only be practiced by people of a certain bloodline. Christianity should now be refered to as 'xtianity' as Jesus Christ have either been eliminated or redefined within it and Islam continues to self destruct like the ebola virus but simultaneously spreading the virus to self destruct. In fact it may be only the fringe cults of those 3 branches that may practice anything resembling what can be called Abrahamic.

We have religions to which people adhere to fanatically in terms of politics, race, financial status, ideology, everything that is of a physical materialistic concern but spirituality and God dont get a mention. Anything relating to knowledge of the occult or metaphysical matters has been diminished, if not obliterated and erased. Only to be replaced by nonsense that can only come under the category of fiction, scams, frauds and worthless addictions. We can see and hear this in relation to 'psychic' shows on TV and radio where it seems that the same people constantly ring these shows many times hoping for an answer they want to hear which the 'psychics' will provide once they get enough money from that caller. A drug dealer will sell drugs to anyone but needs something apart from the physical high to keep the addict returning to them in order to buy more drugs and give the dealer more money. With 'psychics' it is the personal 'feel good' service that keeps these people coming back. To be fair there are people who have genuine psychic ability but these people are very to extremely rare, certainly in comparison to the quacks and fraudsters peddling their wares in the marketplace.

So as atheism, apostasy and fantasy based 'faiths' become more accepted and more mainstream we are seeing, or at least it certainly appears that spiritual belief is being erased from humanity both individually and collectively. There is no longer a value in a human life except for an economic or sexual interest (whether that be reproduction or just sexual services) much like an animal on the farm, we are now just livestock. There are 2 types of people on this earth, that being the butchers and the cattle. A completely servitude world where people are divided among themselves in terms of nations, race, religion, community and even family. We are now just a planet of dirt where number 1 comes first, as long as you gain materially there is no right or wrong, no moral or immoral because now everything is amoral.

But we cannot just see things on some sort of philosophical, ideological, political angle. We have to look at the 'science' behind such things or the proper term would be 'mechanics', but as atheism has systematically eliminated God from humanity and indeed any concept of 'human consciousness'. And on top of that has constantly redefined words and terms to match up to popularity and political correctness rather than rock solid absolutes, we have the situation where we have a reconstruction of the Tower of Babel where everyone can speak to each other but the meaning of the words said may be diametrically opposed according to the one who says the words and the one to whom the words were said.

All this leads to a world of confusion, the situation where nothing is true and all is permitted. A new Tower of Babel where men do ascend to meet God but rather where 'god' ascends to meet and indeed rule men via reconstructed religions with new religious prophets and apostles none of which are divine. Unless we examine all other factors relating to the situation on this earth in this world at this time then we will never see the functioning of the mechanics in this situation nor understand it because we will never have all information of the factors involved.

In such a dysfunctional dystopia it is a prime time for one with any sort of functional occult knowledge to use and engage in it to their advantage, seeing as most humans and the people to whom they would rely on to use such knowledge have no belief or ability whatsoever to do so, then the demonic realm is at the moment in a prime position to finally take this earth in this world entirely. Who is going to oppose them? And who can?

Judaism is atheist, Christianity (it should really be called xtianity) which seems for the most part is actually Chiliasm (jew worship) and in Islam any vaguely occult practices related to it are just bits and pieces of the other 2. We can see this in the way that kabbalah has been reinvented into a new age feel good philiosophy with no magic/practical application whatsoever and is deemed to be the sole property of the atheist jews to whom we should pray to in order to thank them. We can see this in the area where the catholic church cannot find enough exorcists within its ranks because of an apostate pope who dedicates himself (and the church) to Chiliasm. And in Islam we see people blowing themselves up because that is the only way they can percieve themselves meeting God. The Satanic realm has been waging war against the order of God since Lucifers' rebellion and amongst its campaigns and fronts the eradication of the Abrahamic faiths and even the memory of Abraham seems to be a front on which they are winning (if they havent already).

Atheism has always sought to abolish the Abrahamic faiths for reasons they cannot explain, they will also claim that atheism is not a physical ideology, philosophy, creed, etc. Then on what basis do they claim allegiance to it? They claim everything is physically based and that spiritual factors do not exist because they are not physical therefore they cannot be empirically measured. Thats the theory they hold true depsite the fact that a theory cannot be empirically measured, they may attempt to apply the theory in a physical manner but it wont be the exact result as they imagined. But as imagination cannot be empirically measured then it does not exist either, well thats the theory anyway...

An often said one liner by atheists is "If I go to hell it doesnt matter because I'll have plenty of friends there", well now its not a matter if you go there but whether it comes to you. Judgment Day has not occured yet, and if the demonic realm has its way it never will. If they thoroughly win the earth in this world then it will not be neccessary because it will be taken into the Tree of Death and separated from Assiah (certainly from the way we know it,.. at this time).

We will have to make a comparison of things using knowledge from the occult, you may have read or listened to things I've said on this site, other websites and my YouTube channel. But I will repeat myself again because these are things you need to know and have a right to know. God does exist and so do things like magic and the occult, dont let chiliastic xtians, atheist jews and other God haters convince you otherwise. And I will tell you that you shouldnt take anything I say at face value but instead check it for yourselves.

There are 4 planes of existance that we as humans can comprehend, these are;
Atziluth - the plane of emanation
Briah - the plane of creation
Yetzirah - the plane of formation
Assiah - the plane of action, what we call the 'physical world'

We are in Assiah which is a balanced mixture of the material and the spiritual, the earth we are on is composed of 2 parts and they are
1. Tebhel which is the immanent and indeed inanimate
2. Cheled which is the transcendant or what is called spiritual

On the Tree of Life it is called Malkuth and on the Tree of Death it is called Lilith, the Tree of Death only exists in Assiah. The Tree of Life and Tree of Death are joined in Assiah at this planet - Earth, both trees claim it in order to be complete. Much like Israel and Palestine claim the same territory, if either loses any claim to the territory then the state which loses that claim will not exist or else have to 'create' a new Israel or new Palestine. But in order for the people of that land to be integrated into the prevailing state then Jews must become Arabs or Arabs must become Jews. Until such a situation comes into being and finality there will be conflict and this is the situation we have e now on this earth in this world. A type of peace can be held if there is a balance in all things but as we can see everyday there are those who are fanatically determined to disrupt all balance. Their motivations may be many but their end goal is one, whether they realise it or not they are working to make Moloch the new Satan.

But if there is a new plane or world to come into existance because of the Tree of Death becoming whole without contest then there would need to be 'Ain' veils in order for this plane to have a sort of wholeness. The concept for the demonic realms' Ain veils already exists but they are only concepts for the time being because the Tree of Death is yet to be formally complete in its own right unless it takes this earth in this world (Tebhel & Cheled in Assiah). There would be no need for Judgment Day, after all where would the demons be sent to? They are all in Assiah, much like any divorce there is an exchange of property. God takes what he wants via the Rapture and the leftovers are left with Moloch, but there are 2 more issues to be decided. They being Lucifer and Lilith, with Lucifer he has to go or be demoted because there can only be one 'god' of this yet to be named plane/world. It is possible that Lucifer may do the prodigal son thing (but it may also be possible that God may reject him), if Lucifer is accepted back it will cause a disruption of 'balance' in the sephira of Thaumiel (where Lucifer and Moloch are joint rulers) and as Moloch is psychotic this will flow down the entire tree.

As for Lilith? If she seeks mercy and reconciles with God and is accepted back this will cause a void on the Tree of Death because she resides and is the demon of Gomaliel (the counterpart of Yesod on the Tree of Life). That void would have to be filled for the Tree of Death and indeed the plane it operates on to function, it is certainly possible that a demon can be placed there from within the ranks. However then the issue of Nahema comes up, she is the demonic ruler of Lilith (this earth in this world - not the demoness of Gomaliel). She may be expecting a promotion to Gomaliel and may be slighted if someone else takes that place, but if she was promoted then who would take her place here? The Tree of Death is not an exact replication of the Tree of Life but rather an imitation with a very precarious balance. As Moloch is male and Nahema is female there is a balance even though Lucifer (male) and Lilith (female) are gone, but then who would be the ruler of this earth (lilith)? Possibly it may come from the ranks of demons but common sense would lead one to believe it would be chosen from among the humans here. But as to the sex/genitalia? Well we are seeing the push to transgenderism and transhumanism taking place right now, the administrator of Lilith may be male, female, hermaphrodite, or even without gender. With the surgical procedures and indeed estrogen/testosterone/hormone manipulation come into it, natural/unnatural concepts and thoughts are irrelevant because no such thoughts or concepts mean anything to a psychopath such as Moloch.

So if this worst case scenario were to come about would that particular realm of existance still be Assiah? Off hand I would say it would be like the Tree of Death is to the Tree of Life or like the Goetia is to the Shem ha-Mephorash, that being an imitation but not an exact copy. There might be astrological and planetary rules relating to the days and hours of demons but these would not be necessary in relation to this pseudo-Assiah world. But considering that Moloch would ultimately be the enforcer of these rules, the application of these rules would simply be unpredictable at any given time. This plane of Moloch might not even have a universe so there would be no way to measure time for planetary or astrological hours, there might not even be a day/night occurance or even a practical concept of time.

Indeed it would be hell on earth, much like the descriptions of religious books. With the concepts of the Ain veils for the Tree of Death (those being Qemetiel, Belial and Athiel) then there would be a constant reincarnation of human souls into bodies of various components. We could see cloning, IVF creations, transhuman species etc. Into which souls could be repeatedly injected, you would be immortal because you would never find a permanent death. And this may be possible with people willingly accepting RFID chips which have demonic sigils as part of their circuitry. This is essentially a voluntary cattle branding, you will not know who bought you but you will know that you belong to a ranch from which you cannot escape.

As for the time being? Is this Malkuth or Lilith? In all honesty I cant say yes or no to either, if you were to ask me for a definite answer I would have to say we are in the settling period of Lilith. In that I mean that we are the frog in the pot of water and the stove has just been turned on, the way things are 'progressing' the water will boil soon enough. Is there a way to stop this? Certainly! But as the very politically correct, anti spirituality atheism is being pushed and accepted by the cattle of this earth then how can they seek help when they choose to ignore the only one who could save them? Its like having your house on fire but not calling the fire brigade because you choose to not believe they exist or recognise they exist. On top of that you for some unknown reason choose to ask the arsonist to extinguish the fire for you without recognising that he is the one who lit the fire. And if he does put out the fire you will be thankful to him....

Would you say that both the arsonist and the victim are psychotic? Times that by 10 billion and that will give you an idea of what it will be like to be imprisoned on the Tree of Death,... and its eternal.

So lets just assume that Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah is now under the sephirah of Lilith, what can we expect and what will we see? Well what we see now is transgenderism becoming mainstream along with transhumanism, abortion, religious based genocide, enforced atheism, pedophilia and psychotic behaviour becoming more pronounced and more common. We could end up with a situation where anything that isnt illegal will become compulsory. Things such as sexual deviations like pedophilia and racial rapes (with white women being the main targets) will be decriminalised and not illegal per se. In fact political correctness will prevent these things from being illegal and no subject to punishment.

We see sudden outbursts of 'madness' in everyday life, I myself have seen people burst into screaming and ranting at empty space. I looked to see if these people are wearing bluetooth devices in their ear as part of some mobile phone setup, but there was none. And it wasnt the case of the crazy old lady or the bum living in the park drinking cooking sherry, these people werent down and out nutjobs. They were well dressed and well presented and normal appearing in all other aspects, but they went berzerk when they encountered someone or something that no-one else can see or percieve. Or else something was taking over (or trying to take over) their body, this is what we know as bonejacking or possession. But as atheism increases then the amount of crackpots increases too, because as these people have abandoned God then God has abandoned them.

More and more the aspect of spirituality and knowledge of the occult becomes rarer and becomes the luxury of the few over the many. In fact this is now a near prime time for practitioners of black magic to push for dominance of all things spiritual on this earth because there is basically nothing to oppose it. If you dont believe in God then you cannot oppose black magic or even recognise what it is, at best the population of the earth would have to resort to mass indiscriminate murders of people suspected of doing black magic but then again havent we already had a similar situation of this happening a few hundred years ago? Again regardless of the side people choose psychoticness will win and in doing so pay hommage to Moloch. And in fact it was most probable that those who called for the lynchings and burnings were in fact the same people practicing black magic.

People who are true to the God of Abraham are hard to cast effective spells on, as for those who practice non Abrahamic religions it may be difficult but is certainly possible as it depends on the spirit entity/demon they worship. But as for atheists it is a cakewalk because they have no defence and indeed no allies whether they be angelic or demonic. And we can see this now where some progressive hipster says or does something that has no logic or is simply indefencible and cannot explain why they do these things. From this we see what may be cases of demonic possession be deemed mental illnesses which are then deemed idiosycracies and mannerisms and then are accepted as mainstream and 'normal'. And yet we see things like belief in God be deemed to be mental illness even though that those who believe in God can explain why they believe in a rational, logical manner. But now it has become mainstream to deem those who believe in God to be irrational nutjobs. We are seeing a reversal of order, and this will lead to its collapse. There is natural, supernatural and unnatural - we are dealing with the compulsory acceptance of the unnatural. Nature is being continually redefined to the point where the original no longer means anything or has been completely forgotten, this is a case of voluntary amnesia.

A situation where people willingly surrender themselves 100%, that is surrender their body, soul, logic, rationale and thinking processes to a groupthink situation. No longer do people have anything resembling free thought or immagination but instead have a subserviance to a purely, earth based atheism that can only function in a secular context. The 'entertainment' industry is not only an issuer of orders for telling people how to think and behave but also serves as a 'psychic' virtual reality deciding how the future will be, deciding how history will be recorded and deciding how you will accept it on both an individual and group level. It need not have any logic or rationale because you have already surrendered that process to someone or something for reasons that you cannot even comprehend and nor care to.

Essentially by your own doing you have transformed into a zombie and no further explaination is wanted or required, thus you have become a bystander in your own life. If this was a movie about you then at best you would only have a cameo role, if you choose to do nothing and go with the flow then this will be your future until it is decided that you have no purpose in your current role and simply have to die, get reborn and recast.

Traitors are not appreciated by anyone, even by those who gain benefit from their treason and services. If the people of this earth in this world are too lazy or just cant be bothered examining and rectifying problems that we have (or at least attempt to) then their silence can only be interpreted as consent to the status quo. Really what does a soul mean to a human? What is the inherant innate value of an individual life worth? On an individual level it only means something to those who have association with that individual life, but on a global groupthink level it means nothing. We see this everyday in any media reporting of civilians being murdered or killed in a war or terrorist action. You had the Paris massacre which gained major headlines (certainly in the West) throughout the world, but this was due to the location where this happened and not those killed. Terror attacks in Beirut and the Sinai which occurred shortly beforehand only got a mention between celebrity news and sport because on a global level such things are about as relevant as stepping on a cockroach. As hyped up as the Paris attack was it was forgotten within less than a week because some celebrity launched a new perfume or cookbook or something equally worthless. These are now our value systems and the value measurement comes from what material possessions one has, being inherantly good, kind or merciful means nothing, logic means nothing, rationale means nothing, nothing is true so all is permitted - welcome to dystopia.

As for 'secular progress'? Well...? Where is it? As much as atheists like to say that science is the answer to everything we see little evidence of that (and is it not 'scientific evidence' that atheists claim doesnt exist in regards to the existance of God?). For all the supposed atheist scientific advancements in medicine do we not see illness and disease progressing? For all the supposed atheist scientific progress in psychology are we not bombarded with news from the medicinal and indeed legal fraternity that mental illness is increasing among the general population and in variety? Diseases such as HIV/AIDS and ebola cannot be cured but only 'managed', the same applies to mental illness in that it cannot be cured but only managed. And all the management involves is doping up people to such an extent that they cannot be in a continuous situation where they can inflict themselves on the general public.

People with AIDS or mental illness have quite a limited social circle, a case of 'out of sight, out of mind' because to have such people visible to the public is of no material gain to governments or the like. In fact these people are deemed to be commercially unviable and kept hidden away because their presence may do things like lower property values and the like.

However that isnt the case now, we have diseased queers looking to infect as many people as possible and on top of that we have 'bug chasers' looking to get infected. We have the mentally ill being used as role models (whether they realise it or not or whether they like it or not) by the willingly soulless who are directed there in the name of 'secular progress'. And if you ask these 'progressive ones' what is the cause of such things, they will tell you it comes to a purely physical answer despite the fact there is nothing in your DNA that makes you gay, crazy or even a pedophile. We see people change without any purely physical explaination but to the zombies it is acceptable to say 'science has yet to discover it' because they have limited the information accessible to themselves because they have eliminated the aspect of the spiritual from the equation.

The same 'enlightened' ones will simply say that this is evolution despite the fact that is has never been physically proven or observed, it is the amount of chromosomes that decide what species of physical creature you are. And we now see the same people claim all sorts of emotional and social behaviour as proof of evolution,... again... no evidence of physical change through either the amount of chromosomes or DNA.

The issue of spirituality and indeed logic, rationale and imagination cannot be replaced by purely physical means but we do see attempts by the likes of body building, beauty treatments such as botox and other superficial activities. We see an even bigger devotion to the likes of computer technology with the internet as its prime example. Yes it can be used to communicate to people who are in other nations and geographical locations, but in doing that we become alienated from our neighbours and indeed our families. People are more likely to consult the internet than speak to their next door neighbours over anything from the serious to the mundane. We read and hear stories of people being dead for years in their homes and after being discovered you find that the neighbours have no idea that this happened or have any idea who the person was.

Is this acceptable? Is this 'normal'? How can all manner of perverts and freaks be championed as natural? It cannot unless the word natural has been redefined. How can these minorities dominate the majority when it defies the law of mathematics? On a purely physical and logical basis it cannot, something else is at play here and sees this world as a game. If it is a game then who is playing who? This is a game of winner takes all, if you dont care who owns you then do nothing. If you want to be a victim then who will really have something to bellyache about in Molochs' Tree of Death, the alternative is much, much better. In regards to Assiah there is none better to submit to than Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth in Assiah, out of all the things I know, have seen, and the ones that I have met. I tell you Christ Jesus is the only option.

Look at the world, observe what you see, what you hear. Look back in your memory and then honestly say that things are better. Each generation of children in school come out dumber, unable to read or spell or even have basic skills. Look at previous generations who had less data and just basic facilities and yet are more intelligent than todays school age generation. And yet todays school age generation despite all the data and technology that is available to them have to rely on spellcheckers on computers and cant do basic arithmatic due to politically correct teachers indoctrinating children with fuzzy math. Sheep and cattle show more intelligence on a farm than children are in schools, and all of this devolution is deemed 'progress'.

What is happening now is not just a slump in form, this is the finishing of a campaign of a war thats been fought since the beginning to time. The earth will fall because not only is it full of traitors and a compliant population but now the frontlines have collapsed. It is no longer a matter of trying to rebuild a frontline, it is now a case of resistance within an occupied territory. We have to fight and as nothing is true and all is permitted then there are no rules or standards of decency. If we win this war then no one will say anything, people will not remember or choose to forget whatever 'attrocities' that you may do. Is this not the case already? And if all is permitted then what does it matter?

So in order to win a guerilla war of resistance one has to come up with tactics that one has the ability to execute.

We must assess our situation now at the present time, and we must be honest about it. We must apply the virtue and vice of Malkuth, the virtue is discrimination we is now a forbidden thing to apply. There are too many deadweights such as people who have a mindset of 'progress', people who want to scream and shout 'kumbayah!', people who live in a world of theory, daydreams and make believe. Even worse though is that they are like HIV and seek to infect others with their sense of worthlessness. If this earth (Tebhel & Cheled) in this world (Assiah) is now Lilith then we have to accept that Malkuth in Assiah is lost, we are actually on Lilith in Tohu. Tohu describes void, disorder and chaos, a world where nothing is true and all is permitted. Those who try to rectify the wrongs in this world are performing Tikkun Olam and the scum who have led the world to where it is now are/have been performing Tohu Olam, on the Tree of Death the virtues and vices on the Tree of Life are reversed. As discrimination is the virtue on the sephirah of Malkuth on the Tree of Life and inertia is the vice we see on Lilith on the Tree of Death the virtue is inertia and the vice is discrimination and do we not see that Tebhel & Cheled is now in Lilith on the Tree of Death through the actions of its people? And even worse it that the transcendant aspect or spiritual aspect (Cheled) is being diminished every day.

If Cheled were to ever get to the point of no return then we would have a purely physical based society, the exact same thing that Karl Marx and his Satanic fellow travellers aimed for. Spiritual knowledge would be basically non existant, the only occult based knowledge and practice would be Satanic and now at this time it is a prime oportunity to be a true black magic practitioner. All physical wants and needs would be catered to by a subserviant population whose sole motto is 'I eat, therefore I am!'. The various dumbasses who got into the atheistic 'satanism' with their goth fairytale beliefs and practices will find themselves having to perform the most brutal, humiliating acts to have any semblance of 'power' but they will be successful because the rest of the earths population will have none. They will be zombies for the picking, their lives will mean nothing because they have no innate value whatsoever.

And as it seems that this earth in this world is largely Tebhel then they will not have any value except as zombies. How can Cheled be used to reinstate the balance? People worship money and even this cannot be a term describing a theology of sorts because the 'idol' that people worship doesnt for the overwheling majority part actually exist as banknotes and coins. It is a counterfeit hype 'spiritualism' and an atheist one at that, and yet atheists are the first ones to claim that God is just hype. If the atheist claim that anything that isnt purely physical does not exist, then the 'idol' of money cannot exist either. An act of typing on a keyboard may be physical but you cannot spend the act of typing on a keyboard, you may get 'paid' for typing on a keyboard but the 'money' you will be paid will come from someone else typing on a keyboard. Atheists like to say 'You cannot worship something that doesnt exist' and yet at the same time participate in the same behaviour they condemn others for. There is a religion of atheism and its key denomination is hypocrisy and with the moral relativism which is a key tenet for their worship they will always be guilty of hypocrisy. Even Islam describes hypocrites as being worthy of the worst and lowest hell. And the way things are now they will certainly find it.

The phrase 'money never sleeps' doesnt just refer to the global movement of 'money' and other financial dealings, there is an occult factor too. The term 'mammon' is not just a name for money or items such as gold which have a 'moneys worth' value, it also refers to a demon but not in a singular context as many people believe. It refers to a 'team' of demons who play a part in facilitating the worship of money as such a team would cover all planetary and astrological days/hours under a singular name, much like Wal-Mart is just not a single person but is a multitude of people from the CEO, regional, store and department managers as well as its employees on the floor and registers. Many people doing many functions under one name.

Atheists, apostates and hypocrites are the shopfront employees of Mammon and this earth in this world is its main centrepiece.

The suicidal level of self imposed stupidity of this earth is astounding, it increases and is celebrated by those afflicted and those who are afflicted seek to be further afflicted. Much like any drug addict for whom one hit is enough but 10 isnt quite enough, much like junkies they hangout with each other because they relate to each other because of their addiction and everyone else is an outsider and will always be. But they seek to draw in more people to be like them regardless of how much they hate themselves for being what they are, so we basically have a herd mentality of self loathing which is the only pleasure they have in a world they have no relation to or the reality of which is fluid. 'Nothing is true, all is permitted', they themselves probably dont know or dont care about that phrase but they can get the gist of it because of what they see of the 'clean' people doing which is something they might relate to. The clean people are focused on money from the time they wake up till the time they sleep, the addiction is the same as any drug and the only difference is the way it is consumed and the effects involved. The main difference is that narcotics are a physical addiction while greed is a mental/spiritually based one, some people may have more money than they could ever hope to count or spend but it will never ever be enough.

Everyday more and more people adopt the willing hypocritical self loathing stupidity but it is never enough so they increase the dose of this addiction, but the question is 'If they are so stupid then who is the brains behind it?'

If you look at it... How does anything function? Groupthink doesnt produce anything, all it produces is endless commitees and the end result of that is a sense of victimhood. Junkies blame everyone but themselves for their addiction even though they know it was their choice to inject or at least to try and end their addiction. Greedy people will blame childhood poverty for their greed even though they may be rich now and are no longer children. The addiction to stupidity comes about from a void in their spiritual lives and this void will never allow them to be complete beings and thus they seek to fill that void with physical things because they have been taught that unless something is physical then it cannot exist. The increased madness we see everywhere is because the souls of people are out of balance, we see the amount of 'mental illnesses' and group idiosyncracies increase every day, and yet the 'advances in scientific progress' in regards to medicine cannot produce a cure for any of this. All we see is more addicts for pharmaceuticals and psychiatry.
But from observing this we might see a way to cut down the Tree of Death.

So if you are going to accept things like traitors, cucks, God haters (in all aspects in all worlds), chiliasts, nigger worshippers, hypocrites and other degenerates are just the result of 'humanity' and this is a normal condition then there is no need or point for you to continue reading.

But! If you believe that the reason why things are as they are due to demons and the machinations from the Tree of Death then lets look at what we can do. The psychotic state of humanity is due to demons using a variety of techniques which have been applied by human stooges, things such as subliminal programming, political correctness, celebrity hype and so on. These are just the result of non physical concepts which have been applied by physical means and yet remain concepts which have physical results, a type of hypnotism if you like. If mere words are just mere words then where does the power come from that makes these mere words a type of gospel to which people devote their lives? The most fanatical and devout do so not for any non physical reward, no... they expect physical riches. We are dealing with people who have no concept of shame, dignity, hypocrisy, they dont even care to look at things like moral relativism or cognative dissonance because as far as they are concerned there is no higher being than themselves and this is practical solipsism. Ultimately they are mercenaries in the same manner as a street thug you can get to beat someone up for a few bucks, they and the ones who pay them are worth nothing.

The Tree of Death has a precarious balance, if the tree were to become unworkable then any black magicians would not have a functioning magic system to work with. Instead they would have to resort to sorcery and at best the highest they could aim to use is voodoo type sorcery.
But voodoo poses 2 problems;
1.) The sorcery is not as strong as kabbalah
2.) Moloch doesnt come into the picture. There is a version of Lucifer called Kalfou. The only loa I can think of that is comparable to Moloch is Loa Kriminal. But Loa Kriminal is not equal to Kalfou, so if the Tree of Death were to be somehow integrated into voodoo it would not be in balance. Possibly it could function but it would be of more danger to the practioner if anything, and with the payment of blood sacrifices other demons would try their luck and try to get specific 'payments' if their services were ever required.

Loa Kriminal is male, the female quivalent is Marinette Bwa Cheche. Whereas Kriminal is psychotic Marinette is just plain evil. You may have read previous postings of mine where I have written that everyone should pray for Lilith and Marinette to reconcile themselves to God. At the time that God (Jehovah) told me to do this I didnt understand the point and I didnt particulary want to take an interest in this. Now I do understand to a large extent, if Lilith reconciles to God then Gomaliel becomes void of any ruler. The chain on the Tree of Death is broken as the sephira Gomaliel is the one before the sephira Lilith (which is this earth in this world or Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah) on the Tree of Death. For any 'high' order black magic (which would explain how an utter minority somehow control everything regardless of how stupid it seems) Lilith would have to be replaced on Gomaliel and Marinette would be a prime candidate. Voodoo would be the most viable backup because 'black kabbalah' would no longer be viable or else bastardised to try and make it functionable. But we see all sorts of bastardised black magic which involves wicca, thelema, folk tales and even shit of the Harry Potter type and all this has a 99.9% failure rate and turns its 'faithful' into mental patients.

In voodoo there are hot spirits (malevolent) and cool spirits (benevolent) so if one were to find that the Tree of Death has fallen then this would be the most, if not only alternative. So if Lilith and Marinette jump ship and return to God then the Satanic world would turn to utter chaos and nothing would function because the order on the Tree of Death is no longer valid.

If the voodoo alternative is taken up by the black kabbalah magicians then they can longer operate on a 'smooth, clean' level. Voodoo will require blood sacrifice and that maybe 'off putting' to prim and proper types, they could get around it by paying others to do it. But that also presents problems like relying on and placing too much power on the bokor (black magic ceremony 'priest') who might turn on the 'benefactor' but also there could be a demand on the benefactor to perform a sacrifice by a loa which cannot be refused. And once that is done then they will be like a prison punk having to put out for every loa, but there is an order of things in regards to sacrifice and if one disrespects that order (whether intentional or otherwise) then there will be payback either way. Also if they want to go on the 'Moloch is Kriminal' path then they will have to pay their first respects to Papa Legba and in doing so relegate Moloch/Kriminal to being a 2nd rate 'god' (in reality a loa which is really a demon, and more like a 10th rate one at that). So Moloch is equal no.1 on the Tree of Death but pretty much a nobody as Kriminal in voodoo. If the practitioner worships Moloch/Kriminal as a god in voodoo then he/she has disrespected the entire order of the pantheon, and if he accepts Kriminal in voodoo in his current position then Moloch may take issue with him personally. Either way they are doomed not only by various loas/demons but also the laws of mathematics, throw in that there is the likely possibility that a person (such as an atheist) may be possessed by a loa who then uses that body to physically kill the practitioner. Loas/demons can possess a body but they must have permission to kill by using that body, they can only get permission from God or at least have him give an indifferance to it.

So how can you get Lilith and Marinette to reconcile themselves to God? Lets have an overview on this in relation to people, with people you have cases of that they are set in their ways and they cant or dont want to change. With others it is a case of I cant be bothered, I cant see anything better or if it is it is unattainable or else it is an acceptance of fatalism and this is just meant to be.

A lazy half-arsed venture will not produce any results or the results that one may imagine, so we have to look at this in the same manner as a legal court case or a case for probation. So we have 2 prisoners and we want to free them from prison and in doing so change the social power relationships with that prison. From there we can have the now free prisoners become ex-cons and attempt to have them seek atonement and redeem themselves in society and eventually assimilate into it. And our problems become their problems too, so it would be in all our best interests for them to use their knowledge for the greater good.

This is what we imagine would be the ideal result but unless we put the mechanics behind such a process it will fail as just another half-arsed venture, most likely with some sort of blowback which will affect the greater good.

So lets look at the factors involved:

* God
Here we have a situation of a single entity but yet we have 4 seperate entities of judgment and they are:
1. Holy Spirit of Atziluth (emanation)
2. Holy Father the Creator Jehovah (creation)
3. Christ (formation)
4. Jesus of Nazareth (assiah, physical, world of action, physical practice)

So it would be more practical to view this as a tribunal with an 'authority of the court' powers whose decision is final.

* The 4 worlds
We have Atziluth (emanation), Briah (creation), Yetzirah (formation) and Assiah (action/physical).
We should view these as 4 separate courts that function in the same building and govern seperate jurisdictions, what maybe acceptable to one court may not be acceptable to another. Though a majority executive order can be used as a final decision in regards to the authority of the court, an aspect within the court may feel slighted and this can have a trickle down effect. The final decision should be accepted within all 4 courts or all 4 worlds.

* The lawyers
This is where you and I come into it, we have to present legal/theoretical arguments to the courts. We have to explain why the prisoners should be released and the benefits of doing so.

* The prisoners
Though we can appeal to the judge to release the prisoners we also have to convince the prisoners to stay on the straight and narrow, we have to convince and have them willingly accept to do acts of atonement. There is no point in having them released in order to stay a criminal and turn on you like a rabid dog (its a pity that liberals dont understand this).