Showing posts with label pantheism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pantheism. Show all posts

Tuesday, 16 August 2022

Sentience - a clip series

 I am doing a series concerning "sentience" and how everything and anything from the Earth, the Cosmos, and Artificial Intelligence is now being deemed sentient.

Sentience - part 1

Sentience - part 2

Sentience - part 3

Sentience - part 4

Wednesday, 13 November 2019


See other formats
By Benjamin Sullivan & James McDermott
© 2017. Panendeism Organization certificate of publication N°- OW120875

Panendeism Organization is dedicated to exploring the vast potential of Panendeism, a world view that is both millennia old and has more recently been hailed by many of the greatest physicists as a potentially true representation of reality. From its shocking implications in science, to its affirmation of human dignity, Panendeism is a promising new focus within the parent philosophy of Deism.

Our focus is to analyze the wealth of scientific data that has been accrued over the past century and promote new and revolutionary ways of investigating and expanding potentially groundbreaking fields of research.

Above all else, we are committed to the cultivation and recognition of all humanity as one extended family in which each member is worthy of value, respect, and friendship. We affirm that all life is also worthy of our care,
respect, and admiration.

For more information about our organization and mission, please visit us on the web at .
© 2017. Panendeism Organization certificate of publication N°- OW120875 [1]


Panendeism (or pan-en-deism), pronounced paen'en'dei Iz'sm, is derived from the Greek pan (nav), meaning all, en (sv) meaning in, and deus (Asug), meaning god. The earliest known use of the term was in 1995 by Jim Garvin 1 , a Korean War veteran and Catholic turned Trappist monk. Garvin described his concept of deity as being similar to the "all-pervading Great Spirit" of the Native Americans, and called it "Pan-en-deism." The term “Panendeism” was officially proposed more recently by Larry Copling in 2001.


Panendeism is an ontological position that explores the interrelationship between God (The Cosmic Mind) and the known attributes of the universe. Combining aspects of Panentheism and Deism, Panendeism proposes an idea of God that both embodies the universe and is transcendent of its observable physical properties. Although examples of Panendeistic thought can be found as early as the 1st millennium BCE, it was not until nearly 3,000 years had passed, at the dawn of the 20th century, that these ideas began to gain traction as a prevailing scientific model of reality.

The first well recorded teachings that evoke the God hypothesis of Panendeism were introduced by Adi Shankara, who unified the Eastern Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta in Hinduism in the 8th century BCE. Later, in the 4th century BCE, Plato’s philosophy of “The One” or “The Good” introduced these concepts to the West and were subsequently expounded upon by Plotinus as in the 2nd century BCE. Much later, in the 17th century CE, Baruch Spinoza would define God as the only thing that exists in his “Short Treatise on God, Man, and His Well-Being,” a work that later earned him the affection of Albert Einstein, who described his own belief as being similar to Spinoza’s.

After Spinoza, German idealism continued to pave the way for Panendeism, with authors such as Immanuel Kant and Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel all leaving behind fantastic works that are certainly worth reading. Other wonderful examples include the Transcendentalism of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Walt Whitman, as well as the 20th century Process Theism of Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne.

With the dawn of the 20th century, science had at last begun to advance to a point at which the potential in several millennia of Panendeistic philosophy began to appear consistent with the objective picture of reality. Einstein’s earth shattering publication of special relativity in 1905 opened the flood gates to an entirely new scientific conception for the very basis of what we perceive as reality. The universe could no longer be seen solely in terms of Newton’s static, unchanging celestial spheres. Our understanding of the entire universe was very suddenly 'transformed' to something infinitely more perplexing, but also remarkably more insightful and potentially closer to the true reality of the Universe. Through one equation, Einstein conceived of a dynamic Universe that behaved like a sea of energy arrayed with an expanding fabric of space-time, and comprised of dynamic and interactive energy modules that could take on the form of matter, light/ radiation, or other forms, unknown: E=MC 2 .

Einstein, who would be echoed by other physicists contemplating the scientific
implications of this quantum sea in which we are immersed and of which we are composed, later mused:

“[Man] experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. The striving to free oneself from this delusion is the one issue of true religion. Not to nourish it but to try to overcome it is the way to reach the attainable measure of peace of mind. "[2]

In 1905, Max Planck, the father of quantum theory, was among the first to immediately recognize the significance of Einstein’s (later famous) publication. Indeed, much of the initial notoriety Einstein’s theory received was largely thanks to Planck’s efforts to introduce it within the scientific community. After receiving the Nobel Prize in 1918 and spending a lifetime in Quantum Physics, Planck, as its father, unabashedly said this regarding the nature of reality:

As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much: There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter. [3]

As science continued to unravel the mysteries of reality, new proponents of Panendeistic thought emerged. Niels Bohr, who in 1922, received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions to atomic structure and quantum theory clearly defined Panendeism in these terms:

“We can admittedly find nothing in physics or chemistry that has even a remote bearing on consciousness. Yet all of us know that there is such a thing as consciousness, simply because we have it ourselves. Hence consciousness must be part of nature, or, more generally, of reality, which means that, quite apart from the laws of physics and chemistry, as laid down in quantum theory, we must also consider laws of quite a different kind. ”

Erwin Schrodinger, who in 1933, received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on quantum theory, said this:

"It is not possible that this unity of knowledge, feeling and choice which you call your own should have sprung into being from nothingness at a given moment not so long ago; rather this knowledge, feeling, and choice are essentially eternal and unchangeable and numerically one in all men, nay in all sensitive beings. But not in this sense — that you are a part, a piece, of an eternal, infinite being, an aspect or modification of it . . For we should then have the same baffling question:Which part, which aspect are you? What, objectively, differentiates it from the others? No, but, inconceivable as it seems to ordinary reason, you — and all other conscious beings as such — are all in all. Hence, this life of yours. . . is, in a certain sense, the whole. . . This, as we know, is what the Brahmins express in that sacred, mystic formula... 'Tat tvam asi' — this is you. Or, again, in such words as 'I am in the east and in the west, I am below and above, I am this whole world. "

Werner Heisenberg, one of the fathers of quantum mechanics, had this to say
regarding the ultimate nature of reality:

"...The same organizing forces that have shaped nature in all her forms are also responsible for the structure of our minds... Of course, we all know that our own reality depends on the structure of our consciousness; we can objectify no more than a small part of our world. But even when we try to probe into the subjective realm, we cannot ignore the central order. ..In the final analysis, the central order, or the 'one' as it used to be called and with which we commune in the language of religion, must win out. "

David Bohm, a protege of Einstein who's often referred to as one of the most
significant theoretical physicists of the 20th century, said this:

“The field of the finite is all that we can see, hear, touch, remember, and describe. This field is basically that which is manifest, or tangible. The essential quality of the infinite, by contrast, is its subtlety, its intangibility. This quality is conveyed in the word spirit, whose root meaning is "wind, or breath. "

This suggests an invisible but pervasive energy, to which the manifest world of the finite responds. This energy, or spirit, infuses all living beings, and without it any organism must fall apart into its constituent elements. That which is truly alive in the living being is this energy of spirit, and this is never born and never dies.

And these great minds only begin to scrape the surface of names that have both revolutionized science and seen clear implications for a Panendeistic sort of world view. Among many others, Nikola Tesla, Gregory Bateson, Sir Arthur Eddington, Robert Jahn, Sir James Jeans, Henry Margenau, Carl Friedrich Von Weizsacker, Freeman Dyson, and contemporary scientists like Paul Davies and Robert Lanza, have all advocated or affirmed the ontological ideas put forth by Panendeism as both plausible and in perfect harmony with the reality that science reveals to us. Indeed, it is not unfair to say that without the ability of these brilliant minds who forsook their own human perception of reality for the scientific evidence they were presented with, we might never have arrived at the proven theories of quantum physics or relativity, both of which have radically changed the course of human progress over the past century.

Like its parent philosophy Deism, Panendeism is closely related to naturalism and advocates that arguments for the existence of Deity must be maintained through science, reason, and observation of the natural world. Also, as in Deism, Panendeism is reasonably skeptical of - or dismisses religious figureheads, prophets, and claims of divine revelation. Panendeism is more likely to readily avoid the errors of dogma, corruption, oppression, and manipulation often manifest in organized religions, simply because it is self-governed and has no founders, fathers, or leaders. Each Deist or Panendeist, past, present and future, must justify their conclusions and hypotheses by means of the 'God-given' instruments of reason and science. Purely speculative notions are encouraged, where they are presented as speculation. 

Likewise, Panendeism is highly skeptical of claims relating to the suspension of natural law through mediums such as supernatural forces or beings. Panendeism does not seek to define the attributes of Deity beyond affirming that the necessary Uncaused First Cause exists and is itself the underlying substance and cause of reality. By necessity of the proposed interconnection between God and reality, Panendeism proposes and presumes that the entire universe and everything within it is both sacred and meaningful. In this way, scientific knowledge, nature, and being are all modes of spiritual connection to Deity. Each sapient being, and to some degree, every living thing, is and must be part and parcel of God.


Like our progressive science, both Deism and Panendeism represent broad world views that are constantly evolving as knowledge and science progress. However, Panendeism is governed by 5 unchanging principles:

1. We affirm as a defining thesis, that the natural terrestrial world, and the greater Universe we observe are, by very definition, “real,” and acknowledge that these may well be the only semblance of God we shall ever witness with our human eyes. We assert that we, as sapient beings, are an integral part of the whole, and that human observational perception, both material and spiritual, is worthy of our interest, pursuit, and trust.

2. We affirm the primacy of human reason and science as the final arbiters of
truth and error regarding our understanding of the universe, but acknowledge
that human beings embody, by design, integrated intuition and expression that transcend the bounds of science. We propound that qualities such as consciousness, compassion, passion, introspection, interconnection, love, friendship, kindness, hope, goodwill, charity, sincerity, inspiration, music, art, and spirituality, are among these inherent and inspired natural qualities.

3. We affirm that we are, even in our own cognitive abilities, finite. We
acknowledge that human reasoning is limited, our senses and perception are
imperfect, and that we are free to do good or cause harm to others, or leave
others to do good or cause harm. We assert that any action that disrupts the
joy, peace, purpose, or balance of the beings or environment around us, shall
inevitably derogate and diminish both the quality and scope of our own joy,
peace, purpose, balance, and meaning. If such detrimental, counter-intuitive
behavior is embraced by many, we propound that all life could cease to exist in the natural, terrestrial world we inhabit.

4. We affirm that we are endowed by Deity with the inalienable liberty to govern and orchestrate our thoughts and our actions, within the bounds circumscribed by the Laws of Nature, known and unknown, and assert that the entire Universe, and we ourselves, are part and parcel of the Creator Architect- Supreme Being and Cosmic Mind we know as God.

5. We assert that God is not expected to be manifest inter personally in our lives, or through prophets or figureheads, but rather, intra-personally and perhaps in other ways too subtle to be understood or detected by our finite human senses.
Through the intrinsic presence of Deity, we are naturally drawn toward love; a
realization of life; a sense of oneness, brotherhood and sisterhood with the
natural world around us; and thus, we are compelled to live sublime and
purposeful lives. Therefore, among the transcendent purposes unique to sapient life such as human beings, is the seeking after self-understanding, and the externalization of the resulting discovery within to positively affect the material and spiritual world around us and all living things and beings whose paths cross our own, to make the world a better, kinder, and gentler place for all its inhabitants.


Panendeism additionally sets forth a simple 7-point code of conduct:

1. Approach to understanding external reality: Free -thought (rationality,objectivity, and critical-thinking).

2. Arbiters of external truth: Primacy of science and primacy of reason.

3. The universe and everything within it is sacred: We shall endeavor to do good and not cause harm.

4. Discussing or presenting information regarding external reality: Only
scientifically validated information and proven theories should ever be
presented as fact, while suggestive evidence and hypothesis must always be
presented as speculative.

5. Exploring the nature of self, other, and being: Compassion, passion,
introspection, interconnection, love, friendship, kindness, hope, goodwill,
charity, sincerity, inspiration, music, art, and spirituality are all excellent
examples of the benevolent reason-based processes and mechanisms by which we engage in and experience the full spectrum of wonders that life has to offer us.

6. Discussing or presenting information regarding personal experiences or
self: Panendeism, as an entity of philosophy, shall forever refrain from teaching spiritual practices or mysticism, as they have been used throughout recorded history by organized religions and cults to victimize and gain power over innocent people. However, we do recognize that we live in an amazing universe and welcome individuals to freely discuss and explore their own experiences, keeping in mind that things like spirituality and self are different for each person. Anyone who promotes the contrary position or claims to have special powers, methods, or connection to God should be treated with extreme caution and is perhaps more inclined toward Panentheism than Panendeism. 

We encourage exploration, but not evangelism. Personal and public exploration may include any one of a number of things, from sitting atop a mountain as the sun sets or gazing into the vastness of space on a clear night, to a pursuit of science, deep meditation, or the simplest things in life, such as being close to someone you love.

Incompatible with: Organized religion, prophets, figure heads, dogma, false-
information, oppression, and inequality.


Pantheism is the worship of a physical universe and mindless energy force as God, whereas Panendeism postulates that a mindful and transcendent God is the underlying reality of what we perceive as the universe. As with Panentheists, Pantheists tend to present and accept speculations as facts and follow a structure that is more akin to organized religions and dogmatic-theism.


Pandeism is the worship of a physical universe and mindless energy force as a
deceased or destroyed God with a resurrection doctrine that claims God will someday evolve back into being, whereas Panendeism postulates that a mindful and transcendent God is the underlying reality of what we perceive as the universe. A great real-world analogy for this is to imagine the universe as a quantum super-computer.

In this scenario, Panendeism's God would be primarily the processor, memory, and hard drive and Pandeism's God would be the battery. This isn't to say that
Panendeists don't recognize the importance of energy, or see it as part of God, they just don't attribute the vast complexity of the universe solely to it.


While Panendeism and Panenthiesm are fairly similar in their base assumptions, Panendeists tend to look at the universe as being purely comprised of mind, while Panentheists tend look at the universe as being a part of the body of God.

Additionally, Panendeists, being a part of the parent organization of Deism, tend to be more agnostic, speculative, and cautious when it comes to forming and presenting opinions about the true nature of reality, whereas Panentheists tend to present and accept speculations as facts and follow a structure that is more akin to organized religions and dogmatic -theism. Panentheists also tend to more commonly view their relationship with Deity as interpersonal, often engaging in prayer and other religious rituals, while Panendeists often view their relationship with God as intra personal and based upon observation of the natural world, science, and reason.

Moreover, Panendeism's rejection of religious dogma allows it the freedom and agility to remain relevant by taking into consideration and adapting to all new knowledge arising at the forefront of our progressive science.


Panendeism is a recognized member of the Deism Alliance and part of the greater Deism family. As such, Panendeism is not a breakaway from or rejection of Deism, but a concise ontological position within Deism that focuses on the vast sea of contemporary scientific knowledge, especially physics, quantum physics, quantum mechanics, consciousness, and neuroscience. All Panendeists are therefore effectively Deists with a default variation regarding the relationship between Deity and the universe .


• Superior-Mind

• Cosmic-Mind

• Cosmic Consciousness

• Divine-Mind

• Word-Soul

• Supreme Being

• Deity

• Divinity

• Great Spirit

• Creator-Architect-Supreme-Being

• Plenum

• The All

• The All-in-All

• The One


• Bose-Einstein Condensate

• Particle Wave-Duality

• The Anthropic Principal

• Synaptic Tunneling

• Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle

• Pribram's Theory of Sensory Perception

• Bertrand Russell's Consciousness Model

• Michael Lockwood's Theory of Consciousness

• The Theory of Biocentrism

• Alwyn Scott's Consciousness Model

• James Culbertson's Model of Consciousness

• Orchestrated objective reduction (Orch-OR)

• Panpsychism

• Nondualism


1. Albuquerque Journal, Saturday, November 11, 1995, B-10

2. Letter sent by Einstein to Robert S. Marcus, Political Director of the World
Jewish Congress, offering condolences for his son who had succumbed to polio. February 12, 1950

3. Das Wesen der Materie (The Nature of Matter), a 1944 speech in Florence, Italy.
Source: Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Abt. Va, Rep. 1 1
Planck, Nr. 1797

4. Werner Heisenberg, 1971, Physics and Beyond: Encounters and Conversations, New York: Harper & Row

5. "The Mystic Vision" as translated in Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Great Physicists (1984) edited by Ken Wilber

6. Werner Heisenberg, 1971, Physics and Beyond: Encounters and Conversations, New York: Harper & Row

7. Speech written by David Bohm in 1987 for the memorial service of his friend
and University of Pennsylvania classmate, Malcolm Sagenkahn.

Friday, 1 July 2016

The Last Pope: A useful idiot

Without any doubt this earth in this world has entered into a new era which cannot maintain the status quo. We see telltale signs with current events, its not just things such as terrorism or the doings of politicians and celebrities which are touted as priorities on the media. The continuous constant fracturings occuring in all aspects of life in our societies and subsocieties has produced a 'reality' without any absolutes, it is just as Hassan of Alamut said when nothing is true then all is permitted.

And thus it is, there are no absolute rights and wrongs or cases of true and false. Now there is just butchers and cattle, masters and slaves, the haves and the have nots. And the situation the 'winner' has to their advantage may only be temporal depending on who their allies are, this is the result of moral relativism. Corruption and gangsterism is now the order of the day and all are under its rule whether practical or titular, it affects the highest to the lowest in all fractured societies and all fractions within them. Atheism, maltheism, misotheism, hypocrisy and solipsism are now the acceptable religions because the Tree of Death has become completed, Tebhel and Cheled have been taken by the house of Satan, Malkuth in Assiah is now Lilith in Tohu.

Although people would like to see it in a matter of politics, economics and social networking because in doing so it maybe somewhat comprehended by them in order to survive within that system, the fact is that it is a matter of religion, faith and God. On top of that it is also a matter of dealing with the enemies of God, this is the Tree of Death where the virtues and vices of the Tree of Life has been reversed and are being applied. We see the results of this everyday, people would be able to understand this if not for the infiltration and sabotage of the religions and faiths which have been corrupted to the extent that has made its fanbase become practicing atheists. One might be tempted to call them apostates, but the only thing that prevents one from calling them that is the fact that they donot recognise the apostasy they practice.

There are many problems, there are many monsters in this picture. There are so many monsters who are motivated by so many differing desires that one cannot slay them in a single heroic effort, but there no dishonour in slaying them one at a time.

Which brings me to this monster, a useful idiot without concept of honour or dignity and whose only faith is stupidity and whose only creed is hypocrisy. His words and acts are a declaration of war against the only God, the only God as revealed by Abraham. His deeds and indeed every breath he takes are acts of war against Christianity and the belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the personification of a human soul draining leech; His name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio otherwise known as Pope Francis.

I will just refer to him as Bergoglio as all the Popes before him were of a much finer calibre than he could ever possibly hope to be despite whatever flaws they had. With Bergoglio we are dealing with a moral relativist who will hold diametrically opposed views as being simultaneously true, he will preach a message in one country and then fly into another and preach the complete opposite. His vision of a wide church which can actually be said to be a one world church means that he has invited everyone and anyone in. He has consistantly negotiated the Roman Catholic faith and compromised its principles which we see in the way he has invited atheists into his fold, the results of which can be seen in his moral relativism. An example of this is where he has invited homosexuals into the church while supposedly adhering to traditional family values. Under Bergoglio the church has reportedly sought to increase the number of exorcists within its ranks and yet he never talks about occult matters and is quite content with redefining these issues in a secular context which can only be resolved in a secular context.

In doing so he can justify and implement his selective memory, by doing so he can avoid dealing with the prophecy of St. Malachy and his followers can avoid asking questions relating to this. The prophecy of St. Malachy is that from the time that St. Malachy recieved the prophecy that there would be 112 more Popes before the Catholic church fell and the 112th Pope would be the last Pope. The 112th Pope from the time of Malachy is Bergoglio and the acts, words, and hypocrisy of Bergoglio indicate that the prophecy is true and will be fulfilled. If he wants to repudiate this then he will have to declare St. Malachy a liar which then begs the question that if he was a liar then how did he become a saint? If Bergoglio were to declare that St. Malachy is a liar then the sainthood of all the saints would have to be reviewed. If it is declared that it is the line of succession that has been the cause of confusion regarding this matter then the issue regarding Cardinal Siri also known as Pope Gregory the XVII would also have to be reviewed. This specifically refers to the 1958 conclave in which Cardinal Siri was allegedly elected Pope after the death of Pope Pius XII.

Bergoglio seeks to invite all Christian churches to 'meld' into the Catholic faith, he is deemed to be the defacto head of the Catholic world and views non-Catholic churches to be merely rebels or having lost their way. He sees the way to do this is on political or corporate terms not on a spiritual basis, the Roman Catholic church is portrayed as the corporate office and the non Roman Catholic churches are portrayed as independant franchises who are operating as rogues and who need to be brought back to the fold and control of the head office. As it stands the independant churches that cannot be bought or forced to return to the fold would have to be declared different religions via technicallity, and to do this there has to be a greater claim of or else renouncement of the tenets of Christianity. One side has to redefine Christianity to such an extent that it can no longer be defined as Christian on a technical basis. We see now that the Roman Catholic church is subject to claims that it is no longer a Christian faith but rather one of Maryology due to what seems to be the veneration and worship of the Virgin Mary over that of the Lord Jesus Christ.

With Roman catholics now seeming more refering to Bergoglio as the 'holy father' and Bergoglio refering to the church as a feminine mother type entity we are seeing the Virgin Mary being seen as a personification of the Roman Catholic church and the Lord Jesus Christ is now deemed a 'child' of the church and Bergoglio is the father. What we are seeing is a reversal of order and any self proclaimed Christian church engaging in this sort of behaviour can no longer be called Christian because the Lord Jesus Christ is deemed to be subject to the authority of the Vatican or at least equal to it. As Bergoglio is declared the 'holy father', the church is declared by Bergoglio to be the feminine entity, as Jesus Christ is now 'just a man' and the Holy Spirit is seldom mentioned or else deemed to be an assistant of the church; Then the issue of God gets pushed out of any concern to what the actual church stands for, instead by default it seems the 'god' of the Vatican hierachy is a type of pantheism and not the God of the Lord Jesus Christ or any current or previous Bible prophet in either the New or Old Testaments. With the pantheism we can no longer say that the Roman Catholic churches that adhere to the direct word of Bergoglio are Christian. Bergoglio have written and published prayers which are held as perfect by his followers, in fact we are not seeing members of a Christian faith but fanatics of a personality cult.

If Bergoglio believes himself to be the highest entity of the Roman Catholic church (if not indeed all churches) then what are the positions of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary? On what basis are they to be worshipped and venerated? Are they declared to be higher and above the church? No, whatever their origins they are now the property of the church and this explains why Bergoglio and his ilk seek to take possession of non Roman Catholic churches. They and their members are deemed to be criminals not only because they wont submit to Bergoglio and the Vatican apparatchiks, but also because they are engaged in trademark and copyright violations.

But ultimately Bergoglio sees himself as the highest authority on this earth, you may ask how does he view other non Christian religions? Well my offhand opinion would be that he regards them as unattended business gone bad and this is why he seeks to draw them all in.... under his control. Although you might point the finger and say Bergoglio is a solipsist, myself I wouldnt go that far - at least not yet. If he did have a 'god on earth' complex he wouldnt feel the need to try and draw other religions in to absorb them or else be absorbed, it would be hard for him to find fault in those other religions when those other religions would easily find fault in the way that he leads the Roman Catholic church. They would point and say that his religion goes against the original teachings of Jesus Christ with things such as Maryology and the papacy which deems the Pope to be a proxy (if not overriding) authority for God on this earth, which is the exact description of what the Pope and Vatican claim that position to be... god on this earth.

Looking at the 2 other (kind of) Abrahamic faiths, those being Judaism and Islam; Bergoglio needs to find a serial unity in order to draw them in. He can no longer offer anything from a Christian perspective both in fact and to actually compromise, he has to redefine Jesus Christ in order to make him acceptable to both religions and yet make it as a unifying centrepiece.

Hence the Roman Catholic church can no longer call itself a Christian church but should call itself what it really is - a chiliastic church.

Chiliasm is Bergoglios' solution, with chiliasm Bergoglio can tell his cult captives to continue to worship Jesus and Mary.

He can tell the Jews that his cult worships Jesus and Mary not because of anything to do with God, but rather to them both being Jews. He can then tell the Muslims that the worship of Jesus and Mary in his cult is not really worship but a fetish because the Christ aspect of Jesus no longer has any bearing and thus at best he can only be a prophet. Mary is just being honoured for being the mother of Jesus and nothing else and if in doubt they should ask the Jews and the Jews will confirm this. It is a serial line of Judaism-Christianity-Islam, so officially nothing has changed, but technically these 3 'faiths' have been united under chiliasm. So as these 3 religions have separated from each other to the extent that it seems impossible to believe they came from a common ancestor, Bergoglio will be the hero of the hour doing everything he can to unite them. He will portray himself as the most unselfish person to ever walk the earth, he is so self sacrificing that he will even give up and end the papacy to do it. From that his name will be praised as the last Pope, as a Muslim saint and as a warrior for Tiqqun Olam. And people will pray to an undefined god in order to bless him.

Bergoglios' chiliasm can cater to everyone as it will certainly be accepted by xtian zionists, Jesus without the Christ aspect will be accepted by Buddhists and the fetish aspect will be accepted by Hindus and all schismatic sects from all global religions. It will be accepted by atheists with pronouncements that Jesus is just a man like everyone else, he will be everything to everyone but yet mean nothing to no one. Then the issue of UFOs and alien life can and probably will come into it and with Bergoglios' machinations he can make Jesus a key centrepoint of the various religions by using texts such as the Urantia book to justify his views on any current situation. He can claim that demons are just misunderstood aliens, claim that the chaos that results from the public appearance and interaction of demons/aliens with the global human public is just the tribulation and on top of that if any rapture were to occur he can just say that the disappeared people were taken by aliens to live with them on their own planets.

One might ask where does the concept of God come into all of this? And again the pantheist 'god' answers this, without any set absolute value this 'god' can cater to anyone in the manner that they wish to see it. To an atheist it will be the impersonal aspect of space, cycles and time, in the same way a Buddhist or Jain would percieve it. To everyone else it might be something that is personal to them and them alone, one could venture and say that this would lead to a mass solipsism and this would lead to an utter chaos. In such a world there could truly not be any judgment of right and wrong because how would such things be judged? No one could say that there is an absolute god in such a world because everyone would have a 1/7000000000th of a say in how this god would act and a singular absolute god in this context would be a contradiction of terms. The multitude of personal absolute truths being held as true while being diametrically opposed or at the very least just opposed to each other results in moral relativism and a case of 'whats true to you is true to you and whats true to me is true to me'. The end result of this will be nothing is true, all is permitted; Welcome to Lilith in Tohu.

We have to ask the reasons that would motivate someone like Bergoglio to gamble everything for one chance for what?
A world unifying religion? You have the likes of the Bahais unifying all faiths because their tenets can be expandable to adjust for these faiths and they dont have dogma per se. The Roman Catholic faith is riddled with dogma and seemingly none of it is to do with purely spiritual matters but rather to do with governance of the church, the clergy and the congregations.

If the church would invite questions from non catholics to clarify and answer them, then in theory all faiths would find they have more in common than what opportunist spokesmen from those faith are telling their members. But the vatican is its own nation and it can never be questioned and certainly not compelled to answer all questions but maybe a select few. In fact Bergoglio doesnt actually issue press releases but instead this is the dominion of the vatican press office, and yet another question is if Bergoglio is the head of the vatican state then on what authority or indeed non authority does the vatican press office issue press releases on his personal behalf? And why do they do it?

Is it a matter of official protocol or is it something else? Examining what Bergoglio has said and continues to say at differing times, saying things that are contradictory and yet held as being simultaneously true one has to question the mental faculties of Bergoglio as they should be done to any head of state or any head of religion whether they be practical or titular. I've come up with the following possibilities:
1. These are just his personal idiosyncracies and in no way reflect his mental state
2. He is displaying the symptoms of senility/alzheimers/dementia
3. He has a mental illness of some sort
4. He has a physical condition which requires him to use narcotics which reflects in his actions
5. He is just a body being used by various demons in a routine based on planetary and/or zodiacal hours
6. He is just an arsehole

I have never met or examined any medical records pertaining to Bergoglio so I wont make any judgment or pronounciation on his current state. All I will do is comment on the points:
1. Quite possible
2. Another possibility but he does seem to be able to function enough to do public appearances and meet with other heads of state. But we can only observe what the media cares to make public
3. Again possible but this would most likely have been a lifelong condition and would have prevented him from being considered for the position of pope
4. Again possible
5. Again possible as his persona seems to change with his contradictory announcements
6. Again possible

I think what would be more telling in relation to these points would be the knowledge of his assistants, what they do and who they are.