Showing posts with label chiliastic New Age and Technocratic globalist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chiliastic New Age and Technocratic globalist. Show all posts

Sunday, 5 April 2020

The Second Bolshevik Revolution

The Second Bolshevik Revolution

Here in Sydney, Australia we have an unofficial martial law. This is supposed to combat a supposed disease that was originally called "Corona Virus" but is now commonly referred to as CoV-19. The measures we have today do not really bear any resemblance to measures used in the days of polio. There were no such "self-containment" measures we see today unless one was quite obviously infected and ill, today we have people hiding under beds in a foetal position sucking their thumbs waiting for the big bad virus to come and get'em. So not only do we have the government imposing martial law via the police outside the home, we have people imposing it on themselves with the virus as the enforcer. Now we have self appointed vigilante enforcers, the sort of people who use their Iphones to take a pic or make a video of those who they think 'violate the rules'. We are now in a situation where the bad old days of the ComBloc societies of Eastern Europe are resurrecting themselves in the West and the entire world.

What people should understand is that the Russian Revolution in 1917 to overthrow the Czar was not just one revolution but in fact two. The first one overthrew the Czar and established a provisional government, but the second one (the Bolshevik Revolution) overthrew the provisional government and brought in a purely Marxist system of government. But the Bolshevik Revolution was not just meant to take the Russian Empire, it was actually meant to take all of Europe and by default the colonies and territories those states ruled or administered. There were temporary 'revolutionary states' set up in Hungary and Bavaria but these were overthrown rather quickly, the now Soviet Union then invaded Poland (engineered by Trotsky) but was defeated. All these attempts to engineer a world government under Trotskyite ideology occurred 100 years ago, and it seems like we are getting a second attempt under the United Nations.

So in Australia under the CoV-19 containment rules be have seen religious services basically outlawed, private enterprise shutdown, freedom of association demolished. We have rules/laws that dictate you cannot be within 1.5 metres of another person, if you violate this you will be either fined $1000 or imprisoned for 6 months. Looking at this situation you would be breaking the law if you slept with your spouse, and that will be the next target; there will be no concept of privacy in a global Bolshevik state. Trotsky and Pol Pot may be dead but there plenty of others who think they are entitled to demand to take their place. The measures and unofficial curfews we have in place at the moment are meant to last 6 months, but the general inference says this will go beyond that. This is not about fighting a disease that cannot be defined, but is about containment of a population in order to establish indoctrination and an authoritarian state. Really the authoritarian state is not a sovereign state per se, but really just an administrated section of a greater world government just like the state or province of a nation.

People have always expected that if a global government were to occur that it would be done under a blatantly Marxist or otherwise leftist agenda. But it has mostly been done under conservative or right wing agendas. Either way the globalist agenda would be completed, under a leftist agenda the United Nations would implement a world government (which it was designed to do under the League of Nations) and this would be done by social government. Under a right wing agenda it would be done by economic governance. Either way these measures are just of personal preference to those implementing it, and really looking between the left and right wings of politics they both have similar aims just a different order of preference. If we were to use the example of a bird as a model we would see the left and right wings, but in order for a body to function it needs a head and a brain that is separate to the wings but yet overrides them. This is where the strategies of both the left and right wings fail. I will give this example in regards to "womens rights", the leftists said that womens rights were about human equality and the right for equal pay. The right wing said it was about economic growth and expenditure - both are valid aims without any other factors involved. However the aim of this was to take women out of the house, and this resulted in women not raising their children but delegating that to others such as maids and servants and the state. The very things that 'financial liberation' was supposed to eliminate from the lives of women. Now by default the state is the family, and factors such as raising children with certain mindsets while preserving their individuality has been left to the state which has delegated these to their employees and their personal tastes and perversions.

Hence this is the reason why atheism, earth worship (the global warming thing wasn't achieving the grand aim hence the "submit to us or the virus gonna kill ya!!!" mental indoctrination pandemic occurring), various sexual dysmorphia fads, compulsory homosexuality and other life altering trends which may have permanent or fatal consequences. Some will excuse these things as the "evolutionary progress of humanity" and that it is a natural occurrence. But the natural occurrence of these things in human beings is very, very small. It does not need to be indoctrinated into people and indeed children, there is no benefit in doing this unless you intend to use these dysfunctional behaviours against them and indeed others. These are the sort of measures you would use in an insurgency or revolution, and much like the provisional revolutionies that other threw the Czar these revolutionaries will find out they are disposable. It isn't a matter of them finding themselves suddenly disposable, they were always disposable because that it how it was planned. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 was basically a Jewish revolution with globalist allies and agendas. The Bolshevik Revolution II of 2020 is to complete the work that was not done in 1917, the first Bolshevik Revolution was meant to take all of Europe and hence their colonies and administered territories and thus the world. The word "Bolshevik" means 'majority', this was not had in 1917 but with everybody convincing themselves that the Corona Virus or CoVid-19 or whatever they wish to call this imaginary boogeyman is out to get them... Well they might have that majority now.

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Part4 Idolatry


Toward the end of the first cen­tury the first epistle of John was written to combat the growing menace of Gnosticism. This little book is outstanding in all Christian literature for its teachings of love and purity and fellowship with God. The letter ends with the simple counsel, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols." Obviously the idols John meant were the false teachings against which he had been warning them.

Idolatry may be the worship of material objects; it may be the worship of some manifestation of God in place of God Himself; or it may be the worship of a false conception of God in place of the true. The idols of modern civilization are different from the idols of an­cient paganism, and Christian idols may be more deceptive than heathen. One form of idol worship is the adulation of the human per­sonality. A human being may ex­press a high quality of spiritual goodness – or godliness – but he is not the creator of that goodness. Jesus, the Master, declared, "I can of mine own self do nothing" (John 5:30); "The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works" (John 14:10).

Jesus and Christ
Jesus was not understood by many of the people of his time, especially his enemies. It is important to understand the dual na­ture of Christ Jesus, otherwise some of his statements about him­self seem contradictory and hard to understand. Christian Science dis­pels the mystery. It points out that Jesus was the name of the human man who was born, brought up, carried out his mission, and at last disappeared to material sense. The name was common among Hebrew boys and men.

But this man Jesus was different from all other men who have ever walked the earth. To state it sim­ply, he knew more about God than any man before or since; he lived what he knew, and he proved the practical power of spiritual under­standing in overcoming every type of human trouble – sin, danger, dis­ease, and even death itself. His friends and associates soon began to perceive that here, right in their midst, was a truly Godlike character. While it reached its highest expression in and through the man Jesus, it was not for him exclu­sively. Others began to share the divine understanding; their lives, too, became imbued and inspired with the divine nature, enabling them also to do great works of healing. For centuries the Jewish people had expected some such manifestation of godliness among them; earlier writers foretold its appearing as the Messiah, the Christ, the Coming One, Immanuel, or God with us. So when Jesus began to teach and heal, many de­vout Jews recognized that he was indeed bringing what they had been waiting for.

Christ, as defined in Science and Health (p. 583), is "The divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error." Jesus' work, in revealing the power and presence of God on earth, was incomparable. He stands alone. So the word Christ was attached to him as a title. It stands for the Godlike nature which animated him, and must not be confused with Jesus as the name of the human person.

Dual Nature
Keeping in mind this dual na­ture, we see how inaccurate it is to say that Christ was born on Christ­mas Day, or that Christ was cruci­fied and died. It was Jesus who was born and later crucified and rose from the dead; the Christ, or true spiritual nature, was quite un­touched by these material changes, just as the quantity two remains unchanged when you erase the fig­ure 2 from the blackboard. 

The quantity two is a mental concep­tion; the figure 2 is a material symbol. The symbol is subject to change or erasure; the quantity is always the same because it is a mental conception.
Sometimes Jesus spoke of him­self as the son of man, meaning Jesus the son of Mary. At other times he called himself the Son of God, referring to the Christ or spiritual manifestation of God. Some of his later followers became con­fused on this point. He had said, "I and my Father are one" (John 10:30). 

Mrs. Eddy, in the text­book, explains that this means one in quality, not in quantity, "as a drop of water is one with the ocean" or "a "ray of light one with the sun" (see Science and Health 361:15-17). 

But the early Christians fell into the same error of which the Jews accused Jesus, the error of believing the man Jesus to be equal with God. After three hundred years it was definitely declared to be the creed of the Christian church that Jesus was God. This led to the idolatrous worship of the human personality and praying to Jesus as God.

One Mind versus Minds Many
The bedrock of true religion is the First Commandment – one God, infinite and good. One God means one Mind. Human belief would di­vide the one infinite Mind into many finite minds, distribute one to each person, encase it in a body of flesh, separate it completely from the one supreme intelligence, and let it go on from there operat­ing strictly on its own, progressing or retrogressing in good or evil, as the case might be, according to whatever standard or rule it sets up for itself.

The belief of a mind and reality apart from God is the one basic error. This error is responsible for all the troubles of mankind. The belief is that there are many minds, one to each person. Each so-called human mind turns in upon itself, tries to prove itself self-sufficient, develops its own will, and takes pride in its achievements. It calls itself "I" – spelled with a capital letter. This human egotism swells into a great seeming, and yet it is basically unreal and erroneous. The call of Christian Science is to un­cover this falsity, denounce it and cast it out, and return to the sim­ple basic facts as set forth in the First Commandment of Moses and demonstrated by Jesus the Christ with great power and signs follow­ing: one God, one Mind, one Prin­ciple, infinite, good, present, understandable, and demonstrable. The reflection or expression of the true God is seen in the real man and universe.

Spiritual Leadership
Mrs. Eddy's discovery of Chris­tian Science was the revelation to her of the truth of God and man: one Mind expressing itself in an infinitude of spiritual ideas. It in­cluded the uncovering of the claims of evil: many minds, knowing both evil and good, and the belief that there is real substance-matter out­side the infinitude of Spirit. Fi­nally, it included the demonstra­tion that the understanding of these facts will cure disease, dis­pel sin, and harmonize human existence.

The Discoverer of Christian Science is also the Founder of our church. The members of this church are governed by the divinely inspired rules in the Church Manual. The purpose of this organization is to restore to Christianity the lost element of healing; to heal and transform, but not to deify the human personality. Having seen how the worship of human personality had entered the early Christian church as a great mental and moral cloud, depriving Christians of spiritual understand­ing and power to heal, she resolved to keep it out of Christian Science. She declares: "Person is not in the question of Christian Science. Principle, instead of person, is next to our hearts, on our lips, and in our lives" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 135). 

She consistently exhorted her followers not to pursue her personality but to find her in her writings. While she demanded strictly that her place as Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science and author of its textbook should be recognized and acknowledged, this was not because of any desire for personal glory but because she understood that mortal mind would make its attack upon her discovery by first trying to discredit her as the discoverer. The discovery must stand because it is true; the dis­coverer must be acknowledged be­cause she was God's instrument.

Mrs. Eddy is no longer with us in person, but her revelation of man as the perfect expression of God remains to lead her followers on to clearer vision and unerring demonstration. There are no personal leaders in Christian Science churches, but there is no lack of leadership. The revealed Principle and rule of true being is studied and obeyed by students of Chris­tian Science and so provides spirit­ual leadership for all the churches and their members, leadership that is wise, positive, and effective. 

stranger going to a Christian Sci­ence church need have no concern as to whether or not he is getting in with the right people; he is get­ting in with the right Principle. He need not wonder who runs the church, for the true Church is spiritual, and Christian Scientists work to understand God's govern­ment and submit to it. "Again I repeat, person is not in the ques­tion of Christian Science" (Mis­cellaneous Writings, p. 135).

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Gnostic chiliastic evolution

This is not my work but I believe that it is important that it be spread to as many people as possible. It can be found here....

Gnostic chiliastic evolution: Satan's alternative plan of salvation

By Linda Kimball

" far as human wisdom and resources are concerned, the salvation of sinners is as impossible as raising the dead. Every conceivable method of expiation and purification has been tried without success." Charles Hodge

In the hearts of all humans, bar none, is the possibility of evil, thus sin, said GK Chesterton, is as obvious as potatoes. This being the case it is completely irrational for the unrepentant to think they can purify themselves and others when it is their evil conscience and will turned toward wickedness – aspects of their souls – that need cleansing. And it is because man is evil and depraved, that the 20th century's purification movements – Marxist Communism and Nazi Socialism – purified the human gene pool by murdering in excess of 160,000,000 men, women and children of which in Russia, approximately half were Christians. According to Srdja Trifkovic, persecution and martyrdom of Christians under 20th century totalitarianism, and mainly of Russian Orthodox Christians under Communist Bolshevism,

" by far the greatest crime in all of recorded history....Attempts at "killing the soul" started only months after the Revolution of 1917." Persecution and martyrdom was, "several times greater than the Holocaust in terms of innocent lives brutally destroyed. It has killed more Christians in a few decades than all other causes put together in all ages, with Islam a distant second as the cause of their death and suffering. And yet it still remains a largely unknown, often minimized, or scandalously glossed over crime." (New Martyrs of the East and Coming Trials in the West, Srdja Trifkovic,

In his analysis of Marxist Communism, early conservative intellectual Frank Meyer describes it as the state form taken by a materialist pagan,

" determined to rule the world" Communism is the "final synthesis of all heretical tendencies that have pervaded Western civilization for many centuries." (The Conservative Intellectual Movement, pp. 251-252)

Communism is a godless, philosophically pagan form of heretical Jewish elements and heretical Protestant liberalism's upside-down, anti-creation account grounded in a chiliastic-evolutionary, apocalyptic proclamation of a coming new order based in belief in the inevitability of evolutionary progress from molecule to sea-weed, reptile, ape, hominid, and finally god-man and in the perfectibility of this fallen world. (1)

Chiliasm in Greek means 'thousand years' and is primarily a godless version of the millennial belief expressed in some Christian denominations that there will be a paradise on earth where Christ will reign for a thousand years prior to the final judgment and future eternal state.

The contemporary chiliastic-evolutionary movement is Technocracy. The world is being actively transformed by an amoral power elite and their minions according to a very narrow economical/political/social philosophy called Technocracy, and it is impacting every segment of society in every corner of the world:

"Technocracy is being sponsored and orchestrated by a global elite led by David Rockefeller's and Zbigniew Brzezinski's Trilateral Commission...Originally started in the early 1930's, Technocracy is antithetical to every American institution that made us into the greatest nation on earth. It eschews property rights, obsoletes capitalism, hates politicians and traditional structures, and promises a lofty utopian dream made possible only if engineers, scientists, and technicians are allowed to run society. When Aldous Huxley penned Brave New World in 1932, he accurately foresaw this wrenching transformation of society and predicted that the end of it would be a scientific dictatorship unlike anything the world has ever seen." (Preface, Technocracy Rising, Patrick Wood)

Huxley concluded that Technocracy produces scientific dictatorship designed to scientifically engineer, manipulate, dominate and control the world's wealth and resources and micro-manage every human being in every detail of his life. Moreover, said Huxley, the scientific and evolutionary system itself would become a god that was worshipped and questioning any aspect of it, such as the validity of evolution as empirical science, or any decision or outcome would be tantamount to blasphemy.

Like its' 20th century counterparts, Technocracy is the evolutionary chiliastic expression of a coming Golden Age that is the culminating hubris of Promethean god-men who having 'murdered' the Christian God mean to purify and remake man and creation.

In "Science, Politics and Gnosticism," highly respected political philosopher Eric Voegelin (1901-85) identifies many modern Gnostic movements. They range from Comte's positivism, to progressivism, Hegelianism, Masonry, Marxist Communism, Nazi Socialism, Schleiermacher's doctrine of faith, Protestant liberalism, and Luciferian Theosophy.

In an upside-down exegesis typical of Gnosticism, Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, leading Masonic thinker, and important formulator of chiliastic evolution wrote in her book, "The Secret Doctrine" volume II,

" is but view Satan, the Serpent of Genesis, as the real creator and benefactor, the Father of Spiritual mankind..." (Theosophy University Press, 1888, p. 243, 513)

Chiliastic-evolutionary systems are modern forms of ancient and very "elitist" pre-Christian and Christian-era Gnosticism which assigns the Holy Triune God to hell and instead worships Lucifer. Furthermore, it teaches that salvation is attained through the 'elitist' knowledge of Gnostic teachers such as gurus, god-men, certain scientists and Oprah Winfrey, a contemporary spiritual guide possessed of the knowledge of the Gnostic cosmogony.

With Satan as the spiritual father of an army of unrepentant Gnostic pagans, it is no wonder that modern Gnostic systems have so far produced every dictatorial, genocidal utopian movement of the 20th century and underpin contemporary spiritually pagan, chiliastic New Age and Technocratic globalist's hopes and visions. In his article, "Leftism a Radical Faith," Bruce Riggs notes that much of the political history of the extended 20th century is that of massive extinctions of citizenries by their dictatorial governments:

"Take the engineered mass starvations, torture chambers, firing squads, and gulags of Lenin and Stalin; Nazi gas chambers; Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge killing fields; the genocides of Mao's "Great Leap Forward,"; and the tyrannical North Korean Sung dynasty, and one will find that over one hundred million people have been slaughtered." (2)

The authors of the Black Book of Communism point to the godless anti-creation Darwinian "biological and zoological" strain of thinking as the engine of evil that proved itself a most effective means of denying the humanity of millions of victims:

"This strain of thinking is why so many of the crimes of Communism were crimes against humanity, and how Marxist-Leninist ideology managed to justify these crimes to its followers." (The Black Book of Communism, Stephanie Courtois, p. 751)

The devilish Gnostic rebel Vladimir Lenin concurs. Anti-creation Darwinism put an end to the belief that human, animals, and vegetable kinds bear no relation to one another and,

"that they were created by God, and hence immutable." (Fatal Fruit, Tom DeRosa, p. 9)

Twentieth century Gnostic pagan god-states systematically dehumanized and murdered millions of people in order to create an imagined earthly Eden purified of evil, and this is clearly insane. Yet this evil religion whose spiritual father is Satan continues today as a God-hating, globally elitist, evolutionary progressive, politico-centric faith entirely disdainful of orthodox Christian and faithful Jewish beliefs and contemptuous of those who subscribe to them.

In short, devilish Gnostic chiliastic evolution is a Satanic spiritually pagan religion with the look of a religious inquisition that represents the 20th century heretical version of orthodox Christianity. Unless we grasp this crucial point the nature of this devilishly evil religion will elude us. (3)

Rise of Satan's Chiliastic Technocratic Utopia

In "False Dawn: The United Religions Initiative, Globalism, and the Quest for a One-World Religion," Lee Penn wans that the United Religions Initiative (URI) and the Gaia initiative represents the spiritually pagan religious facet of the coming Technocratic New World Order. The URI is a United Nations organization that to a significant extent is animated by Satanic Gnostic chiliastic evolution. In preparation for the coming new order, a 'new' pagan spiritually is under construction of which the Earth Charter is set to become its Holy Writ.

Crafted by a conclave of 'Wise Persons' headed by former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev, the Charter's benign sounding verbiage,

"and symbolic nature camouflages its dangerous purpose. The Charter is intended to become a universally adopted creed that will psychologically prepare the world's children to accept the necessity of world government to save the environment. It is also an outrageous attempt to indoctrinate your children in the UN's New Age paganism." (The New World Religion, William F. Jasper, New American, 2002)

The URI has attracted a diverse group of activists and powerful supporters such as the Dalai Lama, progressive churchmen from the People's Republic of China, pro-gay Episcopalians, radical Muslims, feminist goddesses and witches, rich capitalist foundations, the Club of Rome, the Temple of Understanding, and the Lucis Trust, formerly called Lucifer Publishing. (pp. 5, 7, 23-26)

Prominent supporters include occultist Robert Muller (former UN assistant secretary general and father of Common Core), Neale Donald Walsh, George Soros, Mikhail Gorbachev, Maurice Strong, Ted Turner, and Barbara Marx Hubbard. (ibid)

Penn notes that evolution is absolutely ventral to the ambitions of Technocratic global elites. Thus after more than eighty years of nearly unopposed evolutionary evangelization in schools, seminaries, pulpits, media, academia and elsewhere global elite god-men like Jeremy Rifkin are finally free to declare that evolution is a living "Mind" enlarging its domain as it evolves up and through the "chain of species." Moreover, now that the evolution god "Mind" reigns supreme, global elitists no longer feel like guests in someone else's home and therefore obliged to make their behavior conform with a set of pre-existing cosmic rules:

"It is our creation now. We make the rules (and) establish the parameters of reality. We create the world (and) no longer have to justify our behavior...We are responsible to nothing outside ourselves for we are the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever." (Algeny, Rifkin, 1983, p. 188)

Here we see that in the completely delusional, entirely depraved (Jer. 51: 17-18), and ultimately demonically orchestrated global elite dream-scape it is not the personal Triune God who has created and sustains the world. No, it is each Gnostic man-god who creates and sustains his own world and meaning in every moment out of his own divine consciousness. In other words, since according to the devil the substance of the Holy Creator God is distributed throughout all of the cosmos, including the mind of man, then by occult magic rituals such as transcendental meditation and brain-altering drugs, man can tap into the god-force within, thereby becoming a little god who controls the cosmos because he controls "Mind." The physical world then, is an illusion because reality is inside the divine mind of the god-man.

Given the likelihood that an ancient evil intelligence has crawled inside Rifkin and other Technocratic god-men the fact that New Age spirituality relies heavily on spirit revelations channeled through mediums such as Blavatsky, Bailey, Benjamin Crème, Robert Muller, Neale Donald Walsh and Barbara Marx Hubbard, to name but a few, should come as no surprise. Penn observes that all together they form a comprehensive anti-Gospel setting forth a Gnostic progressive vision of apocalyptic spiritualized totalitarianism that includes:

1. Praise for Lucifer as the light-bearer and giver of wisdom

2. Highly evolved humans are gods.

3. Advocacy for extreme population control

4. Concentrated hate directed at faithful Judaism, orthodox evangelical Protestantism, and Roman Catholicism

5. Forecasting a pending, and for them, desirable selection of mankind in which the progressives enter the New Age millennium and reactionaries face extinction. For "New Age Apostles of 'progressive' Social Darwinism, these casualties are a necessary price to pay for human evolution." (Penn, p. 7)

Speaking through Barbara Marx Hubbard, her spirit guide 'Christ' prophesied in 1995 that the Rider of the Pale Horse will use the 'sword' as one of his means to "kill those who choose to remain self-centered." (ibid, Penn, p. 322)

The meaning of 'self-centered' is briefly defined in the Global Biodiversity Assessment; a document mandated by the U.N. sponsored Convention on Biological Diversity. This document explicitly refers to Christianity as a faith that, rather than making God and humans one with nature, has instead set God and humans "apart from nature," a process in which nature has "lost its sacred qualities." The document states:

"Conversion to Christianity has....meant an abandonment of an affinity with the natural world." (Al Gore, The United Nations and the Cult of Gaia, Cliff Kincaid,, 1999)

In other words, because orthodox Christianity teaches that there is an unbridgeable gulf between the Triune God and His creation that is only breached by Jesus Christ then idolaters like Jeremy Rifkin do not and cannot share the substance of the Triune God as pantheism teaches. According to Christianity man is radically different from the Lord and atonement, purification and mediation is achieved only through Jesus Christ, Who rose from the dead. This means that neither Rifkin nor any other Technocratic global elitist is god but rather an evil idolater speeding along the broad, smooth highway to hell.

All modern Gnostic pagan movements share the same chiliastic goal: a coming "new pantheist order" and "new pagan god-man" completely purified of all evil and existing in oneness with the evolutionary god force. This means extermination of all faithful Christians and Jews and other dissenters who refuse to become one with the god of forces.

Purification also extends to Biblical moral standards, sexual ethics, traditional marriage and traditions derived therefrom since they have been by-passed by the ongoing process of evolution. These will be changed just as all distinctions between nonlife forms, life forms and gender will be blurred in the idea of evolution from molecule to ape to man and woman to transgender to androgynous god-man. In the same way, all distinctions between good and evil, nations and religions will be merged in the chiliastic vision of worldly purification.

In conclusion, Gnostic chiliastic evolution is the anti-gospel of Satan, thus the antithesis of the glorious Gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ. So powerful is the stranglehold of Satan's anti-gospel on millions of darkened Western minds that it has imaginatively inverted the order of creation and reversed the direction of Biblical theism, meaning that the millions of people whose minds are in bondage to Satan and his legions can no longer think right-side up. With creation ex nihilo virtually replaced by the evolution god it is now believed that men have not fallen from perfection but are instead gradually evolving upward from their ape beginnings toward greater and greater spiritual perfection.

For all Westerners who are perhaps uncomfortable with, offended by, or outright hostile toward the personal Holy Triune God and His plan of salvation Satan's anti-gospel provides them a chiliastic plan of purification and a substitute deity – evolution – the animated god force of the cosmos which men believe they can control and direct. Through scientifically controlled and directed evolution they imagine they are destined to realize unimaginable spiritual advances.

1. Genesis, Creation, and Early Man, Fr. Seraphim Rose

2. Leftism a Radical Faith, Bruce Riggs, American Thinker, 2014

3. ibid, Klaus Fischer

© Linda Kimball