Friday, 5 December 2014

Although there may be atheist groups within nations that will reflect the general population of that nation on a racial or ethnic basis, we see especially in white western nations that atheist groups are generally left wing and anti white despite the majority of the members of these groups are white. Indeed it seems groups like these are full of self hating and suicidal people, the truth is that it is the exact opposite. What you are actually seeing with these groups is a self religion of sorts. Do you ever notice these sorts of groups peddle the ‘united collective humanity’ mantra?

“Humanity is one! There are no races! We are the world community!” Only the gullible believe this to be actually true; there are biological races, the inner herd view the outer herd as sub humans until their wealth-celebrity-lifestyle status improves dramatically and unless that happens for every member of the outer herd then there will be no ‘world community’. In fact there could never be as there would be no-one to provide services such as farming food etc. because anyone who did the actual physical work in farming would automatically be expelled from the ‘united herd’ realm and the inner/outer divide would return again. The only viable system for a ‘united global consciousness of humanity’ would be a caste system of sorts, but it would be of the humans and their slaves. The slaves would not be regarded as human but as some sort of toy or pet. A type of ape or chimp, but I think this will be explained in another way. Remember those who are pushing these agendas are atheists, certainly atheists in the political sense publicly and it is through politics they seek to make their herdthink compulsory on everyone in theology and application. They may actually believe that they themselves are the originators of a ‘new world’ to come or at least they will try to propagate that illusion. But such narcissistic hallucinations have been tried before and they have failed, Marxism being one of them. The ambitions of atheists will always fail and the reason for that is they refuse to recognise what is the originating pinnacle for their ‘united humanity revolution’.

Let’s go to the flipside of the coin for a moment, although atheists like to portray themselves as humanitarian progressives shouting slogans such as ‘unite the world!’, ‘stop racism!’ and ‘no more religious dogma!’ They either do not, cannot or will not tell you that those who play a role in stirring up their ‘actions’ are just as atheist. The ideologues of the atheist movement do not see communal violence as a form of separation but rather integration; it forces communities who would otherwise have no problems with another to engage head on with others in a battle of life and death. Regardless of how long and widespread such violence is, one side will always be dominative and the other subjugated. The sides may change positions before a final conclusion is settled to end the violence but for those two communities and others involved that section of the caste making is settled.

And as we always see it is the left wing atheists who actually keep such violence spreading by interfering with any government attempts to end it by using the courts (whether they be local, state, national and international) to tie up any action via the constitution for example. They will also scream and shout to all press agencies and social media outlets; they will state the same message that government action to stop violence is violence. Their fellow travellers and stooges will parrot the words and actions of their equals, for the fellow travellers their equals are in the inner herd. As for the stooges it is the scum and filth of the outer herd.

As for the ‘right wing atheists’? They will be ‘leading’ the rival communities exhorting violence and planning strategies from locations hundreds if not thousands of miles away from the front lines. Now let us look at some examples of these ‘righteous proud people’.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

You may say atheism is just about not believing in God or Creator; but if that was only the case, the correct term to use would be ‘non-Deist’ like Buddhists and Jains are. But the type of atheism we are up against is more a case of being against God than simply believing he doesn’t exist. In that case it is more correct to call these sorts of people ‘anti-theist’ but the best word which sums them up is ‘maltheist’. You may be asking “If these people believe God exists why do they deny him?” The best answer I can give you is that they seek to kick him out and take his place. Any plan they have for this type of action could only take place on this earth in this world. In addition they would not be able to take this action as individuals but as a group enforcing their belief on the majority of people here. This would result in a caste system where this so called ‘human god collective’ would function as an inner herd and everyone else would be outer herd.

While these self proclaimed plural ‘god’ herd may think that if they eradicate belief in God among everyone that they will have everything on Earth for themselves and will be worshiped etc. They fail to factor in the likes of the disholy trinity or even acknowledge them for that matter; Moloch, Baal and Mammon will be quite content to let these types of fools pitch themselves against God of their own volition. When I was a theistic Satanist, I came across boastful atheists who would brag how they were in the war against God. Sure I did nothing to dissuade them but never at any stage did I feel any obligation or kinship to them, they were just disposable stooges.

For arguments sake, if these clowns were ever to force God to abandon this earth in this world their joy would be short lived. The reason being is that these clowns would have to use tactics which would put things that the disholy trinity and its’ followers need into place. While the Godless think they will be putting a new order into place, the disholy trinity will simply move in, overthrow them and subjugate them. The new order will be hell on this earth in this world and it will be eternal, and it is easy to see who will be getting tortured.

Let’s continue talking about the fools, a caste system has to have something to decide the castes. The position of everyone within a caste will depend on either a lack of or an excess of a particular commodity. The commodity is either money, celebrity or lifestyle however these can be fluid. A millionaire can lose their wealth within a day due to bad investments for example, yet a street bum might be given a lotto ticket and win a million dollars. In either example their celebrity and lifestyle is affected by their financial status; what is not fluid is the biological race of every person. It doesn’t matter what your financial status is, fact is you cannot change your colour and you will be subject to caste placement whether you like it or not.

For a caste system to be successful it requires an unquestioning devotion to it, both from the perspective of the members of the inner herd and the outer herd. It also needs a creed as a type of glue between the herds and while the disholy trinity is the glue between the inner and outer herds, this can only apply on a global basis because the wealth-celebrity-lifestyle demand crosses borders and races, however the need for sub-herds is due to the fact that there is no single global government, race or language which the disholy trinity needs in order to propagate itself via communication and violence.

We do see the results of globalism; we see the inner herd demand world government and global citizenship for all, we see a push for a global language (especially Esperanto) and we see the word ‘race’ being redefined from a biological term to a socio-political term. We also see calls for the living standard of the outer herd to be of a uniform standard worldwide. Most notable is the call for a global religion and this is being put into play by ‘interfaith’ groups who seek to negotiate various beliefs in order to end up with a religion that tries to be everything to everybody and means nothing to nobody. The end result will be a creed that nobody could truly have faith in or subscribe to and will be atheist by default.
Induge me in this chapter, I don’t know the level of knowledge you have regarding the Kabbalah. You may have a lot or you may have none, you might see the kabbalah as something that is worthwhile learning for yourself or you may see it as something that should be banned to all. However I will be explaining the following with a kabbalah and Old Testament slant because this is what I relate to and I think it is something you should relate to or at least be willing to learn a concept of.

I like the kabbalah because you can ‘draw out’ a map of existence or at least that which is comprehendible to us. You have clergy of other religions saying things like ‘God is up in the sky, heaven is up in the sky and hell is down below’, I don’t know what you believe or what you think but to me these types of explanations simply are not good enough! If these types of people in clergy don’t know as to metaphysical, cosmological and occult matters they should simply just say so and not give a diatribe about how ‘their church’ or whatever is perfect and if you want to go to heaven when you die then you must do exactly what they say. Quite frankly I find these sorts of people to be hustlers and think they should be expelled from their religions so they can turn to their real faith of stockmarket and real estate speculation.

Not only that, their now vacated positions should be filled by people who will be willing to learn about subjects such as metaphysics and the occult and be willing to explain it to anyone who wants to find out about these things. But if the varying faiths just want to peddle inane twaddle and guilt people into paying tithes and voting for certain political parties, then they should no longer be able to claim tax exempt status as a religious institution but should be taxed as a business. I’m not writing this just to fill a page but because if I’m right you will need every drop of metaphysical knowledge you can get your hands on and those who are neglectful in their duties should be exposed so as not to waste yours or anyone elses time.

So now I’m going to place some of my crudely made pictures to try to explain to you the setup of our very limited knowledge of existence

 This is my ‘map’ of existence that humans can access to the best of my knowledge at this present time.

Going from right to left we have A. which is Atziluth, the world of Emanation. This realm is purely spiritual, we might relate to it as where we would realise a ‘need’ rather than a want. In B. we have Briah, the world of Creation. Here is what we think would resolve our need, how we envision it. Next we have C. Yetzirah, the world of formation. We have the need, the way we think it can be dealt with and now we have to put into place the ‘blueprints’ or plan to bring it about. Finally we have D. Assiah, the world of Action. The physical realm in which our solution takes physical form and is put into action. This is the stage for the result of our non physical thoughts on our plans.

As we see, the Tree of Life is present in the three worlds of Atziluth, Briah and Yetzirah. The fourth world being Assiah has both the Tree of Life and the Tree of Death which are joined at the tenth sephirah, for us it is Malkuth. But for the qlippoth (demons) it is Lilith. So we have the same sephira with two different names, if the qlippoth want to have their own independent tree then instead of having a 50% stake in this earth in this world they will have to take it all. And this is what they are chipping away at, look at the Israel/Palestine example; it wasn’t all that long ago when Israel had not only all the Palestinian territories under its’ control. It had the Sinai peninsular of Egypt and still retains the Golan Heights and the Shebaa Farms of Syria. But yet not only have the Egyptians gotten back the Sinai but the Palestinians have got a good deal back under their nominal control. In addition the Gaza strip is under the control of Hamas which still seeks to destroy Israel.

But we are not talking about a small patch of land in regards to Malkuth; we are talking the entire planet Earth in both physical and spiritual terms (Tebhel and Cheled). And as the qlippoth are not physical beings but may occasionally be able to take physical manifestation by possession of human bodies; we are seeing that their main offensive is being done by spiritual warfare. If you are an occupying power in a foreign land you will have a population to deal with who are different in physical (race) and non physical (culture, language, religion) terms. An occupying power might try and integrate these people into a now expanded nation, or else it will have two alternatives; those being indifferent neglect or complete subjugation.

Let’s have an overview of the situation of the qlippoth as of this current time; they are not physical beings but can take a physical form of a human if the human whose body they have taken has either given consent or else relinquished that body via suicide, drug addiction, medical malpractice etc. causing physical death. But with medical technology available now that actual physical body may be revived and may be subject to take over especially if the person involved was an atheist, Satanist, apostate etc.

Even then the position of that person in relation to society may be that of a homeless bum and be of no position of power within their society. However with an intelligent persona taking hold of that body the situation and circumstance of that ‘person’ may change. As to what the qlippoth in that body can do to advance their cause in whatever amount of time will depend on circumstance, but will also have to take in account the physical state of the body they now possess. Sometimes we do see the actions of some mentally truly brilliant and truly evil people and how they change nations, societies and indeed the world as history will point out.

But as to the qlippoth fighting humans on a purely physical level? It would be a slow grind for them; the physical front is just another front. By itself it would not be sustainable to fight humans on that level; it needs to be combined with spiritual warfare to complement it. And on the spiritual front they are making success by drawing in humans who seek spiritual knowledge but are dissuaded by self serving and narrow minded insecure religious leaders. But they are making success with a major drawcard which has turned human beings into self declared enemies of God; it is called atheism.
And atheism has done well; it has killed approximately 130,000,000 people. It had contained and extinguished religious belief in a lot of countries and a lot of people, many of whom lived and died without having a concept of God. Despite all of that, despite communism being shown to be a flawed and corrupt ideology. Despite Karl Marx being shown to be an ‘in the closet’ Satanist, yes despite all of that we have celebrities get on TV and tell us (if not actually order us) that leftist politics and ideologies are perfect and good for all of us. That we must be socially progressive and must eliminate anything that interferes with that aim and that includes God. And if you insist that there is God then you must redefine him to fit a socially progressive consensus.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Human beings are both physical and spiritual whereas the demons are purely spiritual entities. Demons may on occasion possess a physical body of a human by possession if the human gives consent or if the human has placed themselves in a position for this to happen because of their behaviour; atheists would be a good example of this and substance abusers would also. The other category of human bodies being possessed by demons would be sociopaths as they were born without a soul.

But; their possessions of those bodies would be rather short compared to their spiritual age. To have say 50 years in a human body that is subject to sickness, disease, wear and tear, organ failure and things such as paralysis is not very inviting. A demon may possess a body, use it to excess and then discard it; however it does not know when it will get its’ next body or even if it will ever get one. The bodies of animals will not suffice because animals do not rule the human world and cannot talk to, instruct or indoctrinate humans. Also we have to take into account the Laws of Thermodynamics which means even if a demon took possession of a rich powerful person who had all sorts of experts in their employ who could keep the physical body healthy and functional as possible; that body would eventually breakdown especially after the age of 100.

As we see these days, governments constantly badger people to sign up as organ donors. We see the black market organ business operating globally for very rich and very powerful clients, while those who are in serious need of a transplant are simply left to rot. We see those who are pushing for euthanasia, not only for the critically ill but for anyone who wants it. If someone wants to commit suicide they will just do it through a variety of means, however if they do stuff like drinking poison, jump off a bridge etc. then their organs would not be suitable for transplant and their blood cannot be bottled for future use. Under a controlled environment it would be a different story.

Now we are seeing at this present moment people who believe that they are gods. They believe because they have wealth-celebrity-lifestyle in immense reserve that 99.9% of the humans on this planet should be subject to their narcissism, to their whim and to their will. Purely physical people who will only perceive a purely physical world. Things such as conscience, emotions, and feelings of void within the soul are simply put down to a few strands of faulty DNA and can be fixed by taking a tablet.

You’ll often hear someone say “Oh, this earth is going to hell!” Indeed it is, all we are seeing is a dry run. The disholy trinity and their ignorant stooges are having another shot. When I was a theistic Satanist one of our objectives was to pre-empt prophecy, you can see this by the loads of fake messiahs and so on. I think they are going up a level, they want to take Malkuth/Lilith and make it just Lilith. I also believe they are trying to pre-empt Judgement Day. I’ll explain in the next chapter.

Just juggling some text around.....

Now you might say "Do abortionists and their supporters actually worship Moloch?”
The answer for the most part would be no, but I cannot say that 100% of those in the abortion industry do not worship Moloch. Whether these people serve Moloch out of choice or ignorance is not a mitigating factor either way but these people are certainly guilty by association and guilty of being willingly stupid.

If an abortionist was to say "I do abortions because I make money from doing it, I do not worship or serve Moloch" I would say that is just as valid as being an explosives trafficker who sells to Al-Qaeda and saying to the FBI or indeed court jury "I traffick explosives because I make money from doing it, I am not a member of Al-Qaeda nor do I serve it". If it is pointed out that the trafficked explosives were used to bomb hospitals and schools what would the trafficker say "Oh, but I didn’t light the fuse therefore it wasn’t me and not my problem".

Well once again I say the way abortions are carried out, that is to take the baby out of the womb and incinerate it. Much like in ancient times, myself I think there should be allowances for abortion in certain cases but the overwhelming bulk of abortions are carried out to save money or inconvenience.

Whatever the motivations of those involved the fact is these abortions are token sacrifices to Moloch by default and they are accepted by Moloch by default. And abortions are now run now as an industrial enterprise and sanctioned by the state by default or otherwise; this is something Lucifer has never been able to cause to happen whether by design, default and possibly desire.

So there you have it, Moloch is a joint ruler of Thaumiel with Satan (Lucifer). But how long with it be that way? Anyway let’s continue on to the next member of the DisHoly trinity; that being Bael.

The name Bael is used to describe the spiritual entity who was known as the original Baal, but as the followers of this entity began to refer to themselves as Baal the only way for them to distinguish themselves was by location or of a specific vocation. Even Moloch was known by the name Baal Hamon as though he was a servant, apprentice or even a …son. As Moloch has a high placing in the Tree of Death as the joint ruler of Thaumiel, Bael has a high placing in the Goetia. The Goetia is the ‘counter weight’ to the Shem ha-Mephorash, a counterfeit version if you like and Bael is the first demon in it.

Bael is also mentioned as an Enochian demon and is described as a king which is the power of the East. This would verify his place in the Goetia as being the first demon because his ‘direction’ that he would be called on from is not only the east, but the due east from 0 – 5 degrees. He has also been referred to as the ‘first monarch of hell’, this would be a description for humans like us as hell has not been verified to exist and Judgment Day has not occurred yet. However he may have been in such a position temporarily after the fall as no formations of counter orders would have been in place. As Lucifer was trying to organise his defeated rebels, it would be quite possible (if not likely) he would have been a ‘grandfather’ or ‘step father’ type figure amongst the fallen.

He would have a degree of celebrity and respect from that, and this is what his human imitators on Earth sought to be like. The name ‘Baal’ translates as ‘lord’ or ‘master’ if applied to humans but the name Bael is something else, it is not applied to humans or indeed anyone or anything else. He is a celebrity in his own right and a role model for narcissists, whether he likes it or not.

So far we have Bael the ‘father’ who has been superseded by Moloch the ‘son’ and the trinity is completed by Mammon the ‘disholy’ spirit. When you talk of spirit you may be talking of two things, the first being an individual non physical entity such as an angel or a demon for example. The second being a creed, belief or acceptance of an emotional devotion to a non animated third party. Examples would be the ‘spirit of summer’ or in relation to the USA you have the ‘spirit of 76’ regarding the declaration of independence.

With Mammon, I don’t believe there is an independent single entity using that name. Rather, I believe that there are numerous demons that are fulfilling that position along the lines of either planetary or astrological hours. But remember they are doing that on a global basis and across numerous time lines, so in effect it would require a multitude of demons working in unison and interacting with mortals on a nation by nation and hour by hour basis via a common creed. It is a devotion to money and the creed is greed.

Wealth-celebrity-lifestyle; the DisHoly trinity is now complete and getting down to business. As for us and the spirit, soul and individuality that makes us all unique in the eyes of God? Well, we are in business too; except we are selling ourselves to the DisHoly trinity in a fire sale. And if we are not selling ourselves then we are selling our children and anyone we can get our hands on. The human race has made two very fatal errors as a herd:
1. They believe God to be an inconvenience.
2. They believe that demons are as stupid as them or even dumber.
I’ll just delve into the metaphysical for a moment because I want to explain to you about how things are and what’s looking to move into its’ place. We are in the physical realm as we commonly understand it; there are four worlds as in rates of vibration and being. We are in Assiah – the world of action, this is the place where the other three non physical worlds finalise ‘thoughts’ or ‘mental actions’ as material products. The actual planet which we live on or ‘Earth’ in the kabbalah ‘Tree of Life’ is represented as the sephira Malkuth, it is at the bottom of the Tree of Life and it is where the actions of the above sephira ‘ground’ their energies because it is us who have called for these energies from the above sephira. So in other words we have called on a particular sephira and the sephira has answered us (if we have been correct in doing so) in Malkuth because that is where we are. We are conscious of this as physical and spiritual beings as this is the world of action. Our planet Earth in this world is comprised of two ‘earths’ and they are Tebhel and Cheled, one is immanent and the other is transcendent.

If Earth had no animated life then it would be just a clump of dirt and if it had no spiritual realm attached to it via the animated life then we at best would be golems, zombies or just like single cell bacteria. We wouldn’t seek to adjust the Earth for ourselves whether with good or bad intent, but would be passive bits of meat allowing conditions to mold us. We would have no aspirations or even a sense of community, and quite possibly we would have no sense of right or wrong.

I tend to think that Tebhel is the immanent part and Cheled is transcendent and that they operate together as a molecule. Neither is more important than the other, both are needed for things to be as they are naturally and it is only corruption put into physical practice that has been inspired by spiritual corruption that is what we know to be ‘bad’. In terms of the Tree of Life you could say that the physical Earth is represented by Malkuth and that Cheled is represented by Yesod.

Yesod is represented by the Moon; I still hold that Tebhel and Cheled are a molecule type formation because a moon without a planet to orbit becomes an asteroid of sorts. And a planet without a moon loses the ability for the inhabitants of that planet (if there are any) to measure time (as we physically measure it) or even have a concept of it. Things such as planetary hours, astrological hours or even the beginning of new days could not be measured and only would be a guess at best.

So if we lived on Tebhel and were purely physical beings without a soul (much like sociopaths) we would have no concept of God or the ability to comprehend anything relating to him. You can say we are living on Tebhel because the physical is valued over the spiritual and belief in God is discouraged or else the concept of God is being redefined to Morgan Freeman type narcissists like the Kim family in North Korea. This type of mindset will say… “You are a physical being on a physical world with a physical order and therefore must have a physical god; Morgan Freeman has more money than you physically, has more celebrity than you physically and lives a better lifestyle than you physically. That makes him a higher being on the order of life, he says he is god. Who are you to dispute that?!”

And indeed there are enough stooges to parrot that. Why they would do that? I don’t know. If you challenge the stooges as to why they hold such a belief or why they would parrot such a line whether in all seriousness or not you will receive a diatribe of mentally disturbed nonsense rant. If you are not white you will be abused for your perceived jealousy of his wealth-celebrity-lifestyle membership of the inner herd. If you are white you will get the same abuse plus further abuse of your ‘racism’ and ‘white privilege’. You are up against people who think in slogans and live in the entitlement/victimhood mindset; theirs is a world of having constant aggrievement and constantly having the right to be compensated for it by being paid in wealth, celebrity or lifestyle.

Of course you will be wondering where this corruption and corrosion of the intellect and indeed of the spirit comes from. Where does the origin of the order of the near purely physical originate from? What we call Malkuth on the Tree of Life is also called Lilith on the Tree of Death; it is the same planet in the same world that we reside on. An example would be what some people call Israel is called Palestine by others, different names but still the same geographical land. Different cultures of different races with different religions, different societies and different politics and yet both claim the land as their own and their home. It is time to deal with the Tree of Death and the qlippoth (demons) because whether you like it or not this is also their world and not just ours.
The outer herd are just chattel to these people, no matter what your colour, your language, your culture or even your politics you are just a toy or just a pet. They are superior to you as far as they are concerned and the rules they make only apply to you. As for your religion? If you are not devoted to them and see them as saints then it is you who are the maltheist, apostate etc. The inner herd believe there is no higher power than themselves on this earth in this world, at least which is what they nominally say and believe. They like to proudly say they are atheist but their idea of atheism and your idea of atheism are different.

If your idea of atheism is that there is no creator God and that all things have scientific explanations, well as a member of the outer herd that may be a start but it ain’t good enough for their standards. It is only when you have shown complete devotion to the inner herd and actively propagates that belief that you might be found acceptable. If you look at the likes of China where people engage in ancestor worship or Buddhism and Taoism, then as far as the inner herd are concerned that’s what you should and indeed must do for them individually. There is no deism in this, it is a case of the Buddha did or Confucius say… Now it is a case of Brad Pitt did… or Sarah Silverman say … If you don’t believe that celebrities can be so arrogant then I will tell you that Morgan Freeman said on Australian TV that he is god.

Just a joke? Maybe but then again maybe not, the world of the inner herd is a sacred world as far as the inner herd and their outer herd stooges are concerned. The world of the outer herd is just like a cheap supermarket cafeteria as far as they are concerned; you can do whatever you want because everything and everyone is for sale.