Wednesday, 3 June 2015

New Patricians

But now let us look at the 'new patricians' and how they intend to implement their new order. Seeing as there is no natural spiritual impetus behind it, this new order can only expand by physical enticements and physical force. Although this could be read to be a purely physical coercion and which it is, it would be physical use of physical assets but this would be a use of Tebhel and in the view of those who partake in this usage it would be a 'subtraction' from Tebhel or at least to that part they percieve as being 'theirs' or under their control. So they would have to improvise from their understanding of Cheled, as the current majority of the so-called patrician wannabes have no concept of any spirituality but rather see anything relating to it as hypothetical or symbolic then it would be easy for the established patricians to make up things on the fly. And it is accepted and parroted by the wannabes because it is a directive from the 'established' or 'the top' and is gospel if said by a celebrity.

This is how the new ice age/global warming/climate change cult has infected humanity, again like HIV it infects healthy cells, turns them rogue and seeks to kill the host. If you ask any of these average joe hijacked beings what evidence there is for climate change and the need to de-industrialise you will be told that 'the science is settled'. The Tebhel and atheist 'scientist' will give the excuse that it is only possible to 'oppose climate change' by political actions and initiatives and lastly the politician will say it is being done to satisfy the concerns of the average joe. This is an example of the industrialised mechanics of herdthink, not only is it a willing stupidity but it is a stupidity that seeks to forcibly inject itself into and infect others. This willingly suicidal stupidity will kill its hosts and indeed infects others in a pseudo spiritual sense by turning worthless and souless corpses into martyrs and possibly memes. And the cost to Tebhel from all of this? Nothing.

In political terms we have quite atheist or apostate ideologies such as The Greens, in economic terms we have the 'green economy' and in spiritual terms we have gaia worship and corruptions of established religions which are repackaged minus God. The only people who follow these creeds are the willingly stupid and the utterly corrupt, either way they are the HIV that will seek to kill you by the same injected nature that infects them. As of this current time there is no cure.

So if you want to look at it then Malkuth is infected by HIV, humanity is the blood supply that keeps it alive both in Tebhel and Cheled terms but we are dealing with a fake sense of balance. You have the 'save the earth at all costs' environmentalists and then you have the 'anything for a dollar' business hustlers.

Both sides see each other as direct opposites and thus view their presence on this earth in this world as 'balanced' and therefore see themselves as the life - if now actual gods over anyone who is not of them.

Greenies see themselves as gods and businessmen as satan and vice versa. They see themselves as heroes in mythologies and prophets of the Bible, but nowhere in their lifeview of existence does any spirituality come into their groupthink equation. As they have no spirituality nor can they bestow anything of that nature onto the 'lesser' beings, then they can only reward them by 'physical rewards' as can be seen now.

Now take into fact that the physical rewards are actually for the most part symbolic. For example, a bank can claim to have a billion dollars because it says so on their ledger and thus it is accepted as such by the herd via herdthink. But if you were to ask that the bank show the actual cash then they could not, it doesnt exist within their bank and possibly has never been printed by the government of the country in whose name it was printed. The 'money' is generated and transfered by a few keystrokes on a computer, it is make believe adhered to by the herd and thus has by default become a godless religion. Much like Buddhism but without monks and instead infected with marxists in which Marx has replaced Buddha, on top of that it has become a political religion where it is the ultimate aim to get as much money and power while at the same time proclaiming to oppose it.

Monday, 1 June 2015

Beyond race - a resurrected global class.

Ive talked to a few Christians who do believe that this earth in this world is entering an endtime. Not that they claim to be prophets but just absolutely devout. I do not claim to be a prophet, really all that I am is a repenter as I have done wrong and seek to atone with God (the God of Abraham) for what I have done. But increasingly I do find that the jigsaw puzzle is slowly but surely being completed, and the picture it is making does resemble what can be considered the endtime.

One only has to turn on the TV to see 'celebrities' being touted as experts in any position they may have.

I turn on the TV and see a 'weathergirl' who consistently stuffs up beyond the average miscall, predicting rain for a week and not a drop falls. On top of that has no meteorological qualifications but rather studied a university course on political events, but all is deemed OK because she is married to a footballer. Stupidity is no longer deemed to be a bad judgment in bad circumstances but rather a form of entertainment. We see 'schadenfreud' or 'shameful glee' not just a case of laughing at an enemies or a random persons misfortunes, but instead see it as 'shameful pride' in that one can make an error and be proud in any misery it creates as long as it doesnt affect oneself. It is fashionable to be stupid and considered rational to be stupid as long as you can make money from it. Emotions and morals have a dollar value these days and most people who stand out in societies in a celebrity type mode can be called 'economic narcissists', they all see themselves as 'gods over lesser beings' and consider the lesser beings to have no dignity or at least not deserving of any. Their mantra is 'anything for a dollar' and they get this not only by what they know or who they know, but also what they refuse to learn.

As we see learning turned into indoctrination and aspiration turned into repeating, the only way that this can be termed 'progress' is by having everyone choosing to have amnesia, or else get paid off not to object or just becoming willingly stupid. From those 3 options you have those who choose amnesia, they become nutjobs because they override their natural thought processes so as to believe in something they cannot 'remember'. Then you have the mercenaries/prostitutes who choose to be that way because of the percieved financial gain and are best described as 'sociopaths for rent'. The last are the willingly stupid who are accurately described by that term. While the above 2 will try and justify the positions they take, the willingly stupid will simply go along with stupidity. As there is the 'art for arts sake' term these same people will peddle 'stupidity for stupiditys sake' as an excuse for what they do. No.... I take that back, they will say that 'stupidity for stupiditys sake' applies to everyone of their fellow travellers....except them.

If that isnt bad enough where stupidity becomes a viable lifestyle, you have to remember such people reproduce. Not only in biological terms (though this is being reduced to such people adopting homosexual lifestyles) but also in 'conversion' terms as the willingly stupid are absolutely fanatical in infecting others with this 'rational voidness'. This is what Native Americans call 'wetiko' and Christian Science calls 'animal magnetism', a psychological illness spread by psychological means. It functions in the same way as HIV in that it hijacks healthy blood cells, injects its DNA and then uses the hijacked cell to infect others. The end result is that the body that hosts these blood cells will lose all immunity and die as a result of foreign invasions of other transmittable diseases. The souls of the dead bodies will be named on an AIDS quilt as martyrs for filth and used by the fellow followers of the cult of stupidity as role models. I wonder why people who follow such suicidal lifestyles just dont kill themselves (it is not only just a 'gay thing', to be fair most gays who are gay because of biological disposition are not as reckless as those who become gay as a lifestyle choice or else 'want to relate to their feminine side').

Although this maybe observed by those who might take an interest in 'gay society' and seen openly by those within 'gay society it will not be obvious to all who are in a greater national society. Just like if you are in another country to me, you will be aware of things that I may have only heard of and vice versa. So allow me to tell you some things that I have seen in my country (Australia) which give me some concern about the mindset of the few who are now touted as 'celebrities' because they get media coverage and are deemed to be 'the standard' and are now 'role models' (at least for the time being).

Well I see Australian society seemingly containing a cancer, much like a racial HIV which seeks to hijack white Australians and take away their identity, dignity and ultimately their lives. However it is white Australians who seek to do this to other white Australians, heres an example...
In Melbourne there was an anti-Islam demonstration which did become violent at times, but the counter demonstrators were not Muslim but were whites claiming to oppose racism. Seeing as Islam is not a race how could it be deemed to be racist. Another example was in Sydney where a demonstration against Chinese investors buying and driving up house prices was countered by white demonstrators who continually yelled out 'racists!' Despite the fact that it is all racial groups in Sydney who are being pushed out of the housing market due to the speculation in the housing market by foreign Chinese 'investors' who simply outbid locals at auctions.

So one must ask why 'progressive' white Australians would help out people who would gladly kill them when given the chance. Why would they seek to impose destitution, misery and indeed take away the dignity of people who (at least physically) are more or less the same of them? And do these things on behalf of those who hate them because of their physical attributes... why? What possible greater purpose can there be in racial suicide? Is it a type of self loathing? Or is it an extreme form of narcissism?

Either way it requires a caste system in order to maintain itself, it is about bloodlines with a race without competition. A type of tribalism much like 'jewishness' that can mean anything at anytime but not to just anyone but within the tribe. Marx said 'in order to save a race one must first destroy it', considering Marx was a Satanist the question should be asked whether he was actually planing for a Satanic caste to rule this earth in this world (Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah) which by default would turn Malkuth into Lilith. The issue of Tebhel and Cheled is also of importance, if Malkuth in Assiah is comprised of Tebhel and Cheled in balance and remains so, then even allowing for fluctuations all is fine. But the reason that Tebhel and Cheled are balanced is because of the order in which they came.

Looking back on the 4 worlds were have Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah and Assiah or Emanation, Creation, Formation and Action (physical). The spiritual and non physical aspects came before the final physical product, but now the physical takes precedance over the non physical which can be seen by the mercenary and willingly stupid in which they will only reclaim their inherant morals and principals if the price is right. As they have disowned and renounced their souls, morals and principles then they really have nothing to sell and can be bought quite cheaply. Physical priorities are given in relation to spiritual affairs and pseudo spiritual/'intellectual' priorities are given in relation to the physical.
We are seeing a reversal of order, the souless and the corrupt of soul are attempting that which demons know they cannot oppose.

So who are these people who see themselves so great and progressive? I always thought that to progress you would have a definite solid foundation from which to expand and indeed progress.

However as history is being forgotten, discarded and rewritten or else having its rights sold to the highest bidder, the end result is a type of necrohistory being indoctrinated to the stupid who do not understand or care to beyond their own personal comfort zone. As the population becomes increasingly narcissistic under the guise of progress in which all supposedly become equals there will be by the 'spirit' of this nature the need for the ultra narcissistic or 'alpha people' to corral all others so that they will be the 'first among equals'. In white society we see these alpha people enforcing marxism on others via money and celebrity which are both symbolic by-products of Tebhel worship or worship of the physical.

So the 'first among equals' narcissists are now reforming and bonding together under the membership of an ancient and long forgotten caste... and that being the 'Patricians'. In ancient Rome they were the 'born to rule' class who considered themselves blessed by the gods or even children of god. And thus we see their fanaticism in opposing Christianity and infact their fanatical anti Christian jihad is not something new, it is a continuance of the war against the God of Abraham. This is a blood feud type war that started from the expulsion of Lucifer and his followers from heaven, it manifested among humans with Sodom and Gomorrah and now has resurrected itself via the prophet of hell on earth who went by the name Karl Marx.

When Marx said that races and cultures must be destroyed in order to be saved he didnt define what was meant by saved or who was going to do the saving. Although he was an apostate jew and renounced Christianity he sought to make all jews apostate and all Christians to renounce Christ and as it stands it does seem he was somewhat successful in that the wetiko HIV injection he put into the world continues to turn healthy blood cell into rogue aggressive cancer cells which despite various forms of medicine and chemotherapy continues to spread. As a result the body will die, but that doesnt really matter anymore because nutjobs, mercenaries and the stupid of any value? After all... they have either sold or thrown away their dignity...

Saturday, 30 May 2015

The current state?

The more I look at the events of the current time, the more I see an overview that is not definite but is accepted as so by the zombies that roam this earth in this world and somehow think they are in control while being directed by narcissists through inanimate objects. An obnoxious sociopath can say something amongst a few (who consider themselves unfortunate to hear it) and be simply dismissed as a nutjob, but if the same nutjob says it on radio or TV then the majority will consider themselves fortunate to hear it and regard it as absolute truth. And it will be held as gospel until another nutjob says something else with a smooth voice or a better wardrobe (for TV). And if both nutjobs have insane rants that are opposed to each other, and if both rants are delivered by the same means with the same gimmicks and therefore are indistinguishable then both contradictory rants will be held as simultaneously true and adhered to until 'something fashionably better' comes along.

The people who adhere to such nonsense call themselves 'unique individuals' while insisting on following a collective mindset also known as groupthink, or more correctly 'herdthink'. This itself is contradictory, how can one claim to be an individual while surrendering that individuality to a mob mentality? Even worse is that the zombies who surrender their intellect, spirituality and thus their souls to the herd, also give default permission for the mob to exterminate them and steal their bloodline.

The proper term for Earth as we know it is 'Tebhel and Cheled of Malkuth in Assiah' or to put it another way... 'Tebhel + Cheled = Malkuth which is within Assiah.'

Tebhel is the inanimate aspect of this earth, the purely physical. Cheled is the spiritual aspect and both aspects in balance brings forth natural life on this earth and allows it to live and not just to survive.

It is in Malkuth that we find inspiration and aspire for the higher realms in the Tree of Life.

But alas, we are going in the opposite direction. Whats even worse is that who do not go in this direction voluntarily with the herd are been dragged down and lost in their wake. As the vices of Malkuth are deemed to be the aim to dedicate ones life to, you have to ask 'For whose benefit?' is it for as it is certainly not yours or anyone else in a similar position to you. Such things can only be viewed in a physical sense for there does not seem to be an intellectual or rational input factor in herdthink and certainly not a spiritual one.

As atheism among humans increases because it is 'fashionable' and demons seem to be the only population on this earth in this world to have 100% belief in God and thus have become the major stakeholder of Cheled.

Thus by default Tebhel and Cheled of Malkuth within the Tree of Life of Assiah has become Tebhel and Cheled of Lilith within the Tree of Death of Assiah. Also by default Moloch is the Satan and Lucifer has been sidelined as there are more fanatical abortionists than worshipers of Lucifer as the Satan. Both are equal in standing in the realm of Thaumiel in the Tree of Death and even though Lucifer is deemed the 'evil spirit' and thus more of a danger to humans, it was infact Moloch aka Baal Hamon who brought in the practice of burning children alive in order to gain his favour and thus that of the demonic order in order to physically gain for ones self in a financial sense.

As history is being erased and rewritten we see the aspects of Moloch presence on earth being forgotten and being injected into modern 'life' as fashionable and politically correct. In fact political thought and adherance has replaced or corrupted religious theology and indeed faith, as can be seen where zombies view the United Nations as 'their' own Tree of Life on earth regardless of how it functions as the Tree of Death and the ineffectual non-entity who claims to be in charge but really is just a titular boss who really has no power of any sort but for that which his 'minions' allow him. One can say that for Lucifer as the Satan, he cannot compel one to submit to him but only offer inducements for one to do so by choice. But we also have Moloch who has an increasing amount of those who seek to serve him by default and thus become loyal subjects by default and thus hand over Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah to him by default which will become Lilith by default.

Now one can ask 'What can be done about it?' to which I would say 'What are you willing to do?' Do not all solutions to problems require a price of some sort? I on rare and increasingly rare occasion do encounter Christians who genuinely see things in the same manner I do. But my case is different to most people it seems, having been a theistic Satanist and a practical Kabbalist Ive learned and experienced things they never have and it seems never will. They seem overwhelmed by what I say and also by their attempts and successes in comprehending what I might say and indeed by what they may discover. Even though I am happy that I find these people the fact is that most of them are elderly and will probably die before they feel and see and know that the world will restore to the correct balance (Tiqqun Olam) that it was meant to be.

In all honesty I havent found anyone recently who has the knowledge or experience I have, I am not boasting but on the net all I have found is bullshiting hustlers and wannabe bonejackers. I hoped initially that there would be more experienced defectors than me and that they would tell all. But I havent heard of any recently, which tells me that they are either dead, gone into permanent hiding, or else (which should worry you)....still on team Satan (regardless if its Lucifer or Moloch).

So this is the overview as I currently see it, I can think of the following scenarios.

a) As the Tebhel aspect of this earth becomes more pronounced due to atheism and apostasy and indeed becomes the majority aspect of humanity, the Cheled aspect will be largely held by demons as the corruption within any faith of the God of Abraham makes any genuine faith void by default.
- The result (if it isnt already) is that Malkuth is now a shadow realm to Lilith and the Tree of Death is complete.

b) If the Tree of Death is now complete, then this earth in this world (Lilith) would have the majority share of Cheled in Assiah (though the other planets do have a very few demons attributed to them, I think this is largely to do with astrological mechanics). If that is the case then Assiah is lost to the Satan (Ha-Shaitan). This is what is needed as a base in order to attack the other 3 (known) worlds. As for the humans (atheist and otherwise)? There is no escape.

c) By default if the above occur then there would be no need for Judgment Day as all humans at the time this occurs would be guilty by default. God may or may not assign a certain time for 'inprisonment' but as time is only really a symbolic measurement which is only used in Assiah, it would not be a priority (nor a need) for God to adhere to any timeline. Also if the above occurs, God just may cut off Assiah and isolate it entirely. This can be done by enveloping Assiah in a 'ring-pass-not' which describes itself, nothing in Assiah can pass it. In addition no magic could be performed regardless of the knowledge one has, in fact any 'magic' would come about by a political type buddy system and 'miracles' would only occur on the personal whim of one of the secondary causes.

d) Probably most people seem to think that 'Jesus will come and save me!', but in all honesty look at the sociopaths, psychopaths, narcissists, God haters etc. Would you save such people? Those who have renounced their own souls? Those who have only 2 personalities, those being the 'entitled' and the 'victim'.

So what course of action can be done by the believer? They could either.....

e) Seek to propagate the teachings of God that being the God of Abraham and basically devote your life to doing so. Plenty of people do so already but how successful are they?

f) Exterminate the population of this earth.
The pros - Brings evil among humans to a halt
The cons - Hands over the earth to Ha-Shaitan and possibly you would condemn yourself.

Either way if you want to be 'the one' to keep Assiah for God you will have to lift yourself utmost, beyond any concept of intelligence, bravery, glory, indeed you will have to take all the virtues and master all the vices of the Tree of Life. And if you do so... you will impress God.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Looking at this earth in this world (Tebhel and Cheled in Assiah) we should examine the relationship of Tebhel (the inanimate physical aspect of Earth such as rocks, dirt etc) to Cheled (the spiritual aspect which is contained within animate beings). An example question would be 'Why is gold valuable?'. Gold doesnt mean anything to cats, dogs, fish etc. It is only valuable to humans because humans have deemed it to be so, apart from some electrical and jewelery aspects it is not a requirement for physical animation.

So what makes it so valuable? Is it just the oldest yuppie fashion trend of all time? Or was it desired for some other purpose? Whatever its value the fact is that people have murdered for it and continue to do so.

In Kabbalah gold is the metal associated with the Sun and therefore the sephira of Tiphareth, but in practical application it is the colour gold that is required for ritual. From my experience the actual metal of gold is not required as the use of the colour is sufficient because it is a symbolic link between Tebhel and Cheled. The colour gold is made from Tebhel but it has no value until it is applied in Cheled and even then its value is symbolic.

But as the component of Cheled is being discarded by market societies on a collective herdthink basis regardless of the personal beliefs of individuals within that society, we are seeing the purely physical aspect of Tebhel overwhelming Cheled. And we see the result in the behaviour of collective society, Tebhel is inanimate and it has no native or inherant moral behaviour by design or default. Dirt and rocks have no concept of right and wrong or good and evil. Now it seems people are choosing to be the same way in return for personal gain which is gained from Tebhel and facilitated by the 'rebel regime' of Lilith.

What good is it if a man gains the whole world and yet loses his soul?
But as atheism continually infects the world, being propagated by those who gain financial reward from doing so (ever known a poor atheist?). The issue of Cheled has been disregarded, the thing to note is that Cheled is not only made from the souls/spirits of those with a physical presence on earth but also those who have none - that being the demons. As humans increasingly refuse to believe in spirituality and matters of the soul and have no faith in the God of Abraham and rather transfer that faith into the value of money and their personal gain then they by their own actions have sold or more correctly given away their soul for nothing.

As with the colour gold being used to establish a symbolic link between the physical and the spiritual, we now see 'money' being used to establish a symbolic link between the spiritual and the physical. After all is not money symbolic? How is its value calculated or decided? In all reality a dollar note regardless of numerical 'value' is not of higher or lower value at any given time than an Abramelin magic square. The power of both comes from their symbolism.

In this day and age people still continue to live and die by their symbols. If you spray paint the picture of a big dick on a wall people will probably just say 'punk kids' and wont really worry about it. However if you spray paint a big swastika it becomes another matter, a type of herdthink mania erupts with people wailing and screaming for instant action even though the actual physical damage done by the spray can is the same in both pictures. Demons have a moral code regardless of Tebhel, humans seemingly do not.

As people lose their individuality and embrace collective willing stupidity and become a souless monolithic bloc. It can be quite realistic to picture Ha-Satan and company having a celebratory song along the lines of......

And indeed it would be for the only spirituality would be Satanic by default..... and if youre still alive if this were ever to come true, then its gonna suck to be you

Moral relativism of evil

Moral relativism of evil

As this earth in this world continues to continue with its devolution amongst its human population it seems that all moral standards and judgments are increasingly fluid. 'Whats true for you is true for you and whats true for me is true for me' is now a standard application for every person, especially for those who consider themselves 'enlightened' or 'progressive'. Compassion is deemed to be a psychological fault and mercy is an action committed by the weak and pitiful, unless those things are done for financial gain then it cannot be ever excused. This is the result of the market society where everything and everyone is for sale or at least for rent, this includes ones morals, body and emotions. The value of a life now has a dollar value that anyone will pay for it at any given time.

People now hold contradictory beliefs as being simultaneously true depending on the following;
1. Who they are proclaiming a particular belief to
2. The time or 'moment' when they proclaim that belief
3. The market value of the belief as to the person who they proclaim the belief to and the time of proclaiming that belief.

If you own the moment then you will also own the person and get maximum profit, in order to own the person, moment, or profit you will have to have own the other 2 in order to proclaim the ownership of the 3rd one.

You may ask how this is being applied on this earth in this world, well you also have to add 'at this current time'. If we look at the 'blood money' payments which allows one to murder as long as they are rich enough to pay for the inconveniance that such a murder may cause to the society in which the parties involved reside in. This can be seen in Saudi Arabia today but it is important to note that blood money payments also reigned in European societies during the middle ages. And as the nobility of the middle ages sought to keep others in a lesser position for power and fun, we see the Saudi royalty who seek to keep non royals and especially the shiites. Whether it be official or not what we are seeing is a caste system such as in India, the only difference between previous caste systems of various societies compared to today is the application. For all the violence we see occuring all over the world the fact is that most people submit to other humans of a higher market value and this is their choice.

You are more likely to be enslaved by those of the same race as you than by wahhabis, if a wahhabi wants to enslave you he will come after you with a gun or a sword. However in the west we essentially are turning into the bonded labour society that you usually hear about in India or Pakistan, as debt is encouraged to maintain lifestyles of decreasing value. And as western governments increase taxes to pay debts on which the same governments take further loans on, and as the same governments seek to change the right of inheritance so as to prevent any inheritor to get anything of positive value but instead seek to pass debts off (eg. Children inheriting the debts of their parents etc. As has been known to happen in the Indian caste system). As for eroding anything of positive value one might inherit? Take note that Britain has an inheritance tax and like all taxes will no doubt increase.

Is this not what Karl Marx advocated?
.....And who did Karl Marx serve?

Whats true for me is true for me...... until you pay me to believe otherwise

I suppose a question to ask is 'What is the market value of evil at this current time?'

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Hebrew letters.... from the Goldern Dawn


ALEPH. Spiritual. Wings generally, epicene, rather male than female, rather thin type.

BETH. Active and slight. Male.

GIMEL. Grey, beautiful yet changeful. Feminine, rather full face and body.

DALETH. Very beautiful and attractive. Feminine. Rather full face and body.

HEH. Fierce, strong, rather fiery; feminine.

VAU. Steady and strong. Rather heavy and clumsy, masculine.

ZAYIN. Thin, intelligent, masculine.

CHETH. Full face, not much expression, feminine.

TETH. Rather strong and fiery. Feminine.

YOD. Very white and rather delicate. Feminine.

CAPH. Big and strong, masculine.

LAMED. Well-proportioned; feminine.

MEM. Reflective, dream-like, epicene, but female rather than male.

NUN. Square determined face, masculine, rather dark.

SAMEKH. Thin rather expressive face; masculine.

AYIN. Rather mechanical, masculine.

PEH. Fierce, strong, resolute, feminine.

TZADDI. Thoughtful, intellectual, feminine.

QOPH. Rather full face, masculine.

RESH. Proud and dominant, masculine.

SHIN. Fierce, active, epicene, rather male than female.

TAU. Dark, grey, epicene; male rather than female.

(These genders are only given as a convenient guide.)

There is another method of assigning gender based upon whether or not the sound of the HEBREW Letter is arrested or prolonged. If the former it is masculine, if the latter it is feminine -- as follows:



Aleph-broad A


Vau-U,V, 00


Caph-K, Kh



Ayin-O, Ngh, Au

Qoph-Q, Qh


Shin-Sh, S



Gimel-G, Gh

Daleth-D, Dh


Cheth-Ch (gutteral)


Yod-I, J, Y.



Peh-P, Ph


Tau-T, Tb

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Another way to help ascertain the 'gender' of a demon is by their name, the way to do this can be done by using an alphabetical system. I will put forward the Enochian way but one must take into factor that it is not a purely phonetic way in pronounciation.
For example..... the word VOVIN (meaning dragon) is pronounced voh-vee-neh
So I will list the Enochian alphabet with its gender and descriptive attribute.

A [Un] (Ah) Male - spiritual, wings
B [Pe] (Beh) Male - active
C,K [Veh] (Keh) Male - big, strong
D [Gal] (Deh) Female - beautiful, attractive
E [Graph] (Air) Female - fierce, firey
F [Orth] (Eff/Feh) Male - heavy, clumsy
G [Ged] (Geh) Female - beautiful, changing
H [Na-hath] (Heh) Female - undefined
I,J,Y [Gon] (Ee) Female - delicate
L [Ur] (Ell) Female - graceful
M [Tal] (Em) Female - reflective, dreamlike
N [Drun] (En/Neh) Male - dark, determined
O [Med] (Oh) Male - mechanical
P [Mals] (Peh) Female - fierce, resolute, strong
Q [Ger] (Kooh) Female - thoughtful, intelligent
R [Don] (Reh/Rah/Ar) Male - heavy
S [Fam] (Ess/Seh) Male - proud, dominant
T [Gisa] (Teh) Male - fierce, active
U,V,W [Vau] (Woo/Voh) Male - dark
X [Pal] (Tzeh) Male - expressive, thin
Z [Ceph] (Zod/Zed) Male - thin, intelligent

So in the above we have the roman letters, then the name of the Enochian letter [] and then the pronounciation (). The pronounciation of Enochian words depends on the place of the letters within the word.
eg. AXIR - Ah-tzee-ar, MPH-ARSL-GAIOL - Em-peh-heh Ar-ess-el Gah-ee-oh-leh and so on. Bear in mind that the Enochian language became used by upper class Brits in the Goldern Dawn Order so the way you and I may pronounce this may be a bit different to how we might. The general rule is to pronounce in a continuous way rather than staggered, sort of like singing poetry.

Although this was listed to describe Enochian Angels it should be quite valid to apply it to Enochian Demons. There is a similar way to get a description with the Hebrew alphabet but from what ive seen of it, the Enochian way seems to be more descriptive. But there does seem to be some Hebrew elements in the Enochian system.

So the above is just for rudimentary study and should not be accepted as a 100% way to positively get a description of any demons....