Showing posts with label atheism is evil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label atheism is evil. Show all posts

Sunday, 18 July 2021

A future e-book cover

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Saturday, 13 June 2020

My argument to prove God exists (I)

I am starting a series to show proof that God exists, although there may be many examples of cases on the internet to show proof or at least a just cause to believe there is a God I am looking beyond the usual philosophical realm. So what I will be doing is taking a look at all factors, factoring in probabilities much in the same way as gambling odds etc. Once I cannot continue further (or simply run out of ideas) I will place all that I have come up with on a MS Word document or PDF for you to download and hopefully inspire you to type down your concepts to display for others.
And hopefully we can cure atheism which is the most horrid, evil mental illness known to mankind.
Praise be upon the only God whose unity is one by all without exception. Amen

The Argument From Anthropology
(this is probably not strictly anthropology in relation to the accepted purely scientific understanding)

Although with society today we see the likes of identity politics, in that people will categorise themselves into categories not of their own choosing or creation. But rather that of the political and social establishments of the day which are not concrete, but rather temporary. They do this to be politically correct and socially compliant even though they may not personally approve of the groupthink or hivemind of these categories and their actions.

It is fair to say that all humans have a complex and individual personality, but it would be absurd to say that such a complexity could have emerged from nothing and with no cause. The atheist would claim that personalities are formed through environment, circumstances, experience and DNA, but if that was truly the complete case then personalities could be manufactured according to the states' needs and wants. And if that was the case would the individual personality simply approve of its use by the state and be in full agreeance with it? If the answer uniformly is "yes" then we are seeing slavery and moral relativism as factors. While we cannot erase the factor of fear in relation to politics (of violence and other physical harm) or social (abandonment and isolation) realms, the reality is that moral relativism cannot be enforced. Yes you can force people to obey, but you cannot force them to approve.

Whether they are bribed or whether they are terrorised they will mostly hold the same opinion, there is an individuality within them that is not a result of mental and physical circumstances, but spiritual. Whether you wish to call that factor spirit or soul it is not self made and the only reasonably logical explanation to me is that it is the result of a higher entity. Some may say that our individuality is a result of our parents along with environment, circumstances and experience but if that was the case we would be clones of our parents and indeed to an extent everyone else in our society. And indeed it would be the groupthink/hivemind society which would be continuously replicating because everyone would be predisposed to replicate their parents. There would have been no great thinkers or doers because the level of education or free thought would have never risen. Nor would the level of aspiration or even imagination, people would still believe the Earth is flat (if they had the concept of a planet) and the inventions we take for granted in modern life would never have been invented.

If the atheists and evolutionists had their way we would be still living in caves...but under their control. In fact we would be little better than baboons and feral dogs.

As we have seen in history (and indeed today) people can be compelled to act against their own beliefs, opinions, and wishes due to physical acts (whether it be of bribery or terror) but control of ones' thoughts as an individual being can never be enforced or known to be enforced. But we are seeing attempts at that with various pharmaceuticals and police looking for "thought crime". It is not the individuals' belief that is being curtailed but rather their ability to act on their individual belief.

It can be said that the human personality (that being the result of spiritual, mental and physical factors) would need to be made by an entity or being with the same and actually greater, complex personality which would have factored in autonomy. As we are created in the image of God and have the ability to aspire we would have to look at examples of a 'greater whole' of the personality of God that we can comprehend.

An example can be found on the 'Tree of Life' which gives us 10 aspects of God, there are 10 sections (or sephiroth) and each individual section is overlooked by an aspect of God. The reference to the Tree of Life can be found in Kabbalah teachings, and there are four worlds regarding the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah
They are;
Atziluth (Emanation)
Briah (Creation)
Yetzirah (Formation)
Assiah (the world of action, what we refer to as the physical)
But Assiah has Tebhel (Immanent) and Cheled (Transcendental)

There is no doubt that we are born with unique personalities, though we may have them altered or changed by the likes of environment and the people we associate with. Or else things such as mental illness, drug addiction and even peer pressure or coercion. The fact is we are born with a unique personality which existed before we were exposed to various elements which we may of interacted with. The uniqueness of the personality comes from our soul, regardless of our external appearance we will hold true what we 'feel is right' or else what our 'gut instinct' says. We all hold some thought of intuition but whether we enact on it or not is another matter depending on circumstance, but circumstances regarding our physical and mental factors can be altered.

The circumstances of spiritual factors regarding our soul cannot, even if you look at atheism you will see people hating God. The atheist will proclaim that God does not exist and yet have a hatred for this great being, this can be only said and seen  in a personal relationship. To hate God makes as much sense as hating Mickey Mouse.

And yet atheists will accept Mickey Mouse as an animate being because to them Mickey Mouse can exist in psychological, aesthetical, emotional and even physical (like some guy in Disneyland dressed up in an outfit, although it cannot be THE Mickey Mouse it is a suitable proxy). But all these facets of Mickey Mouse can only be symbolic, this is because these facets do not come from or are even created by a single independant animated entity. If you examine it, the existance of Mickey Mouse came into being through the emanation, creation, and formation in the mind of Walt Disney before it 'came' into the physical realm. You also have to factor in consultants and staff who helped fine tune the final but yet evolving product.

You might argue that the existance of God came about through a simular measure, to that I would say that the existance of religion and denominations can be said to have come about through similar measures. But you cannot forget about the consultants and staff required to propagate and 'sell' the religion or denomination. A church without clergy and parishioners could not open, but a church without the support staff (whether paid or voluntary) could not survive. There would be no one to help or aid the clergy, parishioners, or maintain the church and its grounds. A belief in the existance of and in God does not require actors or an audience or stagehands or even a theatre. It does not require these things because God is infinitely greater than mankind and its inventions (whether they are psychological, aesthetical, emotional or physical).

Mankind may have a concept of something, it may visualise how that concept may look like, and it may even draw up plans on how this concept will come into the physical realm. But the reality is that these plans fail or distort from the original concept. Essentially they are plans from other plans which were from other plans. Mankind cannot create nature, yes it may corrupt, distort, imitate and re-invent nature but it cannot create nature. Mankind has yet to create a new species with an amount of chromosomes that no other species has, this shows that only a greater entity could have brought the concept of the universe into physical reality. A greater entity with greater intelligence and greater experience. Even if all the thinking abilities and intelligence of all humans were to be collectively contained within a single brain, mankind would be no better off than it is today.

Unless mankind realises that itself is a creation, indeed a self replicating creation like other mammals then it will ignore the very thing that differentiates us from the other mammals besides our physical attributes. And that thing is our soul, if we had no soul then we all would be sociopaths. And if that was the case then you and I would not be here as history would have gone extinct and disappeared some time ago.

Existance does have an "order of things" and we can see this in nature, it is mankind that is increasingly collectively seeking to alter this. In fact what we are seeing today is the collective attempt to install a new collective 'god' under the title of "humanity" and applying labels to its methods such as 'evolution' and 'progress'. But words like 'evolution' and 'progress' have been redefined into different contexts much like the word 'racism'. What is written in an English language dictionary may not be the same as taught in a university because the context has changed, their definitions may come from a political dictionary or a psychological dictionary and even then the definitions may be differing in each subject due to the vested interests. Much like the different denominations in the various religions will push their own specific beliefs, if these beliefs were not so separately specific then there would be no need for separate denominations.

A demonstration is the word "transsexual", what is its definition? Is it someone who "identifies" as the opposite gender? Is it someone who has had surgery to 'be as' the opposite gender? Or is it something different? People can make as many lofty pronouncements and definitions as they want, but at the end of the day you cannot change your sex/gender. You can have surgery, hormones and various forms of 'counseling' to help you identify as the opposite gender, but if a clone was made from your DNA it would be the same gender as you were born. In the same way that whatever lifestyle you choose to live or else are caught up in, you will have a sense of right and wrong that cannot be altered.

However that does not mean that 'mankind' will not try to 're-invent' itself, but this is not actually the case. When people scream and wail "for humanity!!!" they are only reflecting an extreme minority of human beings at any given time. As for 're-inventing'? You can only re-invent what you, yourself have actually invented. That is everything from concept to physical reality, everything from emanation to creation to formation to physical action (whether it be producing a product or implementing a method). It is easier to redefine language than to re-invent that of the physical, and that is what we are seeing today. We have no right and wrong, instead we have moral relativism which is not about "the greater good of humanity" but rather a comfort blanket for solipsists.

People whether they be of various racial groupings, ethnicities, or bloodlines will be judged to be civilised, uncivilised, or 'evolving'. However this is not likely to be a judgment based on their intelligence but rather their material gain, a city full of skyscrapers will be deemed to be more civilised than a village full of huts. Even though the city will be overpopulated, have high levels of crime and suicide in addition to isolation with the mandatory loneliness. The city will be deemed more successful and more civilised than the village, but it is the village from which the basis of civilisation came from. In regards to religion the more people that are adherants of that religion, the more prone that religion is to dissent, apostasy, fragmentation and splintering. In relation to God the best mindset is K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid), short, sharp answers will give people something understandable to work with as they begin their own quest or own research. I started this project to present an argument that there is a God. I do not care about how many aspects it has, how many people view God or don't view it. I suppose one of my main motivations to write this are the repeated worn out arguments used by those faithful to God in the hope of converting others to their particular faith.

To that I say:
No.1 - You are serving God, not your sect.
No.2 - Don't do something because others are doing it. I especially see this among Christians handing out CHICK Tracts on the street, don't bother because everybody has seen then, they convince no one because they are the sort of comics written for 5 year olds and you come across as arrogant because it makes it look like you think everyone is as stupid as you.
You can do better than this, did God give you a brain? THEN USE IT!

*i think im done with anthropology*

Quote this message in a reply

Friday, 20 December 2019

Chapter 6 - part 1

 This is from a book I have written called "Taking, holding and keeping. Possession and Exorcism today."

Chapter 6

I just decided to place an intermission here to do a recap of what I have written so far. So far I've been centred on the secular and commercial cultural aspects of the problem we are facing right now, as it would be a mistake to simply dismiss it as being an irrelevant factor. It is a relevant factor, all factors are relevant because one complements or at the least supplements the others. An army may be fighting an enemy on a single front but to be successful it has to break up its singular front into multiple fronts which each one using a different strategy. It does this knowing if one mini front is successful in breaking the enemys' line. Then the other fronts will be able to supply soldiers to continually invade the breach or else the breach will weaken various sections of the enemys' front line by making them transport their soldiers to that breach without a coherent strategy. Transportation of soldiers front various parts of a line will weaken the sections where they were stationed and quite possibly lead to another breach.

So using Christianity as an example, we have the various mini fronts in the likes of the various denominations of Christianity. Some will back up, complement and supplement the others, but some will not. And some will support a non Christian or even atheist religion in a conflict against a denomination who they see as a rival in the Christian realm. Yes we are talking about minuscule, near extinct denominations and a handful of people who would rather hand over the keys of their church to non Christians and atheists than to a Christian denomination who they see as their number one rival. Even worse they would rather burn their church than see it held by rival theology Christians. If you want to ask where and when this has happened, one only has to look at history particulary in the middle ages. 

If you want something more recent then you only have to look at Northern Ireland/Ulster, it didn't start off as a sectarian war per se but was caught up in one. It amazes me that people do not or simply refuse to recognise the PIRA (Provisional Irish Republican Army) is a decidedly atheist and somewhat Marxist organisation. The PIRA has a problem with those who identify as British in Northern Ireland but has no problem with professional refugees or a gay ethnic Indian ruling and running the southern portion of Ireland (Republic of Ireland). So the propaganda of PIRA saying it wanted a celtic and catholic Ireland was just lies and garbage and yet the Christian world (if not the entire world) fell for it. These sort of situations simply have to stop regardless of denomination, Christianity is about your faith in God and not about your "identity". It is as simple as that. Islam faces the same problems as well, most notably the sunni/shiite divide and indeed such divisions will be found in all religions. But truthfully there are only two sides, those who are faithful to God and those who serve Satan. Unless we complement, supplement, back up and support each other then it will be our lines that are breached, And it will be our front that collapses and it will be our children and our future that are taken away in chains. The fact is we are losing the war and if we utterly lose the war, then that's it! The game is over! The Tree of Death will be completed and cut off from God, the separation will be eternal. This is hell from which you will not escape.

Now you know why this war has to utterly be won, all tactics are fair and if they work you win. Today we blatantly see things that were predicted over two millennia ago, in fact when looking through the ages it is probably longer. We are now seeing ancient plans (well at least ancient to us) come into fruition, what people have to realise is that there is no concept of mechanical time by the standards of the djinn because they are not physical beings per se. Yes they can assume a physical appearance when the time is appropriate by the planets but they are not physical mortal beings. A human being cannot kill a djinni by a purely physical based method as can be done to other human beings. To them one day, one week or one year is all the same, it is by the planets on a physical level and human time (as measured with clocks and calendars) on a symbolic level they can measure time. Yes they can measure an approximation of time by our life and death but this is an approximation and not guaranteed. Because what we know as time is measured symbolically, it is possible for a government to declare that sunrise occurs at 3pm and indeed enforce this by physical means (regardless of what you think).

We exist in a world that does not seem to have absolutes, certainly in the West where everything is negotiable and therefore a variable.Whether by theory or actual practice it seems that factors in any situation we may face or encounter cannot be absolute but rather variables. Concepts of right and wrong are just that....concepts and will remain that because of people as a whole engaging in moral relativism.

What we are seeing globally today is the result of the reversal of order; and this is what the djinn need in order to take this earth in this world (Malkuth in Assiah) and it is also about taking control of everything else in this world. It is indeed the ability to decide and declare that day is night, make the days of week function in the reverse. And to impose the order and method for these things to operate and be accepted. They could very well each claim and declare (as a collective in relation to human beings) themselves 'god of this world'. Ha-Shaitan is referred to as 'Prince of this world', if these things can be done by the one who holds the title of Satan. Why would it not be acceptable or proper that they will promote themselves above their current position? After all, if you went to war against God and took this earth in this world (and by default all known physical existence) would you not feel 'entitled' to do so?

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Part2 Militant Atheism


Militant Atheism
One of the chief devils – or evils – at large in the world today is militant atheism, presenting itself as a philosophy or teaching suitable as a foundation for government and society, and organized to prop­agate itself and destroy religion. It is improbable that the propa­ganda of organized militant athe­ism has impressed itself to any great extent upon the minds of my listeners in this audience, but the very prominence which the teach­ing claims to occupy in world thought furnishes us a useful chal­lenge to examine our own beliefs and conclusions and to find and eliminate from our own lives any lurking elements of atheism or its wretched relations, agnosticism and idolatry. 

The atheistic individual claims there is no God; the agnostic says there may be a God, but you cannot know Him for sure; the idolater entertains false concepts of God and worships falsity in the name of truth. Christian Science comes to all types of human think­ing, as the Apostle Paul once went before the citizens of Athens, bear­ing the same God-inspired mes­sage, "Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you" (Acts 17:23).

A great many people do not need to be convinced that there is a God; to others the fact of a Su­preme Being is not so apparent – they wish to be shown. Such an attitude is permissible; it may even be commendable when honestly held. But how is the nonbeliever to be convinced of the reality of God? How is the doubter or skep­tic to be enlightened?

Learning of God
In considering the question how mortals may learn of God, suppose we ask: "How do we learn any­thing? 
How does a practical and successful individual arrive at re­liable conclusions in whatever ac­tivity he engages?" Mrs. Eddy writes in the textbook (p. 199), "The devotion of thought to an honest achievement makes the achievement possible." Successful results in business, advances in sci­entific discovery, improvements in government, in society, and in indi­vidual well-being, these all come about through the exercise of in­telligent thought, through observa­tion, reason, experience, revelation, and proof. 

May we not, then, ex­pect to achieve right conclusions in matters of religion by the same practical process? Is not true in­telligence able to penetrate the vast realm of spiritual knowledge and to reveal God's nature and man's relation to Him? Is knowl­edge of material things to become more and more important while at the same time we are limited to blind belief, speculation, and chance in the far more important matters of holiness, eternal salva­tion, and God's kingdom on earth?

One recognizes the truth of a new idea by its consistency with other ideas which he already knows, and has proved, to be true. So one may learn to know the true God as the divine origin and Prin­ciple of the spiritual good which he already claims and practices. Universe and Creator
In our efforts to discover the na­ture or character of God as the creator and ruler of the universe, let us consider first the nature of the universe we are trying to ac­count for. Suppose one looks about him and notes the earth, sky, and people, and says to him­self: "Here I am, a corporeal mor­tal, living in a material body, sub­ject to material conditions, and dependent upon them to preserve me. 

Where did it all start? Who or what is responsible?" Conceiving the universe to be material, he is obliged to find a material cause for it, and such material cause must be held responsible for all the disas­ters to which the material world seems subject – earthquake, fam­ines, disease, cruelty, and death. Such a concept of primal cause or God is blindly worshiped by pagans through rituals designed to placate His vengeance. This is pantheism, the opposite of Christianity.

But, instead of starting with earth, sky, and people, suppose one considers the charity and love which he feels in his heart, the wisdom and intelligence he sees expressed around him, the hope, faith, joy, and courage so vital to human life, so present and real to him who appreciates them. Now let him ask himself: "Where do these things originate? How is it that men are capable of such grand and noble ideals? What is it that will cause people to turn away wrath with gentleness, meet hatred with love, sacrifice themselves to help others, and face danger with confidence?" The only way to ac­count for these spiritual higher manifestations is to attribute them to a primal spiritual cause; so here we have the Christian or true con­cept of God as pure Spirit, the all-knowing divine Mind, the origin of all spiritual reality.

Belief and Conduct
We have, in our society today, a large number of men and women who seldom go to church; they make no profession of religion. If you were to ask them about God or the things of God they would probably say, "I don't know." And yet these people are honest in business; they are good citizens and good neighbors; they are intelligent and worthy. Why do they reject reli­gion? One reason is that while they conduct their daily lives and achieve whatever success comes to them through reason and intelli­gence, if they go to church on Sun­day it seems to them they are asked to put aside reason and intel­ligence and blindly believe with­out understanding what they are told about God. Their honesty makes them rebel against such in­consistency; so they let the religion go. 

Many people of this sort have found the Christian Science expla­nations of God, man, and universe completely satisfying and convincing, for human reason rightly di­rected and divine revelation are here seen to coincide. Such people who have turned to Christian Science find no conflict between their everyday duties and their service to God. On the contrary, they un­derstand and prove that the teach­ings of pure Christianity, revealed and demonstrated today in Chris­tian Science, are entirely practical and able to meet legitimate human needs in matters of health and work and in dealings with other men.

Christian Science: Its Triumph Over Atheism and Idolatry - 1958

It has been a while since I've posted, but I will post this even though Christian Science does not believe in the existance of Satan per se; it does believe in the evil of atheism and opposes it.
Atheism is in deed evil and is used in the service of Moloch.


Christian Science: Its Triumph Over Atheism and Idolatry - 1958

Robert S. Van Atta, C.S., of Rochester, New York
Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts

The free world can triumph over aggressive atheism by living the teachings of Christ Jesus more 

honestly, Robert S. Van Atta of Rochester, New York, told an aud­ience here Tuesday evening, Nov. 4th.
He said that the questions fac­ing modern thinkers demand an­swers which go far beyond the confines of human wisdom, that the spiritual understanding of God, and man's relation to Him – put into daily practice – is "the world's hope for freedom from uncertainty, terror and ignorance." The impact of such understanding on world thinking should never be underestimated, he added.
Currently on an extended tour as a member of the Christian Sci­ence Board of Lectureship, Mr. Van Atta spoke under the auspices of First Church of Christ, Scien­tist in their Church edifice at Spring Lane and Engle street. The lecturer was introduced by Mrs. Lorena Oberman of Tenafly, a former Reader in a Christian Sci­ence branch church.
The lecturer spoke substantially as follows:

The broadcast powers of evil, so conspicuous today, are challenging the forces of Christianity in a bid for final supremacy. We live in the midst of a mighty revolution. The complacency of the nineteenth century has been succeeded by the turmoil of the twentieth. Long-established values in morals and ethics have been discarded; widely accepted religious beliefs have been abandoned; physical science and medicine are being revolutionized; government, business, and matrimony are dragging their anchors.
These great changes are felt all over the world; they affect the life of every individual. There are none so lowly as to escape, none so re­mote as not to feel the turbulence of these times. In isolated corners of Africa – no longer the dark and unenlightened continent it used to be called – across the vast stretches of Asia, in the skyscrapers of American business and the centu­ries-old capitals of Europe, every­where there is disturbance, discon­tent, and turmoil.

Jesus' Remedy
Christ Jesus foresaw this violent upheaval in human affairs. He spoke of strife and warfare between nations, of hatred and infi­delity between men; he foretold famine, pestilence, and disaster; be warned that iniquity would abound and the love of many wax cold; false prophets would arise showing great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, the very elect. But in his great wisdom and love for mankind he also pointed out the protective action his followers are to take when this deluge threat­ens to engulf the world: "When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:28).

The fact is that the rule for protection from all danger and the remedy for every evil situation have been available to the world for many centuries through the inspired Word of the Bible, and particularly through the teaching and example of Christ Jesus. Why, then, have men not used the remedy and prevented the evils? Be­cause the Bible teachings have not been interpreted and understood in their spiritual import. Surely so great a teacher as Jesus would not mean that we could expect protection and redemption merely by lift­ing up our heads literally. He must have referred to the need for lifting up our thinking to a higher spiritual and moral plane in order to understand God's power to redeem men from the famines of material sense, the pestilences of immorality, and the earth-shaking impact of revolutionary changes in human society.

"The People's Idea of God"
First of all, the need is to know God. Human life is the expression of the human beliefs about God. 

Someone has written, "The gods men worship write their names on their foreheads." Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, explains this action of human belief throughout her writings. Many years ago she delivered a sermon in Boston enti­tled, "The People's Idea of God; Its Effect on Health and Christianity." The very title is thought-provoking, and in the sermon this theme is developed and explained with great variety of treatment and in beauti­ful and dynamic prose. Near the end she states, "Thus it is that our ideas of divinity form our models of humanity" (The People's Idea of God, p. 14). In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the Christian Science textbook, she writes (p. 94), "The eastern empires and nations owe their false government to the misconceptions of Deity there prevalent." Of her­self she declares that her illnesses before she discovered Christian Science were due to the misinter­pretation of God's Word taught her in childhood (see Miscellaneous Writings 169:6-10).

Referring further to Mrs. Eddy's sermon, we read (The People's Idea of God, pp. 6, 7), "Periods and peoples are characterized by their highest or their lowest ideals, by their God and their devil." The present period and its peoples have been wonderfully blessed by the revelation of the true nature of Deity through the discovery of Christian Science. This teaching comes to the world as the "Com­forter" promised by Christ Jesus, which will lead mankind into all truth. It reveals God as infinite Love, never hateful or revengeful; as divine Mind or intelligence, con­ceiving or creating all that is real and good and nothing that is evil; as perfect Principle, not a change­able person; as self-existent and self-sustaining Life, not subject to disease or death: as all-inclusive Truth, whose light dispels error; as all-pervading Spirit excluding matter as unreal; as the one infi­nite Soul, unconfined in space, the life-giving center of all creation as the divine Father and Mother of man and the universe, always pres­ent to guide, guard, protect, and preserve His children.

The impact of these higher ideas of God upon the minds of men has been tremendous! The spiritual and perfect ideal of God and man, revealed to human consciousness, has healed all types of disease, re­formed sinners, lessened the expec­tation of death, and increased longevity. It has also stirred up latent beliefs in evil and brought them to the surface to be destroyed, as a muddy river bed is stirred to purify the stream. Thus we find the present age is characterized, not only by the higher idea of God, but also by more aggressive and subtle forms of evil.