Showing posts with label opposing atheism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opposing atheism. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Christian Science: Its Triumph Over Atheism and Idolatry - 1958

It has been a while since I've posted, but I will post this even though Christian Science does not believe in the existance of Satan per se; it does believe in the evil of atheism and opposes it.
Atheism is in deed evil and is used in the service of Moloch.


Christian Science: Its Triumph Over Atheism and Idolatry - 1958

Robert S. Van Atta, C.S., of Rochester, New York
Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts

The free world can triumph over aggressive atheism by living the teachings of Christ Jesus more 

honestly, Robert S. Van Atta of Rochester, New York, told an aud­ience here Tuesday evening, Nov. 4th.
He said that the questions fac­ing modern thinkers demand an­swers which go far beyond the confines of human wisdom, that the spiritual understanding of God, and man's relation to Him – put into daily practice – is "the world's hope for freedom from uncertainty, terror and ignorance." The impact of such understanding on world thinking should never be underestimated, he added.
Currently on an extended tour as a member of the Christian Sci­ence Board of Lectureship, Mr. Van Atta spoke under the auspices of First Church of Christ, Scien­tist in their Church edifice at Spring Lane and Engle street. The lecturer was introduced by Mrs. Lorena Oberman of Tenafly, a former Reader in a Christian Sci­ence branch church.
The lecturer spoke substantially as follows:

The broadcast powers of evil, so conspicuous today, are challenging the forces of Christianity in a bid for final supremacy. We live in the midst of a mighty revolution. The complacency of the nineteenth century has been succeeded by the turmoil of the twentieth. Long-established values in morals and ethics have been discarded; widely accepted religious beliefs have been abandoned; physical science and medicine are being revolutionized; government, business, and matrimony are dragging their anchors.
These great changes are felt all over the world; they affect the life of every individual. There are none so lowly as to escape, none so re­mote as not to feel the turbulence of these times. In isolated corners of Africa – no longer the dark and unenlightened continent it used to be called – across the vast stretches of Asia, in the skyscrapers of American business and the centu­ries-old capitals of Europe, every­where there is disturbance, discon­tent, and turmoil.

Jesus' Remedy
Christ Jesus foresaw this violent upheaval in human affairs. He spoke of strife and warfare between nations, of hatred and infi­delity between men; he foretold famine, pestilence, and disaster; be warned that iniquity would abound and the love of many wax cold; false prophets would arise showing great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, the very elect. But in his great wisdom and love for mankind he also pointed out the protective action his followers are to take when this deluge threat­ens to engulf the world: "When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:28).

The fact is that the rule for protection from all danger and the remedy for every evil situation have been available to the world for many centuries through the inspired Word of the Bible, and particularly through the teaching and example of Christ Jesus. Why, then, have men not used the remedy and prevented the evils? Be­cause the Bible teachings have not been interpreted and understood in their spiritual import. Surely so great a teacher as Jesus would not mean that we could expect protection and redemption merely by lift­ing up our heads literally. He must have referred to the need for lifting up our thinking to a higher spiritual and moral plane in order to understand God's power to redeem men from the famines of material sense, the pestilences of immorality, and the earth-shaking impact of revolutionary changes in human society.

"The People's Idea of God"
First of all, the need is to know God. Human life is the expression of the human beliefs about God. 

Someone has written, "The gods men worship write their names on their foreheads." Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, explains this action of human belief throughout her writings. Many years ago she delivered a sermon in Boston enti­tled, "The People's Idea of God; Its Effect on Health and Christianity." The very title is thought-provoking, and in the sermon this theme is developed and explained with great variety of treatment and in beauti­ful and dynamic prose. Near the end she states, "Thus it is that our ideas of divinity form our models of humanity" (The People's Idea of God, p. 14). In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the Christian Science textbook, she writes (p. 94), "The eastern empires and nations owe their false government to the misconceptions of Deity there prevalent." Of her­self she declares that her illnesses before she discovered Christian Science were due to the misinter­pretation of God's Word taught her in childhood (see Miscellaneous Writings 169:6-10).

Referring further to Mrs. Eddy's sermon, we read (The People's Idea of God, pp. 6, 7), "Periods and peoples are characterized by their highest or their lowest ideals, by their God and their devil." The present period and its peoples have been wonderfully blessed by the revelation of the true nature of Deity through the discovery of Christian Science. This teaching comes to the world as the "Com­forter" promised by Christ Jesus, which will lead mankind into all truth. It reveals God as infinite Love, never hateful or revengeful; as divine Mind or intelligence, con­ceiving or creating all that is real and good and nothing that is evil; as perfect Principle, not a change­able person; as self-existent and self-sustaining Life, not subject to disease or death: as all-inclusive Truth, whose light dispels error; as all-pervading Spirit excluding matter as unreal; as the one infi­nite Soul, unconfined in space, the life-giving center of all creation as the divine Father and Mother of man and the universe, always pres­ent to guide, guard, protect, and preserve His children.

The impact of these higher ideas of God upon the minds of men has been tremendous! The spiritual and perfect ideal of God and man, revealed to human consciousness, has healed all types of disease, re­formed sinners, lessened the expec­tation of death, and increased longevity. It has also stirred up latent beliefs in evil and brought them to the surface to be destroyed, as a muddy river bed is stirred to purify the stream. Thus we find the present age is characterized, not only by the higher idea of God, but also by more aggressive and subtle forms of evil.