Showing posts with label world health organization corona scam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world health organization corona scam. Show all posts

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

The Second Bolshevik Revolution - part 3

The Second Bolshevik Revolution - part 3

You know the old 'frog in the pot' routine? Take a frog and put it in a pot of cold water, then put it on a stove and slowly heat it up. The frog will boil to death without realising it. This routine is quite evident in Sydney Australia and is a direct rip off the former Soviet economies. We have people employed in stupid, useless and pointless jobs, we have people continually sweeping streets (both with brooms and mechanical street sweepers), people employed doing roadworks which seem to have no beginning, no end, and no purpose, constant patrolling of streets by police officers, council rangers, military personal and an explosion in the employment of private security guards. We have council employees who are assigned to mow the same patch of grass for 8 hours a day. This is simply soul deading employment in order to maintain appearances, we can also throw in public transportation where there are constant streams of trains and buses without passengers. All just to keep up appearances.

Yes this is the sort of employment that was used by communist regimes to 'keep up appearances' but a major difference is that this form of employment is being given to private contractors, so essentially we have a public and private partnership in maintaining this farce. Although I have never agreed with Antifa on most points I have to on this. Australia has essentially become an authoritarian state, indeed a fascist state if we are to judge on an economy scale alone. I am yet to figure out how constant patrolling by security agencies and government employees fights disease. The only thing that it seems to fight is freedom of association, and I am still waiting for actual physical evidence that this CoVID-19 virus exists (what happened to the previous term "Corona"?). We are told that there are 30 strains of this virus at large along with being told that it is "evolving" and constantly changing to resist various antibiotics and vaccines which are yet to be invented. These are obvious lies and yet people continually force feed themselves this utterly corrupt pap.

Donald Trump is absolutely right in pointing the finger at the World Health Organisation and its duplicity. Remember the W.H.O. is simply an appendage of the United Nations, and as the U.N. is all for a world government then by default so is the W.H.O. Without a doubt this is the Second Bolshevik Revolution, the first world countries will fall and the third world countries which they prop up will be compelled to follow. Its as simple as that.

If you want to research more on this situation I suggest you look up the subject of "Wetiko", this will certainly open your mind and your eyes up. Are we dealing with a psychological germ that causes a psychological illness and is spread by psychological means?

Now we are having "relaxation" of various conditions of lockdown, yes tomorrow we have granted the ability to have a visitor to our home. Oh how generous! However it is subject to the condition that we only have one visitor at any given time, so this isn't a guaranteed right and is subject to cancellation at any given time. This is dictatorship by whim, must like you have in 3rd world banana republics or in the likes of ancient Rome. However as Australia is composed of states the implementation can vary, from the more lenient to absolute intolerance.

Speaking of ancient Rome we are being led to believe that sporting competitions can resume, yes it's time for the 'beer and circuses'. The emphasis is on rugby league and New Zealand is part of the main competition. As there are still border closures between states and nations then New Zealand cannot participate in the competition. The solution? Abolish borders between Australia and New Zealand... I shit you not. And people will go along with it because sport is more important than national sovereignty. People here will sell their nation, their society, indeed everything for temporary and pointless entertainment.

You can look at my "Kabbalah and health" clips if you like 

Monday, 6 April 2020

The Second Bolshevik Revolution - Part 2

 The Second Bolshevik Revolution - Part 2

I have been a theistic Satanist on two occasions now but I am happy being put into the Christianity camp. The question that should be asked (and what you might wish to ask me) is 'is this the end times?' I cannot and will not give you some simplistic yes/no answer, for me to answer this I will have to give you some background of the mechanics involved. It is not a simple matter of God versus Satan because you first must understand that "God" and "Satan" are titles not names. All titles are subject to challenge and turnover as history does show; if we take for example the Queen of England, she will inevitably die and a new person will take her place. Anyone can claim to be God and again history shows that there are people who have taken it upon themselves to do so. But what about the title of Satan? In regarding this we have to delve into the Kabbalah, the Tree of Life and the sephiroth. The Tree of Life includes sections (sephiroth) which are ruled by different personas of God that we can relate to, the unity of God is one but the personas were made for us because to comprehend God as a singular entity would simply be too great for us to understand.

But there is a counterfeit in this, it is called the Tree of Death. It is not governed by a singular entity but a series of them in the sephiroth. The highest sephira or section is called Thaumiel and it is jointly ruled by Lucifer and Moloch, there is a 'sort of' rivalry between them as the 'better man' can call themself the Satan and hold that title. So in an endtime scenario so far we have God VS the Satan vs the other, or God vs Moloch and Lucifer. But we also have another challenger in this mix - atheism. Although atheism wishes to portray itself as some sort of 'humanistic evolutionary progress' for all human kind, the fact is that they are just disposable stooges much like suicide bombers. Whether atheists want to hear it or not or accept it or not, I can and will tell you that Karl Marx was a Satanist and the compulsory enforced atheism that you are pushing is nothing to do with 'liberating humanity'. It is just a part of the war against God, and just because you are against God that doesn't mean that you gain any favour with Satanists or Satanism. The saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is no longer true, because now "The enemy of my enemy is just another enemy" applies. So this idea that these "progressives" seem to hold of 'everything against God' will lead to utopia has to be one of the most imbecilic infantile beliefs I have ever encountered. And I can tell you this from firsthand experience that theistic Satanists absolutely loathe atheists and put them on the same level as devout Christians, Muslims and indeed other God believing religions to be exterminated. You are either with the Satan or you are dead, it is as simple as that.