Information about a new satanic trinity formed by bael, moloch and mammon and how atheism serves that end. Written by an ex satanist (me - leon xiv) See me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnqUEbnfbt61iecCRL6mHOw And you can download my E-Books (free!) Taking, Holding, Keeping - Possession and Exorcism Today https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1072574 Creed of Assiah https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/392310
Showing posts with label atheist fags. Show all posts
Showing posts with label atheist fags. Show all posts
Saturday, 10 August 2019
Sunday, 5 July 2015
Questions for atheists
Care to answer these?......
#1 - If no supernatural Creator exists, how did the universe originate?
What was the nature of the enviroment that the 'big bang' emanated from?
#2 - If no supernatural universal Designer exists, why is the earth suitable for the existence of life? Why isnt there life on other planets?
#3 - If no supernatural universal Designer exists, how did life originate? Did life come from inanimate objects?
#4 - If no supernatural universal Designer exists, what caused the repeated disappearance of more primitive forms of life and the appearance of new more advanced forms of life?
[For example, at the beginning of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic.]
#5 - If no God exists who can work miracles and communicate with men, how did the ancient Israelites come to believe that their ancestors experienced the Exodus and the Revelation at Mt. Sinai?
#6 - If God did not give the 10 commandments at Mt. Sinai, why is it that societies that have adhered to them have been relatively stable and why is it that the judges, magistrates and politicians of the new self appointed patrician caste have sabotaged them? Is this not an act of war against God?
#7 - If we have no soul, why do we feel conscious of ourselves?
#8 - If we have no free will, why do we feel that we are making free choices?
#9 - If no God exists, why are we obligated to be nice other people? Why do we feel the need to? Is it that we are mere animals who just seek material gain from others?
#10 – If we live in a purely material world then how do we account for the many supernatural experiences that people have, such as encounters with God, ghosts, spirits, etc (obviously, exactly what all of these encounters actually are are all interpreted by different people in different ways but the fact remains that people encounter things that do not fit a purely naturalistic world view). Are we really to conclude that all of these people are delusional, deceptive, or mad? Or could it be that people are having real encounters with real supernatural beings not explainable through purely scientific mediums?
#11 - Where does all of the incredibly complex information come from that is stored within DNA? Information doesn’t just appear by itself. Someone has to put it there.
#12 - Atheists are mostly found to be employed in the academic/government fields. What is it about the atheist personality that attracts them to these fields? And why have these fields been overrun by political correctness?
#13 - Where does all the matter in the universe come from?
#14 - What is the source of math and logic? The existence of this remarkably fine-tuned universe aside, how is it that we have these "languages of reality" to so elegantly describe and interact with it?
#15 - What type of government does atheistic philosophy translate into?
How does it understand the relationship between man and government?
What type of government structures flow from an atheistic world view?
Does it merely rely on someone else's system of thought, like the assumptions of naturalistic science?
#16 - Believers are often accused of being simple-minded,superstitious, or irrational.
Why is it so irrational for us to believe that the universe had a beginning because it actually was created; the laws of physics are so fine-tuned because it had a designer; people are preoccupied with good and evil because they are real things; we long for purpose and meaning because they exist to be had; life from non-life really is miraculous; consciousness and freewill seem real because they are; people are incurably religious because there is actually something real in religion.
If there really is no meaning or purpose to life, no objective good or evil, and the existence of "truth" itself is open to debate, by what standard will you condemn the beliefs of believers?
#17 - How does an atheist assign meaning to human activity? Is all meaning subjective, or do some activities have self-evident and objective worth and meaning. If so, what are these activities, and how to you arrive at their value?
#18 - Are humans of more intrinsic value than animals? Why or why not?
#19 - How does an atheist determine what is moral or immoral, right or wrong. Is there any objective standard or principles?
#20 - If you claim that Jesus was a myth then what alternative explanation do you offer to the New Testament documentation and the tradition of the church, and what support do you have for your theory? Is it because of the miracles that you doubt the Scriptures?
#21 - Why is it that despite all the lauded scientific 'achievements' that there is an interest in the occult and magic which is increasing?
#22 - Many people believe that the moon and other planets have an effect on the psyche. Although this may be called astrology the fact is that the moon has effects on the likes of ocean tides. Do you call this a superstition under the name of astrology or a scientific fact?
#23 - The problem of abiogenesis (the origin of the first lifeform) is one of the thorniest and most intractable issues in chemistry. Our increasing knowledge of microbiology and earth history has only added to the complexity of what needs to be explained. The simplest life is equivalent to modern bacteria, which is loaded with complex activity, information, and molecular "machines." The fossil record does not give evidence that there was a "prebiotic soup," or that there were any biological precursors to the first organisms, or that the atmosphere was the ideal mix to yield the necessary molecules, or that there was the expected long period of time between when the Earth could support life and when it actually appeared.
Evolutionists regularly segregate the abiogenesis problem from the issue of evolution because (1) it is a challenge they'd rather not be saddled with, or (2) it is the most logical point for possible divine intervention.
However, for the atheist there is no escaping this issue; they are obliged to seek out some purely natural explanation.
a). What hope for an explanation do you have? Are you satisfied to have problems like this that are unanswered, or even unanswerable?
b). In telling the tale of life on earth science writers often unconsciously use the word "miracle" for the appearance of the first organisms. Is this doubt on their behalf as to what they would like to prove as to the creation of existance?
c). What kind of evidence is needed before we are to actually accept that something like this really is a miracle?
#24 - The past several decades have added profoundly to our knowledge of chemistry, physics, and cosmology.
It has become increasingly clear that we live in a universe finely tuned for the support of complex life.
This fact is so universally acknowledged that even secular scientists have coined the term "Anthropic Principle" to describe it.
How is it that we live in such an exquisitely fine-tuned universe?
Even assuming that the universe could have popped out of nothingness, why should it have been such an orderly and hospitable one? Is there a scientific, testable answer for this question that does not simply appeal to imagination?
#25 - Atheism, by definition, holds that there is no God and nothing beyond this world of matter, space, time, and energy. Consistent with this viewpoint come a large number of necessary truths and the problems relating to them. Atheism is not made rational merely by the rejection of the evidences for God; it has its own wares to sell and difficulties to overcome.
a.) What Is the Evidence Against the Existence of God?
b.) If everyone on earth became an atheist how would the world be better off?
c.) Does not atheism have to rely on a system of coercion to enforce non belief?
d.) Most nations that have a system of government under a monarchy do so because of strong religious connection. The USA is referred to as 'One nation under God'. Is it a atheist aim to abolish royal families and the sovereignty of nations like the Maoists have achieved in Nepal and replace all sovereign nations with a world government?
e.) Why are atheists always at the forefront of marxist tainted 'causes' such as global warming, unrestricted immigration, gay marriage and other latte type neo-liberal causes?
f.) Why have atheists, pagans and satanists been infiltrating 'white supremacist' organisations and attempting to turn racial issues into solely religious issues? Examples being the anti-3rd world immigration issue is now an anti-muslim issue. The same could be said for leftist 'anti-zionist' causes that attack Jews solely on the basis of their religious beliefs and nothing else.
#26 - Why is it that atheists only target their approach to the young (20 and under) instead of those of their own age? Is it because people who are 40+ are not worth 'educating'? Or is it that gullible teenagers have bodies worth 'indoctrinating'?
#27 - If evolution is true, why is everything so determined that we can study it?
#28 - Is it possible to study something that is always changing, like evolution?
#29 - If you believe that there is no god, how do you explain the concept of synchronicity. Do you dispute it because of the law of large numbers says otherwise? Maybe you just have faith in this axiom and it is really not an accurate description of reality.
#1 - If no supernatural Creator exists, how did the universe originate?
What was the nature of the enviroment that the 'big bang' emanated from?
#2 - If no supernatural universal Designer exists, why is the earth suitable for the existence of life? Why isnt there life on other planets?
#3 - If no supernatural universal Designer exists, how did life originate? Did life come from inanimate objects?
#4 - If no supernatural universal Designer exists, what caused the repeated disappearance of more primitive forms of life and the appearance of new more advanced forms of life?
[For example, at the beginning of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic.]
#5 - If no God exists who can work miracles and communicate with men, how did the ancient Israelites come to believe that their ancestors experienced the Exodus and the Revelation at Mt. Sinai?
#6 - If God did not give the 10 commandments at Mt. Sinai, why is it that societies that have adhered to them have been relatively stable and why is it that the judges, magistrates and politicians of the new self appointed patrician caste have sabotaged them? Is this not an act of war against God?
#7 - If we have no soul, why do we feel conscious of ourselves?
#8 - If we have no free will, why do we feel that we are making free choices?
#9 - If no God exists, why are we obligated to be nice other people? Why do we feel the need to? Is it that we are mere animals who just seek material gain from others?
#10 – If we live in a purely material world then how do we account for the many supernatural experiences that people have, such as encounters with God, ghosts, spirits, etc (obviously, exactly what all of these encounters actually are are all interpreted by different people in different ways but the fact remains that people encounter things that do not fit a purely naturalistic world view). Are we really to conclude that all of these people are delusional, deceptive, or mad? Or could it be that people are having real encounters with real supernatural beings not explainable through purely scientific mediums?
#11 - Where does all of the incredibly complex information come from that is stored within DNA? Information doesn’t just appear by itself. Someone has to put it there.
#12 - Atheists are mostly found to be employed in the academic/government fields. What is it about the atheist personality that attracts them to these fields? And why have these fields been overrun by political correctness?
#13 - Where does all the matter in the universe come from?
#14 - What is the source of math and logic? The existence of this remarkably fine-tuned universe aside, how is it that we have these "languages of reality" to so elegantly describe and interact with it?
#15 - What type of government does atheistic philosophy translate into?
How does it understand the relationship between man and government?
What type of government structures flow from an atheistic world view?
Does it merely rely on someone else's system of thought, like the assumptions of naturalistic science?
#16 - Believers are often accused of being simple-minded,superstitious, or irrational.
Why is it so irrational for us to believe that the universe had a beginning because it actually was created; the laws of physics are so fine-tuned because it had a designer; people are preoccupied with good and evil because they are real things; we long for purpose and meaning because they exist to be had; life from non-life really is miraculous; consciousness and freewill seem real because they are; people are incurably religious because there is actually something real in religion.
If there really is no meaning or purpose to life, no objective good or evil, and the existence of "truth" itself is open to debate, by what standard will you condemn the beliefs of believers?
#17 - How does an atheist assign meaning to human activity? Is all meaning subjective, or do some activities have self-evident and objective worth and meaning. If so, what are these activities, and how to you arrive at their value?
#18 - Are humans of more intrinsic value than animals? Why or why not?
#19 - How does an atheist determine what is moral or immoral, right or wrong. Is there any objective standard or principles?
#20 - If you claim that Jesus was a myth then what alternative explanation do you offer to the New Testament documentation and the tradition of the church, and what support do you have for your theory? Is it because of the miracles that you doubt the Scriptures?
#21 - Why is it that despite all the lauded scientific 'achievements' that there is an interest in the occult and magic which is increasing?
#22 - Many people believe that the moon and other planets have an effect on the psyche. Although this may be called astrology the fact is that the moon has effects on the likes of ocean tides. Do you call this a superstition under the name of astrology or a scientific fact?
#23 - The problem of abiogenesis (the origin of the first lifeform) is one of the thorniest and most intractable issues in chemistry. Our increasing knowledge of microbiology and earth history has only added to the complexity of what needs to be explained. The simplest life is equivalent to modern bacteria, which is loaded with complex activity, information, and molecular "machines." The fossil record does not give evidence that there was a "prebiotic soup," or that there were any biological precursors to the first organisms, or that the atmosphere was the ideal mix to yield the necessary molecules, or that there was the expected long period of time between when the Earth could support life and when it actually appeared.
Evolutionists regularly segregate the abiogenesis problem from the issue of evolution because (1) it is a challenge they'd rather not be saddled with, or (2) it is the most logical point for possible divine intervention.
However, for the atheist there is no escaping this issue; they are obliged to seek out some purely natural explanation.
a). What hope for an explanation do you have? Are you satisfied to have problems like this that are unanswered, or even unanswerable?
b). In telling the tale of life on earth science writers often unconsciously use the word "miracle" for the appearance of the first organisms. Is this doubt on their behalf as to what they would like to prove as to the creation of existance?
c). What kind of evidence is needed before we are to actually accept that something like this really is a miracle?
#24 - The past several decades have added profoundly to our knowledge of chemistry, physics, and cosmology.
It has become increasingly clear that we live in a universe finely tuned for the support of complex life.
This fact is so universally acknowledged that even secular scientists have coined the term "Anthropic Principle" to describe it.
How is it that we live in such an exquisitely fine-tuned universe?
Even assuming that the universe could have popped out of nothingness, why should it have been such an orderly and hospitable one? Is there a scientific, testable answer for this question that does not simply appeal to imagination?
#25 - Atheism, by definition, holds that there is no God and nothing beyond this world of matter, space, time, and energy. Consistent with this viewpoint come a large number of necessary truths and the problems relating to them. Atheism is not made rational merely by the rejection of the evidences for God; it has its own wares to sell and difficulties to overcome.
a.) What Is the Evidence Against the Existence of God?
b.) If everyone on earth became an atheist how would the world be better off?
c.) Does not atheism have to rely on a system of coercion to enforce non belief?
d.) Most nations that have a system of government under a monarchy do so because of strong religious connection. The USA is referred to as 'One nation under God'. Is it a atheist aim to abolish royal families and the sovereignty of nations like the Maoists have achieved in Nepal and replace all sovereign nations with a world government?
e.) Why are atheists always at the forefront of marxist tainted 'causes' such as global warming, unrestricted immigration, gay marriage and other latte type neo-liberal causes?
f.) Why have atheists, pagans and satanists been infiltrating 'white supremacist' organisations and attempting to turn racial issues into solely religious issues? Examples being the anti-3rd world immigration issue is now an anti-muslim issue. The same could be said for leftist 'anti-zionist' causes that attack Jews solely on the basis of their religious beliefs and nothing else.
#26 - Why is it that atheists only target their approach to the young (20 and under) instead of those of their own age? Is it because people who are 40+ are not worth 'educating'? Or is it that gullible teenagers have bodies worth 'indoctrinating'?
#27 - If evolution is true, why is everything so determined that we can study it?
#28 - Is it possible to study something that is always changing, like evolution?
#29 - If you believe that there is no god, how do you explain the concept of synchronicity. Do you dispute it because of the law of large numbers says otherwise? Maybe you just have faith in this axiom and it is really not an accurate description of reality.
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