Friday, 6 November 2015

The cancer of the earth.... sabbateanism (Part 3)

Though Sabbatai Tzevi could be said to be the centrepiece of this maltheist gnosticism, I do believe it is Simon Magus who is the corner stone of it. It continues because of the world obsession with political correctness which has led to a defacto implementation of talmud based 'Noahide' laws which are nothing to do with any Abrahamic faith or even Noah. The only thing worse than calling a black guy a nigger is to insult a jew, whether directly or indirectly. To question the judgment of a jew in relation to anything that concerns the goyim (whether it be an issue of importance or whether it be trivial) by the goyim is now deemed to be blasphemous.

In some countries to deny or question the holocaust is a criminal offence, and if it is a jew making a complaint against you then you will be found guilty. Even if the complaint is vexatious and has no foundation, this sort of action can be found in the talmud and indeed in Saudi Arabia by wahhabis (wahhabism is said to be a crypto jew cult like donmeh, and if one has to decide whether this is true then the actions of the saudi royals would seem to confirm this).

We have this....
'christian zionism' which is contradictory in name alone, it might as well be called christian atheism. They tithe an atheist state, the existance of which opposes Abrahamic beliefs concerning the endtimes. More concerning is the view of God concerning Judaism, Christianity and Islam, they see it like this....
Jews worship God
Christians worship Jesus
Muslims worship the Moon

Jews worship God - This is an interesting point, as far as xtian zionists (I'm just going to call them xtian as they are not vaguely Christian) no jew can be exempt from 'Gods' blessings and favouritism because they are jewish. Unless a jew renounces judaism then they will be blessed and favoured, it doesnt matter whether or not they are a full blown atheist. To xtian zionists it seems not to be a matter of jews worshipping 'God'(regardless of the definition of God) but rather of God worshipping jews.
The xtian zionist view seems to be the same as the black American 'Nation of Islam' in which all black people collectively are 'Allah'. Whites are all the devil on a collective basis, and looking at the jewish propagation of non white immigration into Europe could we not say that it is the same creed being upheld by different people?

But we are dealing with the xtian zionist belief in which the acolytes of this belief, if successful will lead themselves into servitude to people who are only jewish by their maternal bloodline. Whether or not they have any spiritual beliefs (which could be anything) they are deemed 'the chosen'. Xtian Zionism by default propagates the 'tebhel jew' caste system, which is to be a royal caste system on a global basis.

Indeed.... it seems like a ripoff concerning ancient Egyptian society.

Christians worship Jesus - You can read different things into this xtian zionist version of this belief. If xtian zionists believe that only jews worship 'God' then what is Jesus? Is he deemed a lesser god for a lesser caste? Either he is a lesser god or xtian zionists believe in duo/heno theism which implies that the God of the Jews and Jesus Christ are completely unrelated entities and are not of the same essence. Well maybe they are, if the beliefs of xtian zionists are to bless the jewish people and Israel before praising Jesus then they would be. And thus it is, because observing the actions of xtian zionists would certainly indicate this. They see jews collectively as 'god' because they see every individual jew as being a higher being regardless of spiritual belief. They probably only see Jesus in a godlike role because he was born of a israelite/jewish mother but went against the established judaism of the time, thus he is just a 'tebhel jew' and because of that he failed in the Cheled department and this failure was passed on to the goyim.

Thus the xtian zionists see their purpose is to make up for the disruption Jesus caused by becoming 'spiritual jews' where the bloodline is not a matter of importance. Actually when looking upon it, this is sort of a 'Lucifer turned bad and hopes for redemption with the other demons' type story. Xtian zionism is a creed of gnosticism and chiliasm, it is in no way an Abrahamic faith but rather a willing slave servant to Sabbateanism.

Muslims worship the Moon - I dont think xtian zionists ever question this belief, really all they do is go off what is said by Israel which a stooge like John Hagee will reinterpret and issue as an order for his stooges. I doubt very much that the likes of Darby and Scofield really had a longterm plan for this. This indicates that they were more interested in propagating a gnostic belief rather than a Christian one. Either way they scored a victory for zionism but enticing people in and corrupting (if not reversing) their ideal of Christianity, Jesus and indeed the God of Abraham.

Just for the record I dont believe Muslims worship the Moon.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

The cancer of the earth.... sabbateanism (Part 2)

From wikipedia......
In Jewish history during the two centuries after Zevi's death in 1676, many Jews (including some Jewish scholars) who were horrified by Zevi's personal conversion to Islam nevertheless clung to the belief that Zevi was still the true Jewish Messiah. They constituted the largest number of Sabbateans during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. They were vigorously opposed and were eventually forced into hiding their beliefs by the methodical opposition of almost all the leading rabbis who were determined to root out Zevi's kabbalistically derived anti-traditional teachings and his influence upon the Jewish masses.
By the nineteenth century Jewish Sabbateans had been reduced to small groups of hidden followers who feared being discovered for their beliefs that were deemed to be entirely heretical and antithetical to classical Judaism (particularly since the head of the movement, Zevi, had become an openly practicing Muslim for the last ten years of his life until the time of his mysterious and premature death at the age of fifty.)

Unlike most cults which die out when their leader dies, Sabbateanism continued on. What happened next proved that Sabbateanism was not an Abrahamic faith nor was it even vaguely Mosaic..... Lo and behold! Sabbatai Tzevi was reborn! And he was back with a vengance...

From wikipedia......
Frankism, a Jewish religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on the leadership of the Jewish Messiah claimant Jacob Frank, who lived from 1726 to 1791. At its height it claimed perhaps 50,000 followers, primarily Jews living in Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe. Unlike traditional Judaism, which provides a set of detailed guidelines called halakha that are scrupulously followed by observant Jews and regulate many aspects of life, Frank claimed that "all laws and teachings will fall" and following antinomianism asserted that one's most important personal obligation of every person was the transgression of every boundary.

So somehow Sabbatai Tzevi managed to reincarnate himself as Jacob Frank with basically the same pitch aimed at the same audience. It could no longer be said that this was just a sect of Judaism or even an Abrahamic faith, it was quite the opposite. What Frank was doing was ramping up a reversal of order within Judaism as set up by Sabbatai Tzevi and indeed Nathan of Gaza and even before them. It is quite obvious to all that this is full blown gnostic maltheism, as for Jacob Frank he went on spreading his apostasy and when he died his daughter Eva Frank tried to keep up the cult posing as a Virgin Mary type impersonator. She lived a lush life and died owing 3 million guilders.
Tzevi and Frank are dead but the well was fatally poisoned.

So we have the following- gnosticism, Tree of Death kabbalah, maltheism, sorcery, a 'god' which nobody will name, and reincarnation. Whatever these people were following it definitely was not an Abrahamic faith. It also had a hate/envy/imitating for Jesus Christ, this goes wayback to when Jesus was on earth.

Enter Simon Magus - a Samaritan sorceror who was peddling his services for money when Jesus was preaching. Indeed after Jesus was crucified he was baptised because he wanted to be able to perform the miracles that Jesus did, he even offered money to the apostles and their assistants for the 'secrets' of the 'magic'. Hence the word 'simony' for such an act.

Nevertheless Magus was able to impress all with his sorcery, but could not do his stuff against Christians and failed to get anywhere near the level of Jesus. He still managed to get himself labelled as a god by the Romans, so one cannot say he was a rank amateur.
More telling is that he is counted among the ranks of the Gnostics and it can be assumed that his 'magic power' came from an unnamed god.

So with gnosticism (which is a knowledge pool if anything) there is an undefined set or even lack of beliefs in which anything goes (Hasan of Alamut said "Nothing is true, all is permitted"). So we can have reincarnation, messiahship, magic, sorcery, etc. but if it is based on kabbalah using the Tree of Death then it can only be applicable in Assiah.

The cancer of the earth.... sabbateanism (Part 1)

As this world goes into freefall with the stupid directing the flow of traffic in society, we have to examine how this came about and why the Tree of Death is now the tree of the kabbalah in Assiah instead of the Tree of Life. With the Tree of Death the virtues and vices of the Tree of Life are reversed and as we are in Assiah (the world of action) they are being applied in realtime.

We can see this everyday, your right to discriminate about the company you keep is outlawed by 'anti discrimination' laws, you have the catchcry of 'antisemitism' concerning any dispute between a 'jew' and a gentile even though 99.9% of jews are not semites. Queers getting married even though marriage was never meant to be applied to them, pedophiles now being renamed as 'minor attracted adults' and so on.

We are seeing a reversal of order in realtime, a lot of people blame the jews but todays' jews are not descendants of Moses and 95% of these people do not practice any faith resembling that of ancient Judaism (Mosaic faith) but are divided between atheists, pantheists and tribal bloodline 'christians' (as well as other religions). Ultra orthodox judaists should be the only ones who can call themselves jews, the others should just call themselves tribal gypsies because apart from being of a 'jewish' mother they have no real connection to anything remotely semitic.

But I cannot just say that Judaism has this problem, apostasy has spread to Christianity and Islam. In Christianity we have 'christian zionism' where the fools who follow it believe in blessing jews and israel (even though they hate Jesus) as a priority over worshipping Christ Jesus of Bethlehem and Nazareth. And in Islam we have the wahhabi apostasy where abandoning wahhabism is worthy of losing your head (but being atheist is neither here or there, as long as you identify as a wahhabi then its OK).

So we have the 3 primary Abrahamic faiths are under attack from within, you may be wondering how all this came about? Well.... I'm not 2K years old and havent seen everything thats happened, I can only give you my deduction and opinion so here it is.

What is commonly known as Sabbateanism is a maltheist gnostic creed, it is a mish mash of religious history from Judaism and Christianity and indeed as well as Islam.

Considering that the jews of that time (1600s and indeed onwards to today) are the descendants of converts from Europe, the Caucasus and Nth Africa there is no doubt that local practices to the people from those areas became absorbed into their version/sect of Judaism (Askhenazi, Sephardic, etc.) Everything from the opinions of rabbis in the Babylonian Talmud, to bits and pieces of both the Old and New Testaments and probably the Koran as well, to rumours and old wives tales were brought together. And it still happens and this can be seen with splits within judaism, with maternal bloodline deciding on who can enter the synagogue rather than spiritual belief (as evident with the refusal of most synagogues to expel atheists who are open and public of their belief or lack of)

Lets deal with Sabbateanism, I'll use this from Wikipedia.
Sabbateans (Sabbatians) is a complex general term that refers to a variety of followers of, disciples and believers in Sabbatai Zevi (1626–1676), a Jewish rabbi who was proclaimed to be the Jewish Messiah in 1665 by Nathan of Gaza. Vast numbers of Jews in the Jewish diaspora accepted his claims, even after he became a Jewish apostate with his conversion to Islam in 1666. Sabbatai Zevi's followers, both during his "Messiahship" and after his conversion to Islam, are known as Sabbateans. They can be grouped into three: "Maaminim" (believers), "Haberim" (associates), and "Ba'ale Milhamah" (warriors).

Actually it was Nathan of Gaza who proclaimed him to be the 'jewish messiah' (non jews need not apply for salvation). Sabbatai Tzevi reportedly knew he was the messiah but 'waited' for Nathan to proclaim him as such. Nathan reportedly was told that Tzevi was the messiah in a vision, by who? I dont think it was ever said, but apparantely neither knew each other before all this came about. This gives me 2 questions...
1. How did Nathan have this vision?
2. Why didnt Tzevi seek to be the saviour of all?

Possible answers I have...
1. Unless both Nathan and Tzevi did actually know each other but kept it all secret in order to pull a cult scam on other jews, then it could be that Nathan was a practitioner of kabbalah. In fact they would both need to be practitioners and indeed kabbalah did/does play a significant part in Sabbateanism, and if they were into kabbalah one has to ask were they using the Tree of Life or the Tree of Death?
The only world where both the Tree of Life and the Tree of Death exist is in Assiah (world of action or material world) and I strongly suspect it was the Tree of Death which is a demonic imitation of the Tree of Life. This would explain the base behaviour of the Sabbatean adherants, their atheism and lack of spirituality (as is evident in synagogues today) and their materialistic driven lusts.
Could Nathan have 'encountered' Tzevi during pathworking on the Tree of Death before actually meeting him physically? is quite possible....

2. Tzevi and Nathan didnt try to push themselves onto Christians and Muslims because they couldnt. Their act was just a ripoff of Jesus Christ and John the Baptist, it would have failed and authorities would have begun an investigation into their practices and methods.

They were not ordained by God.

Tzevi renounced his messiahship under the threat of death from the Turkish sultan, now if he was really the messiah wouldnt he have been prepared to face death than renounce his God ordained mission? Didnt Jesus Christ face a similar situation?
But then again who was Tzevis' 'god'?
So Tzevi became a muslim and took his followers to 'convert' as well, they became what are known as Donmeh Muslims. They were/are muslims in name only and only worship among themselves.

However this is not without precedent, jews in Spain 'converted' to Christianity in order to not be expelled with the Moors. These jews were really 'crypto-jews' and are known as

Marranos and like the Donmeh are seeking to be officially recognised as Judaists... even though they are not.
NB: The ultra orthodox judaists opposes their recognition and they consider both to be practising a perverted form of Christianity. Marranos and Donmeh are also known for their 'atheism' but consider themselves jews because of maternal bloodline.